2,640 research outputs found

    An optical readout for a fibre tracker

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    The performance of 16 and 64 channel photomultipliers coupled to scintillating fibres has been tested. The devices are sensitive to single photoelectrons, show little gain losses for magnetic fields up to 100 Gauss and have moderate optical cross-talk. The maximum channel to channel gain variations reach a factor two for the 16 channel version and a factor of four for the 64 channel PM. The measurements and simulations indicate that the photomultipliers are well suited for the light detection in fibre trackers.Comment: 11 pages, 9 picture

    Holographic optical elements: Fabrication and testing

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    The basic properties and use of holographic optical elements were investigated to design and construct wide-angle, Fourier-transform holographic optical systems for use in a Bragg-effect optical memory. The performance characteristics are described along with the construction of the holographic system

    On the stratigraphic integrity of leaf-wax biomarkers in loess paleosols

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    Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstructions based on molecular proxies, such as those derived from leaf-wax biomarkers, in loess-paleosol sequences represent a promising line of investigation in Quaternary research. The main premise of such reconstructions is the synsedimentary deposition of biomarkers and dust, which has become a debated subject in recent years. This study uses two independent approaches to test the stratigraphic integrity of leaf-wax biomarkers: (i) long-chain n-alkanes and fatty acids are quantified in two sediment-depth profiles in glacial till on the Swiss Plateau, consisting of a Holocene topsoil and the underlying B and C horizons. Since glacial sediments are initially very poor in organic matter, significant amounts of leaf-wax biomarkers in the B and C horizons of those profiles would reflect postsedimentary root-derived or microbial contributions. (ii) Compound-specific radiocarbon measurements are conducted on n-alkanes and n-alkanoic (fatty) acids from several depth intervals in the loess section "Crvenka", Serbia, and the results are compared to independent estimates of sediment age. <br><br> We find extremely low concentrations of plant-wax n-alkanes and fatty acids in the B and C horizons below the topsoils in the sediment profiles. Moreover, compound-specific radiocarbon analysis yields plant-wax <sup>14</sup>C ages that agree well with published luminescence ages and stratigraphy of the Serbian loess deposit. Both approaches confirm that postsedimentary, root-derived or microbial contributions are negligible in the two investigated systems. The good agreement between the ages of odd and even homologues also indicates that reworking and incorporation of fossil leaf waxes is not particularly relevant either

    Single tree effects on soil organic matter.

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    Determination of ecologically relevant pools for soil organic matter stability in terra firme oxisols.

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    The study on soil pools identification which are sensitive to land-use changes in terra firme oxisols and yield easy to handle techniques for the evaluation of increasing te soil organic matter (SOM) porperties. For this purpose, it has studied the influence of ten different trees and annual crops on SOM properties on an oxisol near Manaus (Amazonas, Brasil). A combination of aggregate and density fractionation was found to be most suitable for physical SOM characterization. The particulate organic matter (POM, density less than 1.6g cm-3) varied by one order of magnitude between sites and could be used as a sensitive indicator of land-use changes. The obtained results are extremely important for the evaluation of the sustainability of the investigated lan-use systems and are the basis for soil ecological research on terra firme oxisols

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy and Vortex Imaging in the Iron-Pnictide Superconductor BaFe1.8_{1.8}Co0.2_{0.2}As2_2

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    We present an atomic resolution scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of superconducting BaFe1.8_{1.8}Co0.2_{0.2}As2_2 single crystals in magnetic fields up to 9Tesla9 \text{Tesla}. At zero field, a single gap with coherence peaks at Δ‾=6.25meV\overline{\Delta}=6.25 \text{meV} is observed in the density of states. At 9T9 \text{T} and 6T6 \text{T}, we image a disordered vortex lattice, consistent with isotropic, single flux quantum vortices. Vortex locations are uncorrelated with strong scattering surface impurities, demonstrating bulk pinning. The vortex-induced sub-gap density of states fits an exponential decay from the vortex center, from which we extract a coherence length ξ=27.6±2.9A˚\xi=27.6\pm 2.9 \text{\AA}, corresponding to an upper critical field Hc2=43TH_{c2}=43 \text{T}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    New AGNs discovered by H.E.S.S

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    During the last year, six new Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) have been discovered and studied by H.E.S.S. at Very High Energies (VHE). Some of these recent discoveries have been made thanks to new enhanced analysis methods and are presented at this conference for the first time. The three blazars 1ES 0414+009, SHBL J001355.9-185406 and 1RXS J101015.9-311909 have been targeted for observation due to their high levels of radio and X-ray fluxes, while the Fermi/LAT catalogue of bright sources triggered the observation of PKS 0447-439 and AP Librae. Additionally, the BL Lac 1ES 1312-423 was discovered in the field-of-view (FoV) of Centaurus A thanks to the large exposure dedicated by H.E.S.S. to this particularly interesting source. The newly-discovered sources are presented here and in three companion presentations at this conference.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceeding from the 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (Heidelberg, Germany, 2010

    The spatial distribution of sedimentary compounds and their environmental implications in surface sediments of Lake Khar Nuur (Mongolian Altai)

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    Lake sediments are valuable natural archives to reconstruct paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes which consist of inorganic and organic sediment compounds of allochthonous origin from the catchment and of autochthonous production in the lake. However, for robust paleo-reconstructions it is important to develop a better understanding about sedimentation processes, the origin of inorganic and organic sediment compounds and their distribution within the lake. In this context, modern process studies provide important insights, although environmental and anthropological changes can affect the spatial distribution of sediment compounds through time. Therefore, in this study the spatial distribution of grain size and geochemical proxies in 52 surface sediment samples from Lake Khar Nuur, a small high-altitude lake in the Mongolian Altai with a small and anthropogenically used hydrological catchment, is investigated. The results show a distinct sediment focussing in the two deep basins of the lake, which therefore act as accumulation zones. In those accumulation zones, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (N) and their isotopic composition (δ13CTOC, δ15N) as well as n-alkanes indicate that organic sediment compounds are a mixture of both allochthonous and autochthonous origin. While the recent catchment vegetation consists of grasses/herbs and the shrub Betula nana (L.) with distinct differences in their n-alkane homologue patterns, those differences are not reflected in the sediment surface samples which rather indicates that grass-derived n-alkanes become preferentially incorporated in the lake. Extensive anthropogenic activity such as grazing and housing in the southern part of the catchment causes soil erosion which is well reflected by high TOC, N and sulphur (S) contents and 15N depleted δ15N values at the central southern shore, i.e. increased allochthonous sediment input by anthropogenicallyinduced soil erosion. Overall, the surface sediments of Lake Khar Nuur origin from allochthonous and autochthonous sources and are focussed in the accumulation zones of the lake, while their distribution is both environmentally and anthropogenically driven

    Single tree-effects on denitrification and soil microbial biomass in agroforestry systems and natural forests of the Amazon region.

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    The aim of the present study was to find the effect of tree species used in agroforestry system in Amazonian region and natural forests on the total biomass of heterotrophic microorganisms (BH), which is mainly responsible for CO2 emission, and on the biomass of denitrifiers (BD), which control N2O emission
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