355 research outputs found

    Helium Porosity Formation in Vanadium Alloys of V-Ti-Cr, V-W-Zr and V-W-Ta Systems in Comparison with Binary Alloys

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    Vanadium alloys are considered candidates for use as structural materials of fusion reactors. A large amount of helium will be accumulated in such materials. The presence of helium in the materials may result in gas swelling. This paper presents the results on helium porosity formation researches in V–Ti–Cr, V–W–Zr and V–W–Ta alloys obtained by means of TEM. Samples were irradiated by 40 keV Не+ ions up to dose of 5 ⋅ 1020m−2 at 923 K. Alloy V–4%Ti–4%Cr has a smallest helium swelling among the ternary alloys and its swelling is significantly lower than swelling of dual V–Ti and V–Cr alloys. The swelling of the ternary V–2%W–1%Zr alloy is more than 3 times less than the swelling of vanadium, several times less than that of V–W alloys and slightly lower than the swelling of V– Zr alloys. Swelling increases by a factor of 1.5 with increasing of Zr content to 2% in the ternary V–2%W–1%Zr alloy. Similarly, gas swelling of ternary V–2%W–1%Ta alloy is significantly lower than that for binary V–W and V–Ta alloys. Assumptions are made about the possible mechanisms of the effect of alloying elements in vanadium on helium porosity formation. Keywords: vanadium alloys, swelling, helium, radiation resistance

    Helium abundance in the most metal-deficient blue compact galaxies: I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052

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    We present high-quality spectroscopic observations of the two most-metal deficient blue compact galaxies known, I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052 to determine the helium abundance. The underlying stellar absorption strongly influences the observed intensities of He I emission lines in the brightest NW component of I Zw 18, and hence this component should not be used for primordial He abundance determination. The effect of underlying stellar absorption, though present, is much smaller in the SE component. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the He mass fraction derived in this component is Y = 0.243+/-0.007. The high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum (> 100 in the continuum) of SBS 0335-052 allows us to measure the helium mass fraction with a precision better than 2% -- 5% in nine different regions along the slit. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the weighted mean He mass fraction in SBS 0335-052 is Y = 0.2437+/-0.0014 when the three He I 4471, 5876 and 6678 emission lines are used, and is 0.2463+/-0.0015 when the He I 4471 emission line is excluded. The weighted mean helium mass fraction in the two most metal-deficient BCGs I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052, Y=0.2462+/-0.0015, after correction for the stellar He production results in a primordial He mass fraction Yp = 0.2452+/-0.0015. The derived Yp leads to a baryon-to-photon ratio of (4.7+/-1.0) 10^{-10}, consistent with the values derived from the primordial D and 7Li abundances, and supporting the standard big bang nucleosynthesis theory. For the most consistent set of primordial D, 4He, and 7Li abundances we derive an equivalent number of light neutrino species 3.0+/-0.3 (95% C.L.).Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Ap

    Mapping Luminous Blue Compact Galaxies with VIRUS-P: morphology, line ratios and kinematics

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    [abridged] We carry out an integral field spectroscopy (IFS) study of a sample of luminous BCGs, with the aim to probe the morphology, kinematics, dust extinction and excitation mechanisms of their warm interstellar medium (ISM). IFS data for five luminous BCGs were obtained using VIRUS-P, the prototype instrument for the Visible Integral Field Replicable Unit Spectrograph, attached to the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith Telescope at the McDonald Observatory. VIRUS-P consists of a square array of 247 optical fibers, which covers a 109"x109" field of view, with a spatial sampling of 4.2" and a 0.3 filling factor. We observed in the 3550-5850 Angstrom spectral range, with a resolution of 5 A FWHM. From these data we built two-dimensional maps of the continuum and the most prominent emission-lines ([OII]3727, Hgamma, Hbeta and [OIII]5007), and investigate the morphology of diagnostic emission-line ratios and the extinction patterns in the ISM as well as stellar and gas kinematics. Additionally, from integrated spectra we infer total line fluxes and luminosity-weighted extinction coefficients and gas-phase metallicities. All galaxies exhibit an overall regular morphology in the stellar continuum, while their warm ISM morphology is more complex: in II Zw 33 and Mrk 314, the star-forming regions are aligned along a chain-structure; Haro 1, NGC 4670 and III Zw 102 display several salient features, such as extended gaseous filaments and bubbles. A significant intrinsic absorption by dust is present in all galaxies, the most extreme case being III Zw 102. Our data reveal a manifold of kinematical patterns, from overall regular gas and stellar rotation to complex velocity fields produced by structurally and kinematically distinct components.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 pages, 10 figure

    A spectroscopic study of component C and the extended emission around I Zw 18

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    Long-slit Keck II, 4m Kitt Peak, and 4.5m MMT spectrophotometric data are used to investigate the stellar population and the evolutionary status of I Zw 18C, the faint C component of the nearby blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 18. Hydrogen Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta emission lines are detected in the spectra of I Zw 18C, implying that ionizing massive stars are present. High signal-to-noise Keck II spectra of different regions in I Zw 18C reveal Hγ\gamma, Hδ\delta and higher order hydrogen lines in absorption. Several techniques are used to constrain the age of the stellar population in I Zw 18C. Ages derived from two different methods, one based on the equivalent widths of the Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta emission lines and the other on Hγ\gamma, Hδ\delta absorption lines are consistent with a 15 Myr instantaneous burst model. We find that a small extinction in the range AVA_V = 0.20 -- 0.65 mag is needed to fit the observed spectral energy distribution of I Zw 18C with that model. In the case of constant star formation, all observed properties are consistent with stars forming continuously between ~ 10 Myr and < 100 Myr ago. We use all available observational constraints for I Zw 18C, including those obtained from Hubble Space Telescope color-magnitude diagrams, to argue that the distance to I Zw 18 should be as high as ~ 15 Mpc. The deep spectra also reveal extended ionized gas emission around I Zw 18. Hα\alpha emission is detected as far as 30" from it. To a B surface brightness limit of ~ 27 mag arcsec2^{-2} we find no observational evidence for extended stellar emission in the outermost regions, at distances > 15" from I Zw 18.Comment: 38 pages, 11 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa


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    The research tasks covered the study of ВНК-21/2-17 cell DNA transformation dynamics during FMDV reproduction process. It was noted that the destruction of major cell population coincided with the increase in apoptotic cell number and detritus amount. Three hours post cell culture infection increase in apoptosis and detritus was observed, G 1-phase decreased by 17–21% and polynuclear cells grew by 2.3 times. In seven hours, the drastic rise in cell death was noted. It was established that at all stages of FMDV culture in ВНК-21/2-17 suspension cell line, diploid cells G1(2n) were predominant, being basic cells for the virus reproduction. Cells in synthetic (S) and G2and M-phases were less susceptible to virus. Using flow cytometry technique made it possible to quantify cell cycle phases during reproduction in FMDV cells. We also succeeded in comparing between these phases, virus livability and virus reproduction dynamics. The study of FMDV cytopathic effect in ВНК-21/2-17 cells demonstrated that one of the optimization trends in culture vaccine production include proliferation inhibitory factor use at a certain cell cycle phase

    An imaging and spectroscopic study of the very metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxy Tol 1214--277

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    We present a spectrophotometric study based on VLT/FORS I observations of one of the most metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies known, Tol 1214-277 (Z ~ Zsun/25). The data show that roughly half of the total luminosity of the BCD originates from a bright and compact starburst region located at the northeastern tip of a faint dwarf galaxy with cometary appearance. The starburst has ignited less than 4 Myr ago and its emission is powered by several thousands O7V stars and ~ 170 late-type nitrogen Wolf-Rayet stars located within a compact region with < 500 pc in diameter. For the first time in a BCD, a relatively strong [Fe V] 4227 emission line is seen which together with intense He II 4686 emission indicates the presence of a very hard radiation field in Tol 1214-277. We argue that this extraordinarily hard radiation originates from both Wolf--Rayet stars and radiative shocks in the starburst region. The structural properties of the low-surface-brightness (LSB) component underlying the starburst have been investigated by means of surface photometry down to 28 B mag/sq.arcsec. We find that, for a surface brightness level fainter than ~ 24.5 B mag/sq.arcsec, an exponential fitting law provides an adequate approximation to its radial intensity distribution. The broad-band colors in the outskirts of the LSB component of Tol 1214-277 are nearly constant and are consistent with an age below one Gyr. This conclusion is supported by the comparison of the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the LSB host with theoretical SEDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, to appear in Astronomical Journa

    Мікроконтролерна система біотелеметрії

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    The system of a short-range biotelemetry is circumscribed which records and transmits biosignals to distance in tens meters. The system is intended for work in a composition of the pulse cardiologic analyzer.Описана система ближней биотелеметрии, которая регистрирует и передает биосигналы на расстояние в десятки метров. Система предназначена для работы в составе пульсового кардиоанализатора.Описана система ближньої біотелеметрії, яка реєструє та передає біосигнали на відстань у десятки метрів. Система призначена для роботи у складі пульсового кардіоаналізатора

    Simulation of chemical bond distributions and phase transformation in carbon chains

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    In the present work we develop a Monte Carlo algorithm of the carbon chains ordered into 2D hexagonal array. The chemical bond of the chained carbon is computed from 1 K to 1300 K. Our model confirms that the beta phase is more energetic preferable at low temperatures but the system prefers to switch into alpha phase at high temperatures. Based on the thermal effect on the bond distributions of the carbon chains, the bond softening temperature is observed at 500 K. The bond softening temperature is higher in the presence of interstitial doping but it does not change with the length of nanowire. The elastic modulus of the carbon chains is 1.7 TPa at 5 K and the thermal expansion is +7 × 10−5 K−1 at 300 K via monitoring the collective atomic vibrations and bond distributions. Thermal fluctuation in terms of heat capacity as a function of temperatures is computed in order to study the phase transition across melting point. The heat capacity anomaly initiates around 3800 K. © 2016 Elsevier Lt