15 research outputs found

    Draw a picture of yourself learning math: What pre-service teachers’ self-portraits illustrate about their complex relationships with mathematics

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    Access the online Pressbooks version of this article here. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may influence pre-service teachers’ relationships with mathematics. Elementary pre-service teachers who were enrolled in a mathematics methods course (n = 52) wrote a letter to math and drew a picture of themselves learning math. The self-portraits were analyzed by a team of undergraduate student researchers and teacher educators to identify themes related to the types of emotions, experiences, and situations displayed. The results of the self-portrait analysis indicated a higher percentage of negative emotions as compared to positive and neutral emotions. Additionally, the portraits indicated the influence of early elementary experiences on developing the participants’ math identity and relationships with mathematics. Implications for teacher preparation coursework and elementary mathematics pedagogy are discussed

    What pre-service teachers want “Math” to know: Examining self-identified relationships and critical experiences with mathematics

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    This study examines the self-reported critical experiences that undergraduate pre-service teachers (PSTs) choose to share when writing a letter directly to “Math” and creating a self-portrait of a math learning experience. The letters sought to initiate a personification of math and the self-portraits to further explore math learning experiences of the PSTs. The letters and portraits were examined to understand the types of math relationships and critical events PSTs reported and their impact on PST identity and agency as a future teacher. Portraits were analyzed by PST research partners. The relationship between the categories of critical events and mindset was explored

    Evaluation of six leaf angle distribution functions in the Castillo® coffee variety

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    The study was conducted at the “Estacion Central Naranjal Cenicafe” (National Coffee Research Center, Chinchina, Caldas, Colombia) on Coffea arabica L. variety Castillo® to find the leaf angle distribution function that best described the tilt of the angles present in the canopy. Leaf angles were recorded for 1,559 leaves located in the upper, middle and lower profiles of the canopy. The observed leaf angle distribution was compared with the Beta, ellipsoidal and four de Wit distribution functions. The fit between comparisons was determined by the Pearson χ2 test and its significance, the regression coefficient statistically equal to one and the RMSE. Likewise, the leaf angle distribution recorded in the field per profile and their combination was described based on three angle classes (1st class: 0°-30°; 2nd class: 30°-60°; and 3rd class: 60°-90°) according to the Goudriaan criterion. Generally, the leaf angle distribution present in the canopy of Castillo® coffee variety is adequately described by the Beta function with two parameters and the ellipsoidal function based on the adjustment provided by the statistical tests

    Recomendaciones para fomentar la calidad en prácticas educativas mediadas por tecnologías digitales

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    En estos momentos de cambio que estamos viviendo, la preservación de la calidad de la Educación es un imperativo para facilitar la consecución de los resultados de aprendizaje esperados por la comunidad educativa y la sociedad. Desde RedUnete (Red Universitaria para la Educación con Tecnología), contribuimos en la mejora de los procesos de preservación y Aseguramiento de la calidad de la Educación, en particular cuando es mediada por la tecnología, y por ello hemos elaborado este documento de recomendaciones con la colaboración del Ministerio de Educación Nacional y de otras entidades y redes, que esperamos sea de utilidad para la educación superior de Colombia.Introducción. La calidad en las prácticas educativas mediadas por tecnologías. Pertinencia de las tecnologías digitales para enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Transformación digital de la oferta académica desde la integración asertiva de las tecnologías. Referencia

    Reflections Magazine of the Faculty of Education. Volume 7 No. 8 June 1999

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    Reflexiones presenta en esta entrega artículos escritos por profesores y alumnos de los programas de posgrado y pregrado de nuestra Facultad, en los cuales se plasma el espíritu de una comunidad académica deseosa de contribuir al desarrollo de lo humano, utilizando como pretexto puntos de referencia de orden ético y lógico, en consonancia con los ideales que propone, para el hacerteórico y práctico, el Proyecto Educativo de nuestra Universidad. Además, através deestas líneas iniciales, el comité curricular de la Facultad desea informar a los lectores sobre el proceso de autoevalución y acreditación que estamos viviendo, e invitar a los profesores y alumnos, al personal administrativo y a los egresados de esa facultad y a la comunidad académica de la escuelanormal de Bucaramanga, a participar en el análisis y consecuente reestructuración de los programas que ofrecemos.Reflections presents in this installment articles written by professors and students of the postgraduate and undergraduate programs of our Faculty, in which the spirit of an academic community eager to contribute to the development of the human being is embodied, using reference points of order as a pretext. ethical and logical, in line with the ideals proposed, for the theoretical and practical, the Educational Project of our University. In addition, through these initial lines, the Faculty's curricular committee wishes to inform readers about the self-evaluation and accreditation process that we are undergoing, and invite teachers and students, administrative staff and graduates of that Faculty and the academic community of the normal school of Bucaramanga, to participate in the analysis and consequent restructuring of the programs we offer

    Evaluación del área de aerénquima radical en variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp) como característica de resistencia a condiciones de hipoxia en el Valle del Río Cauca

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    La investigación se desarrollo en la estación experimental San Antonio (EESA) de CENICAÑA ubicada en el corregimiento de San Antonio de los Caballeros (Florida, Valle del Cauca). Se realizaron dos experimentos denominados Ambiente húmedo y Ambiente Semiseco, Sembrados en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Se evalúo el aerénquima presente en las raíces fibrosas de 13 variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp) a los 4, 6 y 8 meses después de la siembra. Las variables agronómicas altura, diámetro, población, peso por parcela, sacarosa (% caña) y kilogramos de sacarosa por parcela se evaluaron al momento de la cosecha. Se encontró que existe una respuesta diferencial entre ambientes a causa de la falta de oxigeno (hipoxia). En condiciones húmedas el aerénquima llego a ocupar un 55% del área total de los tejidos en la raíz, sin presentar diferencias estadísticas entre variedades, mientras que en condiciones semisecas ocurrió lo contrario y solo desarrollo 33%. El aerénquima no mostró asociación con las variables agronómicas evaluadas. La variedad CC 01-1884 presentó el mejor comportamiento agronómico en la evaluación y la mayor longitud total de raíces. Esta característica se presento de forma diferencial en las variedades, lo cual podría ser un parámetro en la selección de variedades tolerantes al exceso de humedad

    Evaluation of six leaf angle distribution functions in the Castillo® coffee variety

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    The study was conducted at the “Estacion Central Naranjal Cenicafe” (National Coffee Research Center, Chinchina, Caldas, Colombia) on Coffea arabica L. variety Castillo® to find the leaf angle distribution function that best described the tilt of the angles present in the canopy. Leaf angles were recorded for 1,559 leaves located in the upper, middle and lower profiles of the canopy. The observed leaf angle distribution was compared with the Beta, ellipsoidal and four de Wit distribution functions. The fit between comparisons was determined by the Pearson χ2 test and its significance, the regression coefficient statistically equal to one and the RMSE. Likewise, the leaf angle distribution recorded in the field per profile and their combination was described based on three angle classes (1st class: 0°-30°; 2nd class: 30°-60°; and 3rd class: 60°-90°) according to the Goudriaan criterion. Generally, the leaf angle distribution present in the canopy of Castillo® coffee variety is adequately described by the Beta function with two parameters and the ellipsoidal function based on the adjustment provided by the statistical tests

    Conformation of a virtual community of learning, starting from a formation process for college professors

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo, que pretendió conformar una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje (CVA) entre maestros universitarios de la Red Universitaria José Celestino Mutis (Colombia), a partir de un proceso de formación en modalidad virtual, en elaboración, diseño y desarrollo de cursos virtuales bajo el modelo educativo desarrollado por la Red Universitaria Mutis. En el proceso de formación participaron 126 docentes universitarios y 6 tutores, adscritos a la Red Universitaria Mutis (RUM), en un periodo comprendido entre el 8 de septiembre del 2003 y el 31 de mayo del 2004. El análisis de la información del estudio se presenta desde una perspectiva cuanticualitativa en la que se evaluaron la calidad del curso prototipo y de los cursos diseñados por los profesores. El componente cualitativo sirvió de base para el análisis de la comunidad virtual de aprendizaje. En este artículo se caracterizan las relaciones que se presentaron entre el proces o de formación apoyado en nuevas tecnologías de docentes de las universidades que conforman la Red Universitaria Mutis, en el tema de producción de contenidos para cursos virtuales, y la conformación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizajeThis work is a qualitative type study case, that pretended to conform a virtual community of learning (VCL) among college professors that belong to José Celestino Mutis University Network (Colombia), from a process of virtual education related to the elaboration, design and development of virtual courses under Mutis University Network (RUM) educational model. One hundred and twenty six college professors and six tutors took part in the formation process, between the 8th of September 2003 and the 31st of May, 2004. The information analysis appears from a cuanti-qualitative perspective. The study analyses the quality of the course prototype and the courses designed by the professors. The qualitative component served as a basis for the virtual community of learning analysis. This article characterizes the relationships between the formation process supported by new technologies in the universities that conform Mutis University Network, in relation to the production of contents for virtual courses, and the conformation of a virtual community of learnin


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    This work is a qualitative type study case, that pretended to conform a virtual community of learning (VCL) among college professors that belong to José Celestino Mutis University Network ( Colombia ), from a process of virtual education related to the elaboration, design and development of virtual courses under Mutis University Network (RUM) educational model. One hundred and twenty six college professors and six tutors took part in the formation process, between the 8th of September 2003 and the 31st of May, 2004 . The information analysis appears from a cuanti-qualitative perspective. The study analyses the quality of the course prototype and the courses designed by the professors. The qualitative component served as a basis for the virtual community of learning analysis. This article characterizes the relationships between the formation process supported by new technologies in the universities that conform Mutis University Network, in relation to the production of contents for virtual courses, and the conformation of a virtual community of learning. This article is a report that a group of researchers, from six colleges belonging to the University Network Jose Celestino Mutis, carried out in 2004, with Colciencias financial support. The project is about the conformation of a virtual community of learning that started with a course on Elaboration, design and development of virtual contents, taken by 126 college professors that belonged to the institutions associated to the Network. This is a case study, whose analysis comes from a cuanti-qualitative perspective, sustained in the virtual educational model of the Mutis University Network. This study pretends to contribute to the debate that Colombian universities are carrying out because of the increasing possibilities that virtual education offers as an alternative for our professionals’ formation.Este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo, que pretendió conformar una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje (cva) entre maestros universitarios de la Red Universitaria José Celestino Mutis (Colombia), a partir de un proceso de formación en modalidad virtual, en elaboración, diseño y desarrollo de cursos virtuales bajo el modelo educativo desarrollado por la Red Universitaria Mutis. En el proceso de formación participaron 126 docentes universitarios y 6 tutores, adscritos a la Red Universitaria Mutis (RUM), en un periodo comprendido entre el 8 de septiembre del 2003 y el 31 de mayo del 2004. El análisis de la información del estudio se presenta desde una perspectiva cuanti-cualitativa en la que se evaluaron la calidad del curso prototipo y de los cursos diseñados por los profesores. El componente cualitativo sirvió de base para el análisis de la comunidad virtual de aprendizaje. En este artículo se caracterizan las relaciones que se presentaron entre el proceso de formación apoyado en nuevas tecnologías de docentes de las universidades que conforman la Red Universitaria Mutis, en el tema de producción de contenidos para cursos virtuales, y la conformación de una comunidad virtual de aprendizaje