4,306 research outputs found

    Stop-list slicing.

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    Traditional program slicing requires two parameters: a program location and a variable, or perhaps a set of variables, of interest. Stop-list slicing adds a third parameter to the slicing criterion: those variables that are not of interest. This third parameter is called the stoplist. When a variable in the stop-list is encountered, the data-flow dependence analysis of slicing is terminated for that variable. Stop-list slicing further focuses on the computation of interest, while ignoring computations known or determined to be uninteresting. This has the potential to reduce slice size when compared to traditional forms of slicing. In order to assess the size of the reduction obtained via stop-list slicing, the paper reports the results of three empirical evaluations: a large scale empirical study into the maximum slice size reduction that can be achieved when all program variables are on the stop-list; a study on a real program, to determine the reductions that could be obtained in a typical application; and qualitative case-based studies to illustrate stop-list slicing in the small. The large-scale study concerned a suite of 42 programs of approximately 800KLoc in total. Over 600K slices were computed. Using the maximal stoplist reduced the size of the computed slices by about one third on average. The typical program showed a slice size reduction of about one-quarter. The casebased studies indicate that the comprehension effects are worth further consideration


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    This paper examines the relationship of 1987 retail grocery prices to supermarket sales concentration across 95 U.S. metropolitan areas. The regression model incorporates a large number of population, retail-cost, and retail competition factors and separate prices by type of grocery item. We find that the concentration-price relationship is sensitive to item type: positive for packaged, branded, dry groceries and unrelated for produce, meat, and dairy product prices. As for market rivalry, we find that small grocery stores provide no grocery price competition for supermarkets. However, branded grocery prices are driven down by fast-food places and by rapid price churning, whereas for unbranded foods the presence of warehouse stores places downward pressure on supermarket prices while fast-food presence does not. For the branded-groceries component, we also find prices higher in large, fast-growing, low- income, Eastern cities. We also find that cities where rents, wages, and electricity costs are high tend to have high dry grocery prices. However, for the unbranded-products component retail costs are unrelated to prices, and cities in the South have the highest prices.retail grocery trade, pricing policy, variable price merchandising, market competition, category management, market structure, sales concentration, price discrimination, price rivalry, oligopoly, food demand, food prices, Consumer/Household Economics,

    Code extraction algorithms which unify slicing and concept assignment

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    One approach to reverse engineering is to partially automate subcomponent extraction, improvement and subsequent recombination. Two previously proposed automated techniques for supporting this activity are slicing and concept assignment. However, neither is directly applicable in isolation; slicing criteria (sets of program variables) are simply too low level in many cases, while concept assignment typically fails to produce executable subcomponents. This paper introduces a unification of slicing and concept assignment which exploits their combined advantages, while overcoming their individual weaknesses. Our 'concept slices' are extracted using high level criteria, while producing executable subprograms. The paper introduces three ways of combining slicing, and concept assignment and algorithms for each. The application of the concept slicing algorithms is illustrated with a case study from a large financial organisation

    Amorphous procedure extraction

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    The procedure extraction problem is concerned with the meaning preserving formation of a procedure from a (not necessarily contiguous) selected set of statements. Previous approaches to the problem have used dependence analysis to identify the non-selected statements which must be 'promoted' (also selected) in order to preserve semantics. All previous approaches to the problem have been syntax preserving. This work shows that by allowing transformation of the program's syntax it is possible to extract both procedures and functions in an amorphous manner. That is, although the amorphous extraction process is meaning preserving it is not necessarily syntax preserving. The amorphous approach is advantageous in a variety of situations. These include when it is desirable to avoid promotion, when a value-returning function is to be extracted from a scattered set of assignments to a variable, and when side effects are present in the program from which the procedure is to be extracted

    Program simplification as a means of approximating undecidable propositions

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    We describe an approach which mixes testing, slicing, transformation and formal verification to investigate speculative hypotheses concerning a program, formulated during program comprehension activity. Our philosophy is that such hypotheses (which are typically undecidable) can, in some sense, be `answered' by a partly automated system which returns neither `true' nor `false' but a program (the `test program') which computes the answer. The motivation for this philosophy is the way in which, as we demonstrate, static analysis and manipulation technology can be applied to ensure that the resulting test program is significantly simpler than the original program, thereby simplifying the process of investigating the original hypothesi

    Amorphous procedure extraction

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    The procedure extraction problem is concerned with the meaning preserving formation of a procedure from a (not necessarily contiguous) selected set of statements. Previous approaches to the problem have used dependence analysis to identify the non-selected statements which must be 'promoted' (also selected) in order to preserve semantics. All previous approaches to the problem have been syntax preserving. This work shows that by allowing transformation of the program's syntax it is possible to extract both procedures and functions in an amorphous manner. That is, although the amorphous extraction process is meaning preserving it is not necessarily syntax preserving. The amorphous approach is advantageous in a variety of situations. These include when it is desirable to avoid promotion, when a value-returning function is to be extracted from a scattered set of assignments to a variable, and when side effects are present in the program from which the procedure is to be extracted

    Loop squashing transformations for amorphous slicing

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    Program slicing is a source code extraction technique that can be used to support reverse engineering by automatically extracting executable subprograms that preserve some aspect of the original program's semantics. Although minimal slices are not generally computable, safe approximate algorithms can be used to good effect. However, the precision of such slicing algorithms is a major factor in determining the value of slicing for reverse engineering. Amorphous slicing has been proposed as a way of reducing the size of a slice. Amorphous slices preserve the aspect of semantic interest, but not the syntax that denotes it, making them generally smaller than their syntactically restricted counterparts. Amorphous slicing is suitable for many reverse engineering applications, since reverse engineering typically abandons the existing syntax to facilitate structural improvements. Previous work on amorphous slicing has not attempted to exploit its potential to apply loop-squashing transformations. This paper presents an algorithm for amorphous slicing of loops, which identifies induction variables, transformation rule templates and iteration-determining compile-time expressions. The algorithm uses these to squash certain loops into conditional assignments. The paper also presents an inductive proof of the rule templates and illustrates the application of the algorithm with a detailed example of loop squashing

    A trajectory-based strict semantics for program slicing

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    We define a program semantics that is preserved by dependence-based slicing algorithms. It is a natural extension, to non-terminating programs, of the semantics introduced by Weiser (which only considered terminating ones) and, as such, is an accurate characterisation of the semantic relationship between a program and the slice produced by these algorithms. Unlike other approaches, apart from Weiserā€™s original one, it is based on strict standard semantics which models the ā€˜normalā€™ execution of programs on a von Neumann machine and, thus, has the advantage of being intuitive. This is essential since one of the main applications of slicing is program comprehension. Although our semantics handles non-termination, it is defined wholly in terms of finite trajectories, without having to resort to complex, counter-intuitive, non-standard models of computation. As well as being simpler, unlike other approaches to this problem, our semantics is substitutive. Substitutivity is an important property becauseit greatly enhances the ability to reason about correctness of meaning-preserving program transformations such as slicing

    Decidability of strong equivalence for subschemas of a class of linear, free, near-liberal program schemas

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    The article attached is a preprint version of the final published article which can be accessed at the link below. The article title has been changed. For referencing purposes please use the published details. Copyright Ā© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.A program schema defines a class of programs, all of which have identical statement structure, but whose functions and predicates may differ. A schema thus defines an entire class of programs according to how its symbols are interpreted. Two schemas are strongly equivalent if they always define the same function from initial states to final states for every interpretation. A subschema of a schema is obtained from a schema by deleting some of its statements. A schema S is liberal if there exists an initial state in the Herbrand domain such that the same term is not generated more than once along any executable path through S. In this paper, we introduce near-liberal schemas, in which this non-repeating condition applies only to terms not having the form g() for a constant function symbol g. Given a schema S that is linear (no function or predicate symbol occurs more than once in S) and a variable v, we compute a set of function and predicate symbols in S which is a subset of those defined by Weiser's slicing algorithm and prove that if for every while predicate q in S and every constant assignment w:=g(); lying in the body of q, no other assignment to w also lies in the body of q, our smaller symbol set defines a correct subschema of S with respect to the final value of v after execution. We also prove that if S is also free (every path through S is executable) and near-liberal, it is decidable which of its subschemas are strongly equivalent to S. For the class of pairs of schemas in which one schema is a subschema of the other, this generalises a recent result in which S was required to be linear, free and liberal.This work was supported by a grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Grant EP/E002919/1
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