47 research outputs found
Toponymic phraseological unit, linguistic thinking and discourse: Russia, France and Italy
Studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic and discursive manifestations in Russian, French and Italian linguistic cultures. National discourse in correlation with linguistic thinking is studied based on interpretative analysis of phraseology. In the context of the anthropocentric paradigm, the authors carry out a linguistic interpretation of systemic toponymic phraseological mean
A restorative approach in pedagogical and preventive work with juvenile offenders
The relevance of this topic due to the need for further theoretical development and practical implementation of the methods of mediation and restorative approach as the most important means of educational-pedagogical interventions in preventive work with minors in conflict with the law, particularly in the field of criminal justice. The purpose of this article is to identify relevant issues using a restorative approach and mediation in the prevention of crime and unlawful behavior of minors in conflict with the law (especially in criminal proceedings), to develop scientifically based suggestions for their solution. Leading method to the study of this problem is a comparative legal analysis, which allows to study Russian and foreign experience of application of restorative approach and mediation in the prevention of crime and offending behaviour among minors in conflict with the law; to identify opportunities for the use of mediation to different categories of juveniles who are the subjects of criminal proceedings. The results of the study: specification of the capabilities and methods of the restorative approach and mediation in preventive work with minors in conflict with the law, and in particular in the field of criminal justice. Recommendations to improve the application of regenerative technologies and mediation as the main means of pedagogical influence): in the practical work of judges in cases involving minors, the work of agencies, institutions, and all individuals associated with pedagogical-preventive activity. © 2016 Ozhiganova, Moskalenko & Bolgova
The main directions of the reform of higher education in the Russian Federation. The letter explains the purpose and prospects of modernization of higher education and the impact on society. Considered effective forms and methods of management. Allocated social problems facing higher education today
The main directions of the reform of higher education in the Russian Federation. The letter explains the purpose and prospects of modernization of higher education and the impact on society. Considered effective forms and methods of management. Allocated social problems facing higher education today
The main directions of the transformation of higher education in the Russian Federation. Clarifications on the role of leadership in the management decision-making in higher education. The formation of a broad group of larger competitive at the national level, regional universities and their focus on quality training of specialists in demand on the regional labor market. Obtained problem management decision-making, strategy development and their relationship with the state policy in the sphere of higher education
The main directions of the transformation of higher education in the Russian Federation. Clarifications on the role of leadership in the management decision-making in higher education. The formation of a broad group of larger competitive at the national level, regional universities and their focus on quality training of specialists in demand on the regional labor market. Obtained problem management decision-making, strategy development and their relationship with the state policy in the sphere of higher education
Зміна якості Pleurotus eryngii в процесі вакуумної сушки
Quick and accurate determination of oil content is extremely important to control the oil content of vacuum fried fruit and vegetable chips. This article uses fresh Pleurotus eryngii as raw materials to explore the influence of different vacuum frying times (0–14 min) on the moisture distribution, oil changes and quality of Pleurotus eryngii strips. The results show that as the frying time increases, the lateral relaxation time required for the taro strips to drop from the highest point of the signal amplitude to smooth becomes shorter and shorter, and the decay rate becomes faster and faster, that is, when the frying time is 14 minutes, The attenuation curvature and velocity are the largest. The oil content and brittleness of Pleurotus eryngii strips are significantly increased (P < 0.05); the water content is significantly reduced (P < 0.05); the hardness first decreases and then increases (P < 0.05); the brightness L* value does not change much, and the color is not Significant change (P > 0.05). At the same time, low-field NMR shows that the high-degree-of-freedom water in the pleurotus eryngii strips migrates to the low-degree-of-freedom water during the vacuum frying process. Among them, the free water in the pleurotus eryngii strips has a large degree of freedom. It has been removed, resulting in poor mobility and increased inability to flow. Part of the free water migrates to the semi-bound water, and most of the semi-bound water migrates outward as free water and then is removed. From this, all peaks are gradually removed. Moving to the left, the total peak area decreases. During the frying process, the T2 relaxation time of Pleurotus eryngii strips all shifted to the left, the total peak area is continuously reduced, the water content is getting less and less, the fat content is getting higher and higher, and the fat content distributed in the edge shell is always higher than Other locations. Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technology can provide a fast, accurate, and non-destructive method for detecting moisture and grease for the vacuum-fried fruit and vegetable chips. As the frying time increases, the inner contour of the MRI image of Pleurotus eryngii strips gradually becomes blurred, the brightness gradually decreases, the volume shrinks, the less water, and the image interior is close to the background color (blue), indicating that the sample has reached the end of drying; and The grease content is distributed in the edge shell layer higher than other positions. Therefore, the water is continuously removed, the oil signal becomes stronger and stronger, and the oil content of the sample becomes higher and higher.Швидке, точне визначення вмісту жиру в фруктових та овочевих чіпсах при вакуумному сушіння має надзвичайне значення. Сировиною для дослідження обрано свіжий Pleurotus eryngii. В статті вивчали вплив тривалості вакуумного сушіння (0–14 хв) на розподіл вологи, зміну вмісту жиру та якість слайсів Pleurotus eryngii. В результаті досліджень встановлено, що із збільшенням часу обжарювання до 14 хв час латеральної релаксації, необхідний для падіння слайсів з найвищої точки стає коротшим, а швидкість затухання – більшою. Коли час обжарювання становить 4 хв, крива та швидкість затухання є найбільшими. Вміст жиру та крихкість слайсів Pleurotus eryngii значно збільшуються (P < 0,05); вміст води значно знижується (Р < 0,05); твердість спочатку зменшується, а потім збільшується (Р < 0,05); значення яскравості L * та колір змінюються не суттєво (P > 0,05). Однак, в процесі вакуумної сушки ЯМР в низькому полі показує, що вода з високим ступенем свободи в слайсах Pleurotus eryngii мігрує у воду з низьким ступенем свободи. Більша частина води мігрує назовні та видаляється. В результаті піки поступово прибираються. Під час сушіння час релаксації T2 слайсів Pleurotus eryngii зміщується вліво, загальна площа піків постійно зменшується, вміст вологи знижується, вміст жиру рівномірно збільшується. Вміст жиру в поверхневих шарах більший, ніж в середніх. Технологія ядерного магнітного резонатора з низьким полем може забезпечити швидкий, точний і якісний метод визначення вологи та жиру висушених у вакуумі фруктових та овочевих слайсів. Зі збільшенням часу обжарювання внутрішній контур МРТ-зображення слайсів Pleurotus eryngii поступово стає розмитим, яскравість та об’єм зменшуються, а внутрішня частина по кольору наближається до кольору фону (синій). Це вказує на закінчення процесу сушіння. Отже, волога неперервно видаляється, сигнал жиру стає все сильнішим, а отже його вміст зростає
Education as a Condition for Social Well-being of Human
This article touches upon the idea of new educational models which are a guarantee of social well-being. We argue that a classical model of university should necessarily go through a series of changes due to many objective reasons. Contemporary epistemology is symbolizing renaissance. Nowadays knowledge is transformed into information. Hence, information may be interpreted as that, what changes us or as past experience. We bring to the attention different educational models such as: a model of world-class university, an elitist model, a mass model, a two-level model, a networking model, a university of the third age. University is more and more involved in solution of many problems of modern world such as, training of specialists, social elite education, and provision of universal level of education. We also argue that the key task of educational process now is pragmatic values formation instead of the development of inner world of a person through educational process. There are new criteria for understanding the level of developing society. We put particular emphasis and consider the educational model of lifelong learning as one that gives the opportunity to students of different ages to study in various fields of science. This is unlimited research process the sense of which is to find truth, discover new form of knowledge during whole life-time
Expression of human beta-defensins-1, 2 and 4 mRNA in human lung tumor tissue: a pilot study
To analyze the patterns of human beta-defensin-1, 2, 4 (hBDs) expression in human lung tumors. Materials and Methods: Tissue samples of surgically resected human lung tumors (squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), n = 10; adenocarcinoma (AC), n = 10) paired with conditionally normal tissue samples were analized for expression of hBD-1, 2, 4 mRNA by semiquantitive RT-PCR. Results: In a number of studied lung cancer tissue samples, overexpression of defensin mRNA was registered: hBD-1 mRNA (50% of SCC and 60% AC), hBD-2 mRNA (60% of SCC and 50% of AC) or hBD-4 (40% of SCC and 20% AC). No correlation was detected between the levels of hBD-1, hBD-2 and hBD-4 mRNA and histological type, differentiation grade of the tumor, and the stage of the disease, as well as the content of hBD-2 peptide in blood serum of lung cancer patients. Conclusion: Human beta-defensins-1 and -2 are often up-regulated in human lung tumors.Цель: проанализировать особенности экспрессии мРНК бета-дефенсинов-1, 2, 4 (hBDs) в ткани опухоли легкого человека.
Материалы и методы: с помощью метода полуколичественного RT-PCR-анализа изучали уровень экспрессии мРНК
hBD-1, 2, 4 в образцах ткани хирургически удаленных опухолей легкого человека (плоскоклеточный рак — ПКР, n = 10;
аденокарцинома — AК, n = 10) по сравнению с образцами условно-нормальной ткани легкого тех же пациентов. Результаты:
в ряде исследованных образцов опухолей легкого выявлена повышенная экспрессия мРНК hBD-1 (50% ПКР и 60% AК),
hBD-2 (60% ПКР и 50% АК) или hBD-4 (40% ПКР и 20% AК). Зависимости между уровнем экспрессии бета-дефенсинов
и гистологическим типом опухоли, стадией заболевания и содержанием пептида hBD-2 в сыворотке крови больных не
установлено. Выводы: в ткани опухоли легкого человека часто активирована экспрессия hBD-1 и hBD-2
Education as a condition for social wel-being of human
This article touches upon the idea of new educational models which are a guarantee of social well-being. We argue that a classical model of university should necessarily go through a series of changes due to many objective reasons. Contemporary epistemology is symbolizing renaissance. Nowadays knowledge is transformed into information. Hence, information may be interpreted as that, what changes us or as past experience. We bring to the attention different educational models such as: a model of world-class university, an elitist model, a mass model, a two-level model, a networking model, a university of the third age. University is more and more involved in solution of many problems of modern world such as, training of specialists, social elite education, and provision of universal level of education. We also argue that the key task of educational process now is pragmatic values formation instead of the development of inner world of a person through educational process. There are new criteria for understanding the level of developing society. We put particular emphasis and consider the educational model of lifelong learning as one that gives the opportunity to students of different ages to study in various fields of science. This is unlimited research process the sense of which is to find truth, discover new form of knowledge during whole life-time