43 research outputs found

    Is it adaptive to disengage from demands of social change? Adjustment to developmental barriers in opportunity-deprived regions

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    This paper investigates how individuals deal with demands of social and economic change in the domains of work and family when opportunities for their mastery are unfavorable. Theoretical considerations and empirical research suggest that with unattainable goals and unmanageable demands motivational disengagement and self-protective cognitions bring about superior outcomes than continued goal striving. Building on research on developmental deadlines, this paper introduces the concept of developmental barriers to address socioeconomic conditions of severely constrained opportunities in certain geographical regions. Mixed-effects methods were used to model cross-level interactions between individual-level compensatory secondary control and regional-level opportunity structures in terms of social indicators for the economic prosperity and family friendliness. Results showed that disengagement was positively associated with general life satisfaction in regions that were economically devastated and has less than average services for families. In regions that were economically well off and family-friendly, the association was negative. Similar results were found for self-protection concerning domain-specific satisfaction with life. These findings suggest that compensatory secondary control can be an adaptive way of mastering a demand when primary control is not possible

    Values, Attitudes and Living Conditions of Young People in Eastern Europe

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    Teadusliku uurimistöö vaheetapi aruanne

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    Eestis toimunud sotsiaaluuringute materjalidAruanne sisaldab ülevaadet koondise „Eesti Põllumajandustehnika“ personaliuuringust, mille eesmärgiks oli insenertehniliste töötajate enesetäiendussüsteemi väljatöötamine. Uurimustöö on täidetud lepingu A-2069 järgi. Andmeid koguti uuringu tarbeks ankeetküsitluste kaudu. Uurijad saavad 10 põhilist enesetäiendusgruppi, mis enesetäienduse suunitluselt, sotsiaalsetelt eeldustelt ja arvukuselt on küllaltki kaaluvad, et olla hõivatud enesetäiendussüsteemiga. Uurimustöö on jaotatud seitsmeks osaks, kus on ära toodud uurijate põhiseisukohad enesetäienduse süsteemi üles ehitamise küsimuses koondise "Eesti Põllumajandustehnika" süsteemis

    Education and socioeconomic mobility in post-communist countries

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    Patterns of intergenerational educational mobility are studied in twelve post-communist countries of Central Europe and the former Soviet Union (FSU). No clear trend in educational inheritance emerges over the recent 50 years, covering both the period of socialism and transition to a market economy. If any, we find the decrease in intergenerational persistence up until the generation of the 1950s. In subsequent years no furhter decline is observed. On the contrary, in a number of states the correlation between parents' and children's schooling got stronger, further increasing over the period of transition