216 research outputs found

    Blueberry latent virus in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    A small-scale survey for blueberry viruses in Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed in 2018. A total of 20 samples from three locations were collected and analyzed for the presence of 11 viruses. ELISA assays were performed for blueberry scorch virus, blueberry shock virus, blueberry shoestring virus, blueberry leaf mottle virus, tobacco ringspot virus, and tomato ring spot virus. The samples were tested for blueberry red ringspot virus by PCR, and blueberry fruit drop associated virus, blueberry latent virus, blueberry mosaic associated virus, blueberry necrotic ring blotch virus, blueberry virus A, and blueberry leaf mottle virus by RT-PCR. The analyses confirmed the presence of BlLV in eight samples with no other virus detected in any of the samples

    Natural occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting water mint (Mentha aquatica) in Antalya and Konya, Turkey

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    A virus causing a disease in mint (the aromatic and culinary plant) has recently become a problem in the Taurus Mountains, a mountain range in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. To detect the virus and investigate its distribution in the region, mint leaf samples were collected from the vicinity of spring areas in the plateaus of Antalya and Konya in 2009. It was found that Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was detected in 27.08% of symptomatic samples tested by DAS-ELISA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of CMV on mint plants in this region of Turkey

    Informedia at TRECVID 2003: Analyzing and searching broadcast news video

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    We submitted a number of semantic classifiers, most of which were merely trained on keyframes. We also experimented with runs of classifiers were trained exclusively on text data and relative time within the video, while a few were trained using all available multiple modalities. 1.2 Interactive search This year, we submitted two runs using different versions of the Informedia systems. In one run, a version identical to last year's interactive system was used by five researchers, who split up the topics between themselves. The system interface emphasizes text queries, allowing search across ASR, closed captions and OCR text. The result set can then be manipulated through: • storyboards of images spanning across video story segments • emphasizing matching shots to a user’s query to reduce the image count to a manageable size • resolution and layout under user control • additional filtering provided through shot classifiers such as outdoors, and shots with people, etc. • display of filter count and distribution to guide their use in manipulating storyboard views. In the best-performing interactive run, for all topics a single researcher used an improved version of the system, which allowed more effective browsing and visualization of the results of text queries using

    Cumulants and the moment algebra: tools for analysing weak measurements

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    Recently it has been shown that cumulants significantly simplify the analysis of multipartite weak measurements. Here we consider the mathematical structure that underlies this, and find that it can be formulated in terms of what we call the moment algebra. Apart from resulting in simpler proofs, the flexibility of this structure allows generalizations of the original results to a number of weak measurement scenarios, including one where the weakly interacting pointers reach thermal equilibrium with the probed system.Comment: Journal reference added, minor correction

    Comparison of Bacterial Community Composition of Primary and Persistent Endodontic Infections Using Pyrosequencing

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    Elucidating the microbial ecology of endodontic infections (EI) is a necessary step in developing effective intra-canal antimicrobials. The aim of the present study was to investigate the bacterial composition of symptomatic and asymptomatic primary and persistent infections in a Greek population, using high throughput sequencing methods

    A music context for teaching introductory computing

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    We describe myro.chuck, a Python module for controlling music synthesis, and its applications to teaching introductory computer science. The module was built within the Myro framework using the ChucK programming language, and was used in an introductory computer science course combining robots, graphics and music. The results supported the value of music in engaging students and broadening their view of computer science

    Antimicrobial activity of ProRoot MTA in contact with blood

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    Dental materials based on Portland cement, which is used in the construction industry have gained popularity for clinical use due to their hydraulic properties, the interaction with tooth tissue and their antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial properties are optimal in vitro. However in clinical use contact with blood may affect the antimicrobial properties. This study aims to assess whether antimicrobial properties of the Portland cement-based dental cements such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) are also affected by contact with blood present in clinical situations. ProRoot MTA, a Portland cement-based dental cement was characterized following contact with water, or heparinized blood after 1 day and 7 days aging. The antimicrobial activity under the mentioned conditions was assessed using 3 antimicrobial tests: agar diffusion test, direct contact test and intratubular infection test. MTA in contact with blood was severely discoloured, exhibited an additional phosphorus peak in elemental analysis, no calcium hydroxide peaks and no areas of bacterial inhibition growth in the agar diffusion test were demonstrated. ProRoot MTA showed limited antimicrobial activity, in both the direct contact test and intratubular infection test. When aged in water ProRoot MTA showed higher antimicrobial activity than when aged in blood. Antimicrobial activity reduced significantly after 7 days. Further assessment is required to investigate behaviour in clinical situations.ERDF (Malta) for the financing of the testing equipment through the project: “Developing an Interdisciplinary Material Testing and Rapid Prototyping R&D Facility” (Ref. no. 012)