228 research outputs found

    Relações entre julgamento moral e comportamento moral em função do nível de ansiedade

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    Neste estudo examinámos a debatida questão da consistência entre juízo moral e conduta moral, por um lado, e as possíveis relações entre consistência moral e ansiedade, por outro. 28 estudantes universitários, com idades compreendidas entre os 17-30 anos, foram avaliados no seu nível de desenvolvimento moral, numa medida de resistência A tentação e no seu grau de ansiedade, entendida quer em termos de traço, quer em termos de estado. De modo global, os resultados são consistentes com a hipótese da relação entre juizo moral e aqão moral, por um lado, e parecem indicar que tal relação é mediada pela ansiedade estado, mas não traço, por outro. Contudo, o tamanho da amostra bem como o facto de alguns sujeitos se terem comportado de modo surpreendente, na situação de resistência a tentação, sugerem que: tais resultados devem ser interpretados cautelosamente e olhados como muito exploratórios. ------ ABSTRACT ------- One of the major criticisms of Piaget’s andl Kohlberg’s theories of development is that they overemphasize cognition at the expense of behavior and feelings. The purpose of this project is tci investigate the relationships between moral judgmeni: and moral behavior, as possibly mediated by anxiety. liventy-eight college students of both sexes werc: piaced into a temptation situation in which they couldi faisify exam scores. The instruments used were Gibba et al. (1984) ((Sociomoral Reflection Objective: Measuren and Spielberger’s (&ate-Trait Anxiety Inventory)), both in their Brazilian/Portuguese: language versions. The results revealed that four students changed their scores upwards, while three of them changed them downwards. The moral judgement leve1 of those who changed their scores upwards was lower (but not significantly so) than that of the ahonest subjects)). Surprisingly, the lowest moral judgement scores were those of the subjects who decreased their scores. These subjects were ais0 higher on state-anxiety than the other groups. A11 comparisons were made by non-parametric Kruskai-Wallis Anovas. The data were discussed in terms of the complexity of the interrelationships among the variables studied, and the possible interference of intelligence, attention, and carelessness among those who decreased their scores. Severa1 other studies are under way for this project, including a study of criminal prisoners, whose moral judgment scores are significantly lower than those of college students. Another investigation looks at the relationships between altruism, social activism, and moral judgment. 45

    Ainda Sobre Metodologias, Estágios E Analogias:: Uma Resposta A Macedo

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    This article constitutes a reply to Macedo's (1985) commentson my earlier article entitled " In defense of experimentation: Resortingto Piaget..." (Biaggio, 1985). Common viewpoints are mentionedand a reply to Macedo's objections is presented, stressing that an analogicalrelationship is not an equality relationship, and that methods are notarbitrary and may vary in degree of precision. The possibility thatmethods more advanced than the experimental may exist is discussedin the light of research on post-formal stages of cognitive development.RESUMO - Este artigo constitui uma resposta aos comentários de Macedo (1985) a respeito de meu artigo anterior, intitulado "Em defesa da experimentação: recorrendo a Piaget..." (Biaggio, 1985). Pontos de vista comuns são mencionados e respostas às objeções são apresentadas, enfatizando-se que uma relação de analogia não é uma relação de igualdade, que os métodos não são arbitrários e podem variar em grau de precisão ou validade. A possibilidade de métodos que sejam mais avançados que o experimental é discutida à luz de pesquisas sobre estágios pós-formais de desenvolvimento cognitivo


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    The relevance of experimentation in psychology has been subject to heated debate in recent years and alternative methods have been suggested and defended, emphasizing qualitative obser- vation and intuition. This tendency is especially noted in Latin América. The central thesis of this paper is based on an analogy between the sequence of stages proposed by Piaget, which is widely accepted, and several methodologies, specifically, it is argued that phenomenology and other methodologies based on intuition and on the qualitative are to pre-operational thought what the experimental method is to formal thought. This point of view is dicussed in detail and various examples are presented.RESUMO-A adequação da experimentação em Psicologia tem sido um problema de aceso debate nos últimos anos, e metodologias alternativas têm sido sugeridas e defendidas, enfatizando a observação qualitativa e a intuição. Esta tendência se nota especialmente na América Latina. A tese central deste trabalho baseia-se em uma analogia entre a seqüência de estágios proposta por Piaget, que tem ampla aceitação, e várias metodologias. Especificamente, argumentase aqui que a fenomenologia e outras metodologias baseadas na intuição e no qualitativo estão para o pensamento pré-operacional assim como método experimental está para o pensamento formaloperacional, isto é, para o nível mais elevado de pensamento. Este ponto é discutido em detalhe e vários exemplos são apresentados

    Discussões De Julgamento Moral -: Idiossincrasias Do Caso Brasileiro

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    This paper describes a series of studies in which Kohlbergand Blatt's group discussion technique was utilized with the purpose ofraising maturity of moral judgement. Subjects in Study I were 31 eighthgradersof both sexes who showed significant gains from pre-test topost-test. Study II has as subjects Education undergraduate studentswho also showed gains in moral maturity. The most striking resultswere a case of serendipity: Brazilian adolescents generally do not liketo discuss dilemmas brought by the experimenter or group discussioncoordinator. An attempt was made to elaborate a set of locallyrelevantdilemmas after participating in the group discussions and after learningthe basics of Kohlberg's theory. Three of these dilemmas are reportedin full, for illustrative purposes.The reluctance to accept ready-made dilemmas is discussed interms of previous findings of low incidence of Stage IV thinking amongBrazilians. The need for adaptation of the moral discussion techniqueand analogous ones is emphasized.RESUMO - Este trabalho descreve uma série de estudos nos quais a técnica de discussão de grupo de Kohlberg e Blatt foi utilizada, com o objetivo de aumentar o nível de maturidade de julgamento moral. Os sujeitos do Estudo 1 foram 31 alunos de oitava série, de ambos os sexos, que revelaram ganhos significativos de pré para pós-teste. O Estudo 2 teve como sujeitos estudantes de Pedagogia, que também apresentaram ganhos. Os resultados mais interessantes foram acidentais. Os adolescentes brasileiros geralmente não aceitam bem ter de discutir dilemas trazidos pelo pesquisador ou pelo coordenador das discussões de grupo. Foi feita uma tentativa de elaboração de dilemas com um grupo de adolescentes e com estudantes de mestrado, depois de participarem das discussões (no caso dos adolescentes) e depois de conhecer a teoria e o instrumento de Kohlberg (no caso dos estudantes de mestrado). Três desses dilemas são reproduzidos, para finalidades ilustrativas. A relutância em aceitar dilemas prontos e discutida a luz de resultados anteriores que revelam baixa incidência de pensamento tipo estágio 4 (lei e ordem) entre os jovens brasileiros, e à luz da atual conjuntura política e educacional. A necessidade de adaptação da técnica de discussão e outras técnicas análogas é enfatizada

    Desenvolvimento De Uma Escala Para Medir O Nível De Satisfação Do Adolescente Em Sua Família

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    This article reports the work done on the construction ofan instrument to measure the level of satisfaction of the adolescent withhis family. The theoretical support points to four indicators of satisfactionwith the family: relationship between the parents, relationships betweenparents and children, socio-cultural and economic level, andrelationships with siblings. At a first stage, 200 adolescents, ages 14-17,taking the first year of high-school, listed family behaviors relevant tothese indicators. The most frequent behaviors were written as items of afirst version of the scale, with 94 items. Internal consistency was .96(alpha) and item-total score correlations varied from .18 to .71. The finalform of the scale consisted of the 64 items with highest reliability'varying from .33 to .71). The value of alpha for the total scale was .96. Criterion validity was obtained by correlating scores on the scale withratings that two psychologists gave to compositions on "My family". Thecorrelation was .46 (p < .01), which is statistically significant, althoughnot high in absolute value. The data on reliability summarized above arequite satisfactory. We may conclude that we have obtained aninstrument which is adequate to its purposes, and that can be useful inschool and clinical practice.RESUMO - O presente artigo relata o trabalho de elaboração de um instrumento para medir o nível de satisfação do adolescente com sua família. A fundamentação teórica aponta para quatro indicadores da satisfação com a família: relações entre os pais, relações entre os pais e filhos, nível sócio-cultural e relacionamento com irmãos. Numa etapa inicial, 200 adolescentes de 14 a 17 anos, alunos do 1.° ano do 2° grau, listaram comportamentos de suas famílias, referentes a esses indicadores. Os comportamentos mais freqüentes foram transformados em itens de uma primeira versão de escala, com 94 itens. A consistência interna foi de 0,96 (alfa) e as correlações item-escore total variaram de 0,18 a 0,71. A forma final da escala constou dos 64 itens com maior índice de fidedignidade (variando de 0,33 a 0,71, com média 0,51). O valor de alfa para a escala total foi de 0,96. A validade de critério foi obtida, correlacionando-se escores na escala com as avaliações que dois psicólogos fizeram de redações sobre "Minha família". A correlação foi de 0,46 (p < 0,01), o que, se não é muito alto em termos de valor absoluto, é estatisticamente significante. Os dados de fidedignidade resumidos acima são bastante satisfatórios. Pode-se concluir que se obteve um instrumento adequado para a finalidade e que pode ser útil na escola e na prática clínic

    Zinc: What Is Its Role in Lung Cancer?

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    Recently, zinc emerged as an important signaling molecule, activating intracellular pathways and regulating cell fate, although our knowledge remains incomplete. Zinc is required in many enzymatic and metabolic pathways, playing roles as enzyme cofactors. In normal cell physiology, optimal zinc availability is essential for regular growth and proliferation. Zinc accumulation has varied effects: from stimulation to inhibition of cell growth, depending on type. There is evidence that zinc is capable of inducing apoptosis in some cancers, while others proved that zinc may act as apoptosis activator depending on the dose and cell type. Upregulation of telomerase in most cancer tissues is considered to be responsible for unlimited proliferation of cancer cells, and in some cell lines, it was induced by Zn. These suggest that Zn is highly involved in cell cycle and metabolism; whether it goes to the survival or the cancer pathway depends on the concentration and the cell type involved. Nevertheless, the conclusion is that Zn is not just another trace element; but a vital one and further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in cancer and metastatic spread in order to identify potential therapies

    Fathers’ parenting self-efficacy during the transition to parenthood

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    "Published online: 09 Jun 2016"Background: Little is known about the development of fathers’ parenting self-efficacy during the transition to parenthood. Objectives: To analyse (1) fathers’ parenting self-efficacy developmental path and (2) the effects of anxious and depressive symptoms and coparenting support on fathers’ parenting self-efficacy developmental path, from the first trimester of pregnancy to 6 months postpartum. Methods: Eighty-six fathers recruited at the first trimester of pregnancy completed self-report measures of anxious and depressive symptoms, coparenting support and parenting self-efficacy at the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, and at 1 and 6 months postpartum. Growth curve models were performed. Results: An increase in fathers’ parenting self-efficacy was found from the first trimester of pregnancy to 6 months postpartum. The main effects of anxious symptoms and interaction effects of anxious symptoms and time were found on fathers’ parenting self-efficacy. Fathers with higher anxious symptoms revealed lower levels of parenting self-efficacy at the first trimester of pregnancy and a lower increase of parenting self-efficacy from this time to 6 months postpartum. The main effects of coparenting support were found in fathers’ parenting self-efficacy. At the first trimester of pregnancy, fathers who perceived more coparenting support revealed higher levels of parenting self-efficacy. Conclusion: The present study may contribute to the literature by describing fathers’ parenting self-efficacy developmental path and the effects of anxious symptoms and coparenting support on fathers’ parenting self-efficacy developmental path during the transition to parenthood.PTDC/SAU/SAP/116738/201

    Sleep during the third trimester of pregnancy: the role of depression and anxiety

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    Depression has been associated with sleep disturbances in pregnancy; however, no previous research has controlled the possible confounding effect of anxiety on this association. This study aims to analyze the effect of depression on sleep during the third trimester of pregnancy controlling for anxiety. The sample was composed by 143 depressed (n = 77) and non-depressed (n = 66) pregnant women who completed measures of depression, anxiety, and sleep. Differences between groups in sleep controlling for anxiety were found. Depressed pregnant women present higher number of nocturnal awakenings and spent more hours trying falling asleep during the night and the entire 24 h period. Present findings point out the effect of depression on sleep in late pregnancy, after controlling for anxiety.This research was supported by FEDER Funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project: PTDC/SAU/SAP/116738/2010