45 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of 3D7 and W2 Clones in a Formulated Transport Medium and EDTA Anticoagulants against a Panel of Antimalarials

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    Introduction: in vitro drug sensitivity relies on the growth of plasmodium in the presence of the antimalarials. These fresh isolates brought in for assay from collection sites normally not near the laboratory require a medium to keep the parasites viable in order to produce results which are a representation of the field situation in terms of drug susceptibility. Since factors  such  as  mixed  infection  of  drug resistant and  sensitive  parasites occurring in most field isolates can  influence  drug  test  outcome because they have different drug susceptibilities, Method: This study validated the use of a formulated transport medium (TM) by assaying clones which have been culture adapted in the lab for 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) against four antimalarials using SYBR Green 1 in vitro assay. These clones (3D7 and W2) were revived and recultured for assay. Prior to subjecting them to drugs, they were exposed to 2ml formulated TM and the conventional EDTA anticoagulant in 5ml vacutainer tubes to act as control.Results: Similarity was detected with no significant difference (P >0.05) observed in the medians inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) between samples in the EDTA anticoagulant and TM holds however, samples in EDTA generally had higher IC50 values.Conclusion: This study concludes that the formulated TM holds promise for future use, Keywords: clones, transport medium, EDTA, susceptibility, inhibitory concentration 50, isolate

    In-vitro Activity of Artemether, Lumefantrine, Dihydroartemisinin and Piperaquine against 3D7 and W2 Plasmodium Falciparum Reference Clones in a Formulated Transport Medium and EDTA

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    Introduction: in vitro drug sensitivity relies on the growth of plasmodium in the presence of the antimalarials. These fresh isolates brought in for assay from collection sites normally not near the laboratory require a medium to keep the parasites viable in order to produce results which are a representation of the field situation in terms of drug susceptibility. However, factors  such  as  mixed  infection  of  drug resistant and  sensitive  parasites occurring in most field isolates can  influence  drug  test  outcome because they have different drug susceptibilities, thus there is a need of using clones which have identified these drug resistant sub populations to prevent treatment failures, misidentification of a populations susceptibility profile and also in any evaluation procedure so as to provide accurate test results. Objective: This study validated the use of a formulated transport medium (TM) by assaying clones which have been culture adapted in the lab for 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) against four antimalarials using SYBR Green 1 in vitro assay. Method: These clones (3D7 and W2) were revived and culture adapted for assay. Prior to subjecting them to drugs, they were exposed to 2ml formulated TM and the conventional EDTA anticoagulant in 5ml vacutainer tubes to act as control. Results: Both clones gave successful assays with moderate RFU values of between 2000 to 4000 parasites obtained by 3D7clone while W2 had RFU values as high as 20,000 parasites. However, their curves converged into discernible dose-response curves. Similarity was detected with no significant difference (P >0.05) observed in the medians inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) between samples in the EDTA anticoagulant and TM however, samples in EDTA generally had higher IC50 values. Conclusion: This study concludes that the formulated TM holds promise for future use.

    Fluctuation-Driven Transport in Biological Nanopores. A 3D Poisson–Nernst–Planck Study

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    Living systems display a variety of situations in which non-equilibrium fluctuations couple to certain protein functions yielding astonishing results. Here we study the bacterial channel OmpF under conditions similar to those met in vivo, where acidic resistance mechanisms are known to yield oscillations in the electric potential across the cell membrane. We use a three-dimensional structure-based theoretical approach to assess the possibility of obtaining fluctuation-driven transport. Our calculations show that remarkably high voltages would be necessary to observe the actual transport of ions against their concentration gradient. The reasons behind this are the mild selectivity of this bacterial pore and the relatively low efficiencies of the oscillating signals characteristic of membrane cells (random telegraph noise and thermal noise)

    Book Reviews

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    Spiritual Autobiography in Early America (Daniel B. Shea, Jr.) (Reviewed by William C. Spengemann, Claremont Graduate School)The Veil of Allegory (Michael Murrin) (Reviewed by Jerome Mazzaro, State University of New York at Buffalo)Icons of Justice (Jane Aptekar) (Reviewed by Jerome Mazzaro, State University of New York at Buffalo)The Shadow of Heaven: Matter and Stance in Milton\u27s Poetry (Jon S. Lawry) (Reviewed by Harry Rusche, Emory University)Coleridge and Christian Doctrine (J. Robert Barth) (Reviewed by Robert Eberwein, Oakland University)On Extended Wings: Wallace Stevens\u27 Longer Poems (Helen Hennessy) (Reviewed by Jan Pinkerton, Ohio State University)Norman Mailer: The Countdown (The First Twenty Years) (Donald L. Kaufmann) (Reviewed by Richard Foster, Macalester College

    Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins in Soccer Players

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    本研究の目的は、関連した文献から1)サッカー選手の血清脂質およびリポタンパク質に関する横断的研究を食事や栄養素等摂取量、肥満、喫煙、アルコール摂取量、月経周期、競技ポジションなどの潜在的な交絡因子を含めて検討し、2)90分間のサッカー競技の血清脂質およびリポタンパク質に対する急性効果、3)競技者やレクリエーションとして行っている者の定期的なサッカートレーニングが血清脂質およびリポタンパク質に対する効果につい検討することである。サッカー選手の血中脂質における最も一致した見解は、高比重リポタンパクコレステロール(HDL-C)が対照群よりも高値を示すことである。血中脂質およびリポタンパク質における90分間のサッカーの試合の急性効果に関する研究では、特に血漿量の変化を補正する必要がある。定期的なサッカートレーニングを行えば、異なる年齢層において総コレステロール、トリグリセリド、低比重リポタンパクコレステロール(LDL-C)を減少させ、HDL-C を増加させることができる。訓練していない男女のレクリエーションとしてのサッカートレーニングにおける血中脂質への効果に関する最も一致した見解は、LDL-C および/または LDL-C/ HDL-C 比が低下することである。サッカー選手における血中脂質およびリポタンパク質の変化は、リポタンパク質リパーゼ、レシチン:コレステロールアシルトランスフェラーゼおよび肝性リパーゼの活性レベルの変化によるものである可能性が考えられる。サッカー選手における今後の研究は、血中脂質およびリポタンパク質が変化するメカニズムに向けられる必要がある。これらの研究では特に知見が不足している女性や青年、若年成人に焦点を当てるべきである。The purpose of this study was to review the related literature to examine: 1) cross-sectional studies on serum lipids and lipoproteins in soccer players in the context of the potentially confounding factors such as dietary and nutritional intakes, obesity, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, menstrual cycle, and playing positions in soccer, 2) acute effects of 90-min soccer match, and 3) effects of regular soccer training on lipid parameters in competitive and recreational soccer players. The most consistent observation regarding cross-sectional studies on lipid profile in soccer players is significantly higher high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) than the controls. Research on the acute effects of 90-min of soccer match on the blood lipids and lipoproteins needs further attention, particularly it should correct plasma volume shifts. Participation in regular soccer training could decrease total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and increase HDL-C in soccer players of different age groups. The most consistent observation regarding effects of recreational soccer training on lipid profile in both untrained men and women is significantly lowered LDL-C and / or LDL-C / HDL-C ratio. The changes in lipids and lipoproteins in soccer players could be caused by changes in activity levels of lipoprotein lipase, lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase, and hepatic lipase. Future research investigating blood lipids and lipoproteins in soccer players should direct research towards the underlying mechanisms for changes in blood lipids and lipoproteins. These studies should, in particular, focus on women, adolescents and young adults since there is a paucity of information in the literature in this area

    O cuidado: técnica, ética e axiologia

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    Building, Testing and Assessing a Learning Management System

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    This paper summarizes the experiences of our research group in managing the full process of building, testing and assessing a Learning Management System for a educational institution. We will show how we moved across the “make or buy” dilemma that normally educational institutions have to face when deciding to implement a support for online and distance learning activities. We will deal with this theme by referring to systems and prototypes developed by our research group. Specifically, we will describe our experiences in realizing systems for making didactic material available on Internet, such as in the Learning Management Systems - LMS. This experience is based on what has been developed, tested, and put to use in some faculties of the University of Trento, where non-traditional learning environments in which students require more than the traditional face-to-face lessons are becoming ever more important. The prototypes produced are based on platform-independent technologies, and they make it possible to broaden one’s horizons, even for those students, such as lifelong learners, who want freedom from time constraints and also freedom from some technological constraints that are imposed by some forms of distance education currently available on the market. Some extensions to mobile tools like PDA, tablet PC, cellular phones etc. are presented, with regards to the impact of their introduction on the LMS and in general on the information system of the institution

    Uma Análise de Insumo-Produto da Distribuição Interestadual da Renda no Brasil

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    Este trabalho procura aplicar o Modelo de Leontief-Miyazawa para a economia brasileira com o objetivo de analisar os fluxos de renda intra e inter estaduais que decorre em da produção para atender a demanda final de cada estado. Desta maneira, veremos como as relações de dependência entre as estruturas produtivas dos estados brasileiros influenciam a determinação da renda estadual. Por fim, faremos uma avaliação dos resultados à luz da teoria de desenvolvimento econômico de Rosenstein-Rodan e Nurkse e superação das desigualdades regionais.Insumo-Produto, Miyazawa, Distribuição de Renda, Desenvolvimento Econômico

    Daily Eastern News: June 17, 1982

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    Daily Eastern News: June 17, 1982

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