14 research outputs found
Permasalahan Knapsack Dua Dimensi
Tugas akh1r 1n1 merupakan studi literatur tentang pennasalahan knapsack,
khususn)a pada pennasalahan knapsack dua d1mensi. Pennasalahan knapsack akan
d1kaj1 dcngan mcmbenkan contoh-contoh scna penyelesaian dari pencrapan
pennasalahan knapsacl.. dua dJmens1
Untuk menyelcsa1kan pennasalahan knapsack dua dimensi pennasalahan
terleb1h dahulu d1sedcrhanakan menjadi permasalahan knapsack satu dimens1 Has1l
dari pen)clesaJan pennasalahan knapsack adalah mlai (value) yang optimal
The study assesses agricultural extension services mode of operation in horticultural farms for smallholder farmers in Kombo Central and North, West Coast Region of The Gambia. The instruments designed to gather the primary data include; structured interview and focus group discussions (FGD) supported by secondary data using official documents and key informant interview for verification. The target population consisted of 398 respondents, 10 extension officers and three extension agent heads. The data was quantitatively analyzed using percentages, frequency distribution tables, t-test, chi-squared test correlation and factorial analysis. Qualitative data from the in-depth interviews were also analyzed and presented appropriately. It was found that the variables on the influence of extension services (availability of AES, extension visit, farm size, marital status, experience in farming, education, farm group, transportation, post-harvest technology training and distance to market) are significantly associated with the horticultural smallholder farmers post-harvest losses. It means that there is a significant relationship between extension availability and post-harvest handling at p < 0.05 level of significance. The research comes out with the following recommendations; the need for continued research, development and investment programmes in extension, effective and efficient communication to the farmers, availability of horticultural production, government policy aimed at training and developing farmer capacity in appropriate monitoring systems of extension services, road improvement in the study areas and creating better improvement conditions for the extension agents. The study proves the need to improve the living conditions of services for extension services and availability of extension officers at a regular base with appropriate knowledge and skills.
Keywords: Agricultural Extension Services, mode of Operation in horticultural Schemes, West Coast Region, Kombo Central, North, The Gambia
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat masyarakat indonesia semakin sadar untuk menjaga kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh, dan kemudian melakukan PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) yang dapat menjadikan perubahan pola hidup di masyarakat untuk mengonsumsi produk yang banyak dicari oleh masyarakat adalah jamu. Jamu sendiri memang dipercaya berkhasiat untuk menguatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh hingga mengurangi peradangan dan kadar lemak tubuh. Menjaga imunitas tubuh sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi diri kita sendiri. Hal tersebut didukung dengan adanya pemanfaatan TOGA yang telah dibudidayakan oleh warga BTN Batara Graha. Meskipun mereka mempunyai lahan yang kurang luas tetapi mereka tetap bisa membudidayakan tanaman TOGA ini. Manfaat TOGA sangatlah banyak, salah satunya adalah bisa dijadikan jamu dan rimpang-rimpang yang terdiri dari kunyit, jahe, sereh dan temulawak. Dalam memasuki masa new normal sangat baik jika kita meminum jamu karena dapat meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dan menjadi salah satu cara untuk terhindar dari virus corona
Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and the progression rate of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in Iranian children
Aim: Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is one of the most common forms of glomerulonephritis leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). A few clinical and paraclinical factors are considered as contributing factors in progression rate. However, there are controversial reports on the relationship between ACE gene polymorphism and rapidity of progression of FSGS to ESRD in different populations. To elucidate this issue, we investigated the relationship between the insertion (I) and deletion (D) ACE gene polymorphism and rapidity of progression of FSGS to ESRD in Iranian children. Methods: Forty-one children aged 1-18 years admitted to St AlZahra Hospital, Isfahan, and St Ali Asghar Hospital, Tehran, Iran, with idiopathic FSGS were enrolled. Renal death was defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of less than 50 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or a decreased GFR to less than 50 compare to baseline. Reaching renal death in less or more than 2 years were labelled as rapid progressors (RP) or slow progressors (SP), respectively. Intron 16 of the ACE gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction technique. Results: Twenty-eight patients were male and 13 were female. In 15 RP patients, the genotype distribution was 26.6 DD, 6.7 II and 66.7 ID. In 26 SP patients, the genotype was similar (38.6 DD, 7.6 II and 53.8 ID, P > 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences for ACE I/D gene polymorphism between the two groups of patients (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Our study revealed no correlation between ACE I/D gene polymorphism and rapidity of progression of FSGS to ESRD in Iranian children. © 2008 The Authors
Oclusão traumatica da artéria cerebral média: registro de um caso
É apresentado caso de oclusão traumática da artéria cerebral média. O quadro clínico, aspectos radiológicos, a morbidade e mortalidade desta entidade são discutidos. A patogênese não está totalmente esclarecida e as mais prováveis são analisadas