349 research outputs found

    Equine recurrent uveitis - A spontaneous horse model of uveitis

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    Equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) is an autoimmune disease that occurs with a high prevalence (10%) in horses. ERU represents the only reliable spontaneous model for human autoimmune uveitis. We already identified and characterized novel autoantigens (malate dehydrogenase, recoverin, CRALBP) by analyzing the autoantibody-binding pattern of horses affected by spontaneous recurrent uveitis (ERU) to the retinal proteome. CRALBP also seems to be relevant to human autoimmune uveitis. Proteomic screening of vitreous and retinal samples from ERU diseased cases in comparison to healthy controls has led to the identification of a series of differentially regulated proteins, which are functionally linked to the immune system and the maintenance of the blood-retinal barrier. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Unraveling the Equine Lymphocyte Proteome: Differential Septin 7 Expression Associates with Immune Cells in Equine Recurrent Uveitis

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    Equine recurrent uveitis is a spontaneous, lymphocyte-driven autoimmune disease. It affects horses worldwide and presents with painful remitting-relapsing inflammatory attacks of inner eye structures eventually leading to blindness. Since lymphocytes are the key players in equine recurrent uveitis, we were interested in potential changes of their protein repertoire which may be involved in disease pathogenesis. To create a reference for differential proteome analysis, we first unraveled the equine lymphocyte proteome by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subsequently identified 352 protein spots. Next, we compared lymphocytes from ERU cases and healthy horses with a two-dimensional fluorescence difference in gel electrophoresis approach. With this technique, we identified seven differentially expressed proteins between conditions. One of the significantly lower expressed candidates, septin 7, plays a role in regulation of cell shape, motility and migration. Further analyses revealed T cells as the main cell type with decreased septin 7 abundance in equine recurrent uveitis. These findings point to a possible pathogenetic role of septin 7 in this sight-threatening disease

    Knockout of PARG110 confers resistance to cGMP-induced toxicity in mammalian photoreceptors.

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    Hereditary retinal degeneration (RD) relates to a heterogeneous group of blinding human diseases in which the light sensitive neurons of the retina, the photoreceptors, die. RD is currently untreatable and the underlying cellular mechanisms remain poorly understood. However, the activity of the enzyme poly-ADP-ribose polymerase-1 (PARP1) and excessive generation of poly-ADP-ribose (PAR) polymers in photoreceptor nuclei have been shown to be causally involved in RD. The activity of PARP1 is to a large extent governed by its functional antagonist, poly-ADP-glycohydrolase (PARG), which thus also may have a role in RD. To investigate this, we analyzed PARG expression in the retina of wild-type (wt) mice and in the rd1 mouse model for human RD, and detected increased PARG protein in a subset of degenerating rd1 photoreceptors. Knockout (KO) animals lacking the 110 kDa nuclear PARG isoform were furthermore analyzed, and their retinal morphology and function were indistinguishable from wild-type animals. Organotypic wt retinal explants can be experimentally treated to induce rd1-like photoreceptor death, but PARG110 KO retinal explants were unexpectedly highly resistant to such treatment. The resistance was associated with decreased PAR accumulation and low PARP activity, indicating that PARG110 may positively regulate PARP1, an event that therefore is absent in PARG110 KO tissue. Our study demonstrates a causal involvement of PARG110 in the process of photoreceptor degeneration. Contrasting its anticipated role as a functional antagonist, absence of PARG110 correlated with low PARP activity, suggesting that PARG110 and PARP1 act in a positive feedback loop, which is especially active under pathologic conditions. This in turn highlights both PARG110 and PARP1 as potential targets for neuroprotective treatments for RD

    The role of c-FLIP splice variants in urothelial tumours

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    Deregulation of apoptosis is common in cancer and is often caused by overexpression of anti-apoptotic proteins in tumour cells. One important regulator of apoptosis is the cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), which is overexpressed, for example, in melanoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma cells. Here, we addressed the question whether deregulated c-FLIP expression in urothelial carcinoma impinges on the ability of death ligands to induce apoptosis. In particular, we investigated the role of the c-FLIP splice variants c-FLIPlong (c-FLIPL) and c-FLIPshort (c-FLIPS), which can have opposing functions. We observed diminished expression of the c-FLIPL isoform in urothelial carcinoma tissues as well as in established carcinoma cell lines compared with normal urothelial tissues and cells, whereas c-FLIPS was unchanged. Overexpression and RNA interference studies in urothelial cell lines nevertheless demonstrated that c-FLIP remained a crucial factor conferring resistance towards induction of apoptosis by death ligands CD95L and TRAIL. Isoform-specific RNA interference showed c-FLIPL to be of particular importance. Thus, urothelial carcinoma cells appear to fine-tune c-FLIP expression to a level sufficient for protection against activation of apoptosis by the extrinsic pathway. Therefore, targeting c-FLIP, and especially the c-FLIPL isoform, may facilitate apoptosis-based therapies of bladder cancer in otherwise resistant tumours

    Retinitis pigmentosa: rapid neurodegeneration is governed by slow cell death mechanisms

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    For most neurodegenerative diseases the precise duration of an individual cell's death is unknown, which is an obstacle when counteractive measures are being considered. To address this, we used the rd1 mouse model for retinal neurodegeneration, characterized by phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) dysfunction and photoreceptor death triggered by high cyclic guanosinemono-phosphate (cGMP) levels. Using cellular data on cGMP accumulation, cell death, and survival, we created mathematical models to simulate the temporal development of the degeneration. We validated model predictions using organotypic retinal explant cultures derived from wild-type animals and exposed to the selective PDE6 inhibitor zaprinast. Together, photoreceptor data and modeling for the first time delineated three major cell death phases in a complex neuronal tissue: (1) initiation, taking up to 36 h, (2) execution, lasting another 40 h, and finally (3) clearance, lasting about 7 h. Surprisingly, photoreceptor neurodegeneration was noticeably slower than necrosis or apoptosis, suggesting a different mechanism of death for these neurons. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e488; doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.12; published online 7 February 201

    CRALBP is a Highly Prevalent Autoantigen for Human Autoimmune Uveitis

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    Cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) is an autoantigen in spontaneous equine recurrent uveitis. In order to test whether CRALBP contributes to human autoimmune uveitis, the specificity of antibodies from human uveitis patient's sera was first evaluated in two-dimensional (2D) Western blot analysis. Subsequent identification of the immunoreactive proteins by mass spectrometry resulted in the identification of CRALBP as a putative autoantigen. Additionally, sera from human uveitis and control patients were by Western blot using purified human recombinant CRALBP. Anti-CRALBP autoantibodies occur more frequently (P<.01) in human uveitis patients than in normal controls. Thirty out of 56 tested uveitis patient's sera contained autoantibodies reactive against CRALBP, compared to only four out of 23 normal control subjects. The presence of CRALBP autoantibodies in 54% of tested uveitis patients supports CRALBP as a possible autoantigen in human autoimmune uveitis

    Defective airway intraflagellar transport underlies a combined motile and primary ciliopathy syndrome caused by IFT74 mutations

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    Ciliopathies are inherited disorders caused by defective cilia. Mutations affecting motile cilia usually cause the chronic muco-obstructive sinopulmonary disease primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) and are associated with laterality defects, while a broad spectrum of early developmental as well as degenerative syndromes arise from mutations affecting signalling of primary (non-motile) cilia. Cilia assembly and functioning requires intraflagellar transport of cargos assisted by IFT-B and IFT-A adaptor complexes. Within IFT-B, the N-termini of partner proteins IFT74 and IFT81 govern tubulin transport to build the ciliary microtubular cytoskeleton. We detected a homozygous 3 kb intragenic IFT74 deletion removing the exon 2 initiation codon and 40 N-terminal amino acids in two affected siblings. Both had clinical features of PCD with bronchiectasis, but no laterality defects. They also had retinal dysplasia and abnormal bone growth, with a narrowed thorax and short ribs, shortened long bones and digits and abnormal skull shape. This resembles short-rib thoracic dysplasia, a skeletal ciliopathy previously linked to IFT defects in primary cilia, not motile cilia. Ciliated nasal epithelial cells collected from affected individuals had reduced numbers of shortened motile cilia with disarranged microtubules, some mis-orientation of the basal feet, and disrupted cilia structural and IFT protein distributions. No full length IFT74 was expressed, only truncated forms that were consistent with N-terminal deletion and inframe translation from downstream initiation codons. In affinity purification mass spectrometry, exon 2-deleted IFT74 initiated from the nearest inframe downstream methionine 41 still interacts as part of the IFT-B complex, but only with reduced interaction levels and not with all its usual IFT-B partners. We propose that this is a hypomorphic mutation with some residual protein function retained, that gives rise to a non-lethal primary skeletal ciliopathy combined with defective motile cilia and PCD

    A systems biology approach towards understanding and treating non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of blindness among the elderly in the developed world. While treatment is effective for the neovascular or "wet" form of AMD, no therapy is successful for the non-neovascular or "dry" form. Here we discuss the current knowledge on dry AMD pathobiology and propose future research directions that would expedite the development of new treatments. In our view, these should emphasize system biology approaches that integrate omic, pharmacological, and clinical data into mathematical models that can predict disease onset and progression, identify biomarkers, establish disease causing mechanisms, and monitor response to therapy

    Systemic and ocular fluid compounds as potential biomarkers in age-related macular degeneration

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    Biomarkers can help unravel mechanisms of disease and identify new targets for therapy. They can also be useful in clinical practice for monitoring disease progression, evaluation of treatment efficacy, and risk assessment in multifactorial diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a highly prevalent progressive retinal disorder for which multiple genetic and environmental risk factors have been described, but the exact etiology is not yet fully understood. Many compounds have been evaluated for their association with AMD. We performed an extensive literature review of all compounds measured in serum, plasma, vitreous, aqueous humor, and urine of AMD patients. Over 3600 articles were screened, resulting in more than 100 different compounds analyzed in AMD studies, involved in neovascularization, immunity, lipid metabolism, extracellular matrix, oxidative stress, diet, hormones, and comorbidities (such as kidney disease). For each compound, we provide a short description of its function and discuss the results of the studies in relation to its usefulness as AMD biomarker. In addition, biomarkers identified by hypothesis-free techniques, including metabolomics, proteomics, and epigenomics, are covered. In summary, compounds belonging to the oxidative stress pathway, the complement system, and lipid metabolism are the most promising biomarker candidates for AMD. We hope that this comprehensive survey of the literature on systemic and ocular fluid compounds as potential biomarkers in AMD will provide a stepping stone for future research and possible implementation in clinical practice