Gemini imidazolium gels enhance the photodynamic performance of porphyrins


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) successful clinical use has led to an emerging interest in the development of improved delivery systems for photosensitizers. Amongst different formulations, gels have the advantage of being easier to apply, providing greater adhesion to the affected region and allowing light penetration. Importantly, we have previously reported that by incorporating porphyrin into a bisimidazolium gelator matrix there is an increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation compared to the photosensitizer in solution [1]. Motivated by this, we report further assessment on the photosensitizing capabilities of porphyrins in a gel structure. In this work, we evaluated effect of varying the chemical structures of porphyrins on their photosensitizing capabilities whilst embedded within a supramolecular hydrogel based on gemini imidazolium amphiphiles. The investigated porphyrins presented enhanced singlet oxygen (1O2) within the hydrogel matrix compared to solution and showed negligent release in relevant biological media. Rheological measurements revealed that porphyrin hydrogels presented desirable viscoelastic properties as a functional delivery system for PDT

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