403 research outputs found

    Kaba: Cerita Klasik Yang Mengandung Kekeliruan Dengan Tolok Ukur Abs-sbk

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    Kaba: Deviations of Oral Classic Story with ABS-SBK Rules. This study discusses kaba, the oral classic story in Minangkabau society that has been written as the book. The kaba is usually told by the story tellers accompanied by he music instruments. Many kabas exist in the Minangkabau community, but in this study I only discuss two kabas (1) Magek Manandin and (2) Anggun Nan Tongga. Based on both kabas, I found that the gambling forbidden by Islam as if allowable. Within Anggun Nan Tongga, there are many discourses which are syirik (do worship other than Allah) that is slammed by Islam. These discourses should have not existed because they oppose to the philosophy of life in Minangkabau: custom/tradition founded upon Islamic law, Islamic law is founded upon the Qur'an, Islamic law dictates customs/traditions. This philosophy as the agreement among Minangkabau people is forbidden to change forever. Ufortunately, in these two kabas, the discourses about the gambling and kesyirikan are regarded as if he truth even though so many verses in the Al-Quran explain about these deviations

    Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

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    This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The study focused on the influence of virtual research and development (R&D) teams within Malaysian manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is better understanding of the application of collaborative technologies in business, to find the effective factors to assist SMEs to remain competitive in the future. The paper stresses to find an answer for a question “Is there any relationship between company size, Internet connection facility and virtuality?”. The survey data shows SMEs are now technologically capable of performing the virtual collaborative team, but the infrastructure usage is less. SMEs now have the necessary technology to begin the implementation process of collaboration tools to reduce research and development (R&D) time, costs and increase productivity. So, the manager of R&D should take the potentials of virtual teams into account


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    Acceptance of local revenue (PAD) is an important revenue source for the implementation of regional autonomy. Excavation potential local taxes and local retribution optimally will be able to make a significant contribution to the increase in revenue from PAD in Sarolangun district. The purpose of this study to determine the potential of local tax revenues and levies as well as its effect on PAD Sarolangun district. This research was conducted at the Department of PPKAD Sarolangun district. The research method used descriptive qualitative method and multiple linear regression.               The results showed that the potency of taxes and local retribution still low and needs to be improved. During the period of 2010-2015, the contribution of local tax revenue to the PAD an average of 23.1 % one year, and the contribution of local retribution revenue an average of 16.01% one year. Overall, local taxes and local retribution affect the PAD increase in Sarolangun district.Keywords: acceptance of local revenue, local taxes and local retributio

    Air Quality Study at Different Elevation Levels Using Drone Payload Air Quality Measurement Device (D-PAQ)

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    Construction sites can be found in both urban and rural areas, often in close proximity to residences. They can thus cause home pollution due to the distance and the materials used. This study aims to visualize PM2.5, PM10, temperature and humidity by producing air quality mapping and correlating parameters at the stadium and construction site. An Arduino-based air quality measurement payload device was developed to measure the air quality by different levels. The drone was used to collect air quality data by mounting the device to the drone. Measurements were taken at three different elevations for each study area, and the application software generates the air quality map based on the location coordinates. The correlation evaluation of the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 with temperature and humidity was then determined. The results showed that the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at the construction site are much higher compared to the stadium due to the construction activities nearby. Keywords: air quality, unmanned aerial vehicle, mappin


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    Positive economic growth indicates an increase in the economy of a country or region, whereas negative economic growth indicates a decline in the economy of a country or region. The indicator used to measure regional economic growth is the growth rate of Gross Regional Domestic Product at constant prices (real GDP). In increasing the economic growth of a region, not apart from the role of government in providing funds to finance regional economic development activities. Costs incurred for public service activities and development both economic and non-economic are often referred to as government expenditures. These government expenditures are allocated annually in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. Excavation of potential sources of income to support local expenditure and regional independence needs to be intensified, especially those originating from local revenue sources optimally will be able to contribute significantly to the improvement of Jambi Province's Regional Income and Expenditure Budget. The purpose of this study is to determine the financial capacity of regions derived from local revenue in supporting the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, and to determine the rate of regional economic growth and analyze the influence of regional spending on economic growth in Jambi Province. This research was conducted in the scope of government of Jambi Province. The research method used qualitative descriptive method and linear regression analysis of econometric model of Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). The results show that during the period from 2010 to 2016, the financial capacity of regions originating from local own revenues has not been fully reliable in sustaining the Jambi Provincial Revenue and Expenditure Budget, as its contribution is still relatively low at an average of 34.13 percent per year . The economic growth of Jambi Province during the same period grew by 6.28 percent per year. Government expenditures significantly and positively affect the Economic Growth of Jambi Province. The conclusion is that an increased regional government spending will lead to increased economic growth of the region concerned.Keywords: Regional Finance, Government Expenditure, Economic Growth

    Analisis Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Belanja Daerah di Provinsi Jambi

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    Local Own Revenue (PAD) is an important source for the formation of regional finances to be allocated for regional expenditure. This study aims to analyze the potential sources of regional own-source revenues and their effects on capital expenditure in Jambi Province. This research was conducted in Jambi Province. The data used in the form of secondary data in the period 2010 – 2018. The research method uses descriptive and quantitative methods. The analytical tool used in this study is a simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing with t test. The results showed that the potential source of PAD came from local taxes, which provided the largest contribution in realizing PAD, while the smallest contribution was regional retribution. Empirically, the original regional income has a significant influence on regional expenditure, meaning that the higher the PAD income, the higher the regional expenditure for regional development activities and public services. 

    Design and Comparison of Reconfigurable Perfectly- Matched Bandstop Filters

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    Abstract- This paper discusses two new designs of reconfigurable perfectly-matched bandstop filter which is based on L-shape and ring resonator. The perfectly-matched bandstop filters can be reconfigured between allpass and bandstop response using PIN diodes as switching elements. The operating center frequency of these filters is at 1 GHz. The discussions of the conceptual perfectly-matched bandstop filters are included in this paper. The filters have been simulated for analysis where the effect of microstrip line and FR4 substrate has been taken into account. It is then further fabricated and measured for verification. The filters will then be compared in terms of s-parameter and size. Result shows good agreement between simulation and measurement


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    Economic growth has always been one indicator of improving the welfare of the population of a region or country. Regional development as an integral part of national development is essentially an effort to increase the capacity of regional growth so as to run the government well.Local revenue is an important benchmark for determining the level of regon capacity in implementing real autonomy and responsibility. In the local government's efforts to increase revenue can not be separated from efforts to boost economic growth. Areas that positive economic growth can boost local revenue. This study aimed to analyze the influence of economic growth on local revenue in Jambi Province. Analyses were performed with a simple regression model. While the data used is the time series data for the period 2004 - 2013. The results of the analysis concludes that economic growth is significant and positive effect on local revenue in the province of Jambi.Keywords : Autonomy, Economic Growth, Local Revenu
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