9 research outputs found
−344C/T Variant in the Promoter of the Aldosterone Synthase Gene (CYP11B2) Is Associated With Metabolic Syndrome in Men
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Coronary heart disease: Clinical trials review
- Author
- D Ornish
- Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study Investigators
- Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study Investigators
- John A. Farmer
- M deLorgeril
- M deLorgeril
- NG Stephens
- S Yusuf
- The Alpha-tocopherol Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group
- The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators
- WJ Blot
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of dietary saturated, monounsaturated, and n−3 fatty acids on blood pressure in healthy subjects
- Author
- Angela A Rivellese
- Appel
- Bengt Vessby
- Birthe M Rasmussen
- Burr
- deLorgeril
- deLorgeril
- Deslypere
- Eva Pedersen
- Farmer
- Ferrara
- Gabrielle Riccardi
- Hermansen
- Keys
- Kjeld Hermansen
- Lahoz
- Lars Berglund
- Linda Tapsell
- Matti Uusitupa
- Mensink
- Morris
- Mutanen
- Nielsen
- Pauletto
- Psaltopoulou
- Rasmussen
- Rivellese
- Rubba
- Ruitz-Gutierrez
- Schmidt
- Singh
- Sommerfield
- Stamler
- Stamler
- Storlien
- Storm
- Summers
- Thomsen
- Trichopoulou
- Vessby
- Visioli
- Ward
- Willett
- Williams
- World Health Organization Expert Committee on Diabetes Mellitus
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nutritional interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease: Individual versus population perspectives
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
n-3 PUFA Fortification of High n-6 PUFA Farmed Tilapia with Linseed Could Significantly Increase Dietary Contribution and Support Nutritional Expectations of Fish
- Author
- Achionye-Nzeh C. G.
- Aguiar A. C.
- Bell J. G.
- Bourre J. M.
- Burdge G. C.
- Crawford M. A.
- Das U. N.
- deLorgeril M.
- Dubnov G.
- Echarte M.
- Endevelt R.
- Ervin R. B.
- Folch J.
- Foran J. A.
- Hastings N.
- Herbaut C.
- Innis S. M.
- Karapanagiotidis I. T.
- Karapanagiotidis I. T.
- Kris-Etherton P.
- Kris-Etherton P. M.
- Kris-Etherton P. M.
- Kris-Etherton P. M.
- Lee S.
- Lichtenstein A. H.
- Oken E.
- Seierstad S. L.
- Simopoulos A. P.
- Sinclair A. J.
- Sioen I.
- Virtanen J. K.
- Weaver K. L.
- Weill P.
- Yam D.
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Therapeutic use of fish oils in companion animals
- Author
- Bang HO
- Bauer JE
- Brown SA
- Chew BP
- Christie L-A
- Corrocher R
- Davenport DJ
- DeLorgeril M
- Dodd CE
- Dunbar BL
- Filburn CR
- Forrester DS
- Freeman LM
- Heinbecker P
- Heinemann KM
- James MJ
- Jeffrey BG
- John E. Bauer
- Krogh A
- Larsson SC
- Logas D
- Meydani SN
- Miller WH
- Plantinga EA
- Saker KE
- Schenck PA
- Simopoulos AP
- Stenson WF
- Wang C
- Watkins BA
- Watson TDG
- Publication venue
- 'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Early and Sustained Enrichment of Serum n-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Dogs Fed a Flaxseed Supplemented Diet
- Author
- A Leaf
- A Voss
- AH Stark
- AJ Sinclair
- AP Simopoulos
- BG Jeffrey
- BL Dunbar
- Brent L. Dunbar
- C Wang
- CA Rees
- F Marangoni
- G Zhao
- G Zhao
- GE Caughey
- GJ Anderson
- JE Bauer
- JE Bauer
- JE Bauer
- John E. Bauer
- JT Brenna
- Karen E. Bigley
- KM Heinemann
- M DeLorgeril
- M Liu
- MA Crawford
- MJ James
- ML Burr
- NA Kirby
- National Research Council (NRC)
- PC Calder
- PM Kris-Etherton
- PV Subbaiah
- R Pawlosky
- RA Alvarez
- RM Krauss
- SI Rapoport
- TH Lee
- WEM Lands
- WS Harris
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Influence of the DASH diet and other low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets on blood pressure
- Author
- A Aljada
- A Aljada
- B Emanuelli
- B Neal
- CA Nowson
- CA Nowson
- CK Roberts
- DB Panagiotakos
- ER Miller
- ER Miller III
- FB Stentz
- FM Sacks
- Francine K. Welty
- GA Bray
- GS Hotamisligil
- H Cho
- Helen K. Delichatsios
- HF Lopes
- JD Ard
- JD Ard
- K Takebayashi
- L Rui
- LJ Appel
- LL Moore
- LP Svetkey
- LP Svetkey
- M DeLorgeril
- MM Most
- NR Cook
- P August
- P Dandona
- P Dandona
- P Dandona
- P Dandona
- P Kokkinos
- P Mohanty
- P Mohanty
- PK Whelton
- PM Kearney
- PS Allender
- S Lewington
- S MacMahon
- S Wang
- SH Jee
- SR Craddick
- T Psaltopoulou
- Writing Group of the PREMIER Collaborative Research Group
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Lifestyle Changes and Prostate Cancer
- Author
- A Barqawi
- A Discacciatl
- A Endo
- A Grontved
- A Navas-Acien
- A Ornoy
- A Pettersson
- A Slomski
- A Vrablik
- A Wilcox
- AC Wilson
- AE Czeizel
- AE ZemLin
- Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group
- AH Panju
- AJ Colquhoun
- AJ Duffield-Lillico
- AJ Duffield-Lillico
- AJ Pantuck
- AJ Sanyal
- AL Rand
- AM Algotar
- AM Gotto Jr
- AR Johnson
- AR Kristal
- AR Kristal
- B Gopinath
- B Neal
- B Pennings
- BD Lawenda
- BF Cole
- BT Winslow
- C Bell
- C Bonithon-Kopp
- C Klemens
- C Nunzio De
- C Rodriguez
- C Roth
- C Sanchez
- CB Avci
- CE Joshu
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CG Roehrborn
- CH Hennekens
- China Coronary Secondary Prevention Study Group
- CJ Paller
- CL Rock
- CM Barnett
- CM Barnett
- CM Bauer
- CP Chen
- CR Harper
- CV Venero
- CW Ryan
- D Albanes
- D Fedor
- D Ferechide
- D Heber
- D Mozaffarian
- D Mozaffarian
- D Wolpowitz
- DA Galvao
- DA Galvao
- DB Kim
- DC Torti
- DE Spratt
- Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
- DJ Becker
- DL Barton
- DP Braun
- DP Brostow
- DR Meldrum
- DR Murdoch
- DR Taaffe
- E Borsheim
- E Giovannucci
- E Giovannucci
- E Giovannucci
- E Lonn
- EA Klein
- EA Klein
- EA Platz
- EC Rizos
- EF Yee
- EH Koh
- EJ Konings
- EL Dillon
- ER Miller III
- ET Aasheim
- ET Jacobs
- F Azzouni
- F Cramp
- F Meyer
- F Meyer
- G Maio
- G Woodard
- GI Smith
- GL Andriole
- GM Shaw
- GN Levine
- GS Mijnhout
- GS Omenn
- H Glerup
- H Hong
- H Iso
- H Nakamura
- H Nilsson-Ehle
- HA Bischoff-Ferrari
- HA Bischoff-Ferrari
- HD Sesso
- HD Sesso
- HE Meyer
- HS Kim
- I Bairati
- I Bairati
- I Bairati
- I Rudkowska
- IH Derweesh
- IH Rosenberg
- IM Lee
- IM Lips
- IM Lips
- IM Thompson
- IM Thompson
- IM Thompson
- J Adelsberg van
- J Ahn
- J Beebe-Dimmer
- J Brandstedt
- J Burn
- J Fashner
- J Irani
- J Liu
- J LumLey
- J Muntwyler
- J Murphy
- J Planas
- J Planas
- J Wang
- J Watson
- J Yannucci
- J Zheng Selin
- J Zhou
- JA Baron
- JA Baron
- JA Thomas II
- JB Mason
- JB Nelson
- JC Figueriredo
- JE Isenor
- JE Zerwekh
- JG Martins
- JH Olson
- JJ Li
- JK Bassett
- JK Lodge
- JK Snell-Bergeon
- JL Colli
- JL Colli
- JL Perez-Castrillon
- JL Ryan
- JM Gaziano
- JM Gaziano
- JP Nobes
- JR Marshall
- JW Fetterman Jr
- K Bhaskaran
- K Li
- K Michaelsson
- K Neukam
- K Ng
- K Pietrzik
- K Rajakumar
- K Zu
- KA Lawson
- KH Schmitz
- KJ Helzlsouer
- KM Mustian
- KM Sanders
- KM Szymanski
- KR Solomon
- KR Solomon
- KS Choe
- KS Nair
- KY Ma
- L Borghi
- L Ferrucci
- L Klotz
- L Liu
- L Liu
- L Perreault
- L Robitalle
- LA Houghton
- LC Clark
- LD Botto
- LD Thomas
- LE Murphy
- LJ Hoffer
- M DeLorgeril
- M Grossmann
- M Huncharek
- M Jalving
- M Kontos
- M Lucas
- M Pfeifer
- M Schacter
- M Taouis
- M Yokoyama
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- MA Moyad
- ME Goossens
- MF Leitzmann
- MF Leitzmann
- MG Showell
- MH Moghadasian
- MJ Barger-Lux
- MJ Barry
- MK McCullough
- ML Neuhouser
- MP Freeman
- MP Freeman
- MR Blackman
- MR Safarinejad
- MR Smith
- MRC Vitamin Study Research Group
- MS Stratton
- MS Yerby
- MY Hong
- MY Hong
- MY Hong
- N Hara
- N Mottet
- N Roswall
- N Sharifi
- NE Fleshner
- NG Zaorsky
- P Cormie
- P Langenstroer
- P Sikka
- P Suren
- P Tuohimaa
- P Ye
- PC Walsh
- PF Kokkinos
- PJ Saylor
- PL Nguyen
- PM Kris-Etherton
- PM Muehlbauer
- PM Rothwell
- PS Nijjar
- PT Scardino
- R Clarke
- R Gonzalez-Casas
- R Gutt
- R Mojtabai
- R Peto
- R Scognamiglio
- R Siegel
- R Siener
- R Vieth
- RA Adler
- RB Saper
- RC Travis
- RD Wilson
- Red yeast rice
- Risk and Prevention Study Collaborative Group
- RJ Segal
- RJ Thomas
- RL Balley
- RM Pinkhasov
- RP Heaney
- RS Eidelman
- RS Svatek
- RW Braith
- RY Gordon
- S Bent
- S Berube
- S Borrero
- S Hercberg
- S Kukuijan
- S Kukuijan
- S Lebdai
- S Lehrer
- S Levis
- S Loeb
- S Malone
- S Ohno
- S Pittschieler
- S Prey
- S Stranges
- S Tsugane
- S Young-McCaughan
- SA Kenfield
- SA Kenfield
- SA Oliveria
- SB Strum
- SC Halbert
- SC Larsson
- SC Tinker
- SE Vollset
- SG Obican
- SH Zeisel
- SJ Freedland
- SJ Weinstein
- SJ Weinstein
- SJ Yun
- SM Collin
- SM Lippman
- SP Zhao
- SS Harris
- SS Harris
- SW Park
- T Pacana
- T Wilt
- T Wilt
- T Yuasa
- TC Chen
- TH Diamond
- The Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Research Group
- The ATBC Study Group
- TJ Murtola
- TJ Orchard
- TJ Wilt
- TJ Wilt
- TN Wien
- TR Welch
- V Chel
- V Tangpricha
- VK Wadhwa
- VL Rogers
- VL Stevens
- W Demark-Wahnefried
- W Denmark-Wahnefried
- W Wang
- W Zhang
- WC Knowler
- WG Christen
- WR Garnett
- WY Wong
- Y Cao
- Y Tajalizadekhoob
- Y-L Lin
- YA Carpenter
- YB Lombardo
- Z Lu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study