4,336 research outputs found

    Study soil analysis in Alamo, Temapache and Veracruz, to generate doses of fertilization in orange

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    A nivel mundial los cítricos son el principal frutal cultivado, en México la producción de naranja es de gran importancia económica, los principales municipios productores del estado de Veracruz se encuentran Álamo, Papantla, Martínez de la Torre, Tihuatlán, Chicontepec y Temapache. Estas zonas, mantienen un rendimiento promedio bajo en comparación con otros países productores y un factor que puede mejorar los rendimientos es la óptima fertilización la cual tiene que ser respaldada con análisis de suelos para poder definir una dosis. Se realizaron 646 muestreos de suelo a una profundidad de 30 cm, en el municipio de Temapache, Veracruz, mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, el tamaño de la muestra se adaptó a las condiciones de cada comunidad. Los análisis fueron enviados a dos laboratorios. Se evaluaron el pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio. Los resultados se analizaron con estadística no paramétrica mediante un análisis de frecuencias para lo que se plantearon diez rangos, se utilizó R stadistic package versión 64 3.2.0. El pH en más del 70% de los suelos fue alcalino, la concentración de materia orgánica solo en el 34.44% se encontró en condiciones adecuadas, los macroelementos se encuentran en condiciones óptimas a excepción del nitrógeno el cual se presentó en niveles bajos

    The siliciclastic Permian-Triassic deposits in Central and Northeastern Iberian Peninsula (Iberian, Ebro and Catalan Basins) : a proposal for correlation

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    The siliciclastic deposits of the Iberian, Ebro and Catalan Basins have been described for more than a century, but facies similarities and a lack of biostratigaphic data have difficulted the correlation of the local stratigraphic units in a general framework up to now. Combining pollen and spores data, the identification of the regional unconformities and hiatuses and the quantitative analysis of the subsidence by backstripping methods, a new correlation scheme for these facies is proposed

    Advanced Proteomic Approaches to Elucidate Somatic Embryogenesis

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    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a cell differentiation process by which a somatic cell changes its genetic program and develops into an embryonic cell. Investigating this process with various explant sources in vitro has allowed us to trace somatic embryo development from germination to plantlets and has led to the generation of new technologies, including genetic transformation, endangered species conservation, and synthetic seed production. A transcriptome data comparison from different stages of the developing somatic embryo has revealed a complex network controlling the somatic cell’s fate, suggesting that an interconnected network acts at the protein level. Here, we discuss the current progress on SE using proteomic-based data, focusing on changing patterns of proteins during the establishment of the somatic embryo. Despite the advanced proteomic approaches available so far, deciphering how the somatic embryo is induced is still in its infancy. The new proteomics techniques that lead to the quantification of proteins with different abundances during the induction of SE are opening this area of study for the first time. These quantitative differences can elucidate the different pathways involved in SE induction. We envisage that the application of these proteomic technologies can be pivotal to identifying proteins critical to the process of SE, demonstrating the cellular localization, posttranslational modifications, and turnover protein events required to switch from a somatic cell to a somatic embryo cell and providing new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying SE. This work will help to develop biotechnological strategies for mass production of quality crop material

    Auslander-Buchweitz approximation theory for triangulated categories

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    We introduce and develop an analogous of the Auslander-Buchweitz approximation theory (see \cite{AB}) in the context of triangulated categories, by using a version of relative homology in this setting. We also prove several results concerning relative homological algebra in a triangulated category \T, which are based on the behavior of certain subcategories under finiteness of resolutions and vanishing of Hom-spaces. For example: we establish the existence of preenvelopes (and precovers) in certain triangulated subcategories of \T. The results resemble various constructions and results of Auslander and Buchweitz, and are concentrated in exploring the structure of a triangulated category \T equipped with a pair (\X,\omega), where \X is closed under extensions and ω\omega is a weak-cogenerator in \X, usually under additional conditions. This reduces, among other things, to the existence of distinguished triangles enjoying special properties, and the behavior of (suitably defined) (co)resolutions, projective or injective dimension of objects of \T and the formation of orthogonal subcategories. Finally, some relationships with the Rouquier's dimension in triangulated categories is discussed.Comment: To appear at: Appl. Categor. Struct. (2011); 22 page

    Síndrome de Sweet en una niña preescolar

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    Sweet syndrome, also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, is an infrequent dermatological disorder in pediatrics. Clinically it is characterized by the development of papular and/or nodular lesions of a reddish-violet coloration with local hypersensitivity. We report the case of a 5-year-old female who consulted 1 month after the appearance of the lesion in the nasal arch. A skin biopsy was performed and it reported diffuse dermatitis with a predominance of neutrophil polymorphonuclear cells, epidermal necrosis and absence of vasculitis. No microorganisms were identified. It was considered compatible with Sweet syndrome. It is important to consider this diagnosis in similar clinical cases and other more frequent diagnoses must be ruled out first. © 2018 Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria. All rights reserved

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with IGH translocations are characterized by a distinct genetic landscape with prognostic implications

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    Chromosome 14q32 rearrangements/translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) are rarely detected in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The prognostic significance of the IGH translocation is controversial and its mutational profile remains unknown. Here, we present for the first time a comprehensive next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of 46 CLL patients with IGH rearrangement (IGHR-CLLs) and we demonstrate that IGHR-CLLs have a distinct mutational profile with recurrent mutations in NOTCH1, IGLL5, POT1, BCL2, FBXW7, ZMYM3, MGA, BRAF and HIST1H1E genes. Interestingly, BCL2 and FBXW7 mutations were significantly associated with this subgroup and almost half of BCL2, IGLL5 and HISTH1E mutations reported were previously identified in non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Notably, IGH/BCL2 rearrangements were associated with a lower mutation frequency and carried BCL2 and IGLL5 mutations, while the other IGHR-CLLs had mutations in genes related to poor prognosis (NOTCH1, SF3B1 and TP53) and shorter time to first treatment (TFT). Moreover, IGHR-CLLs patients showed a shorter TFT than CLL patients carrying 13q-, normal fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and +12 CLL, being this prognosis particularly poor when NOTCH1, SF3B1, TP53, BIRC3 and BRAF were also mutated. The presence of these mutations not only was an independent risk factor within IGHR-CLLs, but also refined the prognosis of low-risk cytogenetic patients (13q-/normal FISH). Hence, our study demonstrates that IGHR-CLLs have a distinct mutational profile from the majority of CLLs and highlights the relevance of incorporating NGS and the status of IGH by FISH analysis to refine the risk-stratification CLL model

    Tendency in the growth of creole kids in extensive systems

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    The present investigation was developed at the State of Puebla, Mexico, to describe the tendency in the growth of Creole kids by means of the evaluation of the average daily weight gain (ADWG). A total of 161 kids were controlled from the birth to the 102 days of age. Every 15 days the kids were weighed, previous fasting with separation of the mother from afternoon of the previous day. The variables included were date and weight at birth, sex, childbirth type and weights every 15 days. The results show that the average weight to the birth was 2.562 ± 0.583 kg, the males surpassing females (p<0.01) in 9.57 percent (0.232 kg). Differences were observed in favour of those of simple childbirth. The final weight was 10.186 ± 2.723 kg for the females and 11.508 ± 3.616 kg for the males. The males from simple childbirth reached a greater weight (12.229 kg). The average daily weight gain (g) for all the animals was of 82.37 ± 26.9 g. The weight at the first month reached 106.2 g; at the second 95.5 g and 53.9 g at third. The smaller gains are observed in the females born from double childbirth with 64.01 ± 17.1 g, whereas the best growth behavior was find in males from simple childbirth with 94.34 ± 30.31 g. The better adjustment of the growth was obtained with potential type equations for the total of kids (Y= 3.23X0.262); second degree polynomial equations were better for the females (Y= 3.35 + 0.07497X -0.00007085 X2); potential equations for males (Y= 4.23X0.21); and also, potential for kids of simple childbirth (Y= 3.91X0.23) and second degree polynomial equations for kids of double childbirth (Y= 3.26 + 0.0947X - 0.00002069 X2).En el Estado de Puebla, México, se desarrolló la presente investigación con el objetivo de describir la tendencia en el crecimiento de cabritos criollos mediante la evaluación de la ganancia media diaria de peso (GMDp). Se dio seguimiento individual a 161 cabritos desde el nacimiento hasta los 102 días de edad, pesándose cada 15 días, previo ayuno con separación de la madre desde la tarde del día anterior. Las variables consideradas fueron fecha y peso de nacimiento, sexo, tipo de parto y pesos quincenales. Los resultados muestran que el peso promedio al nacimiento es de 2,562 ± 0,583 kg, superando los machos a las hembras (p<0,01) en un 9,57 p.100 (0,232 kg). Los de parto simple tuvieron mejor comportamiento. El peso final fue de 10,186 ± 2,723 kg para las hembras y de 11,508 ± 3,616 kg para los machos. La ganancia media diaria de peso (g) para el total de los animales fue de 82,37 ± 26,9 g en promedio. Por períodos, al primer mes alcanzan 106,2 g; en el segundo 95,5 g y 53,9 en el tercero. Las menores ganancias se observan en las hembras nacidas de parto gemelar, con 64,01 ± 17,1 g, mientras que el mejor comportamiento lo tienen los machos simples con 94,34 ± 30,31g. Las ecuaciones de mejor ajuste del crecimiento fueron de tipo potencial para el total de cabritos (Y= 3,23X 0,262); polinomial de segundo grado para las hembras (Y= 3,35 + 0,07497X - 0,00007085X2); potencial para machos (Y= 4,23X 0,21); potencial para cabritos de parto simple (Y =3,91X 0,23) y polinomial de segundo grado para cabritos de parto doble (Y= 3,26 + 0,0947X - 0,00002069X2)

    Constraints on Left-Right Symmetric and E6E_6 Superstring Models from the Number of Light Neutrino Species

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    Using the experimental value for the rate RexpLEP=Γinv/Γllˉ=5.942±0.016R^{LEP} _{exp}=\Gamma_{inv}/\Gamma_{l\bar l}=5.942\pm 0.016, we derive constraints on the number of light neutrino species with the invisible width method in the framework of a left-right symmetric model (LRSM) and a E6E_6 superstring model as a function of their respective mixing angles for the neutral vector gauge bosons. Using the above LEP result we get the constraints 1.6×103ϕ1.1×103-1.6\times 10^{-3}\leq\phi \leq 1.1\times 10^{-3} and 1.3×102ϕE60.4×102-1.3\times 10^{-2}\leq\phi_{E_6} \leq 0.4\times 10^{-2}, which are stronger than those obtained in previous studies of these models.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submit to Modern Physics Letter