1,499 research outputs found

    An audio FIR-DAC in a BCD process for high power Class-D amplifiers

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    A 322 coefficient semi-digital FIR-DAC using a 1-bit PWM input signal was designed and implemented in a high voltage, audio power bipolar CMOS DMOS (BCD) process. This facilitates digital input signals for an analog class-D amplifier in BCD. The FIR-DAC performance depends on the ISI-resistant nature of this PWM-signal. An impulse response with only positive coefficients was chosen, because of its resistance to deadzone and mismatch. With a DAC current of 0.5 mA, the dynamic range is 111 dB (A-weighted), with SINAD = 103 dB (A-weighted). The current consumption is 1mA for the analog part and 4.8 mA for the digital part. The power consumption is 29 mW at V/sub dd/ = 5 V and the chip area is 2 mm/sup 2/ including the reference diode that can be shared by more channels

    Hippocampal Proliferation Is Increased in Presymptomatic Parkinson’s Disease and due to Microglia

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    Besides dopamine-deficiency related motor symptoms, nonmotor symptoms, including cognitive changes occur in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, that may relate to accumulation of α-synuclein in the hippocampus (HC). This brain region also contains stem cells that can proliferate. This is a well-regulated process that can, for example, be altered by neurodegenerative conditions. In contrast to proliferation in the substantia nigra and subventricular zone, little is known about the HC in PD. In addition, glial cells contribute to neurodegenerative processes and may proliferate in response to PD pathology. In the present study, we questioned whether microglial cells proliferate in the HC of established PD patients versus control subjects or incidental Lewy body disease (iLBD) cases as a prodromal state of PD. To this end, proliferation was assessed using the immunocytochemical marker minichromosome maintenance protein 2 (MCM2). Colocalization with Iba1 was performed to determine microglial proliferation. MCM2-positive cells were present in the HC of controls and were significantly increased in the presymptomatic iLBD cases, but not in established PD patients. Microglia represented the majority of the proliferating cells in the HC. This suggests an early microglial response to developing PD pathology in the HC and further indicates that neuroinflammatory processes play an important role in the development of PD pathology

    Особливості розв’язку задач параметричної ідентифікації динамічних систем в умовах інтервальної невизначеності

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    Розглянуто задачу параметричної ідентифікації лінійних динамічних систем методами аналізу інтервальних даних. Показано, що у випадку врахування початкових інтервальних наближень дискретних значень прогнозованої характеристики дана задача є задачею розв’язування інтервальної системи нелінійних алгебричних рівнянь. Досліджено особливості формування та властивості розв’язку таких систем.Рассмотрена задача параметрической идентификации линейных динамических систем методами анализа интервальных данных. Показано, что в случае учета начальных интервальных приближений дискретных значений прогнозированной характеристики, данная задача есть задачей решения интервальной системы нелинейных алгебраических уравнений; исследованы особенности формирования и свойства решения таких систем.The problem of parameter identification of linear dynamic systems by methods of analysis of interval data is considered. It is shown that in the case of taking into account the initial interval approximations of discrete values of the predicted characteristics, this problem is the problem of solving interval system of nonlinear algebraic equations

    Optimizing adalimumab treatment in psoriasis with concomitant methotrexate (OPTIMAP): study protocol for a pragmatic, single-blinded, investigator-initiated randomized controlled trial

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    markdownabstract__Background:__ The introduction of anti-tumor necrosis factor medications has revolutionized the treatment of psoriasis with achievement of treatment goals (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score 75, remission) that are not usually met with conventional systemics. Nevertheless, some patients continue to experience persistent disease activity or treatment failure over time. Strategies to optimize treatment outcomes include the use of concomitant methotrexate, which has demonstrated beneficial effects on pharmacokinetics and treatment efficacy in psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases. __Methods:__ This is an investigator-initiated, multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to compare the combination treatment of adalimumab and methotrexate with adalimumab monotherapy in patients with psoriasis. The primary outcome is adalimumab drug survival at week 49. Other outcomes include improvement in disease severity and quality of life, tolerability, and safety. Moreover, anti-adalimumab antibodies and adalimumab serum concentrations will be measured and correlations between genotypes and clinical outcomes will be assessed. Patient recruitment started in March 2014. Up to now, 36 patients have been randomized. Many more patients have been (pre)screened. A total of 93 patients is desired to meet an adequate sample size. In our experience, the main limitation for recruitment is prior adalimumab therapy and intolerability or toxicity for methotrexate in the past. __Discussion:__ OPTIMAP is the first RCT to examine combination therapy with adalimumab and methotrexate in a psoriasis population. With data derived from this study we expect to provide valuable clinical data on long-term treatment outcomes. These data will be supported by assessment of the impact of concomitant methotrexate on adalimumab pharmacokinetics. Furthermore, the influence of several single nucleotide polymorphisms on adalimumab response will be analyzed in order to support the development of a more personalized approach for this targeted therapy. Trial registration:NTR4499. Registered on 7 April 2014

    International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS): protocol of a prospective observational cohort study on clinical and biological predictors of disease course and outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute polyradiculoneuropathy with a highly variable clinical presentation, course, and outcome. The factors that determine the clinical variation of GBS are poorly understood which complicates the care and treatment of individual patients. The protocol of the ongoing International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS), a prospective, observational, multi-centre cohort study that aims to identify the clinical and biological determinants and predictors of disease onset, subtype, course and outcome of GBS is presented here. Patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for GBS, regardless of age, disease severity, variant forms, or treatment, can participate if included within two weeks after onset of weakness. Information about demography, preceding infections, clinical features, diagnostic findings, treatment, course and outcome is collected. In addition, cerebrospinal fluid and serial blood samples for serum and DNA is collected at standard time points. The original aim was to include at least 1000 patients with a follow-up of 1-3 years. Data are collected via a web-based data entry system and stored anonymously. IGOS started in May 2012 and by January 2017 included more than 1400 participants from 143 active centres in 19 countries across 5 continents. The IGOS data/biobank is available for research projects conducted by expertise groups focusing on specific topics including epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, clinimetrics, electrophysiology, antecedent events, antibodies, genetics, prognostic modelling, treatment effects and long-term outcome of GBS. The IGOS will help to standardize the international collection of data and biosamples for future research of GBS. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01582763

    Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and surveillance of BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome.

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    BRCA1-associated protein-1 (BAP1) is a recognised tumour suppressor gene. Germline BAP1 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants are associated with predisposition to multiple tumours, including uveal melanoma, malignant pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, renal cell carcinoma and specific non-malignant neoplasms of the skin, as part of the autosomal dominant BAP1-tumour predisposition syndrome. The overall lifetime risk for BAP1 carriers to develop at least one BAP1-associated tumour is up to 85%, although due to ascertainment bias, current estimates of risk are likely to be overestimated. As for many rare cancer predisposition syndromes, there is limited scientific evidence to support the utility of surveillance and, therefore, management recommendations for BAP1 carriers are based on expert opinion. To date, European recommendations for BAP1 carriers have not been published but are necessary due to the emerging phenotype of this recently described syndrome and increased identification of BAP1 carriers via large gene panels or tumour sequencing. To address this, the Clinical Guideline Working Group of the CanGene-CanVar project in the United Kingdom invited European collaborators to collaborate to develop guidelines to harmonize surveillance programmes within Europe. Recommendations with respect to BAP1 testing and surveillance were achieved following literature review and Delphi survey completed by a core group and an extended expert group of 34 European specialists including Geneticists, Ophthalmologists, Oncologists, Dermatologists and Pathologists. It is recognised that these largely evidence-based but pragmatic recommendations will evolve over time as further data from research collaborations informs the phenotypic spectrum and surveillance outcomes

    Optimal measurement of visual motion across spatial and temporal scales

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    Sensory systems use limited resources to mediate the perception of a great variety of objects and events. Here a normative framework is presented for exploring how the problem of efficient allocation of resources can be solved in visual perception. Starting with a basic property of every measurement, captured by Gabor's uncertainty relation about the location and frequency content of signals, prescriptions are developed for optimal allocation of sensors for reliable perception of visual motion. This study reveals that a large-scale characteristic of human vision (the spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity function) is similar to the optimal prescription, and it suggests that some previously puzzling phenomena of visual sensitivity, adaptation, and perceptual organization have simple principled explanations.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 2 appendices; in press in Favorskaya MN and Jain LC (Eds), Computer Vision in Advanced Control Systems using Conventional and Intelligent Paradigms, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer-Verlag, Berli

    Two-Body Random Ensembles: From Nuclear Spectra to Random Polynomials

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    The two-body random ensemble (TBRE) for a many-body bosonic theory is mapped to a problem of random polynomials on the unit interval. In this way one can understand the predominance of 0+ ground states, and analytic expressions can be derived for distributions of lowest eigenvalues, energy gaps, density of states and so forth. Recently studied nuclear spectroscopic properties are addressed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter