625 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Tetreault, M. A. Cecile (Waterville, Kennebec County)

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    Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Content in Eight Diploid Sunflower Species Inferred from Next-Generation Sequence Data

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    Citation: Tetreault, H. M., & Ungerer, M. C. (2016). Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Content in Eight Diploid Sunflower Species Inferred from Next-Generation Sequence Data. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, 6(8), 2299-2308. doi:10.1534/g3.116.029082/-/DC1The most abundant transposable elements (TEs) in plant genomes are Class I long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons represented by superfamilies gypsy and copia. Amplification of these superfamilies directly impacts genome structure and contributes to differential patterns of genome size evolution among plant lineages. Utilizing short-read Illumina data and sequence information from a panel of Helianthus annuus (sunflower) full-length gypsy and copia elements, we explore the contribution of these sequences to genome size variation among eight diploid Helianthus species and an outgroup taxon, Phoebanthus tenuifolius. We also explore transcriptional dynamics of these elements in both leaf and bud tissue via RT-PCR. We demonstrate that most LTR retrotransposon sublineages (i.e., families) display patterns of similar genomic abundance across species. A small number of LTR retrotransposon sublineages exhibit lineage-specific amplification, particularly in the genomes of species with larger estimated nuclear DNA content. RT-PCR assays reveal that some LTR retrotransposon sublineages are transcriptionally active across all species and tissue types, whereas others display species-specific and tissue-specific expression. The species with the largest estimated genome size, H. agrestis, has experienced amplification of LTR retrotransposon sublineages, some of which have proliferated independently in other lineages in the Helianthus phylogeny

    Bioinformatic Extraction of Functional Genetic Diversity from Heterogeneous Germplasm Collections for Crop Improvement

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    Efficient utilization of genetic variation in plant germplasm collections is impeded by large collection size, uneven characterization of traits, and unpredictable apportionment of allelic diversity among heterogeneous accessions. Distributing compact subsets of the complete collection that contain maximum allelic diversity at functional loci of interest could streamline conventional and precision breeding. Using heterogeneous population samples from Arabidopsis, Populus and sorghum, we show that genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data permits the capture of 3–78 fold more haplotypic diversity in subsets than geographic or environmental data, which are commonly used surrogate predictors of genetic diversity. Using a large genomewide SNP data set from landrace sorghum, we demonstrate three bioinformatic approaches to extract functional genetic diversity. First, in a “candidate gene” approach, we assembled subsets that maximized haplotypic diversity at 135 putative lignin biosynthetic loci, relevant to biomass breeding programs. Secondly, we applied a keyword search against the Gene Ontology to identify 1040 regulatory loci and assembled subsets capturing genomewide regulatory gene diversity, a general source of phenotypic variation. Third, we developed a machine-learning approach to rank semantic similarity between Gene Ontology term definitions and the textual content of scientific publications on crop adaptation to climate, a complex breeding objective. We identified 505 sorghum loci whose defined function is semantically-related to climate adaptation concepts. The assembled subsets could be used to address climatic pressures on sorghum production. To face impending agricultural challenges and foster rapid extraction and use of novel genetic diversity resident in heterogeneous germplasm collections, whole genome resequencing efforts should be prioritized

    The von Economo neurons in frontoinsular and anterior cingulate cortex in great apes and humans

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    The von Economo neurons (VENs) are large bipolar neurons located in frontoinsular (FI) and anterior cingulate cortex in great apes and humans, but not other primates. We performed stereological counts of the VENs in FI and LA (limbic anterior, a component of anterior cingulate cortex) in great apes and in humans. The VENs are more numerous in humans than in apes, although one gorilla approached the lower end of the human range. We also examined the ontological development of the VENs in FI and LA in humans. The VENs first appear in small numbers in the 36th week post-conception, are rare at birth, and increase in number during the first 8 months after birth. There are significantly more VENs in the right hemisphere than in the left in FI and LA in postnatal brains of apes and humans. This asymmetry in VEN numbers may be related to asymmetries in the autonomic nervous system. The activity of the inferior anterior insula, which contains FI, is related to physiological changes in the body, decision-making, error recognition, and awareness. The VENs appear to be projection neurons, although their targets are unknown. We made a preliminary study of the connections of FI cortex based on diffusion tensor imaging in the brain of a gorilla. The VEN-containing regions connect to the frontal pole as well as to other parts of frontal and insular cortex, the septum, and the amygdala. It is likely that the VENs in FI are projecting to some or all of these structures and relaying information related to autonomic control, decision-making, or awareness. The VENs selectively express the bombesin peptides neuromedin B (NMB) and gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) which are also expressed in another population of closely related neurons, the fork cells. NMB and GRP signal satiety. The genes for NMB and GRP are expressed selectively in small populations of neurons in the insular cortex in mice. These populations may be related to the VEN and fork cells and may be involved in the regulation of appetite. The loss of these cells may be related to the loss of satiety signaling in patients with frontotemporal dementia who have damage to FI. The VENs and fork cells may be morphological specializations of an ancient population of neurons involved in the control of appetite present in the insular cortex in all mammals. We found that the protein encoded by the gene DISC1 (disrupted in schizophrenia) is preferentially expressed by the VENs. DISC1 has undergone rapid evolutionary change in the line leading to humans, and since it suppresses dendritic branching it may be involved in the distinctive VEN morphology

    Transposable element contribution and biological consequence of genome size variation among wild sunflower species

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDivision of BiologyMark C. UngererNuclear genome size varies immensely across flowering plants, spanning nearly 2400-fold. The causes and consequences of this vast amount of variation have intrigued biologists since it became clear that nuclear DNA amount did not reflect organismal complexity (the so-called C-value paradox). In my dissertation I utilize wild sunflower species in the genus Helianthus to examine the role of transposable elements (TEs), and in particular, long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, in generating genome size variation and whether variation in genome size influences aspects of plant growth and development across multiple organizational levels. The genus Helianthus provides an excellent system for studying these questions given four-fold variation in nuclear DNA content among diploid species and well-resolved phylogenetic relationships. Utilizing short-read Illumina data and sequence information from a diverse panel of Helianthus annuus (common sunflower) full-length LTR retrotransposons, I found that nuclear genome size in Helianthus species is positively correlated with repetitive DNA, and LTR retrotransposon subtypes generally show similar patterns in genomic abundance across taxa. Helianthus species with the largest genomes, however, exhibit large-scale amplification of a small number of LTR retrotransposon subtypes. Measuring aspects of plant growth and development at cell-, organ- and whole plant-levels in a panel of diploid Helianthus species that vary 4-fold in nuclear genome size, I found that genome size is negatively correlated with cell production rate, but that this negative correlation does not persist at higher organizational levels. Taken together, these results provide insights into the mechanisms contributing to genome size evolution in plants and the organizational level at which genome size may impact growth patterns and developmental rates. Genome expansion in wild sunflowers is influenced most significantly by amplification of a small number of TEs and not necessarily by a greater diversity of TEs. Genome size is strongly negatively correlated with cell production rate but this relationship weakens at higher organizational levels, such as that of organ and whole-plant development

    Using system and user performance features to improve emotion detection in spoken tutoring dialogs

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    In this study, we incorporate automatically obtained system/user performance features into machine learning experiments to detect student emotion in computer tutoring dialogs. Our results show a relative improvement of 2.7% on classification accuracy and 8.08% on Kappa over using standard lexical, prosodie, sequential, and identification features. This level of improvement is comparable to the performance improvement shown in previous studies by applying dialog acts or lexical/prosodic-/discourse- level contextual features

    In search of Nemesis

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    The parallax of all stars of visual magnitude greater than about 6.5 has already been measured. If Nemesis is a main-sequence star 1 parsec away, this requires Nemesis's mass to be less than about 0.4 solar masses. If it were less than about 0.05 solar masses its gravity would be too weak to trigger a comet storm. If Nemesis is on the main sequence, this mass range requires it to be a red dwarf. A red dwarf companion would probably have been missed by standard astronomical surveys. Nearby stars are usually found because they are bright or have high proper motion. However, Nemesis's proper motion would now be 0.01 arcsec/yr, and if it is a red dwarf its magnitude is about 10 - too dim to attract attention. Unfortunately, standard four-color photometry does not distinguish between red dwarfs and giants. So although surveys such as the Dearborn Red Star Catalog list stars by magnitude and spectral type, they do not identify the dwarfs. Every star of the correct spectral type and magnitude must be scrutinized. Our candidate list is a hybrid; candidate red stars are identified in the astrometrically poor Dearborn Red Star Catalog and their positions are corrected using the Hubble Guide Star Catalog. When errors in the Dearborn catalog make it impossible to identify the corresponding Hubble star, the fields are split so that we have one centering on each possible candidate. We are currently scrutinizing 3098 fields, which we believe contain all possible red dwarf candidates in the northern hemisphere. Since our last report the analysis and database software has been completely rebuilt to take advantage of updated hardware, to make the data more accessible, and to implement improved methods of data analysis. The software is now completed and we are eliminating stars every clear night

    Efficacy, Safety, and Timing of Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review

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    Study Design: Systematic review. Objectives: The objective of this study was to answer 5 key questions: What is the comparative effectiveness and safety of (1a) anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis compared to no prophylaxis, placebo, or another anticoagulant strategy for preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) after acute spinal cord injury (SCI)? (1b) Mechanical prophylaxis strategies alone or in combination with other strategies for preventing DVT and PE after acute SCI? (1c) Prophylactic inferior vena cava filter insertion alone or in combination with other strategies for preventing DVT and PE after acute SCI? (2) What is the optimal timing to initiate and/or discontinue anticoagulant, mechanical, and/or prophylactic inferior vena cava filter following acute SCI? (3) What is the cost-effectiveness of these treatment options? Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted to identify studies published through February 28, 2015. We sought randomized controlled trials evaluating efficacy and safety of antithrombotic strategies. Strength of evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system. Results: Nine studies satisfied inclusion criteria. We found a trend toward lower risk of DVT in patients treated with enoxaparin. There were no significant differences in rates of DVT, PE, bleeding, and mortality between patients treated with different types of low-molecular-weight heparin or between low-molecular-weight heparin and unfractionated heparin. Combined anticoagulant and mechanical prophylaxis initiated within 72 hours of SCI resulted in lower risk of DVT than treatment commenced after 72 hours of injury. Conclusion: Prophylactic treatments can be used to lower the risk of venous thromboembolic events in patients with acute SCI, without significant increase in risk of bleeding and mortality and should be initiated within 72 hours. © 2017, © The Author(s) 2017