47 research outputs found
The spectral, spatial and contrast sensitivity of human polarization pattern perception
It is generally believed that humans perceive linear polarized light following its conversion into a luminance signal by diattenuating macular structures. Measures of polarization sensitivity may therefore allow a targeted assessment of macular function. Our aim here was to quantify psychophysical characteristics of human polarization perception using grating and optotype stimuli defined solely by their state of linear polarization. We show: (i) sensitivity to polarization patterns follows the spectral sensitivity of macular pigment; (ii) the change in sensitivity across the central field follows macular pigment density; (iii) polarization patterns are identifiable across a range of contrasts and scales, and can be resolved with an acuity of 15.4 cycles/degree (0.29 logMAR); and (iv) the human eye can discriminate between areas of linear polarization differing in electric field vector orientation by as little as 4.4°. These findings, which support the macular diattenuator model of polarization sensitivity, are unique for vertebrates and approach those of some invertebrates with a well-developed polarization sense. We conclude that this sensory modality extends beyond Haidinger's brushes to the recognition of quantifiable spatial polarization-modulated patterns. Furthermore, the macular origin and sensitivity of human polarization pattern perception makes it potentially suitable for the detection and quantification of macular dysfunction
Left, right, left, right, eyes to the front! Müller-Lyer bias in grasping is not a function of hand used, hand preferred or visual hemifield, but foveation does matter
We investigated whether the control of movement of the left hand is more likely to involve the use of allocentric information than movements performed with the right hand. Previous studies (Gonzalez et al. in J Neurophys 95:3496–3501, 2006; De Grave et al. in Exp Br Res 193:421–427, 2009) have reported contradictory findings in this respect. In the present study, right-handed participants (N = 12) and left-handed participants (N = 12) made right- and left-handed grasps to foveated objects and peripheral, non-foveated objects that were located in the right or left visual hemifield and embedded within a Müller-Lyer illusion. They were also asked to judge the size of the object by matching their hand aperture to its length. Hand apertures did not show significant differences in illusory bias as a function of hand used, handedness or visual hemifield. However, the illusory effect was significantly larger for perception than for action, and for the non-foveated compared to foveated objects. No significant illusory biases were found for reach movement times. These findings are consistent with the two-visual system model that holds that the use of allocentric information is more prominent in perception than in movement control. We propose that the increased involvement of allocentric information in movements toward peripheral, non-foveated objects may be a consequence of more awkward, less automatized grasps of nonfoveated than foveated objects. The current study does not support the conjecture that the control of left-handed and right-handed grasps is predicated on different sources of information
Motor expertise modulates the unconscious processing of human body postures
Little is known about the cognitive background of unconscious visuomotor control of complex sports movements. Therefore, we investigated the extent to which novices and skilled high-jump athletes are able to identify visually presented body postures of the high jump unconsciously. We also asked whether or not the manner of processing differs (qualitatively or quantitatively) between these groups as a function of their motor expertise. A priming experiment with not consciously perceivable stimuli was designed to determine whether subliminal priming of movement phases (same vs. different movement phases) or temporal order (i.e. natural vs. reversed movement order) affects target processing. Participants had to decide which phase of the high jump (approach vs. flight phase) a target photograph was taken from. We found a main effect of temporal order for skilled athletes, that is, faster reaction times for prime-target pairs that reflected the natural movement order as opposed to the reversed movement order. This result indicates that temporal-order information pertaining to the domain of expertise plays a critical role in athletes’ perceptual capacities. For novices, data analyses revealed an interaction between temporal order and movement phases. That is, only the reversed movement order of flight-approach pictures increased processing time. Taken together, the results suggest that the structure of cognitive movement representation modulates unconscious processing of movement pictures and points to a functional role of motor representations in visual perception
Action Without Awareness: Reaching to an Object You Do Not Remember Seeing
BACKGROUND: Previous work by our group has shown that the scaling of reach trajectories to target size is independent of obligatory awareness of that target property and that "action without awareness" can persist for up to 2000 ms of visual delay. In the present investigation we sought to determine if the ability to scale reaching trajectories to target size following a delay is related to the pre-computing of movement parameters during initial stimulus presentation or the maintenance of a sensory (i.e., visual) representation for on-demand response parameterization. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Participants completed immediate or delayed (i.e., 2000 ms) perceptual reports and reaching responses to different sized targets under non-masked and masked target conditions. For the reaching task, the limb associated with a trial (i.e., left or right) was not specified until the time of response cuing: a manipulation that prevented participants from pre-computing the effector-related parameters of their response. In terms of the immediate and delayed perceptual tasks, target size was accurately reported during non-masked trials; however, for masked trials only a chance level of accuracy was observed. For the immediate and delayed reaching tasks, movement time as well as other temporal kinematic measures (e.g., times to peak acceleration, velocity and deceleration) increased in relation to decreasing target size across non-masked and masked trials. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that speed-accuracy relations were observed regardless of whether participants were aware (i.e., non-masked trials) or unaware (i.e., masked trials) of target size. Moreover, the equivalent scaling of immediate and delayed reaches during masked trials indicates that a persistent sensory-based representation supports the unconscious and metrical scaling of memory-guided reaching
Fix Your Eyes in the Space You Could Reach: Neurons in the Macaque Medial Parietal Cortex Prefer Gaze Positions in Peripersonal Space
Interacting in the peripersonal space requires coordinated arm and eye movements to visual targets in depth. In primates, the medial posterior parietal cortex (PPC) represents a crucial node in the process of visual-to-motor signal transformations. The medial PPC area V6A is a key region engaged in the control of these processes because it jointly processes visual information, eye position and arm movement related signals. However, to date, there is no evidence in the medial PPC of spatial encoding in three dimensions. Here, using single neuron recordings in behaving macaques, we studied the neural signals related to binocular eye position in a task that required the monkeys to perform saccades and fixate targets at different locations in peripersonal and extrapersonal space. A significant proportion of neurons were modulated by both gaze direction and depth, i.e., by the location of the foveated target in 3D space. The population activity of these neurons displayed a strong preference for peripersonal space in a time interval around the saccade that preceded fixation and during fixation as well. This preference for targets within reaching distance during both target capturing and fixation suggests that binocular eye position signals are implemented functionally in V6A to support its role in reaching and grasping
Improvement of the motor deficit of neglect patients through vestibular stimulation: evidence for a motor neglect component.
International audienceThe effect of vestibular stimulation on motor performance has been studied comparatively in 2 groups of hemiplegic patients, one including 9 right brain-damaged patients (RBD) with neglect, the other 9 left brain-damaged patients (LBD) without neglect. In the RBD group, a transient but significant improvement of motor performance was observed following stimulation, although motor scores remained unchanged in two cases. Moreover, a temporary remission of personal neglect and anosognosia was obtained in 8 out of 9 patients. In contrast to the RBD group, the motor performance of the LBD group was not improved through vestibular stimulation, although a moderate improvement of force was noticed in one ambidextrous patient who had shown transient signs of neglect at the acute stage. These results suggest the participation of a motor neglect component in the motor deficit of neglect patients. The motor neglect component may be considered as one of the many manifestations of the neglect syndrome and, as such, can be improved by the sensory manipulations which presumably restore a conscious representation of the left side of space
Improvement of the motor deficit of neglect patients through vestibular stimulation: evidence for a motor neglect component.
International audienceThe effect of vestibular stimulation on motor performance has been studied comparatively in 2 groups of hemiplegic patients, one including 9 right brain-damaged patients (RBD) with neglect, the other 9 left brain-damaged patients (LBD) without neglect. In the RBD group, a transient but significant improvement of motor performance was observed following stimulation, although motor scores remained unchanged in two cases. Moreover, a temporary remission of personal neglect and anosognosia was obtained in 8 out of 9 patients. In contrast to the RBD group, the motor performance of the LBD group was not improved through vestibular stimulation, although a moderate improvement of force was noticed in one ambidextrous patient who had shown transient signs of neglect at the acute stage. These results suggest the participation of a motor neglect component in the motor deficit of neglect patients. The motor neglect component may be considered as one of the many manifestations of the neglect syndrome and, as such, can be improved by the sensory manipulations which presumably restore a conscious representation of the left side of space
Automatic obstacle avoidance and parietal cortex.
The ventral visual stream is proposed to support perception, and the dorsal stream is proposed to control action. A new study of patients with posterior parietal damage shows that the dorsal stream also contributes to automatic obstacle avoidance in reaching