122 research outputs found

    Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV-infected individuals after completing anti-tuberculosis treatment in Thyolo, Malawi.

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    SETTING: Thyolo, rural southern Malawi. OBJECTIVES: To determine 1) the proportion who continue with cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for the prevention of opportunistic infections, and 2) the reasons for continuing or stopping prophylaxis, in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected individuals with tuberculosis (TB) who complete anti-tuberculosis treatment. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study. METHODS: A questionnaire study of all HIV-infected TB patients who had been registered over a 3-month period to receive anti-tuberculosis treatment and cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and who had completed antituberculosis treatment 3-6 months earlier. RESULTS: Of 82 HIV-infected individuals who were alive at the time of interview, 76 (93%) were continuing with cotrimoxazole and wished to do so indefinitely. The most common reason for continuing the drug was to prevent illness associated with HIV, while the most common reason for stopping was long distances to the health facility. Ninety-six percent of patients received cotrimoxazole free of charge from a health centre. Of those who wished to continue indefinitely, the majority (63%) could not afford to pay for the drug. CONCLUSIONS: In a rural setting, the great majority of HIV-infected individuals continued with cotrimoxazole after completing anti-tuberculosis treatment. Making the drug available and providing it free of charge is essential if it is to remain accessible for longer term prevention

    Passive Versus Active Tuberculosis Case Finding and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Among Household Contacts in a Rural District of Malawi.

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    SETTING: Thyolo district, rural Malawi. OBJECTIVES: To compare passive with active case finding among household contacts of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients for 1) TB case detection and 2) the proportion of child contacts aged under 6 years who are placed on isoniazid (INH) preventive therapy. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Passive and active case finding was conducted among household contacts, and the uptake of INH preventive therapy in children was assessed. RESULTS: There were 189 index TB cases and 985 household contacts. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence among index cases was 69%. Prevalence of TB by passive case finding among 524 household contacts was 0.19% (191/100000), which was significantly lower than with active finding among 461 contacts (1.74%, 1735/100000, P = 0.01). Of 126 children in the passive cohort, 22 (17%) received INH, while in the active cohort 25 (22%) of 113 children received the drug. Transport costs associated with chest X-ray (CXR) screening were the major reason for low INH uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Where the majority of TB patients are HIV-positive, active case finding among household contacts yields nine times more TB cases and is an opportunity for reducing TB morbidity and mortality. The need for a CXR is an obstacle to the uptake of INH prophylaxis

    Uniform Single Valued Neutrosophic Graphs

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    In this paper, we propose a new concept named the uniform single valued neutrosophic graph. An illustrative example and some properties are examined. Next, we develop an algorithmic approach for computing the complement of the single valued neutrosophic graph. A numerical example is demonstrated for computing the complement of single valued neutrosophic graphs and uniform single valued neutrosophic graph

    Salsola vermiculata espèce prometteuse pour la réhabilitation des pâturages présahariens du Maroc

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    Salsola vermiculata L. Syn. Caroxylon villosum (Delile) Akhani & Roalson (Chenopodiaceae) is a perennial small woody species widely distributed in arid zones of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It is one of the promising pastoral species for the rehabilitation of arid rangelands in Mororcco. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of temperature and duration of seed storage on the germination of Salsola vermiculata, to determine the optimal transplant age of Salsola vermiculata seedlings and to compare the production of two varieties of Salsola vermiculata (villosa and brevifolia). The germination tests were carried out in a germination incubator at the laboratory of the Errachidia experimental station. 12 temperature regimes and three durations of seed storage were tested. For transplantation, comparisons were made between villosa variety seedlings of 1.5 months, 4 months and 8 months. In addition, the production the 8-month-old seedlings of the two varieties of Salsola vermiculata (var. villosa and var. brevifolia) were compared. The percentage of germination and the germination rate were very high for several temperature regimes, except for the high temperatures. In addition, it decreased very significantly with the storage duration of the seeds. Regarding the age of seedling transplants, the eight-month-old seedlings were the best in terms of production and growth rate. In addition, the villosa variety produced very significantly more phytomass than the local variety brevifolia.Salsola vermiculata L. (Chenopodiaceae) est une ligneuse basse largement répandue dans les zones arides du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord (MENA). C'est l'une des espèces pastorales prometteuses pour la réhabilitation des pâturages arides du Maroc. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de déterminer les effets de la température et de la durée de stockage des graines sur la germination de Salsola vermiculata, de déterminer l’âge optimal de transplantation des plantules de Salsola vermiculata et de comparer la production de deux variétés de cette espèce (variétés villosa et brevifolia). Les essais de germination sont menés dans une enceinte de germination au laboratoire de la station expérimentale d'Errachidia. Douze régimes de température et trois durées du stockage de graines sont testés. Pour la transplantation, des comparaisons sont effectuées entre des plants de 1.5 mois, 4 mois et 8 mois de la variété villosa. En outre, la comparaison de la production des plantules de 8 mois des deux variétés de Salsola vermiculata (villosa et brevifolia) sont effectuées. Les résultats montrent que le pourcentage de germination et la vitesse de germination sont très élevés pour plusieurs régimes de température, sauf pour les hautes températures. En outre, ils diminuent très significativement avec la durée de stockage des graines. Concernant, l’âge de transplantation, les plantules de 8 mois se comportent mieux des points de vue reprise, production et croissance. En outre, la variété villosa a produit très significativement plus de phytomasse que la variété locale brevifolia

    La fertilisation améliore la production des prairies humides naturelles dans la montagne du haut Atlas oriental du Maroc : cas de la région d'Imilchil

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    The oriental High Atlas mountains in southeast of Morocco are characterized by small natural wet grasslands called “Almous”, they are suitably well managed by the local population. They are destined to feed cattle and mullets. This trial was implemented in order to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilization on the phytomass production on the Tissila meadow (6.5 Ha) in Imilchil region. The experimental design consisted in dividing the meadow into 3 parcels. One parcel is leaved as control and the other two parcels have received two doses of nitrogen during three periods in the year (D1 =67 kg N/ha (split in three applications October, April and May) plus 46 Kg P2O5/ha (split in two applications April and May); D2 (with applications as D1=134kg N/ha more 46 Kg P2O5/ha; D3 = control). The phytomass production has doubled in Tissila region due to the effect of fertilization basically for dose (D2). The assessment of flora revealed a great specific richness (79 species) and some endemism.Les montagnes orientales du Haut Atlas au sud-est du Maroc sont caractérisées par de petites prairies humides naturelles applées "Almous" elles sont convenablement bien gérées par la population locale. Ellesont destinées à nourrir les bovins et mulets. Un essai a été réalisé pour évaluer les effets de la fertilisation azotée sur la production de la prairie de Tissila, (6,5 Ha) dans la région d'Imilchil. Le plan expériemental consistait à diviser la praiire en 3 parcelles. Une parcelle est laissée comme témoin et les deux autres parcelles ont reçu deux doses d'azote pendant trois périodes de l'année (D1 = 67 kg N / ha (réparti en trois applications en octobre, avril et mai) plus 46 kg de P2O5 / ha  en deux applications (en avril et mai); D2 (avec les mêmes applications en D1) = 134 kg N / ha plus 46 kg P2O5 / ha; D3 = contrôle). La production de phytomasse a doublé dans la région de Tissila en raison de l'effet de la fertilisation surtout pour la D1. L'évaluation de la flore a révélé une grande richesse spécifique (79 espèces) et une certaine endémicité qui mérité d'être sauvegardée

    Uniform Single Valued Neutrosophic Graphs

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    In this paper, we propose a new concept named the uniform single valued neutrosophic graph. An illustrative example and some properties are examined. Next, we develop an algorithmic approach for computing the complement of the single valued neutrosophic graph. A numerical example is demonstrated for computing the complement of single valued neutrosophic graphs and uniform single valued neutrosophic graph

    Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea: analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls

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    BACKGROUND: The risk factors for recovery from COVID-19 dyspnoea are poorly understood. We investigated determinants of recovery from dyspnoea in adults with COVID-19 and compared these to determinants of recovery from non-COVID-19 dyspnoea. METHODS: We used data from two prospective cohort studies: PHOSP-COVID (patients hospitalised between March 2020 and April 2021 with COVID-19) and COVIDENCE UK (community cohort studied over the same time period). PHOSP-COVID data were collected during hospitalisation and at 5-month and 1-year follow-up visits. COVIDENCE UK data were obtained through baseline and monthly online questionnaires. Dyspnoea was measured in both cohorts with the Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify determinants associated with a reduction in dyspnoea between 5-month and 1-year follow-up. FINDINGS: We included 990 PHOSP-COVID and 3309 COVIDENCE UK participants. We observed higher odds of improvement between 5-month and 1-year follow-up among PHOSP-COVID participants who were younger (odds ratio 1.02 per year, 95% CI 1.01–1.03), male (1.54, 1.16–2.04), neither obese nor severely obese (1.82, 1.06–3.13 and 4.19, 2.14–8.19, respectively), had no pre-existing anxiety or depression (1.56, 1.09–2.22) or cardiovascular disease (1.33, 1.00–1.79), and shorter hospital admission (1.01 per day, 1.00–1.02). Similar associations were found in those recovering from non-COVID-19 dyspnoea, excluding age (and length of hospital admission). INTERPRETATION: Factors associated with dyspnoea recovery at 1-year post-discharge among patients hospitalised with COVID-19 were similar to those among community controls without COVID-19. FUNDING: PHOSP-COVID is supported by a grant from the MRC-UK Research and Innovation and the Department of Health and Social Care through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) rapid response panel to tackle COVID-19. The views expressed in the publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Health Service (NHS), the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. COVIDENCE UK is supported by the UK Research and Innovation, the National Institute for Health Research, and Barts Charity. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funders

    Interaction of Pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) Ligands with Parallel Intermolecular G-Quadruplex Complex Using Spectroscopy and ESI-MS

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    Studies on ligand interaction with quadruplex DNA, and their role in stabilizing the complex at concentration prevailing under physiological condition, has attained high interest. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and spectroscopic studies in solution were used to evaluate the interaction of PBD and TMPyP4 ligands, stoichiometry and selectivity to G-quadruplex DNA. Two synthetic ligands from PBD family, namely pyrene-linked pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepine hybrid (PBD1), mixed imine-amide pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer (PBD2) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (TMPyP4) were studied. G-rich single-stranded oligonucleotide d(5′GGGGTTGGGG3′) designated as d(T2G8), from the telomeric region of Tetrahymena Glaucoma, was considered for the interaction with ligands. ESI-MS and spectroscopic methods viz., circular dichroism (CD), UV-Visible, and fluorescence were employed to investigate the G-quadruplex structures formed by d(T2G8) sequence and its interaction with PBD and TMPyP4 ligands. From ESI-MS spectra, it is evident that the majority of quadruplexes exist as d(T2G8)2 and d(T2G8)4 forms possessing two to ten cations in the centre, thereby stabilizing the complex. CD band of PBD1 and PBD2 showed hypo and hyperchromicity, on interaction with quadruplex DNA, indicating unfolding and stabilization of quadruplex DNA complex, respectively. UV-Visible and fluorescence experiments suggest that PBD1 bind externally where as PBD2 intercalate moderately and bind externally to G-quadruplex DNA. Further, melting experiments using SYBR Green indicate that PBD1 unfolds and PBD2 stabilizes the G-quadruplex complex. ITC experiments using d(T2G8) quadruplex with PBD ligands reveal that PBD1 and PBD2 prefer external/loop binding and external/intercalative binding to quadruplex DNA, respectively. From experimental results it is clear that the interaction of PBD2 and TMPyP4 impart higher stability to the quadruplex complex
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