1,077 research outputs found

    3-D Tracking and Visualization of Hundreds of Pt-Co Fuel Cell Nanocatalysts During Electrochemical Aging

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    We present an electron tomography method that allows for the identification of hundreds of electrocatalyst nanoparticles with one-to-one correspondence before and after electrochemical aging. This method allows us to track, in three-dimensions (3-D), the trajectories and morphologies of each Pt-Co nanocatalyst on a fuel cell carbon support. The use of atomic-scale electron energy loss spectroscopic imaging enables the correlation of performance degradation of the catalyst with changes in particle/inter-particle morphologies, particle-support interactions and the near-surface chemical composition. We found that, aging of the catalysts under normal fuel cell operating conditions (potential scans from +0.6 V to +1.0 V for 30,000 cycles) gives rise to coarsening of the nanoparticles, mainly through coalescence, which in turn leads to the loss of performance. The observed coalescence events were found to be the result of nanoparticle migration on the carbon support during potential cycling. This method provides detailed insights into how nanocatalyst degradation occurs in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), and suggests that minimization of particle movement can potentially slow down the coarsening of the particles, and the corresponding performance degradation.Comment: Nano Letters, accepte

    Task-Specific Sensor Planning for Robotic Assembly Tasks

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    When performing multi-robot tasks, sensory feedback is crucial in reducing uncertainty for correct execution. Yet the utilization of sensors should be planned as an integral part of the task planning, taken into account several factors such as the tolerance of different inferred properties of the scene and interaction with different agents. In this paper we handle this complex problem in a principled, yet efficient way. We use surrogate predictors based on open-loop simulation to estimate and bound the probability of success for specific tasks. We reason about such task-specific uncertainty approximants and their effectiveness. We show how they can be incorporated into a multi-robot planner, and demonstrate results with a team of robots performing assembly tasks


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    The aim of this research is to find an optimum of synthesis biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using ultrasonic tubular reactor. The experimental studies explored the variations in reaction time, molar ratio WCO to methanol (MeOH), amount of catalyst, frequency of ultrasonic and output power ultrasonic on the ester contents. Comparisons of type ultrasonic and also mechanical stirring method based on time reaction were investigated. The optimum results of biodiesel process is the reaction time of 5 minute, NaOH catalyst 1%wt of WCO, molar ratio WCO to MeOH of 1:6, frequency ultrasonic of 20 KHz and output power ultrasonic of 650 W. The reaction time reduced 12-24 times compared to both of method and the yield of ester contents was obtained at 96.54%wt


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    The aim of this research is to find an optimum of synthesis biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using ultrasonic tubular reactor. The experimental studies explored the variations in reaction time, molar ratio WCO to methanol (MeOH), amount of catalyst, frequency of ultrasonic and output power ultrasonic on the ester contents. Comparisons of type ultrasonic and also mechanical stirring method based on time reaction were investigated. The optimum results of biodiesel process is the reaction time of 5 minute, NaOH catalyst 1%wt of WCO, molar ratio WCO to MeOH of 1:6, frequency ultrasonic of 20 KHz and output power ultrasonic of 650 W. The reaction time reduced 12-24 times compared to both of method and the yield of ester contents was obtained at 96.54%wt

    Multi-Robot Grasp Planning for Sequential Assembly Operations

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    This paper addresses the problem of finding robot configurations to grasp assembly parts during a sequence of collaborative assembly operations. We formulate the search for such configurations as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). Collision constraints in an operation and transfer constraints between operations determine the sets of feasible robot configurations. We show that solving the connected constraint graph with off-the-shelf CSP algorithms can quickly become infeasible even for a few sequential assembly operations. We present an algorithm which, through the assumption of feasible regrasps, divides the CSP into independent smaller problems that can be solved exponentially faster. The algorithm then uses local search techniques to improve this solution by removing a gradually increasing number of regrasps from the plan. The algorithm enables the user to stop the planner anytime and use the current best plan if the cost of removing regrasps from the plan exceeds the cost of executing those regrasps. We present simulation experiments to compare our algorithm's performance to a naive algorithm which directly solves the connected constraint graph. We also present a real robot system which uses the output of our planner to grasp and bring parts together in assembly configurations

    High-Speed Rail Versus Air Transportation: Case Study of Madrid–Barcelona, Spain.

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    Travel time savings, better quality of the supplied services, greater comfort for the users, and improved accessibility are the main factors of success of High Speed Rail(HSR)links. This paper presents the results from a revealed and stated preference survey conducted to both HSR and air transport users in the Madrid Barcelona corridor. The data gathered from the stated preference survey was used to calibrate a modal choice model aiming at explaining competition between HSR and air transportation in the corridor. From the model, the authors obtain that prices and service frequency are the most important variables to compete with the other mode. In addition, they found that check-in and security controls at the airport are a crucial variable for the users in their modal choice. Other policies, such as the improvement of parking facilities at the train stations, play a secondary role

    Kinematic Control and Obstacle Avoidance for Soft Inflatable Manipulator

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In this paper, we present a kinematic control and obstacle avoidance for the soft inflatable manipulator which combines pressure and tendons as an actuating mechanism. The position control and obstacle avoidance took inspiration from the phenomena of a magnetic field in nature. The redundancy in the manipulator combined with a planar mobile base is exploited to help the actuators stay under their maximum capability. The navigation algorithm is shown to outperform the potential-field-based navigation in its ability to smoothly and reactively avoid obstacles and reach the goal in simulation scenarios

    Self-folding with shape memory composites

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    Origami-inspired manufacturing can produce complex structures and machines by folding two-dimensional composites into three-dimensional structures. This fabrication technique is potentially less expensive, faster, and easier to transport than more traditional machining methods, including 3-D printing. Self-folding enhances this method by minimizing the manual labor involved in folding, allowing for complex geometries and enabling remote or automated assembly. This paper demonstrates a novel method of self-folding hinges using shape memory polymers (SMPs), paper, and resistive circuits to achieve localized and individually addressable folding at low cost. A model for the torque exerted by these composites was developed and validated against experimental data, in order to determine design rules for selecting materials and designing hinges. Torque was shown to increase with SMP thickness, resistive circuit width, and supplied electrical current. This technique was shown to be capable of complex geometries, as well as locking assemblies with sequential folds. Its functionality and low cost make it an ideal basis for a new type of printable manufacturing based on two-dimensional fabrication techniques.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (award number CCF-1138967)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (award number EFRI-1240383

    Translational and Regulatory Challenges for Exon Skipping Therapies

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    Several translational challenges are currently impeding the therapeutic development of antisense-mediated exon skipping approaches for rare diseases. Some of these are inherent to developing therapies for rare diseases, such as small patient numbers and limited information on natural history and interpretation of appropriate clinical outcome measures. Others are inherent to the antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated exon skipping approach, which employs small modified DNA or RNA molecules to manipulate the splicing process. This is a new approach and only limited information is available on long-term safety and toxicity for most AON chemistries. Furthermore, AONs often act in a mutation-specific manner, in which case multiple AONs have to be developed for a single disease. A workshop focusing on preclinical development, trial design, outcome measures, and different forms of marketing authorization was organized by the regulatory models and biochemical outcome measures working groups of Cooperation of Science and Technology Action: "Networking towards clinical application of antisense-mediated exon skipping for rare diseases." The workshop included participants from patient organizations, academia, and members of staff from the European Medicine Agency and Medicine Evaluation Board (the Netherlands). This statement article contains the key outcomes of this meeting.status: publishe
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