221 research outputs found

    Nanochromics: Old Materials, New Structures And Architectures For High Performance Devices

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    Due to the development of nanoscience, the interest in electrochromism has increased and new assemblies of electrochromic materials at nanoscale leading to higher efficiencies and chromatic contrasts, low switching times and the possibility of color tuning have been developed. These advantages are reached due to the extensive surface area found in nanomaterials and the large amount of organic electrochromic molecules that can be easily attached onto inorganic nanoparticles, as TiO2 or SiO2. Moreover, the direct contact between electrolyte and nanomaterials produces high ionic transfer rates, leading to fast charge compensation, which is essential for high performance electrochromic electrodes. Recently, the layer-by-layer technique was presented as an interesting way to produce different architectures by the combination of both electrochromic nanoparticles and polymers. The present paper shows some of the newest insights into nanochromic science. ©2008 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.19712481257Somani, P.R., Radhakrishnan, S., (2003) Mater. Chem. Phys, 77, p. 117Monk, P.M.S., Mortimer, R.J., Rosseinsky, D.R., (1995) Electrochromism: Fundamentals and Applications, , John Wiley & Sons: New YorkRowley, N.M., Mortimer, R.J., (2002) Sci. Prog, 85, p. 243Mortimer, R.J., (1997) Chem. Soc. Rev, 26, p. 147De Oliveira, S.C., Torresi, R.M., Córdoba de Torresi, S.I., (2000) Quim. Nova, 23, p. 79Livage, J., Ganguli, D., (2001) Sol. Energy Mater, 68, p. 365Rauh, R.D., (1999) Electrochim. Acta, 44, p. 3165Rosseinsky, D.R., Mortimer, R.J., (2001) Adv. Mater, 13, p. 783Monk, P.M.S., Mortimer, R.J., Rosseinky, D.R., (2007) Electrochromism and Electrochromic Devices, , University Press: CambridgeCordoba de Torresi, S.I., Gorenstein, A., (1992) Electrochim. 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    Validação do QTL PUP1 para tolerância à deficiência de fósforo em arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo é validar em progênies S0:2 da população CNA9/3/1 (de seleção recorrente) a presença do QTL Phosphorus uptake 1 (Pup1). Nesse sentido, foram avaliados sete marcadores moleculares codominantes e nove dominantes, específicos para esse QTL

    High glucose concentration stimulates intracellular renin activity and angiotensin II generation in rat mesangial cells

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    Increased intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activity contributes to diabetic nephropathy. ANG II generation in mesangial cells (MC) is increased by high-glucose (HG) exposure. This study assessed the mechanisms involved in the glucose-induced ANG II generation in rat MC. Under basal conditions, MC mainly secreted prorenin. HG decreased prorenin secretion and induced a striking 30-fold increase in intracellular renin activity. After 72 h of HG exposure, only the mRNA levels for angiotensinogen and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) were significantly elevated. However, after shorter periods of 24 h of HG stimulation the mRNA levels of the enzymes prorenin and cathepsin B, besides that for ACE, were significantly increased. the results suggest that the HG-induced increase in ANG II generation in MC results from an increase in intracellular renin activity mediated by at least three factors: a time-dependent stimulation of ( pro) renin gene transcription, a reduction in prorenin enzyme secretion, and an increased rate of conversion of prorenin to active renin, probably mediated by cathepsin B. the increase in angiotensinogen mRNA in parallel to increased renin activity indicates that HG also increased the availability of the renin substrate. the consistent upregulation of ACE mRNA suggests that, besides renin, ACE is directly involved in the increased mesangial ANG II generation induced by HG.UNIFESP, Div Renal, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Div Renal, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Avaliação de progênies derivadas de cruzamentos envolvendo o acesso com espiguetas agrupadas da Embrapa.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a avaliação de progênies F3:5 provenientes de cruzamentos biparentais envolvendo cultivares/linhagens-elite e o acesso com espiguetas agrupadas da Embrapa, com base no caráter produção de grãos

    Screening para tolerância à deficiência de fósforo no solo com acessos de arroz (Oryza sativa).

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi pré-identificar acessos da Coleção Nuclear de Arroz da Embrapa (CNAE) que possuam eficiência na absorção e uso do P presente no solo, para após validação em condições de campo, serem utilizados como genitores no programa de melhoramento de arroz de terras altas da Embrapa

    Estructura propuesta del artículo de datos como publicación científica

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    This paper presents a review of the main motivations and paths for publishing datasets that are generated and managed during the research process. The Data Paper is considered as a form of scientific publication with the same recognition, acceptance and scientific rigor as conventional research articles. Therefore we propose a common structure defined by elements based mainly on dataset metadata. This will enable creators, publishers, consumers and expert peer reviewers to recognise, share, evaluate and facilitate data reuse. Doing so will facilitate information reproducibility, validation of results, and rapid new research generation.Este trabajo presenta una revisión de las principales motivaciones y caminos en la publicación de los conjuntos de datos, siendo estos conjuntos de datos generados y manipulados durante los procesos de investigación. Se considera el Artículo de datos como medio de publicación científica con igual reconocimiento, aceptación y rigor científico que un artículo convencional o tradicional de investigación actual. Por cuanto se propone una estructura común definida con elementos principalmente derivados de los metadatos del conjunto de datos de investigación. Esto permitirá a los creadores, editores, consumidores y pares expertos evaluadores el reconocimiento, compartición, evaluación y reutilización de datos. Se facilita así la reproducibilidad de la información, validación de los resultados divulgados y rápida generación de nuevas investigaciones

    Parâmetros quantitativos e validação do QTL Pup1 para tolerância à deficiência de fósforo em seleção recorrente de arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar progênies S0:2 da população CNA9/3/1 de seleção recorrente de arroz de terras altas, quanto à eficiência de uso de P no solo por meio do caráter produção de grãos (PG, em kg ha-1); e validar nestas progênies a presença do QTL Phosphorus uptake 1 (Pup1), responsável pelo aumento na eficiência de absorção de P

    Avaliação para tolerância à deficiência de fósforo no solo em seleção recorrente de arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar progênies da população CNA9|3|1 de arroz de terras altas da Embrapa, em melhoramento por meio de SR, quanto à eficiência no uso do P no solo através do caráter produção de grãos (PG, em kg ha-1)

    Association Mapping Considering Allele Dosage: An Example of Forage Traits in an Interspecific Segmental Allotetraploid Urochloa spp.

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    The breeding process in tropical segmental allopolyploid forage Urochloa is challenging due to the complex genetic control of the traits. Knowledge about genes associated with forage traits, expressed in the different cutting seasons, are extremely useful to support breeding programs and development of new cultivars. Thus, the aims of our study were (i) to identify genomic regions related to forage traits through genomewide association studies (GWAS), and (ii) to verify the influence of allele dosage on these results. A panel of 272 genotypes of Urochloa spp. [U. brizantha (Hoscht. ex A. Rich.) R. Webster ´ U. ruziziensis (Hoscht. ex A. Rich.) R. Webster] was evaluated in both the wet and dry seasons. The GWAS analyses were performed with 26,535 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained by genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) using diploid and tetraploid allele dosage configurations. Furthermore, we evaluated scenarios including additive, dominance, and epistatic effects. Seven candidate genomic regions associated with the main forage traits of Urochloa spp. were identified. The importance of the diploid and tetraploid molecular configuration in GWAS analyses for segmental allopolyploid species was demonstrated to identify the genomic behavior of important regions. Results demonstrated that it is possible to identify the same regions using both ploidy configurations; however, in some cases, the allele substitution effect can be biased mainly for regions with dominance and epistatic effects. Finally, this study contributes to the understanding of genetic control of tropical forage traits and genomics to accelerate the selection and reduce the cost to release new cultivars