28 research outputs found

    Determinants of elementary student's writing tool manipulation skills

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    Writing, as a skill of correct graphic design, represents an activity which is very important in each individual's life and work, and the period of elementary school, when writing skills are masteres, is the period when special attention must be devoted to determinants that can affect the process of writing. Gender, literacy phase and writing difficulties are the determinants that have been tested in 1156 elementary school students, and the research was done in the eight Belgrade elementary schools in 2016. Statistically significant differences in the writing tools and materials manipulation skills among students with and without writing difficulties were present. The students without writing difficulties had higher manipulation skills, and the biggest difference was recorded in the effective stabilization of paper with the non-dominant hand (r= .000), placing paper under an adequate angle (r= .000) and presenting comments and complaints of pain or fatigue (r= .000). The strongest statistically significant difference with the presence of difficulties in the writing tools and materials manipulation skills between boys and girls is recorded in the effective stabilization of paper with the non-dominant hand (r= .000). Students who are in the process of acquiring literacy skills have the greatest difficulties in the presence of pain or fatigue during writing (23.2% of students). The strongest statistically significant difference in the manipulating skills between students of the first and second grades, compared to the students who have already mastered writing, is in setting up paper at an adequate angle (r= .000) and in the presence of pain or fatigue (r= .000). Gender, the stage of literacy and writing difficulties are determinants that affect the skill of manipulating writing tools. Thus, studying this problem is very important in order to help students master the skills of writing. Individualization measures, as one of the modes of adapting teaching to the abilities of students, can make this complex process significantly easier for them

    Povezanost pola i taktilno-kinestetičke senzitivnosti sa kvalitetom pisanja učenika sa i bez teškoća u pisanju

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    Writing, a skill that students practice as soon as they start primary school, requires coordination between motor, perceptual and cognitive abilities. In order to determine the effect of gender on writing difficulties and the possible differences in the relationship between tactile-kinesthetic perception and writing skills of boys and girls with and without writing difficulties, a study was conducted in 2016 on a sample of 1,156 fifth to eighth grade students of eight Belgrade primary schools. Although the results obtained suggest that girls write faster than boys, difficulties with writing fast were equally present in both groups of students. However, difficulties with writing quality occurred with statistically significantly greater frequency among boys. Pencil grip, kinesthetic sensibility test results and consistency of pressure were not unrelated to students' gender, with girls achieving better results. Moreover, boys had significantly lower scores than girls on tactile function tests. The obtained results indicate that gender is a determinant of writing difficulties as measured through speed of writing and legibility. Also, girls have more developed kinesthetic-tactile functions, which are correlated with writing quality.Pisanje, kao veština sa kojom se učenici susreću polaskom u osnovnu školu, zahteva koordinisano delovanje motoričkih, perceptivnih i gnostičkih sposobnosti. Da bi se ispitao uticaj pola na javljanje teškoća u pisanju, kao i postojanje razlika u povezanosti taktilno-kinestetičke percepcije sa veštinom pisanja dečaka i devojčica sa i bez teškoća u pisanju, 2016. godine sprovedeno je istraživanje u osam beogradskih osnovnih škola, u kojem je učestvovalo 1.156 učenika razredne nastave. Iako dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da devojčice pišu brže od dečaka, teškoće u brzini pisanja podjednako se javljaju kod obe grupe učenika. Međutim, ukoliko se posmatraju teškoće u kvalitetu pisanja, ove teškoće se sa statistički značajno većom učestalošću javljaju među dečacima. Hvat olovke, postignuća na probama kinestetičke senzitivnosti i konzistentnost pritiska nisu nezavisni od pola učenika, pri čemu devojčice ostvaruju bolja postignuća. Takođe, dečaci imaju znatno niži učinak od devojčica na testu taktilnih funkcija. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da pol jeste determinanta teškoća u pisanju, koje su posmatrane kroz brzinu i čitljivost pisanja. Takođe, devojčice imaju razvijenije kinestetičko-taktilne funkcije koje su u korelaciji sa kvalitetom pisanja

    Drug-related pityriasis rubra pilaris with acantholysis

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    Introduction. Acantholysis is rarely reported histological feature of Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP), recently recognized as having diagnostic specificity for differentiating PRP from psoriasis. Case report. Adult male patient one week after the introduction of simvastatin had experienced pruritic erythemo-squamous eruption on head and upper trunk that in a month progressed to erythrodermia, with islands of sparing. Histological picture combined pemphigus-like acantholysis with alternating hyper- and parakeratosis, follicular plugs and dermal inflammation, and confirmed the clinical diagnosis of classic adult type 1 PRP. Acitretin therapy resulted in a resolution of skin disease. Patch test with simvastatin was negative, scratch test was positive, and it was estimated that potential risk of oral challenge with simvastatin outweighed actual need for it. Drug triggering PRP episode is the most likely explanation for temporal relation between the start of simvastatin treatment and skin eruption. Conclusion. In management of rare inflammatory skin disease, such as PRP, we have to carefully observe and evaluate not only diagnostic features but possible external influences on its course also

    Bioelements and Non-Essential Elements in Honeybees and Their Hemolymph, Larvae, Pupae, Honey, Wax, Propolis and Bee Bread

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    In our previous research we have explored concentrations of 16 elements in samples collected from 3 different environments: Golija (rural region), Belgrade (urban region) and Zajača (industrial region). These three locations were chosen due to their distinctly different degrees of urbanization and industrialization. Macroelements (Ca, K, Mg, Na), microelements (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) and non-essential elements (Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sr) were determined in the whole body of honeybees, but the major novelty of the research was that hemolymph of the bees was analysed as well. Significant spatial but also seasonal variations in content of bioelements and non-essential elements were observed. These findings have raised several important questions which are addressed in our current study. In order to better understand how bees’ environment does affects concentrations of elements mentioned above, dust and pollen collected from the same locations were analysed. They represent 2 major sources of bio elements and toxic elements for the bees: food and atmospheric deposition. For the better understanding of dynamics of investigated elements the scope of our research was further extended to the analysis of bee bread, honey, crops, wax, propolis, larvae and pupae. The samples were digested in accordance with the US EPA SW-846 Method 3052. Closed microwave digestion system (ETHOS 1, Advanced Microwave Digestion System, Milestone, Italy) was used for digestion with 5 to 8 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 1 or 2 ml of concentrated H2 O2 (depending on the mass and type of the sample). Concentrations of: Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn were determined by ICP-OES (iCAP 6500Duo, Thermo Scientific). Very low concentrations of: Co, Cr, Cd and Pb, which occurred in some samples were confirmed by ICP-MS (iCAP-Q-ICP-MS, Termo Scientific). Ratios between concentrations in the samples from industrial region and urban region were calculated and compared for different matrices. Concentrations of toxic metals such as Pb and Cd were significantly elevated in dust samples from the industrial site, and similar trend was observed for pollen, bee bread, wax, propolis, and the whole bees. Elevation of concentrations was not observed (or it was present in significantly lesser extent) for the samples of honey, larvae and pupae

    Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes

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    Litter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance and composition. In particular, the effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on litter decomposition and its temporal dynamics are of significant importance, since their effects might change over the course of the decomposition process. Within the TeaComposition initiative, we incubated Green and Rooibos teas at 524 sites across nine biomes. We assessed how macroclimate and atmospheric inorganic N deposition under current and predicted scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 8.5) might affect litter mass loss measured after 3 and 12 months. Our study shows that the early to mid-term mass loss at the global scale was affected predominantly by litter quality (explaining 73% and 62% of the total variance after 3 and 12 months, respectively) followed by climate and N deposition. The effects of climate were not litter-specific and became increasingly significant as decomposition progressed, with MAP explaining 2% and MAT 4% of the variation after 12 months of incubation. The effect of N deposition was litter-specific, and significant only for 12-month decomposition of Rooibos tea at the global scale. However, in the temperate biome where atmospheric N deposition rates are relatively high, the 12-month mass loss of Green and Rooibos teas decreased significantly with increasing N deposition, explaining 9.5% and 1.1% of the variance, respectively. The expected changes in macroclimate and N deposition at the global scale by the end of this century are estimated to increase the 12-month mass loss of easily decomposable litter by 1.1-3.5% and of the more stable substrates by 3.8-10.6%, relative to current mass loss. In contrast, expected changes in atmospheric N deposition will decrease the mid-term mass loss of high-quality litter by 1.4-2.2% and that of low-quality litter by 0.9-1.5% in the temperate biome. Our results suggest that projected increases in N deposition may have the capacity to dampen the climate-driven increases in litter decomposition depending on the biome and decomposition stage of substrate. © Copyright © 2021 Kwon, Shibata, Kepfer-Rojas, Schmidt, Larsen, Beier, Berg, Verheyen, Lamarque, Hagedorn, Eisenhauer, Djukic and TeaComposition Network

    Kinestetic sensitivity and somatosensory funcions as determinants of quality of writing

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    Писање представља активност правилног графичког обликовања слова и сложен је психомоторички процес који је координисан комплексним нервним системом. Као вештина, од чијег квалитета зависи васпитно-образовни процес ученика, под утицајем је многобројних фактора. Кинестетичка сензитивност и соматосензорне функције су детерминанте писања, чије се учешће у вештини писања разликује у односу на присуство тешкоћа у писању, али и узраста ученика. Информације тактилне и кинестетичке сензитивности током писања омогућавају добијање повратних информација које укључују чуло додира, притиска, оријентације и позиције руку током писања које су веома важне за квалитет писања. Циљ ове студије јесте да се утврди утицај кинестетичке сензитивности и соматосензорних функција на квалитета писања ученика нижих разреда основношколског узраста, како код ученика са и без тешкоћа у писању, тако и код ученика који се налазе на почетку процеса описмењавања и ученика који су овладали овим процесом. У истраживању је учествовало 1156 ученика разредне наставе, који похађају осам београдских основних школа. Неки од значајних резултата овог истраживања говоре да ученици најбрже пишу приликом писања напамет (АС= 40,86) и писања по диктату (АС= 38,23), а брзина писања расте са узрастом (р= ,000). У анализи писања се међу праћеним индикаторима најчешће бележи неприкладан или недоследан притисак (12,5%), а присуство једног и више посматраних индикатора бележи се код скоро петине учесника истраживања (18,6%). Ученици са тешкоћама у писању су заступљени у 10,2% и они су равномерно распоређени по узрастима (р= ,546). Приликом процене кинестетичке сензитивности долазимо до сазнања да скоро половина испитаних ученика (44,2%) при манипулацији оловком користи зрели динамични тропрстни хват, а преко 90% ученика успешно изводи пробе приликом процене кинестетичке сензитивности. Отисак писања је код највишег процента ученика видљив до друге стране (43,1%), а конзистентност притиска је констатована код 85,6% ученика. Приликом процене соматосензорних функција испитани ученици су показали веома високу успешност у решавању задатака. Без грешака пробе су изведене у више од 90% случајева на свим задацима, док је највиши проценат грешака забележен на задацима графестезије и дискриминације јачине додира. Резултати показују да ученици без тешкоћа у писању остварују већу брзину писања (р= ,000) од ученика са тешкоћама у писању и бележе боља постигнућа приликом процене хвата оловке (р= ,000), извођења пробе кинестетичке сензитивности (р= ,000), конзистентности притиска (р= ,000) и процени соматосензорних функција (р= ,000). Повезаност брзине писања са кинестетичком сензитивности присутна је код обе групе ученика, а код ученика са тешкоћама у писању је слабија (r= ,29) у односу на повезаност читљивости рукописа и кинестетичке сензитивности (r= -,47). Повезаност брзине писања и соматосензорних функција није присутна код ученика са тешкоћама у писању. Међутим, дискриминација оштро-тупо јесте у корелацији са брзином писања (r= -,24) ученика се тешкоћама у писању, као и дискриминација јачине додира приликом писања напамет (r= -,19) и преписивања текста с веће раздаљине (r= -,18). Код обе групе ученика присутна је повезаност соматосензорних функција са читљивости рукописа, а код ученика са тешкоћама у писању јесте на нивоу ниске (r= ,24). Када се упореде постигнућа ученика у односу на фазу описмењавања долази се до резултата да међу ученицима који се налазе у почетној фази описмењавања и ученика који су писањем већ овладали постоје значајне разлике у брзини писања (р= ,000), али се деца с неадекватном брзином писања једнако дистрибуирају по фазама процеса описмењавања (р= ,223), па самим тим, нема повезаности тешкоћа у писању с фазом описмењавања (χ2(1)= ,59, р= ,443). Разлике у постигнућима ове две групе ученика бележе се приликом процене хвата оловке (р= ,000), приликом извођења пробе кинестетике сензитивности, (р= ,000), јачине притиска (р= ,000) и процене соматосензорних функција (р= ,000). Присутна је повезаност брзине писања и читљивости рукописа са кинестетичком сензитивности ученика који се налазе у почетној фази описмењавања (r= ,28; r= -,51) и ученика који су писањем овладали (r= ,22; r= -,50). Такође, утврђено је да постоји корелација брзине писања и читљивости рукописа са соматосензорним функцијама код ученика који се налазе у почетној фази описмењавања (r= 32; r= ,45) и ученика који су писањем овладали (r= ,26; r= ,52). Можемо закључити да код ученика са тешкоћама у писању постоји значајна повезаност кинестетичке сензитивности и брзине писања и читљивости рукописа, али она није значајнија у односу на ученике без тешкоћа у писању. Затим, код ученика са тешкоћама у писању не постоји значајна повезаност соматосензорних функција и брзине писања, док је присутна значајна повезаност соматосензорних функција и читљивости писања, али она није значајнија у односу на ученике без тешкоћа у писању. Такође, можемо закључити да не постоје разлике у повезаности кинестетичке сензитивности и соматосензорних функција са квалитетом писања ученика првог и другог разреда, у односу на ученике трећег и четвртог разреда. На основу ових резултата могу се дефинисати смернице које би омогућиле прилагођавање васпитно-образовног програма кроз мере индивидуализације, као и активности које треба реализовати у оквиру индивидуалног образовног плана, са циљом стимулације вештине писања. Улога дефектолога у овим активностима јесте неопходна због тога што су правовремена детекција ових потешкоћа и њихова стимулација изузетно важне, не само због повезаности развоја способности писања са школским постигнућима, већ и са формирањем личности ученика као био-психо-социјалне јединкеWriting is an activity of corrrect graphic letter designing and a complex psychomotor process which is coordinated by a complex nervous system. As a skill whose quality depends on the educational process of students, it is influenced by many factors. Kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions are determinants of writing, whose participation in writing skills differs in relation to the presence of writing difficulties, as well as the age of students. Information on tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity during writing allows reception of feedback that includes a sense of touch, pressure, orientation and hand posture for writing that are essential for writing quality improvement. The aim of this study is to examine the influence of kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions on the quality of writing with students of lower grades at primary school, both for the ones with and without difficulty in writing, those who are at the beginning of the literacy process and the ones who have already mastered this process. The research involved a sample of 1156 participants tested who attend eight Belgrade primary schools. Some of the confirmatory factor-analysis of this data set indicated significant results and suggested that in terms of the speed- related factor students write quickest when writing by memory (AS= 40.86) and by dictation (AS= 38.23), whilst writing speed increases with age (p= .000). In the analysis of writing, most frequently observed indicators are inappropriate or inconsistent pressure (12.5%), and the presence of one or more of the observed indicators is recorded in almost one fifth of the participants (18.6%). Students with writing difficulties cover 10.2% and they are evenly distributed by age (p= .546). On assessing kinesthetic sensitivity, we find that almost half of the tested students (44.2%) use mature dynamic tripod grip on using the pen at writing, and over 90% of students successfully carry out tests on assessing kinetic sensitivity. The printout of the writing is with the highest percentage of students visible up to the second page (43.1%), and consistency of pressure was found with 85.6% of students. On assessing somatosensory functions, the tested students showed outstanding results on solving tasks, and without trial errors they were performed in more than 90% of cases on all tasks, while the highest percentage of errors was recorded on tasks of graphestation and discrimination of touch strength. We have acknowledged that students without writing difficulties achieve higher writing speed (p= .000) than students with such problems and achieve much better results on evaluating the pencil grip (p= .000), taking a kinesthetic sensitivity test (p= .000), pressure consistency (p= .000) and evaluation of somatosensory functions (p= .000). The connectivity of the writing speed with kinesthetic sensitivity is present with both groups of students, and at students with writing difficulties it is weaker (r= .29) in relation to the connectivity between the readability of writing and the kinesthetic sensitivity (r= -.47). Connectivity of writing speed and somatosensory functions is not present at students with writing difficulties. However, discrimination is sharply dull in correlation with the writing speed (r= -.24) of the students with writing difficulties, as well as the discrimination of the touch strength when writing a memory (r= -.19) and rewriting the text from a greater distance (r= -.18). In both groups of students there is a connectivity of somatosensory functions with readability of writing. When comparing students' achievements in regard to the literacy phase, the results show that there are significant differences in writing speed between students in the initial phase of literacy and students who have already mastered writing (p= .000), but children with inadequate speed writing are equally distributed in stages of the literacy process (p= .223), thus there is no correlation of writing difficulties with the literacy phase (χ2 (1)=, 59, p= .443). Differences in the achievements of these two groups of students are recorded in the evaluation of the pencil grip (p= .000) on performing the sensitivity kinesthetics probe (p= .000), the pressure ratios (p= .000) and the evaluation of the somatosensory functions (p= .000). There is a connectivity between the speed and readability of writing with the kinesthetic sensitivity of students who are in the initial stage of literacy (r= .28; r= -.51) and students who have already mastered writing (r= .22; r= -.50). It was found that there is a correlation between the speed and readability of writing with somatosensory functions among students who are in the initial stage of literacy (r= .32; r= .45) and students who have already mastered writing (r= .26; r= .52). We can conclude that students with writing difficulties have a significant correlation between the kinesthetic sensitivity and the speed of writing and the legibility of the writing, but it is not significant in relation to students without writing difficulties. Then, students with difficulty in writing do not have a significant association of somatosensory functions and writing speeds, while there is a significant correlation between somatosensory functions and legibility of writing, but it is not significant in relation to students without writing difficulties. We can also conclude that there are no differences in the relationship between kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions with the quality of writing with the first and second grade students as compared to third-and fourth-graders. Based on these results, we can define guidelines that would allow the adjustment of the educational program through the measures of individualization, as well as the activities that should be realized within the individual educational program, with the stimulation of writing skills. Therefore, the role of the special educator in these activities is indispensable as the duly detection of these difficulties and their stimulation is important not only in terms of the development of the writing skills being tightly connected to school achievements, but also for the sake of the personal development of pupils as a bio-psycho-social individual

    Kinestetic sensitivity and somatosensory funcions as determinants of quality of writing

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    Pisanje predstavlja aktivnost pravilnog grafičkog oblikovanja slova i složen je psihomotorički proces koji je koordinisan kompleksnim nervnim sistemom. Kao veština, od čijeg kvaliteta zavisi vaspitno-obrazovni proces učenika, pod uticajem je mnogobrojnih faktora. Kinestetička senzitivnost i somatosenzorne funkcije su determinante pisanja, čije se učešće u veštini pisanja razlikuje u odnosu na prisustvo teškoća u pisanju, ali i uzrasta učenika. Informacije taktilne i kinestetičke senzitivnosti tokom pisanja omogućavaju dobijanje povratnih informacija koje uključuju čulo dodira, pritiska, orijentacije i pozicije ruku tokom pisanja koje su veoma važne za kvalitet pisanja.Cilj ove studije jeste da se utvrdi uticaj kinestetičke senzitivnosti i somatosenzornih funkcija na kvaliteta pisanja učenika nižih razreda osnovnoškolskog uzrasta, kako kod učenika sa i bez teškoća u pisanju, tako i kod učenika koji se nalaze na početku procesa opismenjavanja i učenika koji su ovladali ovim procesom. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1156 učenika razredne nastave, koji pohađaju osam beogradskih osnovnih škola.Neki od značajnih rezultata ovog istraživanja govore da učenici najbrže pišu prilikom pisanja napamet (AS= 40,86) i pisanja po diktatu (AS= 38,23), a brzina pisanja raste sa uzrastom (r= ,000). U analizi pisanja se među praćenim indikatorima najčešće beleži neprikladan ili nedosledan pritisak (12,5%), a prisustvo jednog i više posmatranih indikatora beleži se kod skoro petine učesnika istraživanja (18,6%). Učenici sa teškoćama u pisanju su zastupljeni u 10,2% i oni su ravnomerno raspoređeni po uzrastima (r= ,546).Prilikom procene kinestetičke senzitivnosti dolazimo do saznanja da skoro polovina ispitanih učenika (44,2%) pri manipulaciji olovkom koristi zrelidinamični troprstni hvat, a preko 90% učenika uspešno izvodi probe prilikom procene kinestetičke senzitivnosti. Otisak pisanja je kod najvišeg procenta učenika vidljiv do druge strane (43,1%), a konzistentnost pritiska je konstatovana kod 85,6% učenika. Prilikom procene somatosenzornih funkcija ispitani učenici su pokazali veoma visoku uspešnost u rešavanju zadataka. Bez grešaka probe su izvedene u više od 90% slučajeva na svim zadacima, dok je najviši procenat grešaka zabeležen na zadacima grafestezije i diskriminacije jačine dodira.Rezultati pokazuju da učenici bez teškoća u pisanju ostvaruju veću brzinu pisanja (r= ,000) od učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju i beleže bolja postignuća prilikom procene hvata olovke (r= ,000), izvođenja probe kinestetičke senzitivnosti (r= ,000), konzistentnosti pritiska (r= ,000) i proceni somatosenzornih funkcija (r= ,000). Povezanost brzine pisanja sa kinestetičkom senzitivnosti prisutna je kod obe grupe učenika, a kod učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju je slabija (r= ,29) u odnosu na povezanost čitljivosti rukopisa i kinestetičke senzitivnosti (r= -,47). Povezanost brzine pisanja i somatosenzornih funkcija nije prisutna kod učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju. Međutim, diskriminacija oštro-tupo jeste u korelaciji sa brzinom pisanja (r= -,24) učenika se teškoćama u pisanju, kao i diskriminacija jačine dodira prilikom pisanja napamet (r= -,19) i prepisivanja teksta s veće razdaljine (r= -,18). Kod obe grupe učenika prisutna je povezanost somatosenzornih funkcija sa čitljivosti rukopisa, a kod učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju jeste na nivou niske (r= ,24).Kada se uporede postignuća učenika u odnosu na fazu opismenjavanja dolazi se do rezultata da među učenicima koji se nalaze u početnoj fazi opismenjavanja i učenika koji su pisanjem već ovladali postoje značajne razlike u brzini pisanja (r= ,000), ali se deca s neadekvatnom brzinom pisanja jednako distribuiraju po fazama procesa opismenjavanja (r= ,223), pa samim tim, nema povezanosti teškoća u pisanju s fazom opismenjavanja (χ2(1)= ,59, r= ,443). Razlike u postignućima ove dve grupe učenika beleže se prilikom procene hvata olovke (r= ,000), prilikom izvođenja probe kinestetike senzitivnosti, (r= ,000), jačine pritiska (r= ,000) i procene somatosenzornih funkcija (r= ,000). Prisutna je povezanost brzine pisanja ičitljivosti rukopisa sa kinestetičkom senzitivnosti učenika koji se nalaze u početnoj fazi opismenjavanja (r= ,28; r= -,51) i učenika koji su pisanjem ovladali (r= ,22; r= -,50). Takođe, utvrđeno je da postoji korelacija brzine pisanja i čitljivosti rukopisa sa somatosenzornim funkcijama kod učenika koji se nalaze u početnoj fazi opismenjavanja (r= 32; r= ,45) i učenika koji su pisanjem ovladali (r= ,26; r= ,52).Možemo zaključiti da kod učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju postoji značajna povezanost kinestetičke senzitivnosti i brzine pisanja i čitljivosti rukopisa, ali ona nije značajnija u odnosu na učenike bez teškoća u pisanju. Zatim, kod učenika sa teškoćama u pisanju ne postoji značajna povezanost somatosenzornih funkcija i brzine pisanja, dok je prisutna značajna povezanost somatosenzornih funkcija i čitljivosti pisanja, ali ona nije značajnija u odnosu na učenike bez teškoća u pisanju. Takođe, možemo zaključiti da ne postoje razlike u povezanosti kinestetičke senzitivnosti i somatosenzornih funkcija sa kvalitetom pisanja učenika prvog i drugog razreda, u odnosu na učenike trećeg i četvrtog razreda.Na osnovu ovih rezultata mogu se definisati smernice koje bi omogućile prilagođavanje vaspitno-obrazovnog programa kroz mere individualizacije, kao i aktivnosti koje treba realizovati u okviru individualnog obrazovnog plana, sa ciljom stimulacije veštine pisanja. Uloga defektologa u ovim aktivnostima jeste neophodna zbog toga što su pravovremena detekcija ovih poteškoća i njihova stimulacija izuzetno važne, ne samo zbog povezanosti razvoja sposobnosti pisanja sa školskim postignućima, već i sa formiranjem ličnosti učenika kao bio-psiho-socijalne jedinkeWriting is an activity of corrrect graphic letter designing and a complex psychomotor process which is coordinated by a complex nervous system. As a skill whose quality depends on the educational process of students, it is influenced by many factors. Kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions are determinants of writing, whose participation in writing skills differs in relation to the presence of writing difficulties, as well as the age of students. Information on tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity during writing allows reception of feedback that includes a sense of touch, pressure, orientation and hand posture for writing that are essential for writing quality improvement.The aim of this study is to examine the influence of kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions on the quality of writing with students of lower grades at primary school, both for the ones with and without difficulty in writing, those who are at the beginning of the literacy process and the ones who have already mastered this process. The research involved a sample of 1156 participants tested who attend eight Belgrade primary schools.Some of the confirmatory factor-analysis of this data set indicated significant results and suggested that in terms of the speed- related factor students write quickest when writing by memory (AS= 40.86) and by dictation (AS= 38.23), whilst writing speed increases with age (p= .000). In the analysis of writing, most frequently observed indicators are inappropriate or inconsistent pressure (12.5%), and the presence of one or more of the observed indicators is recorded in almost one fifth of the participants (18.6%). Students with writing difficulties cover 10.2% and they are evenly distributed by age (p= .546).On assessing kinesthetic sensitivity, we find that almost half of the tested students (44.2%) use mature dynamic tripod grip on using the pen at writing, and over 90% of students successfully carry out tests on assessing kinetic sensitivity. The printout of thewriting is with the highest percentage of students visible up to the second page (43.1%), and consistency of pressure was found with 85.6% of students. On assessing somatosensory functions, the tested students showed outstanding results on solving tasks, and without trial errors they were performed in more than 90% of cases on all tasks, while the highest percentage of errors was recorded on tasks of graphestation and discrimination of touch strength.We have acknowledged that students without writing difficulties achieve higher writing speed (p= .000) than students with such problems and achieve much better results on evaluating the pencil grip (p= .000), taking a kinesthetic sensitivity test (p= .000), pressure consistency (p= .000) and evaluation of somatosensory functions (p= .000). The connectivity of the writing speed with kinesthetic sensitivity is present with both groups of students, and at students with writing difficulties it is weaker (r= .29) in relation to the connectivity between the readability of writing and the kinesthetic sensitivity (r= -.47). Connectivity of writing speed and somatosensory functions is not present at students with writing difficulties. However, discrimination is sharply dull in correlation with the writing speed (r= -.24) of the students with writing difficulties, as well as the discrimination of the touch strength when writing a memory (r= -.19) and rewriting the text from a greater distance (r= -.18). In both groups of students there is a connectivity of somatosensory functions with readability of writing.When comparing students' achievements in regard to the literacy phase, the results show that there are significant differences in writing speed between students in the initial phase of literacy and students who have already mastered writing (p= .000), but children with inadequate speed writing are equally distributed in stages of the literacy process (p= .223), thus there is no correlation of writing difficulties with the literacy phase (χ2 (1)=, 59, p= .443). Differences in the achievements of these two groups of students are recorded in the evaluation of the pencil grip (p= .000) on performing the sensitivity kinesthetics probe (p= .000), the pressure ratios (p= .000) and the evaluation of the somatosensory functions (p= .000). There is a connectivity between the speed and readability of writing with the kinesthetic sensitivity of students who are in the initial stage of literacy (r= .28; r= -.51) and students who have already mastered writing (r= .22; r= -.50). It was found that there is acorrelation between the speed and readability of writing with somatosensory functions among students who are in the initial stage of literacy (r= .32; r= .45) and students who have already mastered writing (r= .26; r= .52).We can conclude that students with writing difficulties have a significant correlation between the kinesthetic sensitivity and the speed of writing and the legibility of the writing, but it is not significant in relation to students without writing difficulties. Then, students with difficulty in writing do not have a significant association of somatosensory functions and writing speeds, while there is a significant correlation between somatosensory functions and legibility of writing, but it is not significant in relation to students without writing difficulties. We can also conclude that there are no differences in the relationship between kinesthetic sensitivity and somatosensory functions with the quality of writing with the first and second grade students as compared to third-and fourth-graders.Based on these results, we can define guidelines that would allow the adjustment of the educational program through the measures of individualization, as well as the activities that should be realized within the individual educational program, with the stimulation of writing skills. Therefore, the role of the special educator in these activities is indispensable as the duly detection of these difficulties and their stimulation is important not only in terms of the development of the writing skills being tightly connected to school achievements, but also for the sake of the personal development of pupils as a bio-psycho-social individual