579 research outputs found

    Dilation-induced phases of gases absorbed within a bundle of carbon nanotubes

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    A study is presented of the effects of gas (especially H2) absorption within the interstitial channels of a bundle of carbon nanotubes. The ground state of the system is determined by minimizing the total energy, which includes the molecules' interaction with the tubes, the inter-tube interaction, and the molecules' mutual interaction (which is screened by the tubes). The consequences of swelling include a significant increase in the gas uptake and a 3 per cent increase in the tubes' breathing mode frecuency.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum-tunneling dynamics of a spin-polarized Fermi gas in a double-well potential

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    We study the exact dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-polarized gas of fermions in a double-well potential at zero and finite temperature. Despite the system is made of non-interacting fermions, its dynamics can be quite complex, showing strongly aperiodic spatio-temporal patterns during the tunneling. The extension of these results to the case of mixtures of spin-polarized fermions in interaction with self-trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) at zero temperature is considered as well. In this case we show that the fermionic dynamics remains qualitatively similar to the one observed in absence of BEC but with the Rabi frequencies of fermionic excited states explicitly depending on the number of bosons and on the boson-fermion interaction strength. From this, the possibility to control quantum fermionic dynamics by means of Feshbach resonances is suggested.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Polarisaccites nov. gen.

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    Counselors as Advocates: Effects of a Pilot Project Designed to Develop Advocacy Knowledge and Confidence in Trainees

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    While there has been increased attention to advocacy within counseling and counseling psychology, it has been noted that trainees generally feel unprepared to engage in advocacy and do not participant e in this type of work to a large extent, even with increased age or professional experience). The qualitative study summarizes the findings of a project within a graduate multicultural counseling course designed to increase trainee knowledge and confidence related to advocacy. This project required students (N = 19) to complete individual advocacy projects in the community, with opportunities for self-reflection and evaluation of their progress throughout the semester. Student reflection responses about the effects of this project were analyzed using methods from Grounded Theory by a collaborative research team. This process resulted in a core category of responses that included expanded definitions of advocacy, increased self-confidence regarding advocacy work, obstacles encountered, and reactions to the course assignment. Implications and future directions are discussed

    On the morphology and botanical affinities of Lundbladispora balme 1963 in the permian of the Paraná basin, Brazil

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    Morphological variations observed in specimens so far identifield as Lundbladispora braziliensis (PANT & SRIVASTAVA) MARQUES-TOIGO & PONS 1974, have led to the identification of one more species for the genus: Lundbladispora riobonitensis sp. nov. Both species constitute frequent and characteristic forms in the southern Brazilian Gondwana coals. Possible affinities of these miospores with the Selaginellales are also discussedVariações morfológicas observadas em espécimens até então identificadas como Lundbladispora braziliensis (PANT & SRIVASTAVA) MARQUES-TOIGO & PONS 1974, levaram a identificação de mais uma espécie para o gênero: Lundbladispora riobonitensis sp. nov. As espécies constituem formas freqüentes e características nos carvões Gondwânicos Sul-brasileiros. Também são discutidas possíveis afinidades desses miosporos com Selaginellale

    Körperliches Training bei mitochondrialen Erkrankungen

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    Zusammenfassung: Körperliches Training gilt bei mitochondrialen Myopathien als einer der vielversprechendsten therapeutischen Ansätze. Effektivität und Sicherheit sind bewiesen. Ausdauer- und Krafttraining haben unterschiedliche Wirkungen auf die Muskulatur von Patienten mit mitochondrialer Myopathie: Als therapeutischer Mechanismus des Krafttrainings gilt das so genannte "gene shifting", die trainingsinduzierte Verschiebung des Anteils mutierter mitochondrialer DNS (mtDNS) zugunsten von Wildtyp-mtDNS durch Induktion muskulärer Satellitenzellen. Ausdauertraining regt die mitochondriale Biogenese an und hilft somit, den Circulus vitiosus aus verringertem Mitochondriengehalt, verringerter Kapazität der oxidativen Phosphorylierung, Belastungsintoleranz und daraus resultierender fortschreitender muskulärer Dekonditionierung zu durchbrechen. Die Effektivität und die Sicherheit medikamentöser Induktoren der mitochondrialen Biogenese - möglicherweise in Kombination mit Training - könnten Gegenstand künftiger Untersuchungen sei

    Matter-wave vortices in cigar-shaped and toroidal waveguides

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    We study vortical states in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) filling a cigar-shaped trap. An effective one-dimensional (1D) nonpolynomial Schroedinger equation (NPSE) is derived in this setting, for the models with both repulsive and attractive inter-atomic interactions. Analytical formulas for the density profiles are obtained from the NPSE in the case of self-repulsion within the Thomas-Fermi approximation, and in the case of the self-attraction as exact solutions (bright solitons). A crucially important ingredient of the analysis is the comparison of these predictions with direct numerical solutions for the vortex states in the underlying 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE). The comparison demonstrates that the NPSE provides for a very accurate approximation, in all the cases, including the prediction of the stability of the bright solitons and collapse threshold for them. In addition to the straight cigar-shaped trap, we also consider a torus-shaped configuration. In that case, we find a threshold for the transition from the axially uniform state, with the transverse intrinsic vorticity, to a symmetry-breaking pattern, due to the instability in the self-attractive BEC filling the circular trap.Comment: 6 pages, Physical Review A, in pres

    Relations between convergence rates in Schatten p-norms

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    In quantum estimation theory and quantum tomography, the quantum state obtained by sampling converges to the `true' unknown density matrix under topologies that are different from the natural notion of distance in the space of quantum states, i.e. the trace class norm. In this paper, we address such problem, finding relations between the rates of convergence in the Schatten pp-norms and in the trace class norm

    Maximally symmetric stabilizer MUBs in even prime-power dimensions

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    One way to construct a maximal set of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in a prime-power dimensional Hilbert space is by means of finite phase-space methods. MUBs obtained in this way are covariant with respect to some subgroup of the group of all affine symplectic phase-space transformations. However, this construction is not canonical: as a consequence, many different choices of covariance sugroups are possible. In particular, when the Hilbert space is 2n2^n dimensional, it is known that covariance with respect to the full group of affine symplectic phase-space transformations can never be achieved. Here we show that in this case there exist two essentially different choices of maximal subgroups admitting covariant MUBs. For both of them, we explicitly construct a family of 2n2^n covariant MUBs. We thus prove that, contrary to the odd dimensional case, maximally covariant MUBs are very far from being unique.Comment: 22 page