105 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico ambiental de uma nascente na cabeceira de drenagem do Rio Tibagi, Municipio de Ponta Grossa: análise preliminar.

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    A área de estudo encontra - se no município de Ponta Grossa, e compreende um campo hidrófilo de altitude que abriga uma das nascente do rio Caracará , afluente da margem direita do r io Tibagi . Com objetivo de caracterizar a qualidade das águas d esta nascente foi realizado campanhas de campo para a realização de uma caracterização hidroquímica preliminar. Os parâmetros avaliados foram Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Na + , K+, Cl - , HCO 3 - e SO 4= , compostos nitrogenados, NH 3 e NO 3 - , dureza, Fe; pH e CE . Neste estudo foram analisados 9 pontos amostrais distribuídos em triplicata , sendo 3 pontos de coleta instalados em cada faixa de declive representativa na nascente . A caracterização hidroquímica preliminar foi elaborada com base n a Portaria n° 2914 /2011 e n a Resolução C ONAMA n° 357/2005 e 396/2008 . O resultados preliminares indicaram que a nascente do rio Caracará localizada no campo hidrófilo de altitude apresentou teores de fósforo (0,0 4 mg/L) acima dos valores máximos permitidos para ambientes lêntico s. A s águas forma classificadas como bicabornatadas cálcicas ou magnesianas . Este monitoramento preliminar reuniu informações para dar aporte a proteção das nascentes e propiciar um melhor planejamento do manejo das águas superficiais no município de Ponta Grossa e d a bacia do rio Tibagi no estado do Paraná

    Capillary wave turbulence on a spherical fluid surface in low gravity

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    We report the observation of capillary wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid layer in a low-gravity environment. In such conditions, the fluid covers all the internal surface of the spherical container which is submitted to random forcing. The surface wave amplitude displays power-law spectrum over two decades in frequency, corresponding to wavelength from mmmm to a few cmcm. This spectrum is found in roughly good agreement with wave turbulence theory. Such a large scale observation without gravity waves has never been reached during ground experiments. When the forcing is periodic, two-dimensional spherical patterns are observed on the fluid surface such as subharmonic stripes or hexagons with wavelength satisfying the capillary wave dispersion relation

    Non-Gaussian statistics and extreme waves in a nonlinear optical cavity

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    A unidirectional optical oscillator is built by using a liquid crystal light-valve that couples a pump beam with the modes of a nearly spherical cavity. For sufficiently high pump intensity, the cavity field presents a complex spatio-temporal dynamics, accompanied by the emission of extreme waves and large deviations from the Gaussian statistics. We identify a mechanism of spatial symmetry breaking, due to a hypercycle-type amplification through the nonlocal coupling of the cavity field

    Secure your PKCS#11 token against API attacks!

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    PKCS#11 defines a widely adopted API for cryptographic devices such as USB crypto-tokens and smartcards. Despite its widespread adoption, PKCS#11 is known to be vulnerable to various attacks that enable the extraction (as plaintext) of sensitive keys stored on the device. These attacks have been formalized and analyzed via model-checking, so as to automatically find flaws on specific subsets of PKCS#11 and on given device configurations. The analyses, however, are performed on an abstract model of the standard and the ‘theoretical ’ attacks have to be tried by hand on real devices. In this paper we shortly describe a new tool, named API attacks!, that aims at automatically performing the above mentioned analyses on real PKCS#11 devices. We believe this tool might be helpful both to hardware developers, willing to improve the security of their existing and new devices, and to system administrators that might want to check their device is configured is a secure way before distributing it to end-users.

    Effects of different diet alternatives to replace the use of pharmacological levels of zinc on growth performance and fecal dry matter of weanling pigs

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    A total of 300 weanling pigs (Line 400 × 200, DNA, Columbus, NE, initially 4.83 kg) were used in a 46-d trial to evaluate the effects of different nutritional strategies to replace pharmacological levels of Zn, provided by zinc oxide (ZnO), in nursery diets on growth performance and fecal dry matter (DM). Six treatments with 10 replicate pens per treatment and 5 pigs per pen were used. Diets consisted of: (1) positive control (ZnO providing 3,000 mg/kg added Zn from d 0 to 7 and 2,000 mg/kg added Zn from d 8 to 25 and 21% crude protein, CP); (2) negative control (NC; no added ZnO); (3) NC plus 1.2% Na diformate; (4) NC with 4% coarse ground wheat bran; (5) NC but formulated to 18% CP; and (6) the combination of NC with 18% CP, 1.2% Na diformate, and 4% coarse ground wheat bran. The diets formulated to 18% CP contained 1.2% standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys from d 0 to 25, whereas the 21% CP diets contained 1.4% SID Lys from d 0 to 7 and 1.35% SID Lys from d 7 to 25. From d 25 to 46, all pigs were fed a common diet. From d 0 to 7, no differences in any variables were observed between treatments. From d 7 to 25, pigs fed the diet with added ZnO had greater (P < 0.01) average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) than all other treatments. Pigs fed the diet formulated to 18% CP had decreased (P < 0.01) ADG when compared with pigs fed the other diets. From d 25 to 46, no previous treatment effects on ADG or gain to feed ratio (G:F) were observed. Overall (d 0 to 46), pigs fed the diet with added ZnO from d 0 to 25 had greater (P < 0.01) ADG, ADFI, and final body weight than pigs fed added Na Diformate, or 4% coarse ground wheat bran, or with the 18% CP diet, or with pigs fed the combination of the additives intermediate. There was no evidence for differences in overall G:F. Pigs fed the NC diet had the lowest fecal DM and highest fecal scores (P < 0.05), indicating the greatest incidence of loose stools. Pigs fed added ZnO had greater fecal DM than pigs fed the NC, 4% added wheat bran, or 18% CP diets, or with pigs fed the combination of additives intermediate (P < 0.01). These results suggest that adding pharmacological levels of Zn from ZnO improves nursery pig performance and increases DM content of feces when compared with pigs fed diets with either Na diformate, 4% course wheat bran, or 18% CP alone. However, a combination of all three alternatives appeared to be additive and partially restored growth performance similar to adding pharmacological levels of Zn


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    Annual rate of mortality of sows varies considerably among farms. The increase in mortality, together with culling rate of sows, imply in great losses for the producer. The aim of this work was to evaluate the causes of sows mortality in a farm located in Brazilian Middlewest region. Necropsies of 78 sows were carried out, after their death or euthanasia, during January and February 2006. Mortality rate was 8.1%, considered high if compared to historical rates observed in swine farms. The major causes of death were genito-urinary infections (30.8%), followed by hemorrhagic gastric ulcer (14.1%) and females euthanatizia (14.1%). Farrowing problems and cardiac failure occurred in 10.3% and 10.3% of dead females, respectively. In 5.1% of the sows was not possible to determine the cause of death. Among the females that died 70.5% presented cystitis, 37.2% pyelonephritis and 79.5% presented some degree of stomach ulceration. Among females that died by urinary infection, 54.2% had five or more parities. Females with gastric ulcer had on average of 1.8 parities and 90.9% of them had less than three parities. The body condition score of females submitted to euthanasia was lower than that observed in dead females due to other reasons. More females died when maximum ambient temperature was above 33oC.A taxa anual de mortalidade de matrizes suínas varia consideravelmente entre as granjas. A mortalidade, junto com o descarte de matrizes, implica em grandes perdas para o produtor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as causas de mortalidade de matrizes suínas em uma granja localizada no Centro-oeste brasileiro. Foram realizadas necropsias de 78 matrizes, que morreram ou foram sacrificadas, durante os meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2006. A taxa de mortalidade observada foi 8,1%, considerada alta em comparação às taxas observadas historicamente nas granjas. As três principais causas de morte foram infecções gênito-urinárias (30,8%), seguidas de úlcera gástrica rompida (14,1%) e fêmeas sacrificadas (14,1%). Problemas de parto e falha cardíaca acometeram 10,3% e 10,3% das fêmeas, respectivamente. Em 5,1% das fêmeas não foi possível definir a causa da morte. Dentre as fêmeas que morreram, 70,5% apresentavam cistite, 37,2% pielonefrite e 79,5% apresentavam algum grau de ulceração no estômago. Das fêmeas que morreram por infecção urinária, 54,2% tiveram cinco ou mais partos. As fêmeas que morreram por úlcera gástrica tiveram, em média, 1,8 partos, sendo que 90,9% tiveram no máximo até três partos. O escore de condição corporal das fêmeas sacrificadas foi menor do que o observado nas fêmeas que morreram por outras causas. Foi constatado maior número de mortes nos dias com temperatura superior a 33ºC