165 research outputs found

    The route of hysterectomy: a comparative study between abdominal hysterectomy (AH), non descent vaginal hysterectomy (NDVH), and laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH)

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    Background: Hysterectomy is the most common operation performed by the gynaecologist. The uterus can be removed using any of the technique and approaches, including abdominal, vaginal, laparoscopic. There are no formal guidelines available regarding the most appropriate route of hysterectomy. Hence, a comparison of the clinical results of the three routes of hysterectomy is needed.Methods: a prospective study was performed at Indira Gandhi government medical college Nagpur between September 2015- October 2017, among 150 women indicated to undergo hysterectomy for benign and mobile uterine conditions. They were assigned 50 each to three routes of hysterectomy (abdominal, non-descent vaginal hysterectomy and Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy). Outcome measures including operating time, blood loss, fall in haemoglobin, intra-operative complications, duration of analgesia, VAS score, hospital stay and post-operative morbidity were assessed and compared between the three groups.Results: Fibroid uterus (65.33%), was the commonest indication for hysterectomy. As far as operating time, intra-operative blood loss, fall in haemoglobin, duration of analgesia, VAS score and hospital stay P Value was significant among the three group. Incidence of complications was least in the NDVH group.Conclusions: In developing country like India with poor health care resources, scarcity of beds and non-availability of sophisticated equipment NDVH offers a distinctive advantage over other route of hysterectomy and should be the route of choice for benign uterine conditions

    Comparison of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of clotrimazole 1% cream and sertaconazole 2% cream in patients suffering from of mild to moderate tinea corporis, attending tertiary care hospital out-patient department: a randomized, open-labeled, comparative, parallel group trial

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    Background: Tinea corporis is a common dermatophytic infection of the body involving keratin layer of skin. This lesion presents as an annular plaque with an advancing border along with central clearing. Clotrimazole is topical, conventional imidazole antifungal drug and has given good efficacy in tinea corporis. Sertaconazole is new topical imidazole antifungal claimed to be superior to old topical imidazoles in tinea corporis. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of topical antifungals, clotrimazole 1% cream and sertaconazole 2% cream in patients suffering from mild to moderate tinea corporis attending out-patient department of tertiary care hospital in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.Methods: This was a prospective, comparative, randomized trial with 2 parallel treatment arms of 4 weeks duration. Patients were diagnosed on the basis of clinical evaluation and microscopic findings of KOH mount. Hundred patients were randomly assigned into two groups of clotrimazole 1% cream, and sertaconazole 2% cream with 50 patients in each group. Evaluation was carried out at baseline, 1st week, 2nd week and 4th week for efficacy parameters viz. itching, erythema and scaling, physician’s global assessment (PGA), safety and cost effectiveness.Results: Topical sertaconazole 2% cream was highly efficacious and superior to clotrimazole 1% cream in improvement of clinical parameters, PGA and mycological cure at the end of the treatment phase. At end of the follow-up phase both the trial drugs were effective with no recurrence or relapse of tinea corporis. However, clotrimazole 1% cream was safe and cheaper.Conclusions: Topical clotrimazole 1% cream and sertaconazole 2% were effective and well tolerated in patients of tinea corporis. Effectiveness of sertaconazole was early and superior with tolerable side-effects. However, clotrimazole was cost-effective

    A New Multimodal Medical Image Fusion based on Laplacian Autoencoder with Channel Attention

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    Medical image fusion combines the complementary information of multimodal medical images to assist medical professionals in the clinical diagnosis of patients' disorders and provide guidance during preoperative and intra-operative procedures. Deep learning (DL) models have achieved end-to-end image fusion with highly robust and accurate fusion performance. However, most DL-based fusion models perform down-sampling on the input images to minimize the number of learnable parameters and computations. During this process, salient features of the source images become irretrievable leading to the loss of crucial diagnostic edge details and contrast of various brain tissues. In this paper, we propose a new multimodal medical image fusion model is proposed that is based on integrated Laplacian-Gaussian concatenation with attention pooling (LGCA). We prove that our model preserves effectively complementary information and important tissue structures.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, % table

    IoT based Environment Pollution Monitoring System

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    In today’s world where population and industrialization has expanded exponentially, pollution is a major crisis faced by the mankind and necessary measures should be taken to control it fast. Currently our population neglects this fact and there is less awareness regarding the pollution threshold values set by the government. To tackle this problem the system explored is an IOT kit, with effective utilization of various sensors, recording the values of different types of pollutants in the environment and display the statistics on a website which can be accessed by all users for free. The system we are proposing is an advanced solution for monitoring the environmental pollution at particular place and makes the information accessible to every individual

    Synovial lipoma of the ankle and foot: a rare case report

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    Synovial lipomatosis is an extremely rare type of disease in which there is an excess of adipose tissue involving the synovium layer of joints or synovial sheath around the tendons causing pain, paraesthesia, and weakness. The most common site being reported till now is Knee joint or parapatellar space other joints such as elbows and shoulders are being reported after the knee joint, and the ankle joint is rarely reported 2 cases have been reported in the English literature. We report a case of a 28-year-old male presenting with swelling of the right foot for 12 years and developed symptoms of pain and tingling on the toes for 2-3 weeks. Multiple bony hard lesions were palpated on the base of the foot, ultrasonography (USG) showed a subcutaneous lesion around the extensor tendons of the foot and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) had a picture of the synovial cyst. Surgical excision was done and histopathology was reported to be as a fibrofatty tissue with multiple adipocytes suggesting lipoma arborescent

    Case of giant cell tumour of proximal tibia treated with intra-lesion curettage with adjuvant therapy and reconstruction with the sandwich technique fixation

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    Giant cell tumour (GCT) of bone is a benign but locally aggressive tumour with the potential of malignant transformation that mostly involves the meta-epiphyseal region of long bones. A 34-year-old female was presented to our institute with progressive pain and swelling in her right knee and was radiologically and histologically found to have a GCT of proximal tibia. She was treated with extended curettage with power burr, intra-lesion phenol application and internal fixation using the sandwich technique. No recurrence was found and the procedure led to a good functional outcome. A GCT of proximal tibia treated with joint preserving surgery with extended curettage and the sandwich technique fixation gives optimal results leading to a good functional outcome

    Reversible ALU Circuit Realization Using Verilog HDL

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    Reversibility in computing implies that no info regarding the process states will ever be lost, thus, we are able to recover any earlier stage by computing backwards or un-computing the results. This is often termed as logical changeability. The advantages of logical changeability are gained solely when using physical changeability. Physical changeability may be a method that dissipates no energy to heat. Completely excellent physical changeability is much impossible. Computing systems provide off heat once voltage levels modification from positive to negative: bits from 0 to 1. Most of the energy required to create that modification is given off within the style of heat. Rather than dynamic voltages to new levels, reversible circuit parts can bit by bit move charge from one node to subsequent. This way, one will solely expect to lose a second quantity of energy on every transition. Reversible computing powerfully affects digital logic styles. Reversible logic parts square measure required to recover the state of inputs from the outputs. It will impact instruction sets and high-level programming languages similarly. Eventually, these will need to be reversible to produce best potency

    Impact and Awareness of Soil Health Card on Soybean Production Technology in Ujjain block of Ujjain District, M.P, India

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    The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. An amount of Rs 568 crore (US89million)wasallocatedbythegovernmentforthescheme.In2016UnionbudgetofIndia,100crore(US89 million) was allocated by the government for the scheme. In 2016 Union budget of India,100 crore (US16 million) had been allocated to states for making soil health cards and set up labs. The target for 2015–16 was to collect 100 lakh soil samples and test these for issue of soil health cards. The government plans to distribute 14 crore soil health cards by 2017. it is therefore, important to find out the impact and awareness associated with farmer towards the usefulness and application of Soil Health Card on their agricultural production, diversification and cropping pattern. Considering the above points, an effort will be made to conduct study with the following objective with 120 beneficiaries of KVK Ujjain, M.P. The main findings is majority of beneficiaries were found to have high level of awareness about various components of soybean production technology followed by medium and low level of awareness about various components of Soybean production technology. Introduction Soil is one of the elements required for farming as it provides nutrients to the plants. Healthy soil containing all the elements for growth and development of crop and on the other hand soil deprived of one or more elements either reduces production or degrades quality of crops. Proportion and quantity of macro and micro nutrients refers to the soil health. As far as agriculture production is concerned, soil health plays a vital role in ensuring sustainable production with optimizing the utilization of fertilizers and reducing its wastage. Soil Health Card (SHC) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in February 2015 in Gujarat. The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. status of farmers. Madhya Pradesh is known as the Soybean bowl of India, because major chunk of Soybean production is contributed by Madhya Pradesh State alone. Nutrients are essential for plants' growth and development. When soil nutrients are missing or in short supply, plants suffer from nutrient deficiency and stop growing. Then, application of fertilizers to soils as per requirement is very important to provide balanced nutrients to the plants grown on it. Considering the growing importance of soil testing

    Desarrollo y validación de un método por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución para la estimación de esomeprazol en forma de dosificación a granel y en tableta

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    Introduction: An accurate, simple, precise, rapid, economic and reproducible reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the estimation of Esomeprazole (ESO) in bulk and tablet dosage form. Method: The separation was carried out on Finepak SIL C18T-5 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5.0 µm i. d.) using potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (0.025M): ACN (20:80 v/v) and at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. using UV detector at 302 nm with a run time of 10 min. The method was validated for accuracy for linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) and robustness. Results: The standard calibration curve was linear with R2 = 0.995. LOD and LOQ obtained for esomeprazole were 0.0001 and 0.0004 µg/mL respectively. The method was found robust for possible changes. Results of analysis of other parameters were also tested and validated as per ICH guidelines and recovery studies confirmed the accuracy of the proposed method. validation studies showed that the developed HPLC method is simple, reproducible, rapid, precise and reliable. The high recovery and low relative standard deviation confirm the suitability of the developed method for the determination of esomeprazole in the tablet dosage form. Conclusion: This method may be used as a more convenient and efficient option for the analysis of esomeprazole to establish the quality of the substance during routine analysis with consistent and reproducible results.Introducción: Se desarrolló y validó un método de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución de fase reversa exacto, simple, preciso, rápido, económico y reproducible para la estimación de esomeprazol (ESO) en forma de dosificación a granel y en tabletas. Método: La separación se llevó a cabo en columna Finepak SIL C18T-5 (250 × 4,6 mm; 5,0 µm i.d.) utilizando tampón fosfato dihidrógeno de potasio (0,025 M): ACN (20:80 v/v) y a un caudal de 1,0 ml/min. utilizando un detector UV a 302 nm con un tiempo de ejecución de 10 min. El método fue validado para exactitud de linealidad, exactitud, precisión, límite de detección (LOD), límite de cuantificación (LOQ) y robustez. Resultados: La curva de calibración estándar fue lineal con R2 = 0,995. El LOD y el LOQ obtenidos para esomeprazol fueron 0,0001 y 0,0004 µg/mL respectivamente. El método se encontró robusto para posibles cambios. Los resultados del análisis de otros parámetros también se probaron y validaron según las pautas de ICH y los estudios de recuperación confirmaron la precisión del método propuesto. Los estudios de validación mostraron que el método HPLC desarrollado es simple, reproducible, rápido, preciso y confiable. La alta recuperación y la baja desviación estándar relativa confirman la idoneidad del método desarrollado para la determinación de esomeprazol en forma de dosificación en tabletas. Conclusión: Este método puede ser utilizado como una opción más conveniente y eficiente para el análisis de esomeprazol para establecer la calidad de la sustancia durante el análisis de rutina con resultados consistentes y reproducibles

    A Review: Multipurpose Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT

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    In this paper a cost effective dust bin monitoring system with street light is proposed. ?SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN? - PM Narendra Modi?s ambitious project to make INDIA a clean country. An efficient method to monitor the waste has been designed with some sensors and the output will display on the monitoring screen of municipality office. Level sensor detects the level of the garbage inside the bin and thus we get information about the level of garbage in the bins. The weight sensor is mounted at the bottom of dust bin and continuously monitors weight of garbage in to dustbin. On the receiver side continuously monitor garbage in to dustbin. Municipality takes many measures to maintain the cleanliness of the city. One of which is establishing dustbins in regular distance for the convenience of public to discard items. Cleaning this garbage is an important function of municipality which is directly related to health issues. We have designed a model for a ?Smart Dustbin? which indicates directly that the dustbin is filled to a certain level by the garbage and cleaning or emptying them is a matter of immediate concern. This prevents lumping of garbage in the roadside dustbin which ends up giving foul smell and illness to people. The developing system will have a complete monitoring system which is IOT based. Also the information will be directly sent to the internet from system; no need of computer for transmission purpose which reduces the cost