184 research outputs found

    Foster a Culture of Literacy Through Increased Reading Interest in Village Communities

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    This study aims to (1) describe in depth the causes of low reading interest of the community, especially the younger generation of school age, (2) to diagnose various causes of low reading interest, and (3) to find a model of reading activities that can encourage people to read so that the culture especially in the young generation of school age in the Village of Tabongo, district Tabongo, District East of Gorontalo. The methods used in this study qualitative method in the form of case studies by examining events or events related to reading interest and culture literacy. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, recording of data and images. Data analysis techniques, namely present, analyze, decompile, and exposes the data as is associated with the interests and culture of reading society. The research results showed that the reading interest in the community is still classified as low, because not yet available the means to read, educational level of the average graduate community primary school, dropping out of school, and lack of knowledge in literacy. To increase interest in reading in order to foster a culture of literacy needs to be carried out various strategies program that can reach out to all levels in society, namely the provision of means of library the village-based IT, student involvement KKN to teach how to read and write for two or three months, will need to work closely with nearby schools to grant access to the community dropped out from school in order to get a chance to learn

    Faktor-faktor Penyebab Perilaku Merokok Siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Babat

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    Based on the study result, there were several students in the State Junior High School of Babat who smoked, the percentage was 2-20% from each class. They were from the VII grade and IX grade. The study was conducted to determine factors are the causes of smoking behavior in the students of Babat State Junior High School. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with case study design. The subjects in this study consisted of main informants and supporting informants. The main informants were students who had smoking behavior. While supporting informants in this study were the counselor Babat State Junior High School, family, and friends who know the students who have smoking behavior of the main informants. The data were obtained by using the method of interview, observation and documentation. The techniques used to analyze qualitative data are by following the concept given by Miles and Huberman consisting of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. While the validity of the data using triangulation techniques, both on technical and research subjects. The results showed that the main causes of smoking behavior of students in Babat State Junior High School are internal factors and external factors. The internal factors are the dabbling, self-actualization (to look more mature and manly) and eliminate boredom, etc.. Whlie interna factors that occured are due to the influence of friends, smoking parents, environment, habit role in the group. Keywords: Student’s Behavior, Smoking, Causal factor

    Reformasi Kebijakan Perbankan Islam Di Indonesia

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    Reformation of Syari'ah Banking Policy in Indonesia. The existence of Islamic banking in Indonesia gains recognition with the introduction of the government regulation of 1992 concerning the foundation of Islamic banking. Six years later the government introduced Law No. 10/1998 on reform of the banking system. As a result, reform of banking system, (conventional bankis possible to provide branch office based on syari'ah principles); reform of Islamic banking programs as well as monetary system; and reforms in accelerating of the Islamic banking development. This essay is an attempt to analyze the changes and implication brought with this regulation for the development of Islamic banking

    Syekh Rahmatullah Dan Kritik Ajaran Kristen

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    Pada tahun 1855 M India berada dibawah kendali penjajahan Inggris yang telah mengusai sepenuhnya wilayah ini baik dari sisi pemerintahan, maupun perekonomian dan kehidupan beragama, hal ini tentunya berkaitan erat dengan misi dari kolonialisme yaitu penyebaran ajaran Kristen diseluruh wilayah jajahan bangsa Eropa. Kondisi ini pun menerpa umat Islam di India yang tidak lepas dari upaya para misionaris Kristen yang dengan genjarnya membujuk umat Islam keluar dari keislamannya. Menghadapi perkembangan kehidupan beragama umat Islam yang terancam oleh misi kristenisasi, muncul ulama India Syekh Rahmatullah yang berusaha membela dan mempertahankan ajaran-ajaran Islam. pola pembelaan dan perlawannya menarik untuk dikaji, dimana ulama ini menantang secara terbuka para Pendeta Kristen yang dipimpin oleh Dr. Fender untuk melakukan Debat terbuka dihadapan penganut agama Islam dan Kristen di Indi

    Low Cost Ataukah Differensiasi? Studi Empiris Implementasi Strategi Pada Industri Adhesive Dan Sealant Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research aims to test whether low cost and differentiation strategies were implemented partially or simultaneously by the firms in adhesive and sealant industry which listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research also tested whether the firm size is one of the factors which contributed to its performance. The results show that both low cost and differentiation strategies were more effective to implement simultaneously rather than focusing on one strategy. For size's firm factor, the result proved that it didn't have any influence to its firm performance when implementing their strategies. Unavailability of research and development fund in the firm budget can be predicted why firm size has no influence to firm's performance

    Audit Energi Listrik Pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Department Store Matahari a. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak

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    Determining IKE (intensity of energy consumption) as well as the cost of payment according to USAge based on historical data Matahari Department Store Mega Mall Pontianak using one of the methods currently used for the efficient use of electric energy is the electrical energy audit. Electric energy audit is to increase the efficiency of energy used or the energy savings. The goal of the energy audit is to look for ways to reduce energy consumption unity output and reduce operating costs. IKE electricity in electricity consumption in the Sun A. Yani Mega Mall widely conditioned Pontianak year a detailed audit results (measurement results) obtained a value of 331.48 kWh / m2, is still far from the value of the existing standard is for the shopping center is 330 kWh / m2 year. From the data analysis of electrical energy consumption in shopping centers A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak during the day obtained electricity consumption for air conditioning at 5844.04 kWh, for the lamp at 927.45 kWh, for other devices for 165 kWh. Enterprises consumption savings directed towards businesses replacement refrigerant, it is taken because they amount of operating the air conditioner in the room more than one AC that operates so as to do the replacement refrigerant in rotation, but the first observation and checking carefully to the various aspects of the machine aspect of the machine AC.Replacement of refrigerant by using Musicool, which Musicool refrigerant is a natural refrigerant materials that are environmentally friendly type of hydrocarbon that is a substitute refrigerant sintetic halocarbons group CFC R-12, HCFCR HFC-22 and R-134a which still has the potential to destroy nature. From the results of the implementation of energy-saving opportunities (PHE), the analysis of the savings obtained from sintetic types HCFC refrigerant replacement for R-22 using the brand Musicool in every air conditioner installed in the shopping center Mega Mall Sun A. Yani Pontianak, obtained results that the a decrease in the total energy consumption of electricity per day, which before the replacement of freon Musicool obtained total electrical energy consumption amounting to 5844.04 kWh, but after replacement of total electricity to be obtained 5089.76 kWh, and the results of calculations and analysis for the replacement of general lighting lamps with energy saving lamps LEDs installed in A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak obtained a reduction in total energy consumption of electricity per day, Diman before replacement LED energy saving lamp gained 927.25 kWh total energy consumption, but after a replacement is obtained 729.84 kWh. To target IKE per unit area are conditioned to shopping centers amounted to 330 kWh / m2 a year.It turns before performs IKE implementation IKE value PHE A. Yani Mega Mall Pontianak amounted to 331.48 kWh / m2 and after and PHE IKE value of 296.68 kWh / m2. in the shopping center Mega Mall Sun A. Yani Pontianak seen already in accordance with the standards or target of electricity IKE. The amount of costs incurred after the implementation of the PHE for air conditioning Rp. 18.75 million, - and the total cost for LED replacement lamp Rp. 539 700 000, - the durability of 5 years. The cost savings for a year after implementing PHE is Rp. 463,226,388.5,

    Normalization of Negative Stigma Against HIV/AIDS Patients: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a public health problem that stigmatizes its victims. Mental attacks, as a result of labeling and discrimination, result in psychological suffering and well-being for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), necessitating adequate treatment. Thus, it is critical for this research to undertake a systematic assessment of scientific articles on Negative Stigma Against People Living with HIV/AIDS. This study used a descriptive analysis approach to examine publications containing the terms HIV/AIDS stigma that were published in the Scopus database between 2011 and 2018. The data is then processed and visualized using Vosviewer software, and the results show the four most dominant concepts studied by the previous author, namely human, female and human immunodeficiency virus infection. The contribution of this research is to become a reference to find out the root of the problem and the harmful impact of stigmatization on people with HIV/AIDS to help formulate recommendations for prevention and treatment that can be done (normalization). However, this research is limited because the data source only comes from Scopus. Therefore, to produce a comparative, broad, and comprehensive analysis, further studies need to include sources of other reputable international journals such as the Web of Science (WoS)

    Sistem Rujukan Penyakit Kulit Dan Kelamin Di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Background : One of the primary health care organizers azaz is referral azaz. As primary health care facilities, the ability of primary health care is limited. In fact primary health care dealing directly with public people with a variety of health problems. For help primary health care from that all problems and to improve efficiency, so for all primary health care organizers (must, development and innovation) must be supported with referral azaz.Objective : To determine how the referral system of skin and venereal diseases in Genuk, Banget Ayu, Kedung Mundu, Tlogosari Wetan, dan Gayam Sari Primary Health Care during January 1st, 2012 – December 31st, 2013.Methods : This study used a observational descriptive methods. 476 samples were taken from a number of referral patients skin and venereal diseases in five Primary Health Care spamming from January 1st, 2012 – December 31st, 2013. The collected data from referral records secondary data provide the number of referral patients, referral or not, diagnosis patients, reasons referred, feedback from hospital, first therapy. Then, editing, coding, and processing were done in statistically descriptive way, measuring the spam of each variable and graphs were made for each characteristic.Conclusion : handling of patients of skin and venereal diseases with 4A level competence have not been fully handled in that five primary health care spamming from January 1st, 2012 – December 31st, 2013. Referral system in primary health care not yet fully implemented properly
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