44 research outputs found

    Factor structure of the integrated training of elite athletes - representatives of mountain sports

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the factor structure of the readiness of mountaineers and climbers of different specializations. The study involved 26 athletes, among them - 10 masters of sports of international class (speed climbing ), 10 masters of sports of international class ( climbing difficulty) and 6 world-class climbers. The age of the athletes was 19-22 years. Identified 10 factors in the overall readiness of the surveyed athletes. It is shown that the most prominent climbers factors are adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system, special endurance. Do climbers ( climbing difficulty) - relative strength, stability, reaction speed, arm strength and the press. Do climbers ( climbing speed) - spigot size hand, the mobility of the nervous system, the reaction rate. Shows the complexity of the manifestations of power-speed in relation to the performance of morphological and functional characteristics and capabilities of psychophysiological representatives of mountain sports. Found that the development of the power-speed positive effect on the improvement of psycho-physiological regulation of the body. The obtained data on the characteristics of the severity of different factors in representatives of different types of rock climbing and mountaineering can be used to predict future specialization novice climbers

    Individual athletes’ biomechanical features of interaction with objects in art gymnastics

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    Purpose: To design a biomechanical model of interaction of athlete with the subject, as well as the development of areas of its use in practice. Material: The study involved 10 students - athletes. Results: The presented computational schemes create direction of flight of different items (rope, hoop, ball, ribbon, clubs). The characteristics of the time of flight trajectories and with regard for the resistance force of the air environment. Shows the influence of initial parameters on departure flight time items. Graphic characteristics are presented trajectories of objects depending on the parameters of their departure. Conclusions: It is recommended to improve the judicial assessment and effective implementation gymnast exercises during the flight characteristics of the various items to consider trajectories of objects. Note that age, height and distance from the athletes at the end of the flight object defined biomechanical characteristics that can realize an athlete: absolute initial velocity of departure, departure angle, height of the center of mass manufacture items

    Biomechanical study athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles (on example of phase of flight)

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    Purpose: To design a theoretical biomechanical model of athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles and then check there movements on real athletes. Material: In the practical part of the study participated 10 smortsmen. Results: Showing the possibility of constructing a theoretical model of hurdling technique. The basis of cons tructing a model using the known approaches in theoretical mechanics. Shows the calculated and actual performance movement of the athlete. Conclusions: The developed model provides a good theoretical understanding of the interactions of individual elements of movement and the ability to simulate different situations and to determine the optimal values of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the athlete. The model allows the individual elements of motion correction directly in the process of training. When analyzing art movement should consider specific features of physical development and anthropometric characteristics of the athlete's body

    Movement Coordination: Peculiarities of Strength Effort Assessment in Girls Aged 11-13

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of strength effort assessment in girls aged 11-13. Materials and methods. The study participants were girls aged 11 (n=25), 12 (n=27), 13 (n=18). The children and their parents were fully informed about all the features of the study and agreed to participate in the experiment. The paper used methods of scientific literature analysis, testing, methods of mathematical statistics. To determine the peculiarities of strength effort assessment, the study used a t-test for paired observations and a t-test for independent samples. Results. The girls aged 11-13 demonstrate the best assessment of effort reproduction at 2/3 of maximum strength. There is no statistically significant age-related dynamics in strength effort assessment in girls aged 11-13. The correlation between the effort reproductions at 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of maximum strength is not statistically significant. Conclusions. In the process of physical education of girls aged 11-13, special attention should be paid to the development of motor control ability as the component of coordination training of schoolchildren

    Motor Abilities: Peculiarities of Strength Effort Assessment in Boys Aged 11-13

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    Thepurposeofthestudyistodetermine the peculiarities of strength effort assessmentin boys aged 11-13. Materials and methods.The study participants were boys aged 11 years (n=22), 12 years (n=31), 13 years (n=33). The children and their parents were fully informed about all the features of the study and gave their consent to participate in the experiment. The paper used methods of scientific literature analysis, testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study assessedthe right hand effort at 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 of the maximum. The assessment error was analyzed. To determine the peculiarities of strength effort assessment, the study used a t-test for paired observations and a t-test for independent samples. Results. The analysis of the ability for strength effort assessment in the boys aged 11 and 13 showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the boys of this age. The boysdemonstrate the best assessment ofeffortat2/3 of the maximum. There areno statistically significant differences in the levels of development of the hand maximum strength (p > 0.05). Thestudy has not found statistically significant differences in the levels of development of the ability for strength effort assessment in the boys aged 11-13(p > 0.05). The boys of this age demonstrate the best assessment ofeffortat2/3 of the maximum. A comparative analysis of the ability for strength effort assessment in the boys aged 12 and 13 did not reveal statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). The boys of this age demonstrate the best assessment ofeffortat2/3 of the maximum. The boys aged 11–13 show the best assessment of effort reproduction at2/3 of the maximum (p < 0.05). There is no statistically significant age-related dynamics in strength effortassessment in the boys aged 11-13. The correlationbetween the effort reproductionsat1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the maximum is not statistically significant. Conclusions.In the process of physical education of boys aged 11–13,special attention should be paid to the development of motor control ability as the component of coordination training of schoolchildren

    Индивидуальная факторная структура биомеханических и психофизиологических показателей, как основа для определения стиля ведения боя квалифицированных боксеров-ветеранов

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    Purpose: to reveal the fighting style of veteran boxers based on the individual factor structure of psychophysiological and biomechanical indicators. Material and methods. The study involved 42 qualified veteran boxers (aged 45-50). A biomechanical analysis of the indicators of the movement speed of various points and the values of the joint angles while performing a direct blow by boxers has been used as a research method. The psychophysiological method has been used to determine the time of a simple and complex reaction under standard conditions and in various testing modes. Descriptive Statistics and Factor Analysis have been applied as methods of statistical analysis. Results. Two main factors have been identified in the structure of the complexperformance of qualified veteran boxers. Factor 1 (55.063% of the total aggregate variance) is named "Speed". Factor 2 (44.937% of the total aggregate variance) stands for “Speed Endurance”. Individual factor structure, which is characterized by the distinctive factor "Speed and Coordination Endurance" by more than 80% as well as by the marked factor "Speed" by less than 30% is considered to be a particularity of the tempo style boxers. Individual factor structure, which is characterized by the intensity of the factor "Speed" by more than 80%, and by the distinctive factor "Speed and Coordination Endurance" by less than 30% is considered to be typical for the playing style boxers. The individual factor structure, which is characterized by the marked factor "Speed" by more than 50%, and by the intencity of the factor "Speed and Coordination Endurance" by less than 30% is seen to be peculiar to the strength style boxers. Conclusions. It is shown that the psychophysiological features of boxers of different fighting styles are reflected in the features of the direct strike technique. The lack of speed at the beginning of the movement in tempo style boxers is supplemented and compensated by the high speed of movement. Playing style boxers are characterized by a high speed of movement at the very beginning of the strike. Strength style boxers are characterized by the gradual development of movement speed.Мета: виявити стиль ведення поєдинку боксерів ветеранів на основі індивідуальної факторної структури психофізіологічних і біомеханічних показників. Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 42 кваліфікованих боксера-ветерана (вік 45-50 років). В якості методів дослідження використовувався біомеханічний аналіз показників швидкості руху різних точок і значення кутів в суглобах при виконанні прямого удару боксерами. Використовувався психофізіологічний метод визначення часу простої і складної реакції в стандартних умовах і в різних режимах тестування. В якості методів статистичного аналізу застосовувався метод описової статистики (Descriptive Statistics) і метод факторного аналізу. Результати.Вструктурікомплексноїпідготовленостікваліфікованих боксерів-ветераніввиділено 2 основних фактори.Фактор 1 (55,063 % від загального сумарної дисперсії) названий «Швидкість».Фактор 2 (44,937%відзагальноїсумарноїдисперсії) був названий «Швидкісна та координаційна витривалість».Індивідуальна факторна структура, яка характеризується виразністю фактору «Швидкісна та координаційна витривалість» більш ніж на 80%, і виразністю фактору «Швидкість» менш ніж на 30%, характерна для боксерів темпового стилю. Індивідуальна факторна структура, яка характеризується виразністю фактору «Швидкість» більш ніж на 80%, і виразністю фактору «Швидкісна та координаційна витривалість» менш ніж на 30%, характерна для боксерів ігрового стилю. Індивідуальна факторна структура, яка характеризується виразністю фактору «Швидкість» більш ніж на 50%, і виразністю фактору «Швидкісна та координаційна витривалість» менш ніж на 30%, характерна для боксерів силового стилю.Висновки. Показано, що психофізіологічні особливості боксерів різних стилів ведення поєдинку відображаються на особливостях техніки прямого удару. Недолік швидкості на початку руху у боксерів темпового стилю доповнюється і компенсується високою швидкістю переміщень. Боксери ігрового стилю відрізняються високою швидкістю рухів на самому початку виконання удару. Боксери силового стилю відрізняються поступовим розвитком швидкості руху.Цель работы: выявить стиль ведения поединка боксеров-ветеранов на основе индивидуальной факторной структуры психофизиологических и биомеханических показателей. Материал и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 42 квалифицированных боксера-ветерана (возраст 45-50 лет). В качестве методов исследования использовался биомеханический анализ показателей скорости движения различных точек и значения углов в суставах при выполнении прямого удара боксерами. Использовался психофизиологический метод определения времени простой и сложной реакции в стандартных условиях и в различных режимах тестирования. В качестве методов статистического анализа применялся метод описательной статистики (DescriptiveStatistics) и метод факторного анализа Результаты.В структуре комплексной подготовленности квалифицированных боксеров-ветеранов выделено 2 основных фактора. Фактор 1 (55,063% от общего суммарной дисперсии) назван «Скорость». Фактор 2 (44,937% от общего суммарной дисперсии) был назван «Скоростная выносливость». Индивидуальная факторная структура, которая характеризуется выраженностью фактора «Скоростная и координационная выносливость» более чем на 80%, и выраженностью фактора «Скорость» менее, чем на 30%, характерная для боксеров темпового стиля. Индивидуальная факторная структура, которая характеризуется выраженностью фактора «Скорость» более чем на 80%, и выраженностью фактора «Скоростная и координационная выносливость» менее, чем на 30%, характерная для боксеров игрового стиля. Индивидуальная факторная структура, которая характеризуется выраженностью фактора «Скорость» более чем на 50%, и выраженностью фактора «Скоростная и координационная выносливость» менее, чем на 30%, характерная для боксеров силового стиля. Выводы. Показано, что психофизиологические особенности боксеров различных стилей ведения поединка отражаются на особенностях техники прямого удара. Недостаток скорости в начале движения у боксеров-темпового стиля дополняется и компенсируется высокой скоростью перемещений. Боксеры игрового стиля отличаются высокой скоростью движений в самом начале выполнения удара. Боксеры силового стиля отличаются постепенным развитием скорости движения

    Is heart failure misdiagnosed in hospitalized patients with preserved ejection fraction? From the European Society of Cardiology - Heart Failure Association EURObservational Research Programme Heart Failure Long-Term Registry.

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    AIMS: In hospitalized patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), the aims of this study were (i) to assess the proportion meeting the 2016 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) HFpEF criteria and (ii) to compare patients with restrictive/pseudonormal mitral inflow pattern (MIP) vs. patients with MIP other than restrictive/pseudonormal. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included hospitalized participants of the ESC-Heart Failure Association (HFA) EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) HF Long-Term Registry who had echocardiogram with ejection fraction (EF) ≥ 50% during index hospitalization. As no data on e', E/e' and left ventricular (LV) mass index were gathered in the registry, the 2016 ESC HFpEF definition was modified as follows: elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) (≥100 pg/mL for acute HF) and/or N-terminal pro-BNP (≥300 pg/mL) and at least one of the echocardiographic criteria: (i) presence of LV hypertrophy (yes/no), (ii) left atrial volume index (LAVI) of >34 mL/m2 ), or (iii) restrictive/pseudonormal MIP. Next, all patients were divided into four groups: (i) patients with restrictive/pseudonormal MIP on echocardiography [i.e. with presumably elevated left atrial (LA) pressure], (ii) patients with MIP other than restrictive/pseudonormal (i.e. with presumably normal LA pressure), (iii) atrial fibrillation (AF) group, and (iv) 'grey area' (no consistent description of MIP despite no report of AF). Of 6365 hospitalized patients, 1848 (29%) had EF ≥ 50%. Natriuretic peptides were assessed in 28%, LV hypertrophy in 92%, LAVI in 13%, and MIP in 67%. The 2016 ESC HFpEF criteria could be assessed in 27% of the 1848 patients and, if assessed, were met in 52%. Of the 1848 patients, 19% had restrictive/pseudonormal MIP, 43% had MIP other than restrictive/pseudonormal, 18% had AF and 20% were grey area. There were no differences in long-term all-cause or cardiovascular mortality, or all-cause hospitalizations or HF rehospitalizations between the four groups. Despite fewer non-cardiac comorbidities reported at baseline, patients with MIP other than restrictive/pseudonormal (i.e. with presumably normal LA pressure) had more non-cardiovascular (14.0 vs. 6.7 per 100 patient-years, P < 0.001) and cardiovascular non-HF (13.2 vs. 8.0 per 100 patient-years, P = 0.016) hospitalizations in long-term follow-up than patients with restrictive/pseudonormal MIP. CONCLUSIONS: Acute HFpEF diagnosis could be assessed (based on the 2016 ESC criteria) in only a quarter of patients and confirmed in half of these. When assessed, only one in three patients had restrictive/pseudonormal MIP suggestive of elevated LA pressure. Patients with MIP other than restrictive/pseudonormal (suggestive of normal LA pressure) could have been misdiagnosed with acute HFpEF or had echocardiography performed after normalization of LA pressure. They were more often hospitalized for non-HF reasons during follow-up. Symptoms suggestive of acute HFpEF may in some patients represent non-HF comorbidities

    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years

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    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years / Mirosława Cieślicka, Zhanneta Kozina, Radosław Muszkieta, Vitalii Korobeinik, Danil Safronov, Nataliya Bugayets, Tatiana Shepelenko, Andrii Tanko // Journal of Physical Education and Sport – 2019. – № 19. – at. № 143. – Р. 992-1002. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2019.s3143Подано принципи комплексного розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей та стрибучості юних баскетболістів. Показано, що використання комплексної методики підготовки баскетболістів сприяло підвищенню рівня спеціальної фізичної підготовленості та ефективності кидка у стрибку. Розроблена методика позитивно впливає на взаємозв'язок показників стрибучості та точності кидків у баскетболі. Розроблена методика адекватна вирішенню завдань тренувального процесу баскетболістів і може бути рекомендована у широку практику підготовки дитячих баскетбольних команд.The principles of the integrated development of speed-power qualities and jumping ability of young basketball players are presented. It is shown that the use of an integrated methodology for preparing basketball players has contributed to an increase in the level of special physical fitness and effectiveness of a jump shot. The developed technique has a positive effect on the relationship between the indicators of jumping ability and shots accuracy in basketball. The developed technique is adequate for solving the tasks of the training process for basketball players and can be recommended to the wide practice of preparing children's basketball teamsПредставлены принципы комплексного развития скоростно-силовых качеств и прыгучести юных баскетболистов. Показано, что использование комплексной методики подготовки баскетболистов способствовало повышению уровня специальной физической подготовленности и эффективности броска в прыжке. Разработанная методика положительно влияет на взаимосвязь показателей прыгучести и точности бросков в баскетболе. Разработанная методика адекватна решению задач тренировочного процесса баскетболистов и может быть рекомендована в широкую практику подготовки детских баскетбольных коман

    Pharmacotherapy of heart failure A.D. 2023. Expert opinion of Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, Polish Cardiac Society

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    Heart failure (HF) remains one of the most common causes of hospitalization and mortality among Polish patients. The position of the Section of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy presents the currently applicable options for pharmacological treatment of HF based on the latest European and American guidelines from 2021–2022 in relation to Polish healthcare conditions. Treatment of HF varies depending on its clinical presentation (acute/chronic) or left ventricular ejection fraction. Initial treatment of symptomatic patients with features of volume overload is based on diuretics, especially loop drugs. Treatment aimed at reducing mortality and hospitalization should include drugs blocking the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, preferably angiotensin receptor antagonist/neprilysin inhibitor, i.e. sacubitril/valsartan, selected beta-blockers (no class effect — options include bisoprolol, metoprolol succinate, or vasodilatory beta-blockers — carvedilol and nebivolol), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, and sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor (flozin), constituting the 4 pillars of pharmacotherapy. Their effectiveness has been confirmed in numerous prospective randomized trials. The current HF treatment strategy is based on the fastest possible implementation of all four mentioned classes of drugs due to their independent additive action. It is also important to individualize therapy according to comorbidities, blood pressure, resting heart rate, or the presence of arrhythmias. This article emphasizes the cardio- and nephroprotective role of flozins in HF therapy, regardless of ejection fraction value. We propose practical guidelines for the use of medicines, profile of adverse reactions, drug interactions, as well as pharmacoeconomic aspects. The principles of treatment with ivabradine, digoxin, vericiguat, iron supplementation, or antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy are also discussed, along with recent novel drugs including omecamtiv mecarbil, tolvaptan, or coenzyme Q10 as well as progress in the prevention and treatment of hyperkalemia. Based on the latest recommendations, treatment regimens for different types of HF are discussed