1,390 research outputs found

    Evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo de entrada del virus de la gripe aviar altamente patógeno en la comunidad valenciana por importación de aves vivas

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    The Region of Valencia has had many imports of live poultry from different countries that have had several outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Bird flu during their history. The aim of this paper is to do a quantitative assessment of the risk of entry of HPAI in the Region of Valencia and its provinces due to the importation of live poultry, and identify the countries which entail a higher risk. The results indicate that Alicante is the province with more risk and Italy is the country that represents the greatest proportion of risk due to his imports. The probability to introduce the HPAI virus to the Region of Valencia due to life poultry imports is low.En la Comunidad Valenciana (CV) se importa cantidades altas de aves vivas desde países que han sufrido algún brote de influenza aviar altamente patógena (HPAI) a lo largo de su historia. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo que hay de que el virus HPAI entre en la CV y sus provincias por importación de aves vivas, e identificar los países desde los que es más probable introducirlo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran a Alicante como la provincia con más probabilidad de sufrir la entrada del virus y a Italia, el país desde donde hay más probabilidad que entre. La probabilidad de introducir el virus HPAI en la CV mediante importaciones de aves vivas es baja

    Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model

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    The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal that the high-risk areas are typically concentrated in areas with small family farms, high numbers of outgoing pig shipments and low levels of personal consumption (i.e. economically deprived areas). Identification of risk factors and high-risk areas for CSF will allow to targeting risk-based surveillance strategies leading to prevention, control and, ultimately, elimination of the disease in Bulgaria and other countries with similar socio-epidemiological condition

    Gender diversity on boards: Determinants that underlie the proposals for female directors

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    [Abstract] Although the gender composition of corporate boards and the contribution of female directors to corporate governance have been previously analysed, few studies have investigated the factors that may help contribute to increasing the still scarce presence of women on boards. Therefore, using three-stage least squares (3SLS) estimation on a data panel comprising the 100 largest companies in the world according to the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ranking, including data on (re)election proposals for corporate board members, this research aims to analyse the influence of the number of men's nominations, board interlocks, director tenure, geographical area, the sector to which the firms belong, and the relevance of firms on women's nominations for boards of directors. The results show the factors that facilitate the presence of women on boards. In addition, the different influences that remain in the election of female and male directors when considering factors related to the experience, expertise, and networks of directors or the visibility of firms can also be observed. This study contributes to the knowledge of gender diversity on boards, shedding light on the factors that might lead to gender-balanced boards. It could also help companies and policymakers design strategies to build more egalitarian boards

    Reputation, Game Theory and Entrepreneurial Sustainability

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    Abstract: This manuscript provides a novel approach to reputational management as a driver of entrepreneurial sustainability, using game theory to integrate three dimensions of reputation. First, if the entrepreneur perceives reputation as a risk source, the analysis is framed as a prisoner’s dilemma schema that is solved by protecting against reputational threats from entrepreneurial sustainability. Second, if the entrepreneur perceives reputation as a competitive advantage, the analysis is framed as an innovator’s dilemma that is solved by getting reputational opportunities from entrepreneurial sustainability. Third, if reputation is perceived as a strategic asset, the analysis is framed as a coordination game schema that results in the development of a reputational intelligence skill that has the potential to become crucial for success in entrepreneurial sustainability. Consequently, this manuscript provides an original multidisciplinary analysis of reputational management by relating well-known theoretical results from game theory to organizational realities

    La vida en un laboratorio de alta seguridad biológica

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    El trabajo e investigación con ciertos microorganismos puede suponer un gran riesgo tanto para el personal que trabaja con ellos, como para los animales y el medio ambiente. Ello hace necesaria la existencia de laboratorios de alta seguridad biológica que permitan su estudio sin riesgo. En este tipo de laboratorios las medidas de bioseguridad son muy estrictas y ello puede afectar al personal que trabaja a diario en estos centros. Conocer cómo les afectan, en qué medida y por qué ha sido el objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo. Para ello se realizó y diseñó una encuesta que ha permitido recoger la opinión de los trabajadores de tres importantes centros de alta seguridad biológica dedicados a Sanidad Animal y Salud Pública. Tras el análisis de las respuestas se observó que la mayoría de encuestados encuentra factores limitantes para su trabajo en este tipo de centros, si bien estos varían de un centro a otro y no impiden valorar la necesidad de estas medidas.To work and research with some kind of microorganism could suppose a high risk for humans, animals and environment. This fact makes necessary the existence of biosafety laboratories. In this type of centres, high security conditions are very strict and that could affect people who work daily inside it. Knowing how it affects them is the main objective of our study. For that reason we have done a survey to know the impressions of people who work in laboratories of Biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) . After analyzing the results of this survey, we could say that working inside BSL-3 implies certain limitations for people who work inside them, but they respect and value the importance of this security conditions

    Los Cuadernos de la Biblioteca Islámica "Félix María Pareja"

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    Listado de publicaciones del Instituto Hispano-Árabe de Cultura

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    Modelo de evaluación del riesgo en la entrada y difusión de agentes patógenos que afectan a las abejas en España

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    Desde la aparición a nivel mundial del fenómeno denominado despoblamiento masivo de las colmenas, se han intensificado los estudios para determinar cuáles son las causas que lo producen. Así mismo, la preocupación por el estado sanitario de las colmenas ha ido en aumento debido a que existe un mercado apícola más competitivo económicamente, y a que las actividades comerciales que involucran la compra-venta de productos apícolas han hecho aumentar el riesgo, de manera considerable, de enfermedades exóticas que afectan a las abejas. Nuestro objetivo principal es estudiar el estado sanitario y las prevalencias de las enfermedades apícolas presentes. La evaluación de riesgo aquí presentada incluye la identificación de las posibles vías de entrada y difusión de los agentes patógenos, a partir de la información obtenida de encuestas, realizadas para tal efecto, al sector apícola español, así como de bibliografía científica disponible.From the appearance worldwide of the phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the studies have been intensified to determine which are the reasons that produce it. Likewise, the worry for the sanitary state of the beehives has gone in increase due to the fact that a beekeeping market exists more competitive economically, and to that the commercial activities that involve the dealing bee product have made increase the risk, of a considerable way, of exotic diseases of honeybees. Our principal aim is to study the sanitary state and the prevalences of the bees diseases present. The evaluation of risk here presented includes the identification of the possible routes of entry and spread of the pathogenic agents, from the information obtained of surveys, realized for such an effect, to the Spanish beekeeping, as well as of scientific available bibliograph