2,553 research outputs found

    Robust probabilistic-constrained optimization for IRS-aided MISO communication systems

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    Taking into account imperfect channel state information, this letter formulates and solves a joint active/passive beamforming optimization problem in multiple-input single-output systems with the support of an intelligent reflecting surface. In particular, we introduce an optimization problem to minimize the total transmit power subject to maintaining the users' signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio coverage probability above a predefined target. Due to the presence of probabilistic constraints, the proposed optimization problem is non-convex. To circumvent this issue, we first recast the proposed problem in a convex form by adopting the Bernstein-type inequality, and we then introduce a converging alternating optimization approach to iteratively find the active/passive beamforming vectors. In particular, the transformed robust optimization problem can be effectively solved by using standard interior-point methods. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly optimizing the active/passive beamforming vectors

    A new root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. (Nematoda : Meloidogynidae), parasitizing Robusta coffee from Western Highlands, Vietnam

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    A new root-knot nematode, parasitizing Robusta coffee in Dak Lak Province, Western Highlands of Vietnam, is described as Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. Morphological and molecular analyses demonstrated that this species differs clearly from other previously described root-knot nematodes. Morphologically, the new species is characterized by a swollen body of females with a small posterior protuberance that elongated from ovoid to saccate; perineal patterns with smooth striae, continuous and low dorsal arch; lateral lines marked as a faint space or linear depression at junction of the dorsal and ventral striate; distinct phasmids; perivulval region free of striae; visible and wide tail terminus surrounding by concentric circles of striae; medial lips of females in dumbbell-shaped and slightly raised above lateral lips; female stylet is normally straight with posteriorly sloping stylet knobs; lip region of second stage juvenile (J2) is not annulated; medial lips and labial disc of J2 formed dumbbell shape; lateral lips are large and triangular; tail of J2 is conoid with rounded unstriated tail tip; distinct phasmids and hyaline; dilated rectum. Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. is most similar to M. africana, M. ottersoni by prominent posterior protuberance. Results of molecular analysis of rDNA sequences including the D2-D3 expansion regions of 28S rDNA, COI, and partial COII/16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA support for the new species status

    Sixty GHz IMPATT diode development

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    The objective of this program is to develop 60 GHz GaAs IMPATT Diodes suitable for communications applications. The performance goal of the 60 GHz IMPATT is 1W CW output power with a conversion efficiency of 15 percent and 10 year life time. During the course of the program, double drift (DD) GaAs IMPATT Diodes have been developed resulting in the state of the art performance at V band frequencies. A CW output power of 1.12 W was demonstrated at 51.9 GHz with 9.7 percent efficiency. The best conversion efficiency achieved was 15.3 percent. V band DD GaAs IMPATTs were developed using both small signal and large signal analyses. GaAs wafers of DD flat, DD hybrid, and DD Read profiles using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were developed with excellent doping profile control. Wafer evaluation was routinely made by the capacitance versus voltage (C-V) measurement. Ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis was also used for more detailed profile evaluation

    Emergency extra-intracranial bypass surgery in a patient with neurologic deficit after an accident in carotid occlusive test: A case report.

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    OBJECTIVE: BTO is the procedure performed to assess the collateral circulation within the Willis circle in a giant ICA aneurysm. An ICA occlusion after BTO is very rare. We present a case of an internal carotid artery occlusion as a complication of BTO that required urgent revascularization surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: A 56-year-old female with a history of transient ischemic attacks for one year was diagnosed with multiple aneurysms: a giant aneurysm of the left supra-clinoid ICA, two small ones on left MCA and right ophthalmic. A BTO was performed to assess collateral supply and determine whether bypass surgery should be necessary. During the procedure, the balloon was detached while insufflating, and the patient had a subsequent neurological decline consistent with an MCA syndrome. EC-IC bypass surgery was performed with an end-to-side anastomosis of STA-MCA by trapping the giant aneurysm and clipping the ipsilateral MCA aneurysm. The patient had a reversal of neurological symptoms and made an uneventful recovery. DISCUSSION: We discuss the epidemiology of giant ICA aneurysms, the indications for BTO, and its complication. Emergency intracranial and extracranial bypass surgery in case of acute ICA injury is also discussed. We also highlighted the attributable factors to treatment strategies under restrictive conditions in Vietnam. CONCLUSIONS: ICA occlusion due to insufflated balloon detachment is an unreported complication in literature. Emergency bypass surgery is a potential treatment choice for this unusual iatrogenic complication

    Calculation of the Hidden Symmetry Operator in PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    In a recent paper it was shown that if a Hamiltonian H has an unbroken PT symmetry, then it also possesses a hidden symmetry represented by the linear operator C. The operator C commutes with both H and PT. The inner product with respect to CPT is associated with a positive norm and the quantum theory built on the associated Hilbert space is unitary. In this paper it is shown how to construct the operator C for the non-Hermitian PT-symmetric Hamiltonian H=12p2+12x2+iϵx3H={1\over2}p^2+{1\over2}x^2 +i\epsilon x^3 using perturbative techniques. It is also shown how to construct the operator C for H=12p2+12x2−ϵx4H={1\over2}p^2+{1\over2}x^2-\epsilon x^4 using nonperturbative methods

    Analytic calculation of radio emission from parametrized extensive air showers:A tool to extract shower parameters

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    The radio intensity and polarization footprint of a cosmic-ray induced extensive air shower is determined by the time-dependent structure of the current distribution residing in the plasma cloud at the shower front. In turn, the time dependence of the integrated charge-current distribution in the plasma cloud, the longitudinal shower structure, is determined by interesting physics which one would like to extract, such as the location and multiplicity of the primary cosmic-ray collision or the values of electric fields in the atmosphere during thunderstorms. To extract the structure of a shower from its footprint requires solving a complicated inverse problem. For this purposewe have developed a code that semianalytically calculates the radio footprint of an extensive air shower given an arbitrary longitudinal structure. This code can be used in an optimization procedure to extract the optimal longitudinal shower structure given a radio footprint. On the basis of air-shower universality we propose a simple parametrization of the structure of the plasma cloud. This parametrization is based on the results of Monte Carlo shower simulations. Deriving the parametrization also teaches which aspects of the plasma cloud are important for understanding the features seen in the radio-emission footprint. The calculated radio footprints are compared with microscopic CoREAS simulations

    Role of loop entropy in the force induced melting of DNA hairpin

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    Dynamics of a single stranded DNA, which can form a hairpin have been studied in the constant force ensemble. Using Langevin dynamics simulations, we obtained the force-temperature diagram, which differs from the theoretical prediction based on the lattice model. Probability analysis of the extreme bases of the stem revealed that at high temperature, the hairpin to coil transition is entropy dominated and the loop contributes significantly in its opening. However, at low temperature, the transition is force driven and the hairpin opens from the stem side. It is shown that the elastic energy plays a crucial role at high force. As a result, the phase diagram differs significantly with the theoretical prediction.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; J. Chem. Phys (2011
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