12,643 research outputs found

    Modified hydraulic braking system limits angular deceleration to safe values

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    Conventional spring actuated, hydraulically released, fail-safe disk braking system is modified to control the angular deceleration of a massive antenna. The hydraulic system provides an immediate preset pressure to the spring-loaded brake shoes and holds it at this value to decelerate the antenna at the desired rate

    Pyroclastic deposits and volcanic history of Mayor Island

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    The emergent summit of Mayor Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, is a peralkaline rhyolite volcano constructed by: a sequence of lava flows, the Tutaretare Rhyolite Formation new; and pyroclastic deposits, the Oira Pyroclastite Formition (new). These 2 formations constitute the Mayor Island Group new. The pyroclastic deposits mantle most of the outer slopes of the island, in places exceeding 100 m in thickness, and also occur interbedded with lava flows of the main cone. The pyroclastics have been informally assigned on the basis of their compositional, welding and textural, and sedimentary structural characteristics to one or other of 15 lithotypes which may be related to particular modes of eruption and emplacement, of both airfall (phreatic, phreatomagmatic, phreatoplinian, and plinian types) and pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite, nuée ardente, and base surge types origins). A sixteenth lithotype comprises epiclastic deposits formed possibly by catastrophic overspill from an ancestral crater lake. Two new radiocarbon dates on logs from the pyroclastic deposits are recorded: (Wk105) 8000 ± 70 years B.P., and (Wk77) 6340 ± 190 years B.P. Recognition of the calcalkaline Rotoehu and possibly Rotoma Ashes on Mayor Island, together with the new radiocarbon dates, enables definition of 8 phases of major volcanic activity, each separated by relatively quiescent periods with erosion and paleosol formation. Volcanism commenced sometime prior to 42 000 years ago and has continued intermittently up to the eruption of the young dome lavas, possibly less than 1000 years ago. At present, only I Mayor Island-derived tephra has been identified on the mainland of the North Island, namely the Tuhua Tephra dated (Wk77) at source as 6340 ± 190 years B .P. However, the character and magnitude of several of the pyroclastic units on Mayor Island is such that recognition of other peralkaline tephras is anticipated in northern North Island

    Provenance history of a Late Triassic-Jurassic Gondwana margin forearc basin, Murihiku Terrane, North Island, New Zealand: petrographic and geochemical constraints

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    The Murihiku Terrane in the North Island was a forearc basin adjacent to a volcanic arc along the eastern margin of Gondwana during the Mesozoic. The rocks that infill the basin are mainly volcaniclastic sandstones and mudstones, often turbiditic, with sparse shellbeds, rhyolitic tuffs, carbonaceous sandstones, plant beds, concretionary horizons, and rare thick granitoid-rich conglomerates. Petrographic studies of the rock fragments in the sandstones show that andesites are the dominant lithic type, but there is a wide range of other lithologies, including dacites, rhyolites, ignimbrites, granitoids, quartzofeldspathic mica schists, rare amphibolites, and reworked mudstones and sandstones. The sandstones are texturally and mineralogically immature and suggest deposition relatively close to a source of high relief, undergoing physical rather than chemical weathering in cool- to cold-temperate conditions. Geochemical analyses of 67 whole-rock volcaniclastic sandstones and siltstones indicate that they were derived from an active and dissected volcanic arc in a convergent margin setting built upon relatively thin continental crust. Modal petrographic data and whole-rock geochemistry both confirm that there were systematic variations with time in the composition of clastic material being supplied to the basin. From the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic, there was a decrease in silicic volcanic material, plutonics, and metamorphics, and an increase in the supply of andesitic detritus. This was followed in the Late Jurassic by a broader range of volcanic detritus, varying from basaltic andesite to rhyolite, which may have been caused by progressive extension of the volcanic arc and thinning of the crust, a precursor to the breakup of Gondwana in the Early-Middle Cretaceous. Comparison with the Southland segment of the Murihiku Terrane in the South Island suggests that there were significant along-arc source variations, with relatively less silicic but greater andesitic and continental crust contributions in the North Island than in Southland. This may be analogous to the modern Taupo-Kermadec arc where there is a south-north along-arc transition from a continental to an oceanic arc

    Troubling Vulnerability: Designing with LGBT Young People's Ambivalence Towards Hate Crime Reporting

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    HCI is increasingly working with ?vulnerable? people yet there is a danger that the label of vulnerability can alienate and stigmatize the people such work aims to support. We report our study investigating the application of interaction design to increase rates of hate crime reporting amongst Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people. During design-led workshops participants expressed ambivalence towards reporting. While recognizing their exposure to hate crime they simultaneously rejected ascription as victim as implied in the act of reporting. We used visual communication design to depict the young people?s ambivalent identities and contribute insights on how these fail and succeed to account for the intersectional, fluid and emergent nature of LGBT identities through the design research process. We argue that by producing ambiguous designed texts, alongside conventional qualitative data, we ?trouble? our design research narratives as a tactic to disrupt static and reductive understandings of vulnerability within HCI

    The credibility of health economic models for health policy decision-making: the case of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    <i>Objectives</i>: To review health economic models of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) among elderly males and assess their credibility for informing decision-making. <i>Methods</i>: A literature review identified health economic models of ultrasound screening for AAA. For each model focussing on population screening in elderly males, model structure and input parameter values were critically appraised using published good practice guidelines for decision analytic models. <i>Results</i>: Twelve models published between 1989 and 2003 were identified. Converting costs to a common currency and base year, substantial variability in cost-effectiveness results were revealed. Appraisals carried out for the nine models focusing on population screening showed differences in their complexity, with the simpler models generating results most favourable to screening. Eight of the nine models incorporated two or more simplifying structural assumptions favouring screening; uncertainty surrounding these assumptions was not investigated by any model. Quality assessments on a small number of parameters revealed input values varied between models, methods used to identify and incorporate input data were often not described, and few sensitivity analyses were reported. <i>Conclusions</i>: Large variation exists in the cost-effectiveness results generated by AAA screening models. The substantial number of factors potentially contributing to such disparities means that reconciliation of model results is impossible. In addition, poor reporting of methods makes it difficult to identify the most plausible and thus most useful model of those developed

    X-rays from T Tau: A test case for accreting T Tauri stars

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    We test models for the generation of X-rays in accreting T Tauri stars (TTS), using X-ray data from the classical TTS T Tau. High-resolution spectroscopy from the Reflection Grating Spectrometers on XMM-Newton is used to infer electron densities, element abundances and the thermal structure of the X-ray source. We also discuss the ultraviolet light curve obtained by the Optical Monitor, and complementary ground-based photometry. A high-resolution image from Chandra constrains contributions from the two companions of T Tau N. The X-ray grating spectrum is rich in emission lines, but shows an unusual mixture of features from very hot (~30 MK) and very cool (1-3 MK) plasma, both emitted by similar amounts of emission measure. The cool plasma confirms the picture of a soft excess in the form of an enhanced OVII/OVIII Lya flux ratio, similar to that previously reported for other accreting TTS. Diagnostics from lines formed by this plasma indicate low electron densities (<~ 1E10 cm-3). The Ne/Fe abundance ratio is consistent with a trend in pre-main sequence stars in which this ratio depends on spectral type, but not on accretion. On the basis of line density diagnostics, we conclude that the density of the cool ``soft-excess'' plasma is orders of magnitude below that predicted for an accretion shock, assuming previously determined accretion rates of (3-6)E-8 M_sun/y. We argue that loading of magnetic field lines with infalling material suppresses the heating process in a part of the corona. We thus suggest that the X-ray production of T Tau is influenced by the accretion process although the X-rays may not form in the bulk of the accretion footpoints.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, A&A style. Accepted by A&A, to appear in a special section/issue dedicated to the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST). See also http://www.issibern.ch/teams/Taurus/papers.htm

    Spectral Evolution of Two High-Energy Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The prompt emission of the gamma-ray bursts is found to be very energetic, releasing ~10^51 ergs in a flash. However, their emission mechanism remains unclear and understanding their spectra is a key to determining the emission mechanism. Many GRB spectra have been analyzed in the sub-MeV energy band, and are usually well described with a smoothly broken power-law model. We present a spectral analysis of two bright bursts (GRB910503 and GRB930506), using BATSE and EGRET spectra that cover more than four decades of energy (30 keV - 200 MeV). Our results show time evolutions of spectral parameters (low-energy & high-energy photon indices and break energy) that are difficult to reconcile with a simple shock-acceleration model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Astrophysical Particle Acceleration in Geospace and Beyond", Chattanooga, 2002, AGU monograp