987 research outputs found

    Community Policing Relations: Texas Law Enforcement Practices in One Community

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    In this exploratory study, we examine the implementation and perceived effectiveness of community policing in one central Texas community, as an emerging field of practice in contrast to the conventional methods of U.S. law enforcement. Interviews were conducted with members from local law enforcement departments. Qualitative analysis revealed several significant findings. First, respondents expressed a preference for the Trojanowicz and Bucqueroux (1998) model over the “Broken Windows” model. Further, they identified relationship-building with citizens and engaging youth as the aspects of community policing most likely to be both demonstrably effective and personally meaningful. We explore the implications of these findings, and provide recommendations for future research and for law enforcement departments

    Polymer Translocation Dynamics in the Quasi-Static Limit

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    Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used to study the dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore in the limit where the translocation rate is sufficiently slow that the polymer maintains a state of conformational quasi-equilibrium. The system is modeled as a flexible hard-sphere chain that translocates through a cylindrical hole in a hard flat wall. In some calculations, the nanopore is connected at one end to a spherical cavity. Translocation times are measured directly using MC dynamics simulations. For sufficiently narrow pores, translocation is sufficiently slow that the mean translocation time scales with polymer length N according to \propto (N-N_p)^2, where N_p is the average number of monomers in the nanopore; this scaling is an indication of a quasi-static regime in which polymer-nanopore friction dominates. We use a multiple-histogram method to calculate the variation of the free energy with Q, a coordinate used to quantify the degree of translocation. The free energy functions are used with the Fokker-Planck formalism to calculate translocation time distributions in the quasi-static regime. These calculations also require a friction coefficient, characterized by a quantity N_{eff}, the effective number of monomers whose dynamics are affected by the confinement of the nanopore. This was determined by fixing the mean of the theoretical distribution to that of the distribution obtained from MC dynamics simulations. The theoretical distributions are in excellent quantitative agreement with the distributions obtained directly by the MC dynamics simulations for physically meaningful values of N_{eff}. The free energy functions for narrow-pore systems exhibit oscillations with an amplitude that is sensitive to the nanopore length. Generally, larger oscillation amplitudes correspond to longer translocation times.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Fluctuations of radiation from a chaotic laser below threshold

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    Radiation from a chaotic cavity filled with gain medium is considered. A set of coupled equations describing the photon density and the population of gain medium is proposed and solved. The spectral distribution and fluctuations of the radiation are found. The full noise is a result of a competition between positive correlations of photons with equal frequencies (due to stimulated emission and chaotic scattering) which increase fluctuations, and a suppression due to interaction with a gain medium which leads to negative correlations between photons. The latter effect is responsible for a pronounced suppression of the photonic noise as compared to the linear theory predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; expanded version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mode Repulsion and Mode Coupling in Random Lasers

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    We studied experimentally and theoretically the interaction of lasing modes in random media. In a homogeneously broadened gain medium, cross gain saturation leads to spatial repulsion of lasing modes. In an inhomogeneously broadened gain medium, mode repulsion occurs in the spectral domain. Some lasing modes are coupled through photon hopping or electron absorption and reemission. Under pulsed pumping, weak coupling of two modes leads to synchronization of their lasing action. Strong coupling of two lasing modes results in anti-phased oscillations of their intensities.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Towards Better Integrators for Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations

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    Coarse-grained models that preserve hydrodynamics provide a natural approach to study collective properties of soft-matter systems. Here, we demonstrate that commonly used integration schemes in dissipative particle dynamics give rise to pronounced artifacts in physical quantities such as the compressibility and the diffusion coefficient. We assess the quality of these integration schemes, including variants based on a recently suggested self-consistent approach, and examine their relative performance. Implications of integrator-induced effects are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication), tentative publication issue: 01 Dec 200

    Understanding the evolution and spread of chikungunya virus in the Americas using complete genome sequences

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    Local transmission of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was first detected in the Americas in December 2013, after which it spread rapidly throughout the Caribbean islands and American mainland, causing a major chikungunya fever epidemic. Previous phylogenetic analysis of CHIKV from a limited number of countries in the Americas suggests that an Asian genotype strain was responsible, except in Brazil where both Asian and East/Central/South African (ECSA) lineage strains were detected. In this study, we sequenced thirty-three complete CHIKV genomes from viruses isolated in 2014 from fourteen Caribbean islands, the Bahamas and two mainland countries in the Americas. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that they all belonged to the Asian genotype and clustered together with other Caribbean and mainland sequences isolated during the American outbreak, forming an 'Asian/American' lineage defined by two amino acid substitutions, E2 V368A and 6K L20M, and divided into two well-supported clades. This lineage is estimated to be evolving at a mean rate of 5 x 10-4 substitutions per site per year (95% higher probability density, 2.9-7.9 x 10-4) and to have arisen from an ancestor introduced to the Caribbean (most likely from Oceania) in about March 2013, 9 months prior to the first report of CHIKV in the Americas. Estimation of evolutionary rates for individual gene regions and selection analyses indicate that (in contrast to the Indian Ocean Lineage that emerged from the ECSA genotype followed by adaptive evolution and with a significantly higher substitution rate) the evolutionary dynamics of the Asian/American lineage are very similar to the rest of the Asian genotype and natural selection does not appear to have played a major role in its emergence. However, several codon sites with evidence of positive selection were identified within the non-structural regions of Asian genotype sequences outside of the Asian/American lineage