17 research outputs found

    Tonal Norm of Government Responses to Citizens’ Appeals

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    The textual category of tonality is considered in the aspect of normativity on the material of response business letters of administrative content. The question is raised about the norm of speech realization of tonality within the framework of this epistolary subgenre. The normative tonality of official responses to citizens' appeals is formed on the basis of a statement of positive facts and logically emotiveness expressed by typed language means and etiquette formulas of business speech. The novelty of the study is related to the consideration of the response business letter based on a citizen's initiative letter (as part of a text pair of letters), as well as the definition of the field composition and communicative content of the tonality category of the subgenre under consideration. The subject-conceptual and dialogue composition of the text of the letter is distinguished, the correct implementation of tonality is demonstrated with a positive resolution of the conflict and in a more complex business situation. Special attention is paid to tonal disharmony in the authority’s responses to citizens’ appeals. The article presents a list of the author’s speech actions, the side effect of which is the undesirable tonality of the business text (excessive use of legal terms and quoting regulations, use of tokens of undefined semantics, communication of unnecessary information, lack of personification, etc.). The importance of tonally correct design of the response business letter is emphasized

    Media Communications of Executive Power: Assessing Effectiveness

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    Assessing the Effectiveness of Media Communications of Executive Power: An Analysis of Speeches. This study focuses on developing a method to evaluate the effectiveness of communication between Russian executive authorities and citizens. The empirical data was collected from posts on the official pages of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Perm Krai Ministry of Health, and Sverdlovsk Oblast Ministry of Health on the social media platform VKontakte. The relevance of this research lies in the need to establish objective measures of speech performance based on verifiable data. One such measure is the engagement coefficient of users, determined through the online service Popsters.ru. The novelty of this study lies in interpreting effectiveness as a complex characteristic represented by the reactions of recipients — likes, comments, and reposts. The proposed algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of media dialogue between authorities and citizens includes the following procedures: determining criteria for selecting content, automatic analysis of material, ranking publications, content analysis of publications, and identifying their discursive-stylistic features. It has been proven that the engagement of users in communication with authorities is influenced by the content, thematic, linguistic, and non-verbal parameters of the text (question-answer complexes, evaluative vocabulary, prospective and exclamatory constructions, categorization, emojis, etc.). This methodology can be used to assess the effectiveness of media dialogue between executive power and citizens on other digital platforms

    Principle of Thematic Correspondence in Dialogue of Official Letters (on Material of Citizens’ Appeals and Responses to Them)

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    The article discusses text pairs of business letters (citizen appeal / official response). Within the framework of official correspondence as a special type of dialogical interaction, two texts with a single topic specified in the original letter are called a text pair. The aim is to substantiate the thematic correspondence of texts forming such a pair as a significant, though not the only, criterion of the quality of business reply letters. The detailed speech analysis of the material is carried out on the basis of the categorical-textual concept, according to which the category of the topic is expressed with the help of functionally identical names of the subject of speech (thematic chain), as well as their distributors. The preliminary stage of the analysis identifies and schematizes the composition of the thematic chains of the initial and response letters; the main stage is related to the comparison of the data obtained. The comparison of the thematic chains of the initial and response letters allows objectifying the conclusions about the degree of thematic correspondence of the texts that make up the pair. These conclusions are based on the analysis of the correlation of the main and additional thematic chains of the text, and most importantly - on the nature of the reproduction of the theme set in the address in the response official letter. It is argued that the thematic correspondence of paired business letters is a necessary minimum of quality business communication

    Влияние структурно-фазового состояния на физико-механические свойства горячепрессованных труб из титанового сплава Ti–3Al–2,5V

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    This study investigates the impact the hot extrusion process variables on the physical and mechanical properties of Ti–3Al–V alloy The research examines four tube segments extracted from various hot-extruded tubes of Ti–3Al–2.5V alloy, with an outer diameter (OD) of 90 mm and a wall thickness of 20 mm. The manufacturing process involves expanding sleeves with a horizontal hydraulic press to achieve an OD of 195 mm, followed by heating to 850–865 °C prior to extrusion. The tube segments are labeled as 1, 2, 3, and 4, corresponding to their order of production. Our findings demonstrate that an increase in the number of extrusions in the α + β area from tube 1 to tube 4 leads to a reduction in the primary α-phase volume fraction and an increase in the β-transformed structure volume fraction. These changes are attributed to the higher final extrusion temperature resulting from more intense deformation heating during hot tooling (die and mandrel) processes. Additionally, elevating the final extrusion temperature from tube 1 to tube 4 leads to a notable decrease in the residual β-solid solution volume fraction and a reduction in the “sharpness” of the α-phase tangent-oriented texture. The alterations in the structural and phase state of the alloy from tube 1 to tube 4 are found to influence the contact modulus of elasticity and microhardness. These identified relationships can be utilized to optimize the process variables for the extrusion of multiple Ti–3Al–2.5V alloy tubes.Исследовано влияние изменения  параметров  горячего  прессования  на  физико-механические  свойства  труб  из сплава Ti–3Al–2,5V. Материалом для исследования служили  четыре  патрубка,  отобранные  от  разных  горячепрессованных труб из сплава Ti–3Al–2,5V с внешним диаметром 90 мм и толщиной стенки 20 мм, полученных из экспандированных гильз с внешним диаметром 195 мм на горизонтальном гидравлическом прессе. Экспандированные гильзы перед прессованием  нагревались до температуры 850–865 °С. Образцам исследуемых горячепрессованных труб присвоены номера 1, 2, 3 и 4 согласно последовательности  их  получения  в  промышленных  условиях.  Показано,  что  увеличение  количества  проведенных  прессовок в α + β-области от трубы 1 к трубе 4 приводит к закономерному уменьшению объемной доли первичной α-фазы в их структуре, а также к росту объемной доли β-превращенной структуры вследствие повышения температуры окончания прессования, вызванного более активным деформационным разогревом из-за увеличения температуры инструмента (матрицы и иглы). Обнаружено, что фиксируемое структурно повышение температуры окончания прессования от 1-й трубы к 4-й влечет за собой характерное уменьшение объемной  доли  остаточного  β-твердого  раствора  и  снижение  «остроты»  наблюдаемой  тангенциальной текстуры α-фазы. Установлено, что выявленные изменения структурно-фазового состояния сплава от 1-й трубы к 4-й оказывают закономерное влияние на получаемый в них уровень свойств – контактного модуля упругости и микротвердости. Полученные  закономерности  необходимо  учитывать  при  разработке  технологического  режима   многоразового   прессования труб из сплава Ti–3Al–2,5V

    Placental impairment in case of antenatal asphyxia

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    Analysis of m orphological changes in the placenta among 41 cases of antenatal asphyxia revealed the predominance of the variant of chronic placental insufficiency with acute decompensation in all patients. Chronic subcompensated placental insufficiency was also common in groups with late miscarriage and very early preterm labor, chronic decompensated placental insufficiency in the group of early premature and premature birth. The structure of variants of maturation of chorionic villi was dominated by the variant of immature intermediate villi with obliterative angiopathy of the supporting and stem villi, with hypo and avascularization of intermediate villi. In the third part of the cases of antenatal losses, inflammatory changes in the placenta were detected. The infectious factor reached the highest frequency in case of antenatal death in terms of late miscarriage and in groups of very early and early preterm labor.Анализ морфологических изменений в плаценте среди 41 случая антенатальной асфиксии выявил преобладание варианта хронической плацентарной недостаточности с острой декомпенсацией у всех пациенток. Хроническая субкомпенсированная плацентарная недостаточность также часто встречалась в группах с поздним выкидышем и очень ранних преждевременных родов, хроническая декомпенсированная плацентарная недостаточность - в группе ранних преждевременных и преждевременных родов. В структуре вариантов созревания ворсин хориона преобладал вариант незрелых промежуточных ворсин с облитерационной ангиопатией опорных и стволовых ворсин, с гипо- и аваскуляризацией промежуточных ворсин. В третьей части случаев антенатальных потерь выявлены воспалительные изменения в плаценте. Инфекционный фактор достигал наибольшей частоты при антентальной гибели в сроках позднего выкидыша и в группах очень ранних и ранних преждевременных родов

    Structure, Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy VT14 in Hot DeformatioN Simulation

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    В данной работе проведено исследование структурных и фазовых превращений при моделировании процессов горячей деформации титанового сплава ВТ14 (α+β)-мартенситного класса в диапазоне температур 925–975 °C. Уставлено, что после горячей деформации в сплаве ВТ14 формируется крайне неоднородная структура «ковочного креста». Микродюрометрические характеристики также неоднородны по сечению полуфабриката и колеблются в интервале от 362 до 435 HV, более высокие значения соответствуют участкам с наиболее деформированной структурой.The study of structural and phase transformations of hot deformation simulation of (α+β)-titanium alloy VT14 in the temperature range 925–975 °C is carried out. It was found that after hot deformation of VT14 alloy, a inhomogeneous structure of the “forging cross” is formed. Microdurometric characteristics are also inhomogeneous over the cross-section of the semi-finished product and vary in the range from 362 to 435 HV, higher values correspond to areas with the most deformed structure.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 18–79–10107–П).The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project № 18–79–10107–P)

    Executive Documents in the Functional Styles System of the Russian Language

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 21.11.2016.Received on 21 November, 2016.В статье определяется место документов исполнительной власти в функционально-стилистической системе русского языка. Освещаются мнения лингвистов о внутристилевой дифференциации официально-делового стиля. Приводится типология документов, разработанная в теории документоведения и практике делопроизводства, а также классификации правовых актов, принятые в правоведении. На основе анализа различных концепций делается вывод о том, что совокупность текстов, создаваемых исполнительными органами власти, не совпадает ни с одним из выделенных в науке подстилей официально-делового стиля. Исходя из этого, для наименования множества исследуемых текстов предлагается употреблять термин «дискурс исполнительной власти», который определяется как особая разновидность использования языка в когнитивно-коммуникативной деятельности должностных лиц органов исполнительной власти при осуществлении ими установленных законом функций (государственного управления, правотворчества, правоприменения, контроля и надзора за исполнением законов и др.), определяемая условиями общения исполнительной власти с различными субъектами и выражаемая в целостной системе жанров. Дискурсу исполнительной власти принадлежат разнообразные жанровые формы (постановление, распоряжение, инструкция, регламент, положение, письмо-ответ на обращение гражданина, целевая программа, пресс-релиз для СМИ, обзор и др.), одни из которых относятся к ядру официально-делового стиля, другие находятся на периферии, представляют собой гибридные образования. Существование особого коммуникативного пространства и функционирующих в нем текстов обосновывается анализом материала.This article determines the role of executive documents in the system of functional styles of the Russian language. She also describes linguists’ viewpoints on intra-style differentiation within the official style. Additionally, the article provides a typology of documents worked out in the theory of documentation and the practice of records management, as well as a number of classifications of written legal acts employed in legal science. The analysis of various conceptions allows the author to conclude that the written executive discourse is not congruent with any of the sub-styles of the official style singled out by scholars. On this basis, the author suggests that to denote the texts under consideration, the term ‘executive discourse’ should be used, which is defined as a specific kind of language used in the cognitive communicative activity of executive officials performing functions established by law (state administration, law-making, law enforcement, control and supervision over implementation of laws, etc.), determined by the interaction of the executive power representatives with various subjects and expressed in an integral system of genres. Various genre forms belong to the executive discourse (decree, order, direction, regulations, bylaws, statutes, letter of response to a citizen’s appeal, special-purpose programme, press-release, review, etc.), some of which form the core of the official style and some are hybrid entities. The fact that there is a specific communicative field with texts functioning in it is proved by the analysis of the material selected

    Structure of Fe-Cu-C alloys produced by contact alloying

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    The electron-microscopic analysis has been carried out in the Center of Electron Microscopy of the Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences.A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structure of Fe-Cu-C alloys obtained as a result of interaction of Fe-Cu melts with graphite upon wetting has been carried out by means of optical and electron microscopy. Based on the investigations performed, it has been shown that the technique of contact alloying allows one to obtain multilayered composite materials

    Structure of diffusion layers that are formed upon spreading of Al-Si melts over the surface of St3 steel

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    This work was performed according to the plan of the Russian Academy of Sciences (theme no. 01.2.00613394, cipher "Impul's") and was supported in part by the Program of the Interdisciplinary Basic Research of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 09-M-23-2004) and by the Russia Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 09-03-12152 ofi_m.Optical and electron microscopy have been used to study microstructure of diffusion layers that are formed upon spreading of melts of the Al-12%Si and Al-20%Si alloys on steel St3

    Structure of Fe-Cu-C alloys produced by contact alloying

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    The electron-microscopic analysis has been carried out in the Center of Electron Microscopy of the Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences.A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structure of Fe-Cu-C alloys obtained as a result of interaction of Fe-Cu melts with graphite upon wetting has been carried out by means of optical and electron microscopy. Based on the investigations performed, it has been shown that the technique of contact alloying allows one to obtain multilayered composite materials