239 research outputs found

    Urinary Peptide Levels in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

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    Introduction: Peptide levels in urine are found to be decreased in renal failure. In the current study urinary peptide levels were determined in chronic renal failure (CRF) patients. Method: 86 CRF patients and 80 healthy controls were selected for the study. Urinary proteins and peptide levels were determined by spectrophotometer based Lowry and Bradford methods. Urinary creatinine levels were determined by clinical chemistry analyzer. Results: There was significant decrease in urinary peptide levels in CRF patients and Urinary % peptides were significantly decreased in CRF patients as compared to healthy controls. Urinary % peptides correlated negatively with proteinuria. Conclusion: we have found decrease in urinary peptides and % urinary peptides in CRF patients and possibly measurement of % urinary peptides may possibly serve as better indicator in early detection of impairment in renal function

    Idiopathic urethrorrhagia

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    Formation of Pancreatoduodenal Fistula in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas Decreased the Frequency of Recurrent Pancreatitis

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    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) of the pancreas are characterized by proliferation of mucin-secreting cells in the main pancreatic duct (PD) or its branches. The secreted thick mucin usually leads to PD obstruction and dilation. A common complication of IPMN is recurrent acute pancreatitis secondary to poor pancreatic fluid drainage, and rarely, pancreatobiliary and pancreatointestinal fistulae. We describe a unique case of IPMN in a 57-year-old male who was referred to our institution for evaluation of recurrent acute pancreatitis. After extensive evaluation, he was diagnosed with main duct IPMN. Intraductal PD biopsy revealed intestinal type IPMN with intermediate grade dysplasia. Patient was managed clinically by large caliber (10 French) PD stenting which eliminated his recurrent acute pancreatitis. The patient was initially referred for pancreatic resection; however, surgery was aborted and evaluated to be high risk with high morbidity secondary to the extensive adhesions between the pancreas and surrounding structures. Patient remained clinically stable for a few years except for an episode of acute pancreatitis that happened after a trial of stent removal. Subsequently, the patient did well after the PD stent was replaced. Recently, repeat abdominal imaging revealed a large pancreatoduodenal fistula which was confirmed on repeat endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. We were able to perform pancreatoscopy by advancing a regular upper scope through the fistula and into the PD. Interestingly, the fistula relieved the symptoms of obstruction and subsequently decreased the frequency of recurrent pancreatitis episodes with no further episodes at 6 months follow-up. This case highlights the importance of providing adequate PD drainage to reduce the frequency of recurrent acute pancreatitis in the setting of main duct IPMN, especially if the patient is not a surgical candidate. Also, physicians need to monitor for complications such as fistula formation between the pancreas and surrounding structures in the setting of chronic inflammation due to recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. Early identification of a fistula is important for surgical planning. Furthermore, since recent studies suggested a higher incidence of additional primary malignancies in patients with IPMN of the pancreas compared to the general population, patients may be considered for screening for other primary malignancies

    Strong Domination Index in Fuzzy Graphs

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    Topological indices play a vital role in the area of graph theory and fuzzy graph (FG) theory. It has wide applications in the areas such as chemical graph theory, mathematical chemistry, etc. Topological indices produce a numerical parameter associated with a graph. Numerous topological indices are studied due to its applications in various fields. In this article a novel idea of domination index in a FG is defined using weight of strong edges. The strong domination degree (SDD) of a vertex u is defined using the weight of minimal strong dominating set (MSDS) containing u. Idea of upper strong domination number, strong irredundance number, strong upper irredundance number, strong independent domination number, and strong independence number are explained and illustrated subsequently. Strong domination index (SDI) of a FG is defined using the SDD of each vertex. The concept is applied on various FGs like complete FG, complete bipartite and r-partite FG, fuzzy tree, fuzzy cycle and fuzzy stars. Inequalities involving the SDD and SDI are obtained. The union and join of FG is also considered in the study. Applications for SDD of a vertex is provided in later sections. An algorithm to obtain a MSDS containing a particular vertex is also discussed in the article

    Domination Index in Graphs

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    The concepts of domination and topological index hold great significance within the realm of graph theory. Therefore, it is pertinent to merge these concepts to derive the domination index of a graph. A novel concept of the domination index is introduced, which utilizes the domination degree of a vertex. The domination degree of a vertex a is defined as the minimum cardinality of a minimal dominating set that includes a. The idea of domination degree and domination index is conducted of graphs like complete graphs, complete bipartite, r partite graphs, cycles, wheels, paths, book graphs, windmill graphs, Kragujevac trees. The study is extended to operation in graphs. Inequalities involving domination degree and already established graph parameters are discussed. An application of domination degree is discussed in facility allocation in a city. Algorithm to find a MDS containing a particular vertex is also discussed in the study

    Online) An Open Access

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    ABSTRACT Melasma is an acquired increased pigmentation of the skin, characterized by gray-brown symmetrical patches, mostly in the sun-exposed areas of the skin. The pathogenesis is unknown, but genetic or hormonal influences with UV radiation are important. Our present research aims to study the clinicoepidemiological pattern and the precipitating or provocation factors in melasma. A total of 36 patients were enrolled for the study over a period of three months. The mean age of patients with melasma was 33.77 years, ranging from 21 to 44 years. Females comprised the majority of cases seen in 29 out of 36 cases and the common age group affected was in late third decade. The patients sought medical treatment on an average of 3.41 years after appearance of melasma. About 28% of our patients reported that their disease exacerbated during sun exposure. Among 36 female patients, 10 reported pregnancy and 13 reported oral contraceptive as the precipitating factors. A positive family history of melasma was observed in 13 (36%) patients. Centrofacial was the most common pattern (47.22%) observed in the present study. Wood light examination showed the epidermal type being the most common in 55.55% and dermal and mixed were seen in 22.22% and 16.66% of the cases, respectively. We tried to find an association with endocrinal diseases and observed that 5 of them had hypothyroidism. The exact cause of melasma is unknown. However, many factors have been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of this disorder. Here we try to identify the causative factors and provocation to develop melasma. Keywords: Clinical, Epidemiological, Melasma INTRODUCTION Melasma is a common acquired hypermelanosis that occurs exclusively in sunexposed areas, mostly in the face and occasionally in the neck and rarely forearms. It develops slowly and is usually symmetric. Melasma is derived from the Greek word ""melasitaties"" meaning black. Chloasma is derived from greek "cloazeinitaties" meaning "to be green". Since melasma is hypermelanotic, it is better to be designated as melasma, rather than chloasma. The prevalence of melasma has been reported as between 5-70%. Melasma is more common in women. Men have been reported to represent 10% of cases and demonstrate the same clinical and histologic characteristics as women. The precise cause of melasma is unknown. However, a number of factors are implicated in the aetiopathogenesis of melasma. These include genetic influences, exposure to UV radiation, pregnancy, oral contraception, oestrogen-progesterone therapies, thyroid dysfunction, cosmetics and phototoxic and antiseizure drugs. Other aetiologic factors implicated in melasma are oral contraceptives and pregnancy. Melasma starts with pregnancy and disappears completely after parturition but may not regress in women on oral contraceptive until the medication is discontinued. There is also a report that thyroid disorders are associated with melasma in women whose pigmentation develops during pregnancy or after ingestion of oral contraceptive drugs. Some studies suggest melasma as a type of photo contact dermatitis. The allergens were found to be ingredients in cosmetics. To conclude aetiopathogenic studies, it is stated that melasma may be a consequence of hyperactive/ hyperfunctional melanocytes that cause excessive melanin deposition in the epidermis and dermis


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    Allopurinol-induced DRESS Syndrome or Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptom is a rare but potentially fatal drug reaction. Fever, rashes, swelling, and hematologic abnormalities, particularly short-term or long-term injury to one or more organs, have been reported by over 0.4 percent of patients following the course of medicine. Here, a 54-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of fever, purpuric rashes over the body with itching mainly in the oral cavity and lips, and the extent to the upper back and lower limbs for three days. She had known complaints of Type 2 Diabetes, Systemic hypertension, Coronary artery disease with recent NSTEMI, Dyslipidaemia, Psychosis (20y), and Chronic kidney disease. She had been taking Allopurinol for the past three months for hyperuricemia. Allopurinol treatment stopped while topical Steroid treatment started along with supportive therapy. After ten days, the rashes improved significantly, allowing her to leave the hospital

    Gemini imidazolium gels enhance the photodynamic performance of porphyrins

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) successful clinical use has led to an emerging interest in the development of improved delivery systems for photosensitizers. Amongst different formulations, gels have the advantage of being easier to apply, providing greater adhesion to the affected region and allowing light penetration. Importantly, we have previously reported that by incorporating porphyrin into a bisimidazolium gelator matrix there is an increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation compared to the photosensitizer in solution [1]. Motivated by this, we report further assessment on the photosensitizing capabilities of porphyrins in a gel structure. In this work, we evaluated effect of varying the chemical structures of porphyrins on their photosensitizing capabilities whilst embedded within a supramolecular hydrogel based on gemini imidazolium amphiphiles. The investigated porphyrins presented enhanced singlet oxygen (1O2) within the hydrogel matrix compared to solution and showed negligent release in relevant biological media. Rheological measurements revealed that porphyrin hydrogels presented desirable viscoelastic properties as a functional delivery system for PDT

    Design of E-Shaped Patch Antenna with Multi Resonances

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    In this paper, we tend to designed, simulated, engineered and check ‘E- shaped patch antenna with multi resonances’ that provides 9 db graph gain. Our simulation and experimental investigation aimed to grasp the behavior of the 2 slits. The first frequency is 3.6GHz with 4.46dBi gain the second frequency is 6.8GHz with 4.98dBi gain, the third frequency is 6.93GHz with 5.558 dBi and the fourth frequency 7GHz with gain 5.3681 dBi
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