1,754 research outputs found

    People in different age groups show different hip-joint morphology

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    It has been suggested that the distribution of the subchondral bone density may be regarded as the expression of the long-term effective stress in a joint, and previous results indicate the regularity of the distribution of subchondral bone density as a function of the passing demands made upon a joint. Computed tomography-osteoabsorptiometry has been developed to visualize the area distribution of subchondral mineralization in the major joints in vivo. The purpose of this study was to display the distribution of subchondral bone density in the acetabular cup of patients of different ages. Computer tomography data files of hip joints of 27 patients (18–89 years) were used. Density ranges, image analysis, and area presentation of the distribution of subchondral mineralization are presented. The maximal subchondral mineralization in young persons is found both in the ventral and dorsal part of the acetabular roof. In older people, however, the densest areas are most often found at the zenith of the acetabulum. These morphological results could be well explained by the experimental results of other authors who found a joint incongruity in young persons with contact areas in the ventral and dorsal part of the acetabulum. With advancing age a decrease in incongruence is found, leading to an increased stress in the dome, i.e. in the area where degenerative changes are often found

    Lighting as a Circadian Rhythm-Entraining and Alertness-Enhancing Stimulus in the Submarine Environment

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    The human brain can only accommodate a circadian rhythm that closely follows 24 hours. Thus, for a work schedule to meet the brain’s hard-wired requirement, it must employ a 24 hour-based program. However, the 6 hours on, 12 hours off (6/12) submarine watchstanding schedule creates an 18-hour “day” that Submariners must follow. Clearly, the 6/12 schedule categorically fails to meet the brain’s operational design, and no schedule other than one tuned to the brain’s 24 hour rhythm can optimize performance. Providing Submariners with a 24 hour-based watchstanding schedule—combined with effective circadian entrainment techniques using carefully-timed exposure to light—would allow crewmembers to work at the peak of their daily performance cycle and acquire more restorative sleep. In the submarine environment, where access to natural light is absent, electric lighting can play an important role in actively entraining—and closely maintaining—circadian regulation. Another area that is likely to have particular importance in the submarine environment is the potential effect of light to help restore or maintain alertness

    Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) for particle physics and synchrotron applications

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    A new avalanche silicon detector concept is introduced with a low gain in the region of ten, known as a Low Gain Avalanche Detector, LGAD. The detector's characteristics are simulated via a full process simulation to obtain the required doping profiles which demonstrate the desired operational characteristics of high breakdown voltage (500 V) and a gain of 10 at 200 V reverse bias for X-ray detection. The first low gain avalanche detectors fabricated by Micron Semiconductor Ltd are presented. The doping profiles of the multiplication junctions were measured with SIMS and reproduced by simulating the full fabrication process which enabled further development of the manufacturing process. The detectors are 300 ÎŒm thick p-type silicon with a resistivity of 8.5 kΩcm, which fully depletes at 116 V. The current characteristics are presented and demonstrate breakdown voltages in excess of 500 V and a current density of 40 to 100 nAcm−2 before breakdown measured at 20oC. The gain of the LGAD has been measured with a red laser (660 nm) and shown to be between 9 and 12 for an external bias voltage range from 150 V to 300 V

    Luminous Intensity for Traffic Signals: A Scientific Basis for Performance Specifications

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    Humnan factors experiments on visual responses to simulated traffic signals using incandescent lamps and light-emitting diodes are described

    Solitons in the Yakushevich model of DNA beyond the contact approximation

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    The Yakushevich model of DNA torsion dynamics supports soliton solutions, which are supposed to be of special interest for DNA transcription. In the discussion of the model, one usually adopts the approximation ℓ0→0\ell_0 \to 0, where ℓ0\ell_0 is a parameter related to the equilibrium distance between bases in a Watson-Crick pair. Here we analyze the Yakushevich model without ℓ0→0\ell_0 \to 0. The model still supports soliton solutions indexed by two winding numbers (n,m)(n,m); we discuss in detail the fundamental solitons, corresponding to winding numbers (1,0) and (0,1) respectively

    The q-deformed Bose gas: Integrability and thermodynamics

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    We investigate the exact solution of the q-deformed one-dimensional Bose gas to derive all integrals of motion and their corresponding eigenvalues. As an application, the thermodynamics is given and compared to an effective field theory at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Semiflexible Filamentous Composites

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    Inspired by the ubiquity of composite filamentous networks in nature we investigate models of biopolymer networks that consist of interconnected floppy and stiff filaments. Numerical simulations carried out in three dimensions allow us to explore the microscopic partitioning of stresses and strains between the stiff and floppy fractions c_s and c_f, and reveal a non-trivial relationship between the mechanical behavior and the relative fraction of stiff polymer: when there are few stiff polymers, non-percolated stiff ``inclusions`` are protected from large deformations by an encompassing floppy matrix, while at higher fractions of stiff material the stiff network is independently percolated and dominates the mechanical response.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett, to appear (4 pages, 2 figures

    Performance evaluation of novel square-bordered position-sensitive silicon detectors with four-corner readout

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    We report on a recently developed novel type of large area (62 mm x 62 mm) position sensitive silicon detector with four-corner readout. It consists of a square-shaped ion-implanted resistive anode framed by additional low-resistivity strips with resistances smaller than the anode surface resistance by a factor of 2. The detector position linearity, position resolution, and energy resolution were measured with alpha-particles and heavy ions. In-beam experimental results reveal a position resolution below 1 mm (FWHM) and a very good non-linearity of less than 1% (rms). The energy resolution determined from 228Th alpha source measurements is around 2% (FWHM).Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Finite-temperature correlations in the one-dimensional trapped and untrapped Bose gases

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    We calculate the dynamic single-particle and many-particle correlation functions at non-zero temperature in one-dimensional trapped repulsive Bose gases. The decay for increasing distance between the points of these correlation functions is governed by a scaling exponent that has a universal expression in terms of observed quantities. This expression is valid in the weak-interaction Gross-Pitaevskii as well as in the strong-interaction Girardeau-Tonks limit, but the observed quantities involved depend on the interaction strength. The confining trap introduces a weak center-of-mass dependence in the scaling exponent. We also conjecture results for the density-density correlation function.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, Revtex
