66 research outputs found

    Flower pollination algorithm: a novel approach for multiobjective optimization

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    Multiobjective design optimization problems require multiobjective optimization techniques to solve, and it is often very challenging to obtain high-quality Pareto fronts accurately. In this article, the recently developed flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is extended to solve multiobjective optimization problems. The proposed method is used to solve a set of multiobjective test functions and two bi-objective design benchmarks, and a comparison of the proposed algorithm with other algorithms has been made, which shows that the FPA is efficient with a good convergence rate. Finally, the importance for further parametric studies and theoretical analysis is highlighted and discussed

    Sistemas inteligentes para la evaluación de la calidad de la información en la web

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    En este artículo se describen, en forma resumida, los trabajos de investigación y desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo en la línea de investigación “Sistemas Inteligentes” en las áreas de Text Mining, Web Mining y Web Intelligence, y que abordan principalmente tareas como: clustering de textos cortos multilingües, categorización semántica de textos, medidas de calidad de la información en la Web, detección de plagio y atribución de autoría, minería de opinión y sentimientos, integración de agentes y técnicas de minería de textos, y uso de arquitecturas cognitivas para agentes web; en especial aquellas basadas en lógica, razonamiento argumentativo y teoría de decisión cualitativa. En particular, pondremos especial énfasis en aquellas problemáticas que se están comenzando a investigar en forma conjunta con investigadores de Alemania, Austria, España y Grecia en el contexto de un proyecto FP7, recientemente aprobado en la Unión Europea.Eje: Agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Means-end analysis of consumers’ perceptions of virtual world affordances for e-commerce

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    Virtual worlds are three-dimensional (3D) persistent multi-user online environments where users interact through avatars. The affordances of virtual worlds can be useful for business-to-consumer e-commerce. Moreover, affordances of virtual worlds can complement affordances of websites to provide consumers with an enhanced e-commerce experience. We investigated which affordances of virtual worlds can enhance consumers‟ experiences on e-commerce websites. We conducted laddering interviews with 30 virtual world consumers to understand their perceptions of virtual world affordances. A means-end analysis was then applied to the interview data. The results suggest co-presence, product discovery, 3D product experience, greater interactivity with products and sociability are some of the key virtual world affordances for consumers. We discuss theoretical implications of the research using dimensions from the Technology Acceptance Model. We also discuss practical implications, such as how virtual world affordances can be incorporated into the design of e-commerce websites

    GZMKhigh CD8+ T effector memory cells are associated with CD15high neutrophil abundance in non-metastatic colorectal tumors and predict poor clinical outcome.

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    CD8(+) T cells are a major prognostic determinant in solid tumors, including colorectal cancer (CRC). However, understanding how the interplay between different immune cells impacts on clinical outcome is still in its infancy. Here, we describe that the interaction of tumor infiltrating neutrophils expressing high levels of CD15 with CD8(+) T effector memory cells (T(EM)) correlates with tumor progression. Mechanistically, stromal cell-derived factor-1 (CXCL12/SDF-1) promotes the retention of neutrophils within tumors, increasing the crosstalk with CD8(+) T cells. As a consequence of the contact-mediated interaction with neutrophils, CD8(+) T cells are skewed to produce high levels of GZMK, which in turn decreases E-cadherin on the intestinal epithelium and favors tumor progression. Overall, our results highlight the emergence of GZMK(high) CD8(+) T(EM) in non-metastatic CRC tumors as a hallmark driven by the interaction with neutrophils, which could implement current patient stratification and be targeted by novel therapeutics

    Towards Applying River Formation Dynamics in Continuous Optimization Problems

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    River Formation Dynamics (RFD) is a metaheuristic that has been successfully used by different research groups to deal with a wide variety of discrete combinatorial optimization problems. However, no attempt has been done to adapt it to continuous optimization domains. In this paper we propose a first approach to obtain such objective, and we evaluate its usefulness by comparing RFD results against those obtained by other more mature metaheuristics for continuous domains. In particular, we compare with the results obtained by Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Firefly Algorithm, and Social Spider Optimization

    How to compete in metaverse: The Business Models in the Second Life

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    Second life (henceforward, SL) has captured the interest of many scholars and practitioners. Indeed, the entrance of many real world companies, attracted by the potentialities of Virtual Worlds (henceforward, VWs), has been interpreted as the signal for the discovery of new web-based business models. Therefore, in this work, we address the topic of how VWs, and SL in detail, can impact on the business models of the firms. In doing so, we are going to examine the literature about business models and VWs, in order to define how they interact each other. As a result, we propose a mapping framework able to support companies in determining the characteristics of VWs able to impact on business models. The major findings of this work, which is a work-in-progress relatively to VWs and business models studies, aims to determine which aspects of the former may affect the latter. In particular, we identified three main valuable areas: gaining new sources of value, catching the opportunities raised by a co-opetitive environment and finally extending the market to the V-commerce

    Second Life: a Turning Point for Web 2.0 and E-Business

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    This work analyses the issues that firms must challenge with Web 2.0 tools. In particular, we focus on the metaverse, and Second Life is our case study. We find this platform is able to mash\u2013up web-based features with distinctive as- pects of the metaverse. We propose a theoretical framework that explains how the enactment of an environment gives rise to processes of engagement and creation of communities of prosumers. These aspects are unexplored yet and may represent a future and fascinating challenge for Management and IS disciplines

    Business Models and Virtual Worlds: The Second Life Lesson

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    Virtual Worlds seem to offer firms new opportunities for managing the convergence among technology, organization and business. The complex relation between people and their avatars and the capability to engage users into active participation yielded relevant insights in marketing and business model literature. At the same time, firms may find it difficult to manage and operate in a digital space, in which rules and behaviors may differ from the real world. This article emphasizes the issues and insights suggested in business literature. Special attention is given to the role of Virtual Worlds in innovating firms\u2019 business models, focusing on the evidences obtained by Second Life. A framework is proposed to explain why value extraction should be carefully evaluated when firms intend to integrate Virtual Worlds into their business models