969 research outputs found

    Population Synthesis of Isolated Neutron Stars with magneto-rotational evolution II: from radio-pulsars to magnetars

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    Population synthesis studies constitute a powerful method to reconstruct the birth distribution of periods and magnetic fields of the pulsar population. When this method is applied to populations in different wavelengths, it can break the degeneracy in the inferred properties of initial distributions that arises from single-band studies. In this context, we extend previous works to include XX-ray thermal emitting pulsars within the same evolutionary model as radio-pulsars. We find that the cumulative distribution of the number of X-ray pulsars can be well reproduced by several models that, simultaneously, reproduce the characteristics of the radio-pulsar distribution. However, even considering the most favourable magneto-thermal evolution models with fast field decay, log-normal distributions of the initial magnetic field over-predict the number of visible sources with periods longer than 12 s. We then show that the problem can be solved with different distributions of magnetic field, such as a truncated log-normal distribution, or a binormal distribution with two distinct populations. We use the observational lack of isolated NSs with spin periods P>12 s to establish an upper limit to the fraction of magnetars born with B > 10^{15} G (less than 1\%). As future detections keep increasing the magnetar and high-B pulsar statistics, our approach can be used to establish a severe constraint on the maximum magnetic field at birth of NSs.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Materiali magnetici dolci

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    Si espongono inizialmente delle considerazioni di opportunità sull’esigenza di limitare i consumienergetici. Una semplice analisi della ripartizione dei consumi nazionali evidenzia come una quotanon trascurabile dei consumi di energia elettrica sia collegata a motori per applicazioni di largaserie. Questa constatazione suggerisce i possibili vantaggi di impiego della metallurgia delle polveriper soluzioni tecniche innovative. Dopo una serie di richiami di elettrotecnica si mostra come ilrendimento dei motori elettrici, per quanto molto più elevato di motori di altro tipo, sia comunquelimitato superiormente dalle perdite nel ferro. Questa constatazione ha finora impedito l’impiego dimateriali sinterizzati tradizionali per i quali il processo termico genera una diminuzioneinaccettabile della resistività e la conseguente impossibilità di impiego per eccessive perdite percorrenti parassite nel nucleo. L’impiego di polveri di nuova concezione, costituite da granuli di ferropuro rivestiti di strati isolanti, consente di ridurre sostanzialmente i possibili effetti negativi delleperdite per correnti parassite. In questo modo si possono realizzare componenti da polveri in grado difunzionare correttamente fino a frequenze dell’ordine di 1000 Hz.Si espongono poi delle indicazioni di ordine progettuale, secondo le quali i materiali SMC offrono aiprogettisti una ulteriore possibilità per il loro lavoro: la tridimensionalità. Si conclude con lapresentazione di alcuni esempi e con delle indicazioni di tipo generale sui possibili vantaggi dellenuove soluzioni, anche in termini di riciclabilità a fine vita

    Positive and Negative Regulation of Cellular Immune Responses in Physiologic Conditions and Diseases

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    The immune system has evolved to allow robust responses against pathogens while avoiding autoimmunity. This is notably enabled by stimulatory and inhibitory signals which contribute to the regulation of immune responses. In the presence of a pathogen, a specific and effective immune response must be induced and this leads to antigen-specific T-cell proliferation, cytokines production, and induction of T-cell differentiation toward an effector phenotype. After clearance or control of the pathogen, the effector immune response must be terminated in order to avoid tissue damage and chronic inflammation and this process involves coinhibitory molecules. When the immune system fails to eliminate or control the pathogen, continuous stimulation of T cells prevents the full contraction and leads to the functional exhaustion of effector T cells. Several evidences both in vitro and in vivo suggest that this anergic state can be reverted by blocking the interactions between coinhibitory molecules and their ligands. The potential to revert exhausted or inactivated T-cell responses following selective blocking of their function made these markers interesting targets for therapeutic interventions in patients with persistent viral infections or cancer

    Predictors of mortality in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome and admission to the lung transplantation waiting list

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    Background. Patients with Eisenmenger Syndrome (ES) have very severe irreversible pulmonary hypertension but the criteria for admitting such patients to a lung transplantation waiting list (LTWL) is not clear. Indeed it has been demonstrated that the natural survival of patients with ES is better than the survival achieved through lung transplantation: it follows that no guidelines are available for these patients' admission to an LTWL. The aim of our study was to identify possible predictors of mortality in ES patients in order to reserve admission to the LTWL solely for those patients who would otherwise have the lowest probability of survival. Methods. Since 1991, 57 patients with ES from our rehabilitative centre were admitted to the LTWL of the Division of Cardiac Surgery at San Matteo Hospital, University of Pavia. At the time of the retrospective analysis, patients were divided into a group of non-transplanted survivors (27 patients - 47% of the total) and a group who had died prior to transplantation (16 patients - 28% of the total). The 14 transplanted patients (25% of the total) were not considered in the statistical analysis, considering transplantation as an "external event". Unpaired t tests were used to compare the following factors in the survivors and in those who died: sex, "complexity" of the congenital heart disease underlying the ES, previous cardiac surgery, arterial blood gases, pulmonary function and hemodynamic parameters. Moreover, a stepwise discriminant analysis was performed in order to define a possible set of prognostic factors. Results. PaCO2 was higher in those who subsequently died (36.15±7.42 mmHg) compared with those who survived (32.5±5.33 mmHg), although this difference did not reach a statistical significance (p=0.08). Discriminant analysis defined a model in which a) complexity of the congenital heart disease, b) sex (male) and c) cardiac output were predictive of a higher risk of mortality. Conclusions. This new knowledge can be used in the decision of admission to LTWL in ES patients

    Assessing the potential of molten carbonate fuel cell-based schemes for carbon capture in natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants

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    Abstract This work explores two configurations of natural gas-fired combined cycles (NGCC) with molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) for CO2 capture. Special attention is devoted to the selection of MCFC operating conditions (trade-off between CO2 capture and voltage losses), heat integration scheme, fuel use and CO2 purification. Two schemes are considered: (i) in the first "integrated" scheme, MCFC modules are installed between the gas turbine and the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) to maximize the efficiency of the integrated power plant; (ii) in the second "non-integrated" layout, the MCFC is located downstream of the HRSG and a regenerative heat exchanger is designed to preheat cathode reactants up to the MCFC working temperature. This study includes a full techno-economic analysis of the two layouts based on a preliminary sizing of the key-components, and a sensitivity analysis on the CO2 utilization factor. Compared to a benchmark amine scrubbing process, the "integrated" configuration shows considerably better performance (Specific Primary Energy Consumption for CO2 Avoided - SPECCA = 0.31 MJ kgCO2-1; Cost of CO2 avoided - CCA = 50 tCO21),whereasthe"nonintegrated"solutionshowshigherenergypenaltiesbutsimilarCO2avoidancecost(SPECCA=2.4MJkgCO21;CCA=76 tCO2−1), whereas the "non-integrated" solution shows higher energy penalties but similar CO2 avoidance cost (SPECCA = 2.4  MJ  kgCO2−1; CCA = 76 tCO2−1)

    Non-collaborative Attackers and How and Where to Defend Flawed Security Protocols (Extended Version)

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    Security protocols are often found to be flawed after their deployment. We present an approach that aims at the neutralization or mitigation of the attacks to flawed protocols: it avoids the complete dismissal of the interested protocol and allows honest agents to continue to use it until a corrected version is released. Our approach is based on the knowledge of the network topology, which we model as a graph, and on the consequent possibility of creating an interference to an ongoing attack of a Dolev-Yao attacker, by means of non-collaboration actuated by ad-hoc benign attackers that play the role of network guardians. Such guardians, positioned in strategical points of the network, have the task of monitoring the messages in transit and discovering at runtime, through particular types of inference, whether an attack is ongoing, interrupting the run of the protocol in the positive case. We study not only how but also where we can attempt to defend flawed security protocols: we investigate the different network topologies that make security protocol defense feasible and illustrate our approach by means of concrete examples.Comment: 29 page

    From Display to Labelled Proofs for Tense Logics

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    We introduce an effective translation from proofs in the display calculus to proofs in the labelled calculus in the context of tense logics. We identify the labelled calculus proofs in the image of this translation as those built from labelled sequents whose underlying directed graph possesses certain properties. For the basic normal tense logic Kt, the image is shown to be the set of all proofs in the labelled calculus G3Kt

    The influence of magnetic field geometry on magnetars X-ray spectra

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    Nowadays, the analysis of the X-ray spectra of magnetically powered neutron stars or magnetars is one of the most valuable tools to gain insight into the physical processes occurring in their interiors and magnetospheres. In particular, the magnetospheric plasma leaves a strong imprint on the observed X-ray spectrum by means of Compton up-scattering of the thermal radiation coming from the star surface. Motivated by the increased quality of the observational data, much theoretical work has been devoted to develop Monte Carlo (MC) codes that incorporate the effects of resonant Compton scattering in the modeling of radiative transfer of photons through the magnetosphere. The two key ingredients in this simulations are the kinetic plasma properties and the magnetic field (MF) configuration. The MF geometry is expected to be complex, but up to now only mathematically simple solutions (self-similar solutions) have been employed. In this work, we discuss the effects of new, more realistic, MF geometries on synthetic spectra. We use new force-free solutions in a previously developed MC code to assess the influence of MF geometry on the emerging spectra. Our main result is that the shape of the final spectrum is mostly sensitive to uncertain parameters of the magnetospheric plasma, but the MF geometry plays an important role on the angle-dependence of the spectra.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures To appear in Proceedings of II Iberian Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting held in Salamanca, September 22-23, 201