81 research outputs found

    Hazard analysis and critical control point plan for hazards in Ugandan amaranth vegetable value chain

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    Currently, there is a high demand for amaranth due to its ability to withstand harsh climatic conditions, making it an ideal crop in the changing climate. There is also increased awareness and education on its nutritional and overall health benefits, and the availability of improved recipes. However, the presence of hazards can hinder the commercialisation of amaranth, which is in most cases traded informally. Food safety issues along the amaranth value chain should, therefore, be addressed to cope with both production and safety demands. The objective of this study, therefore, was to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan for hazards in the amaranth value chain in Uganda. The seven principles outlined by Codex Alimentarius were followed to develop the HACCP plan. A tree diagram was further used to identify each potential hazard at each processing stage and Critical Control Points (CCPs) along the chain. For the CCPs identified, reliable control mechanisms and corrective actions were established to fulfil the requirements set by the critical limits to guarantee the safety of the products. Verification and records systems were proposed to determine the effectiveness and traceability of the HACCP plan. For each of the identified CCPs, samples were collected purposively and analysed for chemical and microbial contaminants. From the analysis, fifteen processing stages, starting from the land section to cooking and serving, were identified. Out of these, eight stages were defined as CCPs. These were site selection, land and seedbed preparation, irrigation, market display/humidity control, washing before preparation, chopping, cooking, and holding time and serving. At CCP 1, soils were contaminated with lead and cadmium, mercury and aflatoxins but at considerably low levels. At CCP 2, organic fertilisers were only contaminated with E. coli. At CCP3, E. coli was present in irrigation water. Heavy metals were also present in the irrigation water but were below the critical limits. At CCP4, E. coli was absent in water and display surfaces. E. coli was, however, present on raw amaranth. S. aureus was detected on vendors’ hands. At CCP5, water was not contaminated with E. coli. At CCP6, only personnel hands were infected with S. aureus and Enterobacteriaceae. No contamination was detected in CCP7 and CCP8. Strict control of E. coli in manure and water and S. aureus and Enterobacteriaceae on personnel hands is required to ensure the amaranth value chain attains good food safety output.Keywords: Amaranth, food safety, prerequisite programs, HACCP plan, hazards, Ugand


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    Access to good quality seed is the beginning of successful crop production as an enterprise. Unfortunately, this remains a challenge to the smallholder farmers in the eastern and central Africa, whose seed systems are still under-developed. The situation is even worse in conflict burdened parts of some countries like the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where socio-economic systems have been progressively disrupted. This paper presents the process and findings from a study which involved application of an Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) approach to the seed systems to improve the bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) value chain in South and North Kivu provinces of the DRC. Seventy four stakeholders were involved, including farmers and farmer associations, local grain/seed traders, private and public extension agents, researchers, finance and credit cooperatives and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The study was conducted in four sites, namely Mudaka and Katana (South Kivu), Rugari and Kinyandonyi (Nord-Kivu). The findings revealed increase in access to seeds of marketable varieties between 2009 and 2012 from less than 10% to about 42%. In 2012 more than 5 tonnes of bean seed was produced and distributed through non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). About 56.3% of the farmers benefited through accessing one or more of the marketable improved bean varieties and skills to implement matching technologies. The price of bean per tonne at farm level increased by 120%, while seed purity increased from 70 to 95% over the same period. It is evident that innovation platforms provided a good forum for actors in the bean value chain to interact and improve seed system performance, thus resulting in increased smallholder farmers\u2019 access to lucrative bean seed markets.L\u2019acc\ue8s aux semences de bonne qualit\ue9 est le d\ue9but d\u2019une entreprise de production agricole r\ue9ussie. Malheureusement, ceci reste une contrainte aux petits exploitants agricoles en Afrique de l\u2019Est et Centrale o\uf9 les syst\ue8mes semenciers sont encore peu d\ue9velopp\ue9s. Cette situation est m\ueame aggrav\ue9e par des conflits dans certaines r\ue9gions telle l\u2019Est de la R\ue9publique D\ue9mocratique du Congo (DR Congo), o\uf9 les syst\ue8mes socio\ue9conomiques ont \ue9t\ue9 progressivement perturb\ue9s. Cet article pr\ue9sente le processus et les r\ue9sultats d\u2019une \ue9tude impliquant une approche de Syst\ue8me d\u2019Innovation Agricole des syst\ue8mes semenciers pour am\ue9liorer la chaine de valeur du haricot ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) dans les provinces du sud et nord Kivu de la RDC. Soixante quatorze partenaires \ue9taient impliqu\ue9s, incluant les fermiers et les associations des fermiers, commer\ue7ants locaux des semences, agents de vulgarisation priv\ue9s et publiques, chercheurs, coop\ue9ratives de finances et de cr\ue9dit et Organisation Non-Gouvernementales (ONG). L\u2019\ue9tude \ue9tait conduite dans quatre sites, \ue0 savoir, Mudaka et Katana (Sud Kivu), Rugari et Kinyandonyi (Nord-Kivu). Les r\ue9sultats ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 une augmentation en termes d\u2019acc\ue8s aux semences de vari\ue9t\ue9s commer\ue7ables entre 2009 et 2012 de moins de 10 \ue0 environ 42%. En 2012 plus de 5 tonnes de semences de haricots \ue9taient produites et distribu\ue9es \ue0 travers les ONG. Pr\ue8s de 56.3% des fermiers ont acc\ue9d\ue9 \ue0 une ou plusieurs vari\ue9t\ue9s commer\ue7ables am\ue9lior\ue9es et nouvelles connaissances pour ex\ue9cuter les technologies acquises. Le prix des haricots par tonne au niveau de la ferme a augment\ue9 de 120%, pendant que la puret\ue9 des semences a augment\ue9 de 70 \ue0 95% au cours d\u2019une m\ueame p\ue9riode. Il est \ue9vident que les plates formes d\u2019innovation fournissent un bon forum pour les acteurs dans la chaine de valeur du haricot pour l\u2019interaction et la performance des systemes semenciers, ainsi r\ue9sultant en une augmentation de l\u2019accessibilit\ue9 aux march\ue9s lucratifs des semences par les petits exploitants agricoles

    Anti-tumor activity mediated by protein and peptide transduction of HIV viral protein R (Vpr)

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    Peptides that are capable of traversing the cell membrane, via protein transduction domains (PTDs), are attractive either directly as drugs or indirectly as carriers for the delivery of therapeutic molecules. One such PTD, a HIV-1 Tat derived peptide has successfully delivered a variety of "cargoes" including proteins, peptides and nucleic acids into cells. There also exists other naturally occurring membrane permeable peptides which have potential as PTDs. Specifically, one of the accessory proteins of HIV (viral protein R; i.e., Vpr), which is important in controlling viral pathogenesis, possesses cell transduction domain characteristics. Related to these characteristics, Vpr has also been demonstrated to induce cell cycle arrest and host/target cell apoptosis, suggesting a potential anticancer activity for this protein. In this report we assessed the ability of Vpr protein or peptides, with or without conjugation to a PTD, to mediate anti-cancer activity against several tumor cell lines. Specifically, several Vpr peptides spanning carboxy amino acids 65-83 induced significant (i.e., greater than 50%) in vitro growth inhibition/toxicity of murine B16.F10 melanoma cells. Likewise, in in vitro experiments with other tumor cell lines, conjugation of Vpr to the Tat derived PTD and transfection of this construct into cells enhanced the induction of in vitro apoptosis by this protein when compared to the effects of transfection of cells with unconjugated Vpr. These results underscore the potential for Vpr based reagents as well as PTDs to enhance anti-tumor activity, and warrants further examination of Vpr protein and derived peptides as potential therapeutic agents against progressive cell proliferative diseases such as cancer. ©2009 Landes Bioscience


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    The bean bruchids, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say and Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), are cosmopolitan pests of stored dry common beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ), causing damage through reduction of grain quality and seed germination. Biological resistance to these bruchids was definitively established in non-cultivated bean accessions, and has been introgressed into a range of drybean market classes. However, existing resistance to bruchids in Uganda\u2019s common bean germplasm has not been systematically studied. In this study, 45 bean genotypes from the National Bean-Breeding Programme (25 genotypes) and agroecologically diverse bean growing areas in Uganda (20 genotypes), were evaluated for postharvest bruchid resistance. None of the evaluated bean genotypes expressed resistance to either bruchid species, with all the 45 bean genotypes supporting bruchid development, reproduction and feeding. All genotypes were severely damaged by bruchids feeding, resulting in significant (P<0.05) reduction of seed germination. Reduction in seed germination was related to the number of emergence holes and seed size; small bean seeds damaged by up to 2 bruchid emergence holes had a 7.1% reduction in germination, while large bean seeds with a similar number of emergence holes showed a 25% reduction in germination. Whereas this study further confirms bruchids as important storage pests of beans causing direct loss through consumption of the seed and indirect loss through viability deterioration, the resistance to bruchids in the evaluated range of Uganda\u2019s dry bean germplasm is inadequate for direct exploitation in a breeding programme.Les bruches du haricot, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say et Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), sont des ravageurs cosmopolites des haricots secs stock\ue9s ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ), provoquant des dommages en r\ue9duisant la qualit\ue9 des grains et le pouvoir germinatif des semences. La r\ue9sistance biologique \ue0 ces bruches a \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9finitivement \ue9tablie dans des lign\ue9es non cultiv\ue9es de haricots et a \ue9t\ue9 introgress\ue9e dans une gamme vari\ue9e de haricots commercialis\ue9s. Cependant, la r\ue9sistance actuelle aux bruches dans le mat\ue9riel g\ue9n\ue9tique des haricots commun\ue9ment r\ue9pandus en Ouganda n\u2019a pas \ue9t\ue9 syst\ue9matiquement \ue9tudi\ue9e. Dans la pr\ue9sente \ue9tude, 45 g\ue9notypes de haricots provenant du Programme national d\u2019am\ue9lioration du haricot (25 g\ue9notypes) et de diverses zones agro-\ue9cologiques de culture de haricots en Ouganda (20 g\ue9notypes), ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9s pour leur r\ue9sistance post-r\ue9colte aux bruches. Aucun des g\ue9notypes \ue9valu\ue9s n\u2019a exprim\ue9 de la r\ue9sistance aux deux esp\ue8ces de bruches, et tous les 45 g\ue9notypes ont favoris\ue9 le d\ue9veloppement des bruches, leur reproduction et leur alimentation. Tous les g\ue9notypes ont \ue9t\ue9 gravement endommag\ue9s du fait de l\u2019alimentation des bruches, ce qui a entra\ueen\ue9 une r\ue9duction significative (P <0,05) de la germination des graines. La r\ue9duction du pouvoir germinatif \ue9tait li\ue9e au nombre de trous caus\ue9s sur les graines et \ue0 la taille des graines; les petites graines de haricot endommag\ue9es avec jusqu\u2019\ue0 2 trous ont montr\ue9 une r\ue9duction de 7,1% de leur pouvoir germinatif, tandis que les grandes graines de haricots endommag\ue9es avec le m\ueame nombre de trous ont connu une r\ue9duction de 25% de pouvoir germinatif. Bien que cette \ue9tude confirme davantage que les bruches sont d\u2019importants ravageurs en phase de stockage des haricots causant des pertes \ue0 la fois directe par la consommation de la graine et indirecte par la d\ue9t\ue9rioration de la viabilit\ue9 des semences, la r\ue9sistance aux bruches dans la gamme \ue9tudi\ue9e du mat\ue9riel g\ue9n\ue9tique de haricots secs de l\u2019Ouganda est insuffisante pour une exploitation directe dans un programme d\u2019am\ue9lioration vari\ue9tale

    Electroporation-Mediated Delivery of a Naked DNA Plasmid Expressing VEGF to the Porcine Heart Enhances Protein Expression

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    Gene therapy is an attractive method for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. However, using current strategies, induction of gene expression at therapeutic levels is often inefficient. In this study, we show a novel electroporation (EP) method to enhance the delivery of a plasmid expressing an angiogenic growth factor (vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF), which is a molecule previously documented to stimulate revascularization in coronary artery disease. DNA expression plasmids were delivered in vivo to the porcine heart with or without coadministered EP to determine the potential effect of electrically mediated delivery. The results showed that plasmid delivery through EP significantly increased cardiac expression of VEGF compared with injection of plasmid alone. This is the first report showing successful intracardiac delivery, through in vivo EP, of a protein expressing plasmid in a large animal

    Current status of groundnut improvement in Uganda

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    In Uganda, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) is the second most important legume after beans. Groundnuts is cultivated on nearly 260,000 ha, representing 24.6% of the total arable land. On-farm pod yields are low, averaging 800 kg/ha of dry pods, compared to on-station potential yields of 3,000kg/ha. Sales from current production could potentially generate $344 million to the producers who are largely small-scale farmers. The yield gaps are attributed to a combination of biotic, abiotic, cultural and political factors. Since the 1920s, research efforts have released 24 varieties, the most recent commercial varieties being the Serenut 1-14 series. These varieties have overcome some of the mentioned production constraints. However, varied growing agroecologies, land tenure systems, diverse market preferences, and emerging stresses call for continuous research. Current research agenda includes breeding for high oleic, leafminer resistance, confectionery, aflatoxin tolerance, drought tolerance, early to medium maturing varieties, high yielding, and rosette disease resistant varieties. We have initiated Marker Assisted Selection for high oleic breeding and adopted BMS for Digitalization of data capture, management, analyses and storage. Recently developed regeneration protocol will aid in introgressing additional traits across taxa. The bimodal rainfall pattern and active hybridization programme increases our breeding cycles. To date, the groundnut breeding program has an active breeding pipeline frequently releasing varieties and lines which have already been shared with National Programs across Africa, Haiti and the USA with many additional National Programs making requests. We have strong partnerships in Research and Development among the African Countries, USAID, ICRISAT, and BMGF

    Intramolecular photostabilization via triplet-state quenching:design principles to make organic fluorophores "self-healing"

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    Covalent linkage of fluorophores and photostabilizers was recently revived as a strategy to make organic fluorophores "self-healing" via triplet-state quenching. Although LĂĽttke and co-workers pioneered this strategy already in the 1980s, the general design principles still remain elusive. In this contribution, we combine experiments and theory to understand what determines the photostabilization efficiency in dye-photostabilizer conjugates. Our results from single-molecule microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations of different Cy5-derivatives suggest that the distance and relative geometry between the fluorophore and photostabilizer are more important than the chemical nature of the photostabilizer, e.g. its redox potential, which is known to influence electron-transfer rates. We hypothesize that the efficiency of photostabilization scales directly with the contact rate of the fluorophore and photostabilizer. This study represents an important step in the understanding of the molecular mechanism of intramolecular photostabilization and can pave the way for further development of stable emitters for various applications


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    Multiple co-infections by different pathogens on common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affect its productivity and cause complete crop loss in susceptible varieties. Therefore, gene pyramiding using marker assisted selection (MAS) and backcrossing, provide alternative cost-effective control measures to bean diseases. However, in the process of developing pyramids, linkage drags were likely to affect the qualities of progeny lines, hence, special attention was paid to this situation. The objective of this study was thus to assess the agronomic qualities of advanced genetic pyramids developed from a four-way cross for multiple disease resistance. The disease resistance genes (R) pyramided from four parents were: Co42 and Co-5 from G2333; Phg-2 from MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis from MLB49-89A and I & bc3 from MCM5001. The progeny lines were planted in an incomplete block design, and replicated thrice for two seasons (2015A and 2015B) in fields at CIAT, Kawanda in Uganda. Agronomic traits were highly heritable (0.6), except number of pods per plant (< 0.3). Backcrossing generated high-yielding bean lines, with 270 - 290 seed per plant and early maturity (95-100 days). Nine superior lines with desirable qualities, such as earliness (95 days), high seed rate (290 seeds per plant), and climbing ability, were obtained. Pyramiding R genes did not affect yield traits, except time to flowering and number of flower buds per plant due to transgressive segregation.Les co-infections multiples par de diff\ue9rents pathog\ue8nes sur le haricot commun ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affectent sa productivit\ue9 et causent la perte totale des vari\ue9t\ue9s susceptibles de la culture. Par cons\ue9quent, la pyramide des g\ue8nes en utilisant la s\ue9lection assist\ue9e par des marqueurs (MAS) et le r\ue9trocroisement, fournissent des mesures alternatives de contr\uf4le moins ch\ue8res des maladies du haricot. N\ue9anmoins, dans le processus du d\ue9veloppement des pyramides, les poids des liaisons affectent probablement les qualit\ue9s des lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures, de ce fait, une attention particuli\ue8re \ue9tait port\ue9e \ue0 cette situation. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les qualit\ue9s agronomiques des pyramides g\ue9n\ue9tiques avanc\ue9es d\ue9velopp\ue9es d\u2019un croisement de quatre parents pour la r\ue9sistance aux maladies multiples. Les g\ue8nes pyramid\ue9s de r\ue9sistance (R) \ue0 la maladie de quatre parents \ue9taient\ua0: Co42 et Co-5 de G2333; Phg-2 de MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis de MLB49-89A et I & bc3 de MCM5001. Les lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures \ue9taient plant\ue9es en arrangement de block incomplet et r\ue9pliqu\ue9 trois fois pendant deux saisons (2015A et 2015B) dans les champs \ue0 CIAT, Kawanda en Ouganda. Les traits agronomiques \ue9taient hautement h\ue9ritables (0,6), \ue0 l\u2019exception du nombre de gousses par plant (<0.3). Le r\ue9trocroisement a g\ue9n\ue9r\ue9 des lign\ue9es d\u2019haricot \ue0 haut rendement, avec 270-290 graines par plant et \ue0 maturit\ue9 pr\ue9coce (95-100 jours). Neuf lign\ue9es sup\ue9rieures avec des qualit\ue9s d\ue9sirables, telles que la pr\ue9cocit\ue9 (95 jours), taux de graines \ue9lev\ue9s (290 graines par plant) et l\u2019habilit\ue9 grimpante, \ue9taient obtenues. La pyramide des g\ue8nes R n\u2019avait pas affect\ue9 les traits li\ue9s au rendement, \ue0 l\u2019exception de la p\ue9riode de floraison et le nombre de bougeons de fleurs par plant d\ufb \ue0 la s\ue9gr\ue9gation transgressive
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