99 research outputs found

    Occurrence and Etiology of Brown Apical Necrosis on Persian (English) Walnut Fruit.

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    In 1998, a severe fruit drop was observed in Italy, principally on cv. Lara Persian (English) walnut (Juglans regia). Dropped fruit showed a brown patch at the blossom end and blackening and rot of inner tissues. The disease, called brown apical necrosis (BAN), was investigated on fruit collected in Italy and France in 1999. In 2000, studies were carried out in three walnut orchards located in Italy and in France to substantiate the etiology of BAN. Isolations performed from inner diseased fruit tissues yielded several fungi, in decreasing frequency of isolation: species of Fusarium and Alternaria, and one species each of Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, and Phomopsis. However, only Fusarium spp. were recovered from stigmas of BAN-affected fruit. The fungi associated with BAN-diseased fruit and species composition differed among locations and over time, confirming results obtained in previous investigations. The species of Fusarium used in pathogenicity tests reproduced BAN-disease symptoms when inoculated on fruit, whereas an Alternaria alternata isolate caused only limited necrosis of the style. However, the role of the other fungi commonly isolated from BAN-diseased fruit remains to be defined. The walnut blight pathogen, Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis, occasionally was isolated from BAN-diseased fruit. No correlation was found between the extent of external brown patches and the size of inner lesions. Repeated isolations from and inoculations of fruit demonstrated that BAN can be considered a complex disease, and the inner infections originate from the style of the fruit

    The CXCR4/CXCR7/CXCL12 Axis Is Involved in a Secondary but Complex Control of Neuroblastoma Metastatic Cell Homing.

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is one of the most deadly solid tumors of the young child, for which new efficient and targeted therapies are strongly needed. The CXCR4/CXCR7/CXCL12 chemokine axis has been involved in the progression and organ-specific dissemination of various cancers. In NB, CXCR4 expression was shown to be associated to highly aggressive undifferentiated tumors, while CXCR7 expression was detected in more differentiated and mature neuroblastic tumors. As investigated in vivo, using an orthotopic model of tumor cell implantation of chemokine receptor-overexpressing NB cells (IGR-NB8), the CXCR4/CXCR7/CXCL12 axis was shown to regulate NB primary and secondary growth, although without any apparent influence on organ selective metastasis. In the present study, we addressed the selective role of CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors in the homing phase of metastatic dissemination using an intravenous model of tumor cell implantation. Tail vein injection into NOD-scid-gamma mice of transduced IGR-NB8 cells overexpressing CXCR4, CXCR7, or both receptors revealed that all transduced cell variants preferentially invaded the adrenal gland and typical NB metastatic target organs, such as the liver and the bone marrow. However, CXCR4 expression favored NB cell dissemination to the liver and the lungs, while CXCR7 was able to strongly promote NB cell homing to the adrenal gland and the liver. Finally, coexpression of CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors significantly and selectively increased NB dissemination toward the bone marrow. In conclusion, CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors may be involved in a complex and organ-dependent control of NB growth and selective homing, making these receptors and their inhibitors potential new therapeutic targets

    Cultivation area affects the presence of fungal communities and secondary metabolites in Italian durum wheat grains

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    In this study, durum wheat kernels harvested in three climatically different Italian cultivation areas (Emilia Romagna, Umbria and Sardinia) in 2015, were analyzed with a combination of different isolation methods to determine their fungal communities, with a focus on Fusarium head blight (FHB) complex composition, and to detect fungal secondary metabolites in the grains. The genus Alternaria was the main component of durum wheat mycobiota in all investigated regions, with the Central Italian cultivation area showing the highest incidence of this fungal genus and of its secondary metabolites. Fusarium was the second most prevalent genus of the fungal community in all cultivation environments, even if regional differences in species composition were detected. In particular, Northern areas showed the highest Fusarium incidence, followed by Central and then Southern cultivation areas. Focusing on the FHB complex, a predominance of Fusarium poae, in particular in Northern and Central cultivation areas, was found. Fusarium graminearum, in the analyzed year, was mainly detected in Emilia Romagna. Because of the highest Fusarium incidence, durum wheat harvested in the Northern cultivation area showed the highest presence of Fusarium secondary metabolites. These results show that durum wheat cultivated in Northern Italy may be subject to a higher FHB infection risk and to Fusarium mycotoxins accumulation

    Low number of neurosecretory vesicles in neuroblastoma impairs massive catecholamine release and prevents hypertension.

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is a pediatric cancer of the developing sympathetic nervous system. It produces and releases metanephrines, which are used as biomarkers for diagnosis in plasma and urine. However, plasma catecholamine concentrations remain generally normal in children with NB. Thus, unlike pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PHEO/PGL), two other non-epithelial neuroendocrine tumors, hypertension is not part of the usual clinical picture of patients with NB. This suggests that the mode of production and secretion of catecholamines and metanephrines in NB is different from that in PHEO/PGL, but little is known about these discrepancies. Here we aim to provide a detailed comparison of the biosynthesis, metabolism and storage of catecholamines and metanephrines between patients with NB and PHEO. Catecholamines and metanephrines were quantified in NB and PHEO/PGL patients from plasma and tumor tissues by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Electron microscopy was used to quantify neurosecretory vesicles within cells derived from PHEO tumor biopsies, NB-PDX and NB cell lines. Chromaffin markers were detected by qPCR, IHC and/or immunoblotting. Plasma levels of metanephrines were comparable between NB and PHEO patients, while catecholamines were 3.5-fold lower in NB vs PHEO affected individuals. However, we observed that intratumoral concentrations of metanephrines and catecholamines measured in NB were several orders of magnitude lower than in PHEO. Cellular and molecular analyses revealed that NB cell lines, primary cells dissociated from human tumor biopsies as well as cells from patient-derived xenograft tumors (NB-PDX) stored a very low amount of intracellular catecholamines, and contained only rare neurosecretory vesicles relative to PHEO cells. In addition, primary NB expressed reduced levels of numerous chromaffin markers, as compared to PHEO/PGL, except catechol O-methyltransferase and monoamine oxidase A. Furthermore, functional assays through induction of chromaffin differentiation of the IMR32 NB cell line with Bt2cAMP led to an increase of neurosecretory vesicles able to secrete catecholamines after KCl or nicotine stimulation. The low amount of neurosecretory vesicles in NB cytoplasm prevents catecholamine storage and lead to their rapid transformation by catechol O-methyltransferase into metanephrines that diffuse in blood. Hence, in contrast to PHEO/PGL, catecholamines are not secreted massively in the blood, which explains why systemic hypertension is not observed in most patients with NB

    Low number of neurosecretory vesicles in neuroblastoma impairs massive catecholamine release and prevents hypertension

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    Introduction: Neuroblastoma (NB) is a pediatric cancer of the developing sympathetic nervous system. It produces and releases metanephrines, which are used as biomarkers for diagnosis in plasma and urine. However, plasma catecholamine concentrations remain generally normal in children with NB. Thus, unlike pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PHEO/PGL), two other non-epithelial neuroendocrine tumors, hypertension is not part of the usual clinical picture of patients with NB. This suggests that the mode of production and secretion of catecholamines and metanephrines in NB is different from that in PHEO/PGL, but little is known about these discrepancies. Here we aim to provide a detailed comparison of the biosynthesis, metabolism and storage of catecholamines and metanephrines between patients with NB and PHEO. Method: Catecholamines and metanephrines were quantified in NB and PHEO/PGL patients from plasma and tumor tissues by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Electron microscopy was used to quantify neurosecretory vesicles within cells derived from PHEO tumor biopsies, NB-PDX and NB cell lines. Chromaffin markers were detected by qPCR, IHC and/or immunoblotting. Results: Plasma levels of metanephrines were comparable between NB and PHEO patients, while catecholamines were 3.5-fold lower in NB vs PHEO affected individuals. However, we observed that intratumoral concentrations of metanephrines and catecholamines measured in NB were several orders of magnitude lower than in PHEO. Cellular and molecular analyses revealed that NB cell lines, primary cells dissociated from human tumor biopsies as well as cells from patient-derived xenograft tumors (NB-PDX) stored a very low amount of intracellular catecholamines, and contained only rare neurosecretory vesicles relative to PHEO cells. In addition, primary NB expressed reduced levels of numerous chromaffin markers, as compared to PHEO/PGL, except catechol O-methyltransferase and monoamine oxidase A. Furthermore, functional assays through induction of chromaffin differentiation of the IMR32 NB cell line with Bt2cAMP led to an increase of neurosecretory vesicles able to secrete catecholamines after KCl or nicotine stimulation. Conclusion: The low amount of neurosecretory vesicles in NB cytoplasm prevents catecholamine storage and lead to their rapid transformation by catechol O-methyltransferase into metanephrines that diffuse in blood. Hence, in contrast to PHEO/PGL, catecholamines are not secreted massively in the blood, which explains why systemic hypertension is not observed in most patients with NB

    Composition, Development, and Function of Uterine Innate Lymphoid Cells.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), including NK cells, contribute to barrier immunity and tissue homeostasis. In addition to the role of uterine NK cells in placentation and fetal growth, other uterine ILCs (uILCs) are likely to play roles in uterine physiology and pathology. In this article, we report on the composition of uILCs in the endometrium during the luteal phase and in the decidua during early pregnancy. Whereas nonkiller uILC1s and uILC2s are barely detectable in mouse and not detected in humans, a sizeable population of uILC3s is found in human endometrium and decidua, which are mostly NCR(+) and partially overlap with previously described IL-22-producing uterine NK cells. Development of mouse uILC3 is Nfil3 independent, suggesting unique features of uILCs. Indeed, although the cytokine production profile of mouse uILCs recapitulates that described in other tissues, IL-5, IL-17, and IL-22 are constitutively produced by uILC2s and uILC3s. This study lays the foundation to understand how ILCs function in the specialized uterine mucosa, both in tissue homeostasis and barrier immunity and during pregnancy.Work supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation and the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research to FC. EB is the recipient of a Centre for Trophoblast Research Graduate Studentship. SB is the recipient of a Marie Curie FP7 Fellowship.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Association of Immunologists via http://dx.doi.org/10.4049/​jimmunol.150068

    FcRav2, a gene with a ROGDI domain involved in Fusarium head blight and crown rot on durum wheat caused by Fusarium culmorum

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    Fusarium culmorum is a soil-borne fungal pathogen which causes foot and root rot and Fusarium head blight on small-grain cereals, in particular wheat and barley. It causes significant yield and quality losses and results in the contamination of kernels with type B trichothecene mycotoxins. Our knowledge of the pathogenicity factors of this fungus is still limited. A transposon tagging approach based on the mimp1/impala double-component system has allowed us to select a mutant altered in multiple metabolic and morphological processes, trichothecene production and virulence. The flanking regions of mimp1 were used to seek homologies in the F. culmorum genome, and revealed that mimp1 had reinserted within the last exon of a gene encoding a hypothetical protein of 318 amino acids which contains a ROGDI-like leucine zipper domain, supposedly playing a protein\u2013protein interaction or regulatory role. By functional complementation and bioinformatic analysis, we characterized the gene as the yeast Rav2 homologue, confirming the high level of divergence in multicellular fungi. Deletion of FcRav2 or its orthologous gene in F. graminearum highlighted its ability to influence a number of functions, including virulence, trichothecene type B biosynthesis, resistance to azoles and resistance to osmotic and oxidative stress. Our results indicate that the FcRav2 protein (and possibly the RAVE complex as a whole) may become a suitable target for new antifungal drug development or the plant-mediated resistance response in filamentous fungi of agricultural interest

    Multilocus phylogenetics show high levels of endemic fusaria inhabiting Sardinian soils (Tyrrhenian Islands)

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    The Mediterranean island of Sardinia is well known for high levels of vascular plant diversity and endemism, but little is known about its microbial diversity. Under the hypothesis that Fusarium species would show similarly high diversity, we estimated variability in Fusarium species composition among 10 sites around the island. Markers previously adopted for multilocus sequence typing (MLST) were used to determine multilocus DNA sequence haplotypes for 263 Fusarium isolates. In addition portions of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha and second largest RNA polymerase subunit genes were sequenced for all isolates. The intergenic spacer (IGS) region of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene repeat was sequenced for members of the F. oxysporum species complex (FOSC), and a portion of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene repeat comprising the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and part of the large nuclear ribosomal RNA subunit was sequenced for members of the F. solani species complex (FSSC). Seventy-three multilocus haplotypes were identified among the 263 isolates typed, of which 48 represented FOSC and FSSC. Thirty-seven of 48 FOSC two-locus and FSSC three-locus haplotypes had not been observed previously. The 38 non-FOSC/FSSC fusaria comprised 25 haplotypes distributed among 10 species, five of which appear to represent novel, phylogenetically distinct species. In general newly discovered haplotypes were restricted to one or a few sites. All FSSC isolates represented new haplotypes in phylogenetic species FSSC 5 and 9, which differ from the phylogenetic species dominant in soils worldwide. No obvious correlations were found between haplotype diversity and geospatial or habitat distribution. Overall these results indicate a high degree of Fusarium genetic diversity on multiple geographic scales within Sardinia. These results contrast with recent work showing that common, cosmopolitan species dominate Sardinia’s Trichoderma biodiversity. All data are available for access and viewing from the FUSARIUM-ID database