195 research outputs found

    Literature and Music. Ramon Folc de Cardona, a Great Captain of the Renaissance

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    El presente trabajo propone nuevas reflexiones para la revisión biográfica del Gran Capitán catalán Ramon Folc de Cardona (Bellpuig 1467 – Nápoles 1522), virrey de Fernando el Católico en Sicilia y Nápoles. El artículo reinterpreta los testimonios literarios coetáneos conservados sobre el personaje y su corte e incorpora novedades al respecto. Así mismo, se analiza la pervivencia de la memoria del virrey como arquetipo teatral y musical en las comedias del Renacimiento italiano y en la comedia madrigal L’Amfiparnasso de Orazio Vecchi.This paper proposes new considerations for a revision of the life of the great Catalan Captain Ramon Folc de Cardona (Bellpuig 1467 – Naples 1522), viceroy of King Ferdinand the Catholic in Sicily and Naples. The article provides a new interpretation of contemporary literary sources concerning the viceroy and his court. The survival of the viceroy’s memory is also analysed as a theatrical and musical archetype in Italian Renaissance comedies, particularly in Orazio Vecchi’s madrigal comedy L’Amfiparnasso.Humanidade

    Influence of some oenological practices on the aromatic and sensorial characteristics of white Verdejo wines

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    Changes in the aromatic composition as well as sensory characteristics in Verdejo white wines were analysed based on two factors: the winemaking methodology and the storing time of wine in bottles. The volatile components were determined by GLC-MS, and the sensory profile was designed and assessed according to the ISO 11035 standard. The results showed that when wines were made in oak barrels, either completely or partially, which means the wines were in contact with the lees, the levels of 1-octanol, ethyl heptanoate and ethyl decanoate were significantly affected (P menor que 0.05); the softness sensation was also influenced (P menor que 0.05). However, the amount of time the wines were stored in bottles significantly affected (P menor que 0.05) the levels of 1-hexanol, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, hexyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and isoamyl lactate and also an odour note (tropical fruit). The compounds with higher OAV values belong to the groups of esters and fatty acids. For these reasons, the composition and the quality of the aroma of Verdejo white wines appear to be significantly affected both by use of oak barrels in winemaking and the time the wines are stored in bottles

    Influencia de cinco técnicas enológicas en parámetros relacionados con la acidez y el color en vinos tintos de Mencía

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    Se ha estudiado la influencia de cinco técnicas (metodología de elaboración, tipo de recipiente de conservación y tiempo de conservación del vino en rama, temperatura de conservación y tiempo de conservación del vino embotellado) sobre parámetros fisico-químicos y descriptores sensoriales ligados a la acidez y al color en vinos tintos jóvenes de la variedad Mencía en la DO. Valdeorras (Ourense, Galicia). Los resultados muestran que los 19 parámetros estudiados son muy sensibles a las técnicas estudiadas. Tres de las cinco técnicas afectan (p<0,05) a los 19 parámetros y las otras dos (p<0,05) a diez de ellos. La maceración prefermentativa en frio y la conservación del vino en barrica aumentaron la acidez, pero la elaboración tradicional, la conservación del vino en depósito, la conservación del vino en botella durante tres meses y el empleo de una temperatura de conservación del vino embotellado baja y constante fueron más adecuadas para el color. Esto hace necesario establecer condiciones muy concretas para cada técnica según el parámetro considerado

    Influence of essential oils (cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil) on rumen fermentation, feeding 1 behavior and performance of lactating dairy cattle

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    Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of Next Enhance® 300 (NE300; cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil encapsulated product) on rumen fermentation and milk production of dairy cows. In experiment 1, batch cultures of mixed rumen micro-organisms were used to study the effects of increasing concentrations of NE300 (0, 200, 300, and 400 mg/L) on ruminal fermentation in 24 h in vitro incubations. All tested doses decreased (P < 0.05) methane production, but the dose of 400 mg/L also reduced the production of volatile fatty acid (VFA). The addition of NE300 at 300 mg/L produced the most beneficial effects, reducing methane production, acetate proportion, and ammonia-N concentration, and increasing propionate proportion compared with CON, without affecting total VFA production. These results would indicate a potentially greater supply of energy for the host animal. In experiment 2, sixteen lactating dairy cows (8 rumen-cannulated) participated in a switch-back design with three 4-wk periods and 2 treatments: control (CON, unsupplemented) and NE300 (300 mg NE300/cow/d). Milk yield response was affected by a 3-way interaction among treatment, parity, and days on treatment; after 15 d on treatment, multiparous cows on NE300 produced more milk (approximately additional 3 kg/d) than multiparous cows on CON. Total rumen VFA concentrations tended (P = 0.06) to be greater in NE300 than in CON when rumen fermentation kinetics were evaluated at the end of each period (day 28). It is concluded that NE300 modifies ruminal fermentation resulting in increased milk yield in multiparous lactating dairy cows after 15 d of adaptation

    Effectiveness of Two Ruminally Protected Methionine Sources for Lactating Dairy Cows

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    Two sources of ruminally protected methionine were tested for their ability to provide available methionine to lactating dairy cattle. Based on milk protein yield and milk protein percent, NTP-1401 (an unreleased product from Novus International, Inc., St. Charles, MO) and Smartamine (Adisseo, αretta, GA) provided similar amounts of available methionine to the cows. These two products led to different methioninerelated compounds appearing in blood plasma, suggesting that they contained different methionine precursors

    Effect of five enological practices and of the general phenolic composition on fermentation-related aroma compounds in Mencia young red wines

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    The effects of five technological procedures and of the contents of total anthocyanins and condensed tan- nins on 19 fermentation-related aroma compounds of young red Mencia wines were studied. Multifactor ANOVA revealed that levels of those volatiles changed significantly over the length of storage in bottles and, to a lesser extent, due to other technological factors considered; total anthocyanins and condensed tannins also changed significantly as a result of the five practices assayed. Five aroma compounds pos- sessed an odour activity value >1 in all wines, and another four in some wines. Linear correlation among volatile compounds and general phenolic composition revealed that total anthocyanins were highly related to 14 different aroma compounds. Multifactor ANOVA, considering the content of total anthocy- anins as a sixth random factor, revealed that this parameter affected significantly the contents of ethyl lactate, ethyl isovalerate, 1-pentanol and ethyl octanoate. Thus, the aroma of young red Mencia wines may be affected by levels of total anthocyanin

    Historia de la nutrición clínica española (2): La contribución de SENPE y de la revista Nutrición Hospitalaria

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    Segunda parte del texto y fotografías de la exposición HISTORIA DE LA NUTRICIÓN CLÍNICA ESPAÑOLA: LA CONTRIBUCIÓN de LA SENPE, presentada los días 6 a 12 de mayo de 2015 en Alicante, con ocasión de la celebración del XXX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE).Se aborda la aportación que ha realizado la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE) a la nutrición clínica, a través del análisis de los principales elementos que han configurado su proyecto de asociacionismo científico: los inicios y el contexto científico y asistencial que determinó su puesta en marcha, las características y la evolución de los socios y de las juntas directivas, los congresos y las reuniones científicas organizadas, la importancia que ha adquirido la revista Nutrición Hospitalaria como referente para la comunicación científica en el ámbito de las ciencias de la nutrición y las actividades encaminadas a promover la investigación y la formación continuada (grupos de trabajo, publicaciones, etc.)

    Historia de la nutrición clínica española (1): Nutrición artificial y su incorporación al ámbito clínico español

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    Primera parte del texto y fotografías de la exposición HISTORIA DE LA NUTRICIÓN CLÍNICA ESPAÑOLA: LA CONTRIBUCIÓN de LA SENPE, presentada los días 6 a 12 de mayo de 2015 en Alicante, con ocasión de la celebración del XXX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE).El progreso alcanzado por la nutrición clínica y por los avances terapéuticos como el que representa la nutrición artificial, deben ser contextualizados en el proceso de desarrollo que vivieron las ciencias de la alimentación y la nutrición a lo largo de las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX, y en el de la evolución mostrada por la dietética contemporánea. El reto que representaban los regímenes especiales para determinadas patologías, las respuestas que demandaban los problemas nutricionales de los pacientes pediátricos o el apoyo nutricional pre y postoperatorio, aparecen como algunas de las principales líneas de trabajo que incentivaron el perfeccionamiento que fueron alcanzando la nutrición parenteral y enteral. A continuación se presentan algunos de los principales antecedentes históricos relacionados con las aplicaciones terapéuticas de la nutrición artificial, y como se produjo la incorporación de la nutrición parenteral al ámbito clínico español

    Microvesicles: ROS scavengers and ROS producers

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    This review analyzes the relationship between microvesicles and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This relationship is bidirectional; on the one hand, the number and content of microvesicles produced by the cells are affected by oxidative stress conditions; on the other hand, microvesicles can directly and/or indirectly modify the ROS content in the extra- as well as the intracellular compartments. In this regard, microvesicles contain a pro-oxidant or antioxidant machinery that may produce or scavenge ROS: direct effect. This mechanism is especially suitable for eliminating ROS in the extracellular compartment. Endothelial microvesicles, in particular, contain a specific and well-developed antioxidant machinery. On the other hand, the molecules included in microvesicles can modify (activate or inhibit) ROS metabolism in their target cells: indirect effect. This can be achieved by the incorporation into the cells of ROS metabolic enzymes included in the microvesicles, or by the regulation of signaling pathways involved in ROS metabolism. Proteins, as well as miRNAs, are involved in this last effect

    Peptide-Capped Mesoporous Nanoparticles: Toward a more Efficient Internalization of Alendronate

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: E. Añón, A. M. Costero, P. Amorós, J. El Haskouri, R. Martínez-Mánez, M. Parra, S. Gil, P. Gaviña, M. C. Terencio, M. Alfonso, ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 3618., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202000417. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Osteoporosis is an illness which appears when the osteoblast/osteoclast activities are unbalanced taking place bone resorption (caused by osteoclasts) in higher extension than bone formation (induced by osteoblasts). Alendronate is one of the most used drugs for osteoporosis treatment despite its scarce bioavailability. Here we present the synthesis and characterization of mesoporous gated nanoparticles (two sets) for the controlled release of alendronate. The first set of nanoparticles (S1) were loaded with sulforhodamine B and capped with a peptide that could be selectively hydrolyzed by cathepsin K enzyme (overexpressed in osteoclasts). The second set (S2) was functionalized with aminopropyl moieties, loaded with nitrobenzofurazan labelled alendronate and capped with the same peptide. Both nanoparticles were internalized by RAW 264.7 macrophages (which could differentiate in osteoclasts) and were able to release its entrapped cargo in the presence of cathepsin K added in the macrophage lysates. Using S2 nanoparticles 4.2% of the total alendronate amount in contact with the cells is liberated inside them and could produce its therapeutic effect.We thank the Spanish Government (RTI2018-100910-B-C41, RTI2018-100910-B-C42 (MCUI/AEI/FEDER, UE)) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU/2018/024) for support. SCSIE (Universitat de Valencia) is gratefully acknowledged for all the equipment employed. NMR was registered at the U26 facility of ICTS "NANBIOSIS" at the Universitat of Valencia.Añón, E.; Costero, AM.; Amorós Del Toro, P.; El Haskouri, J.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Parra Álvarez, M.; Gil Grau, S.... (2020). Peptide-Capped Mesoporous Nanoparticles: Toward a more Efficient Internalization of Alendronate. ChemistrySelect. 5(12):3618-3625. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202000417S36183625512Qaseem, A., Forciea, M. A., McLean, R. M., & Denberg, T. D. (2017). Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update From the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 166(11), 818. doi:10.7326/m15-1361Cramer, J. A., Gold, D. T., Silverman, S. L., & Lewiecki, E. M. (2007). A systematic review of persistence and compliance with bisphosphonates for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International, 18(8), 1023-1031. doi:10.1007/s00198-006-0322-8Watts, N. B., & Diab, D. L. (2010). 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