364 research outputs found

    A Graphene Field-Effect Device

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    In this letter, a top-gated field effect device (FED) manufactured from monolayer graphene is investigated. Except for graphene deposition, a conventional top-down CMOS-compatible process flow is applied. Carrier mobilities in graphene pseudo-MOS structures are compared to those obtained from top-gated Graphene-FEDs. The extracted values exceed the universal mobility of silicon and silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Bistability and oscillatory motion of natural nano-membranes appearing within monolayer graphene on silicon dioxide

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    The recently found material graphene is a truly two-dimensional crystal and exhibits, in addition, an extreme mechanical strength. This in combination with the high electron mobility favours graphene for electromechanical investigations down to the quantum limit. Here, we show that a monolayer of graphene on SiO2 provides natural, ultra-small membranes of diameters down to 3 nm, which are caused by the intrinsic rippling of the material. Some of these nano-membranes can be switched hysteretically between two vertical positions using the electric field of the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). They can also be forced to oscillatory motion by a low frequency ac-field. Using the mechanical constants determined previously, we estimate a high resonance frequency up to 0.4 THz. This might be favorable for quantum-electromechanics and is prospective for single atom mass spectrometers.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of disorder on a graphene p-n junction

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    We propose the theory of transport in a gate-tunable graphene p-n junction, in which the gradient of the carrier density is controlled by the gate voltage. Depending on this gradient and on the density of charged impurities, the junction resistance is dominated by either diffusive or ballistic contribution. We find the conditions for observing ballistic transport and show that in existing devices they are satisfied only marginally. We also simulate numerically the trajectories of charge carriers and illustrate challenges in realizing more delicate ballistic effects, such as Veselago lensing.Comment: (v2)Version accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Direct Graphene Growth on Insulator

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    Fabrication of graphene devices is often hindered by incompatibility between the silicon technology and the methods of graphene growth. Exfoliation from graphite yields excellent films but is good mainly for research. Graphene grown on metal has a technological potential but requires mechanical transfer. Growth by SiC decomposition requires a temperature budget exceeding the technological limits. These issues could be circumvented by growing graphene directly on insulator, implying Van der Waals growth. During growth, the insulator acts as a support defining the growth plane. In the device, it insulates graphene from the Si substrate. We demonstrate planar growth of graphene on mica surface. This was achieved by molecular beam deposition above 600{\deg}C. High resolution Raman scans illustrate the effect of growth parameters and substrate topography on the film perfection. Ab initio calculations suggest a growth model. Data analysis highlights the competition between nucleation at surface steps and flat surface. As a proof of concept, we show the evidence of electric field effect in a transistor with a directly grown channel.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Intrinsic and extrinsic corrugation of monolayer graphene deposited on SiO2

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    Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in ultra high vacuum and atomic force microscopy, we investigate the corrugation of graphene flakes deposited by exfoliation on a Si/SiO2 (300 nm) surface. While the corrugation on SiO2 is long-range with a correlation length of about 25 nm, some of the graphene monolayers exhibit an additional corrugation with a preferential wave length of about 15 nm. A detailed analysis shows that the long range corrugation of the substrate is also visible on graphene, but with a reduced amplitude, leading to the conclusion that the graphene is partly freely suspended between hills of the substrate. Thus, the intrinsic rippling observed previously on artificially suspended graphene can exist as well, if graphene is deposited on SiO2.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, including supplementary materia

    Local gating of a graphene Hall bar by graphene side gates

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    We have investigated the magnetotransport properties of a single-layer graphene Hall bar with additional graphene side gates. The side gating in the absence of a magnetic field can be modeled by considering two parallel conducting channels within the Hall bar. This results in an average penetration depth of the side gate created field of approx. 90 nm. The side gates are also effective in the quantum Hall regime, and allow to modify the longitudinal and Hall resistances

    Edge-functionalized and substitutional doped graphene nanoribbons: electronic and spin properties

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    Graphene nanoribbons are the counterpart of carbon nanotubes in graphene-based nanoelectronics. We investigate the electronic properties of chemically modified ribbons by means of density functional theory. We observe that chemical modifications of zigzag ribbons can break the spin degeneracy. This promotes the onset of a semiconducting-metal transition, or of an half-semiconducting state, with the two spin channels having a different bandgap, or of a spin-polarized half-semiconducting state -where the spins in the valence and conduction bands are oppositely polarized. Edge functionalization of armchair ribbons gives electronic states a few eV away from the Fermi level, and does not significantly affect their bandgap. N and B produce different effects, depending on the position of the substitutional site. In particular, edge substitutions at low density do not significantly alter the bandgap, while bulk substitution promotes the onset of semiconducting-metal transitions. Pyridine-like defects induce a semiconducting-metal transition.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    A Survey for Infall Motions toward Starless Cores. II. CS(2−1)CS (2-1) and N2H+(1−0)N_2H^+ (1-0) Mapping Observations

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    We present the results of an extensive mapping survey of 53 `starless' cores in the optically thick line of CS 2-1 and the optically thin lines of N2H+ 1-0 and C18O 1-0. The purpose of this survey was to search for signatures of extended inward motions. This study finds 10 `strong' and 9 `probable' infall candidates, based on δVCS\delta V_{CS} analysis and on the spectral shapes of CS lines. From our analysis of the blue-skewed CS spectra and the δVCS\delta V_{CS} parameter, we find typical infall radii of 0.06-0.14 pc. Also, using a simple two layer radiative transfer model to fit the profiles, we derive one-dimensional infall speeds, half of whose values lie in the range of 0.05-0.09 km s−1^{-1}. These values are similar to those found in L1544 by Tafalla et al., and this result confirms that infall speeds in starless cores are generally faster than expected from ambipolar diffusion in a strongly sub-critical core. In addition, the observed infall regions are too extended to be consistent with the `inside-out' collapse model applied to a very low-mass star. In the largest cores, the spatial extent of the CS spectra with infall asymmetry is larger than the extent of the N2H+\rm N_2H^+ core by a factor of 2-3. All these results suggest that extended inward motions are a common feature in starless cores, and that they could represent a necessary stage in the condensation of a star-forming dense core.Comment: Two tex files for manuscript and tables, and 38 figures. To appear in ApJ

    Electromechanical Piezoresistive Sensing in Suspended Graphene Membranes

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    Monolayer graphene exhibits exceptional electronic and mechanical properties, making it a very promising material for nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) devices. Here, we conclusively demonstrate the piezoresistive effect in graphene in a nano-electromechanical membrane configuration that provides direct electrical readout of pressure to strain transduction. This makes it highly relevant for an important class of nano-electromechanical system (NEMS) transducers. This demonstration is consistent with our simulations and previously reported gauge factors and simulation values. The membrane in our experiment acts as a strain gauge independent of crystallographic orientation and allows for aggressive size scalability. When compared with conventional pressure sensors, the sensors have orders of magnitude higher sensitivity per unit area.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    CB17: Inferring the dynamical history of a prestellar core with chemo-dynamical models

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    We present a detailed theoretical study of the isolated Bok globule CB17 (L1389) based on spectral maps of CS, HCO+^+, C18^{18}O, C34^{34}S, and H13^{13}CO+^+ lines. A phenomenological model of prestellar core evolution, a time-dependent chemical model, and a radiative transfer simulation for molecular lines are combined to reconstruct the chemical and kinematical structure of this core. We developed a general criterion that allows to quantify the difference between observed and simulated spectral maps. By minimizing this difference, we find that very high and very low values of the effective sticking probability SS are not appropriate for the studied prestellar core. The most probable SS value for CB17 is 0.3--0.5. The spatial distribution of the intensities and self-absorption features of optically thick lines is indicative of UV irradiation of the core. By fitting simultaneously optically thin and optically thick transitions, we isolate the model that reproduces all the available spectral maps to a reasonable accuracy. The line asymmetry pattern in CB17 is reproduced by a combination of infall, rotation, and turbulent motions with velocities ∼0.05\sim0.05 km s−1^{-1}, ∼0.1\sim0.1 km s−1^{-1}, and ∼0.1\sim0.1 km s−1^{-1}, respectively. These parameters corresponds to energy ratios Erot/Egrav≈0.03E_{\rm rot}/E_{\rm grav}\approx0.03, Etherm/Egrav≈0.8E_{\rm therm}/E_{\rm grav}\approx0.8, and Eturb/Egrav≈0.05E_{\rm turb}/E_{\rm grav}\approx0.05 (the rotation parameters are determined for i=90∘i=90^\circ). The chemical age of the core is about 2 Myrs. In particular, this is indicated by the central depletion of CO, CS, and HCO+^+. Based on the angular momentum value, we argue that the core is going to fragment, i.e., to form a binary (multiple) star. (abridged)Comment: ApJ, in pres
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