17 research outputs found


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    Existem diversos métodos de tratamento de doenças. Dentre eles, adesivos poliméricos contendo fármacos vêm sendo muito explorados por serem menos invasivos se comparados a outros métodos[1][2]. Nanopartículas de prata também são alvo de estudos devido a atividade antimicrobiana e cicatrizante que apresentam[3]. O trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação da permeação de nanopartículas de prata através de uma membrana polimérica por meios eletroquímicos

    Expression of Biomass-Degrading Enzymes Is a Major Event during Conidium Development in Trichoderma reesei ▿ †

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    The conidium plays a critical role in the life cycle of many filamentous fungi, being the primary means for survival under unfavorable conditions. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the transition from growing hyphae to conidia in Trichoderma reesei, microarray experiments were performed. A total of 900 distinct genes were classified as differentially expressed, relative to their expression at time zero of conidiation, at least at one of the time points analyzed. The main functional categories (FunCat) overrepresented among the upregulated genes were those involving solute transport, metabolism, transcriptional regulation, secondary metabolite synthesis, lipases, proteases, and, particularly, cellulases and hemicellulases. Categories overrepresented among the downregulated genes were especially those associated with ribosomal and mitochondrial functions. The upregulation of cellulase and hemicellulase genes was dependent on the function of the positive transcriptional regulator XYR1, but XYR1 exerted no influence on conidiation itself. At least 20% of the significantly regulated genes were nonrandomly distributed within the T. reesei genome, suggesting an epigenetic component in the regulation of conidiation. The significant upregulation of cellulases and hemicellulases during this process, and thus cellulase and hemicellulase content in the spores of T. reesei, contributes to the hypothesis that the ability to hydrolyze plant biomass is a major trait of this fungus enabling it to break dormancy and reinitiate vegetative growth after a period of facing unfavorable conditions

    Self-Protection against Gliotoxin—A Component of the Gliotoxin Biosynthetic Cluster, GliT, Completely Protects Aspergillus fumigatus Against Exogenous Gliotoxin

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    Gliotoxin, and other related molecules, are encoded by multi-gene clusters and biosynthesized by fungi using nonribosomal biosynthetic mechanisms. Almost universally described in terms of its toxicity towards mammalian cells, gliotoxin has come to be considered as a component of the virulence arsenal of Aspergillus fumigatus. Here we show that deletion of a single gene, gliT, in the gliotoxin biosynthetic cluster of two A. fumigatus strains, rendered the organism highly sensitive to exogenous gliotoxin and completely disrupted gliotoxin secretion. Addition of glutathione to both A. fumigatus DgliT strains relieved gliotoxin inhibition. Moreover, expression of gliT appears to be independently regulated compared to all other cluster components and is up-regulated by exogenous gliotoxin presence, at both the transcript and protein level. Upon gliotoxin exposure, gliT is also expressed in A. fumigatus DgliZ, which cannot express any other genes in the gliotoxin biosynthetic cluster, indicating that gliT is primarily responsible for protecting this strain against exogenous gliotoxin. GliT exhibits a gliotoxin reductase activity up to 9 mM gliotoxin and appears to prevent irreversible depletion of intracellular glutathione stores by reduction of the oxidized form of gliotoxin. Cross-species resistance to exogenous gliotoxin is acquired by A. nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively, when transformed with gliT. We hypothesise that the primary role of gliotoxin may be as an antioxidant and that in addition to GliT functionality, gliotoxin secretion may be a component of an auto-protective mechanism, deployed by A. fumigatus to protect itself against this potent biomolecule