215 research outputs found

    Reductions in Kinematics from Brassieres with Varying Breast Support

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 12(1): 402-411, 2019. Given the abundance of brassieres, manufacturers, and investigations of bras, it remains unclear whether the continued development of bras will provide many additional improvements in support. This study measured performance of sport bras including 4 popular bras and a new style bra at reducing breast motion during five common exercises. Bras demonstrated varying effectiveness and consistency across exercises at reducing undesirable breast motion, (hereafter referred to as kinematics). The new style bra significantly reduced vertical breast displacement and acceleration more consistently than other bras. When significant differences between bras were detected, the newer bra provided 31% greater reduction in vertical displacements and accelerations on average than other bras. Lateral reductions were smaller, less significant and no differences between bras were detected. When participants evaluated bras in terms of performance and ease of use, the newer bra was rated better than other bras by nearly a two to one ratio. There were no differences in how the bras felt, or in terms of pain and discomfort. Correlations between participant comfort and reductions in kinematics were weak and inconsistent. Results suggest continued bra development is possible in order to reduce undesirable motion especially in terms of reducing lateral motion. Additional investigation is required to examine the mechanistic reasons why bras improve comfort and potentially performance

    The Simulation of the Trend of the Time Series in the form of the Spline of Third-Order With a Random Number of Data at the Moments of Measurement

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    The possibility of simulation of trend of a time series as a spline of third-order with a random number of data at the moments of measurement is discussed. Estimations of coefficients of the spline are obtained in the explicit form. The statistical characteristics of the received estimations are studied in details

    The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect

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    The article focuses on the problem of place determination of law-enforcement agencies in the civil rights and freedoms protection system. The emphasis is given to the analysis of international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular: the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The article has proved that law enforcement agencies are mainly aimed at ensuring and protection of human and citizen civil rights and freedoms in all spheres of social relations

    Human capital in the innovative conditions

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    The relevance of the questions dealing with the human capital formation and functioning peculiarities in the innovative development conditions is provided by the fact that highly developed post-industrial economy, manufacturing and service sector cannot do without highly educated and skilled workers, that makes dependable the efficiency and competitiveness at the company level and the whole national economy. The goal of the article lies in certain development within specific provisions in the economic science, which explain the human capital functioning and enhancing its role in the innovative development conditions. The leading approach to study this problem is the structure-functional analysis of the human role in advanced manufacturing and the innovation development when the human capacity to work transformed into capital, increasing the level of education and the formation on this new production relations basis in a modern knowledge economy. Results: the article puts forward the theoretical and methodological concepts dealing with the decisive role of human capital in modern knowledge economy, which is defined the qualitatively new productive forces composition, the science and education transformation in the main factors of efficiency, growth, intelligence, innovation production and management. The article can be useful in a problem-solving process one of the priority tasks in the Russian society – the human capital preservation and development and our country competitiveness in the innovative development conditions. © 2016 Forrester et al

    Optimization of roll calibration for flange shape rolling. Groove space

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    The most important component of any rolling mill is the calibration of the rolls. The ability to obtain a finished product of high quality at minimal cost depends on the right calibration. According to the previous experience and practice a large number of different calibrations for the flange profiles production are known. The universal 'concept of two-stage optimization', consisting of two successively carried out optimization stages developed in the Department of Metal Forming of the Ural Federal University in relation to optimization of the roll calibration for flange shape rolling is considered in this article. Common features of these shapes classification and their variation levels are identified and justified. This developed classification structure is the basis for the formation of spaces of groove schemes, due to which the groove space is formed. In the software implementation the groove space is represented as a 'groove database'. In the future this database will be used to form the space of calibration schemes that are fundamentally suitable for these shapes rolling. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project 20-38-90246

    Disruption of coordination between arm, trunk, and center of pressure displacement in patients with hemiparesis

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    To determine how arm movements influence postural sway in the upright position after stroke, interactions between arm, trunk, and center of pressure (CoP) displacements in the sagittal direction were investigated in participants with hemiparesis and healthy subjects. Participants swung both arms sagittally in either of 2 directions (in-phase, anti-phase) and at 2 speeds (preferred, fast) while standing on separate force plates. Variables measured included amplitude and frequency of arm swinging, shoulder and trunk range of motion, CoP displacements under each foot and of the whole body, and the relationships between the arm, trunk, and CoP displacements. CoP displacements under the non-paretic leg were greater than those under the paretic leg, which may in part be related to the larger amplitude of swinging of the non-paretic arm. CoP displacements under each foot were not related to arm swinging during in-phase swinging at the preferred speed in healthy subjects. When speed of arm swinging was increased, however, the CoP moved in a direction opposite to the arm movement. In contrast, in individuals with hemiparesis, CoPs and arms moved in the same direction for both speeds. During anti-phase swinging in healthy subjects, the trunk counterbalanced the arm movements, while in participants with hemiparesis, the trunk moved with the affected arm. Results show that stroke resulted in abnormal patterns of arm-trunk-CoP interactions that may be related to a greater involvement of the trunk in arm transport, an altered pattern of coordination between arm and CoP displacements, and an impaired ability of the damaged nervous system to adapt postural synergies to changes in movement velocity

    Psychosocial care of persons with alcohol dependence

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    The article considers the issues of improving the quality of medical work with patients with alcoholism, as well as issues of psychological and social rehabilitation of these patients. The relevance of the chosen research topic is grounded, the analysis of sources and literature is carried out, the relevance and purpose of the research is indicated. Identified and justified the need for joint use of methods of therapeutic effects and means of pharmaco-, psycho- and sociotherapy. Describes the results of the implementation of the program of psycho-emotional assistance to persons with alcohol dependence “Sobriety Point” in inpatient institutions, recommendations are given to improve the organization of psychosocial assistance to persons with alcohol dependence in state budgetary institution of health care of the Republic Bashkortostan Krasnokamskaya central regional hospital.В статье рассмотрены вопросы повышения качества лечебной работы с больными алкоголизмом, а также вопросы психологической и социальной реабилитации этих больных. Обоснована актуальность выбранной темы исследования, проведен анализ источников и литературы, обозначена актуальность и цель исследования. Выявлена и обоснована необходимость совместного использования методов лечебного воздействия и средств фармако-, психо- и социотерапии. Описываются результаты внедрение программы психоэмоциональной помощи лицам с алкогольной зависимостью «Точка трезвости» в стационарных учреждениях, даны рекомендации по совершенствованию организации психосоциальной помощи лицам с алкогольной зависимостью в ГБУЗ РБ Краснокамская ЦРБ

    Yles of Pedagogical Communication of Coaches of Children's Teams and Their Impact on the Psychological Health of Children

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    Система спортивных школ страны призвана решать задачи, главная из которых - развитие личности ребенка. Большую популярность приобрели игровые виды спорта. В силу объективных причин тренер часто становится основным воспитателем и наставником юных спортсменов, формируя у них мировоззрение, нравственные принципы и личностные качества. Успешность воспитания и развития юных спортсменов зависит от умения тренеров общаться со своими воспитанниками.The system of sports schools in the country is designed to solve problems, the main of which is the development of the child's personality. Playing sports have become very popular. Due to objective reasons, the coach often becomes the main educator and mentor of young athletes, forming their worldview, moral principles and personal qualities. The success of the upbringing and development of young athletes depends on the ability of coaches to communicate with their pupils

    Congenital anomalies of anterior abdominal wall. Diagnostics, treatment strategy

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    This article discusses the various methods of treatment of children with congenital defects of the anterior abdominal wall.When covering especially the choice of surgical tactics, preoperative and postoperative management of patients with omphalocele and gastroschisis.В данной статье рассматриваются различные методы лечения детей с врожденными дефектами передней брюшной стенки. Освещены особенности выбора хирургической тактики, предоперационной подготовки и послеоперационного ведения пациентов с омфалоцеле и гастрошизисом