728 research outputs found

    Evidence for Two Time Scales in Long SNS Junctions

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    We use microwave excitation to elucidate the dynamics of long superconductor / normal metal / superconductor Josephson junctions. By varying the excitation frequency in the range 10 MHz - 40 GHz, we observe that the critical and retrapping currents, deduced from the dc voltage vs. dc current characteristics of the junction, are set by two different time scales. The critical current increases when the ac frequency is larger than the inverse diffusion time in the normal metal, whereas the retrapping current is strongly modified when the excitation frequency is above the electron-phonon rate in the normal metal. Therefore the critical and retrapping currents are associated with elastic and inelastic scattering, respectively

    Microwave response of an NS ring coupled to a superconducting resonator

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    A long phase coherent normal (N) wire between superconductors (S) is characterized by a dense phase dependent Andreev spectrum . We probe this spectrum in a high frequency phase biased configuration, by coupling an NS ring to a multimode superconducting resonator. We detect a dc flux and frequency dependent response whose dissipative and non dissipative components are related by a simple Debye relaxation law with a characteristic time of the order of the diffusion time through the N part of the ring. The flux dependence exhibits h/2eh/2e periodic oscillations with a large harmonics content at temperatures where the Josephson current is purely sinusoidal. This is explained considering that the populations of the Andreev levels are frozen on the time-scale of the experiments.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    Simultaneous evaluation of multiple microarray surface chemistries through real-time interferometric imaging.

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    Surface chemistry is a crucial aspect for microarray modality biosensor development. The immobilization capability of the functionalized surface is indeed a limiting factor for the final yield of the binding reaction. In this work, we were able to simultaneously compare the functionality of protein ligands that were locally immobilized on different polymers, while on the same solid support, therefore demonstrating a new way of multiplexing. Our goal was to investigate, in a single experiment, both the immobilization efficiency of a group of reactive polymers and the resulting affinity of the tethered molecules. This idea was demonstrated by spotting many reactive polymers on a Si/SiO2 chip and depositing the molecular probes on the spots immediately after. As a proof of concept, we focused on which polymers would better immobilize a model protein (α-Lactalbumin) and a peptide (LAC-1). We successfully showed that this protocol is applicable to proteins and peptides with a good efficiency. By means of real-time binding measurements performed with the interferometric reflectance imaging sensor (IRIS), local functionalization proved to be comparable to the classical flat coating solution. The final outcome highlights the multiplexing power of this method: first, it allows to characterize dozens of polymers at once. Secondly, it removes the limitation, related to coated surfaces, that only molecules with the same functional groups can be tethered to the same solid support. By applying this protocol, many types of molecules can be studied simultaneously and immobilization for each probe can be individually optimized.766466 (INDEX) - Horizon 2020 Framework Programmehttps://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/itempdf74155353254prod/8976347/Simultaneous_Evaluation_of_Multiple_Microarray_Surface_Chemistries_Through_Real-Time_Interferometric_Imaging_v1.pdfFirst author draf

    Financial contagion through space-time point processes

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    We propose to study the dynamics of financial contagion by means of a class of point process models employed in the modeling of seismic contagion. The proposal extends network models, recently introduced to model financial contagion, in a space-time point process perspective. The extension helps to improve the assessment of credit risk of an institution, taking into account contagion spillover effects

    Effects of surface forcing on the seasonal cycle of the eastern equatorial Pacific

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    The roles of zonal and meridional wind stress and of surface heat flux in the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature (SST) are examined with a primitive equation (PE) model of the tropical Pacific Ocean. While a variety of previous numerical and observational studies have examined the seasonal cycle of SST in the eastern tropical Pacific, it is noteworthy that different mechanisms have been invoked as primary in each case and different conclusions have been reached regarding the relative importance of the various components of surface forcing. Here, we perform a series of numerical experiments in which different components of the surface forcing are eliminated and the resulting upper ocean variability is compared with that of the climatological experiment. The model used for these experiments reproduces a realistic climatological seasonal cycle, in which SST emerges as an independent quantity. We find that the different cases all produce qualitatively reasonable seasonal cycles of SST, though only the most complete model is also able to reproduce the seasonal cycle of near surface currents, tropical instability waves (TIWs), and net surface heat fluxes consistent with historical observations. These results indicate that simply reproducing a qualitatively accurate seasonal cycle of SST does not necessarily allow meaningful conclusions to be made about the relative importance of the different components of surface forcing. The results described here also suggest that a model simulation must at least reproduce all the documented near surface kinematic features of the equatorial Pacific cold tongue region reasonably well, before accurate inferences can be made from model experiments. This provides useful guidelines to current efforts to develop and evaluate more complex fully coupled air-sea models and shows that results for simple or intermediate ocean models that do not have this level of fidelity to the observations will be difficult to interpret

    Proximity DC squids in the long junction limit

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    We report the design and measurement of Superconducting/normal/superconducting (SNS) proximity DC squids in the long junction limit, i.e. superconducting loops interrupted by two normal metal wires roughly a micrometer long. Thanks to the clean interface between the metals, at low temperature a large supercurrent flows through the device. The dc squid-like geometry leads to an almost complete periodic modulation of the critical current through the device by a magnetic flux, with a flux periodicity of a flux quantum h/2e through the SNS loop. In addition, we examine the entire field dependence, notably the low and high field dependence of the maximum switching current. In contrast with the well-known Fraunhoffer-type oscillations typical of short wide junctions, we find a monotonous gaussian extinction of the critical current at high field. As shown in [15], this monotonous dependence is typical of long and narrow diffusive junctions. We also find in some cases a puzzling reentrance at low field. In contrast, the temperature dependence of the critical current is well described by the proximity effect theory, as found by Dubos {\it et al.} [16] on SNS wires in the long junction limit. The switching current distributions and hysteretic IV curves also suggest interesting dynamics of long SNS junctions with an important role played by the diffusion time across the junction.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Silicon Superconducting Quantum Interference Device

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    We have studied a Superconducting Quantum Interference SQUID device made from a single layer thin film of superconducting silicon. The superconducting layer is obtained by heavily doping a silicon wafer with boron atoms using the Gas Immersion Laser Doping (GILD) technique. The SQUID device is composed of two nano-bridges (Dayem bridges) in a loop and shows magnetic flux modulation at low temperature and low magnetic field. The overall behavior shows very good agreement with numerical simulations based on the Ginzburg-Landau equations.Comment: Published in Applied Physics Letters (August 2015

    Oncogenic Effects of HIV-1 Proteins, Mechanisms Behind

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    Funding Information: Funding: This study was supported the Russian Fund for Basic Research grants 17_54_30002 and 20‐04‐01034 to M.I., Latvian Science Council grants LZP‐2018/2‐0308 and LZP‐2020/2‐0376 to M.I., Funding Information: and NCI R01CA 217715 to J.P.The work of Francesca Chiodi is supported by a grant from the Swe‐ dish Medical Research Council (Francesca Chiodi; Vetenskapsrådet 2019‐01169). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) are at increased risk of developing cancer, such as Kaposi sarcoma (KS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), cervical cancer, and other cancers associated with chronic viral infections. Traditionally, this is linked to HIV-1-induced immune suppression with depletion of CD4+ T-helper cells, exhaustion of lymphopoiesis and lymphocyte dysfunction. However, the long-term successful implementation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) with an early start did not preclude the oncological complications, implying that HIV-1 and its antigens are directly involved in carcinogenesis and may exert their effects on the background of restored immune system even when present at extremely low levels. Experimental data indicate that HIV-1 virions and single viral antigens can enter a wide variety of cells, including epithelial. This review is focused on the effects of five viral proteins: envelope protein gp120, accessory protein negative factor Nef, matrix protein p17, transactivator of transcription Tat and reverse transcriptase RT. Gp120, Nef, p17, Tat, and RT cause oxidative stress, can be released from HIV-1-infected cells and are oncogenic. All five are in a position to affect “innocent” bystander cells, specifically, to cause the propagation of (pre)existing malignant and malignant transformation of normal epithelial cells, giving grounds to the direct carcinogenic effects of HIV-1.Peer reviewe

    Supra-oscillatory critical temperature dependence of Nb-Ho bilayers

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    We investigate the critical temperature Tc of a thin s-wave superconductor (Nb) proximity coupled to a helical rare earth ferromagnet (Ho). As a function of the Ho layer thickness, we observe multiple oscillations of Tc superimposed on a slow decay, that we attribute to the influence of the Ho on the Nb proximity effect. Because of Ho inhomogeneous magnetization, singlet and triplet pair correlations are present in the bilayers. We take both into consideration when solving the self consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, and we observe a reasonable agreement. We also observe non-trivial transitions into the superconducting state, the zero resistance state being attained after two successive transitions which appear to be associated with the magnetic structure of Ho.Comment: Main article: 5 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary materials: 4 pages, 5 figure