372 research outputs found

    Entanglement, Haag-duality and type properties of infinite quantum spin chains

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    We consider an infinite spin chain as a bipartite system consisting of the left and right half-chain and analyze entanglement properties of pure states with respect to this splitting. In this context we show that the amount of entanglement contained in a given state is deeply related to the von Neumann type of the observable algebras associated to the half-chains. Only the type I case belongs to the usual entanglement theory which deals with density operators on tensor product Hilbert spaces, and only in this situation separable normal states exist. In all other cases the corresponding state is infinitely entangled in the sense that one copy of the system in such a state is sufficient to distill an infinite amount of maximally entangled qubit pairs. We apply this results to the critical XY model and show that its unique ground state provides a particular example for this type of entanglement.Comment: LaTeX2e, 34 pages, 1 figure (pstricks

    Quantum group connections

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    The Ahtekar-Isham C*-algebra known from Loop Quantum Gravity is the algebra of continuous functions on the space of (generalized) connections with a compact structure Lie group. The algebra can be constructed by some inductive techniques from the C*-algebra of continuous functions on the group and a family of graphs embedded in the manifold underlying the connections. We generalize the latter construction replacing the commutative C*-algebra of continuous functions on the group by a non-commutative C*-algebra defining a compact quantum group.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX2e, minor mistakes corrected, abstract slightly change

    Endomorphisms and automorphisms of locally covariant quantum field theories

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    In the framework of locally covariant quantum field theory, a theory is described as a functor from a category of spacetimes to a category of *-algebras. It is proposed that the global gauge group of such a theory can be identified as the group of automorphisms of the defining functor. Consequently, multiplets of fields may be identified at the functorial level. It is shown that locally covariant theories that obey standard assumptions in Minkowski space, including energy compactness, have no proper endomorphisms (i.e., all endomorphisms are automorphisms) and have a compact automorphism group. Further, it is shown how the endomorphisms and automorphisms of a locally covariant theory may, in principle, be classified in any single spacetime. As an example, the endomorphisms and automorphisms of a system of finitely many free scalar fields are completely classified.Comment: v2 45pp, expanded to include additional results; presentation improved and an error corrected. To appear in Rev Math Phy

    On localization and position operators in Moebius-covariant theories

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    Some years ago it was shown that, in some cases, a notion of locality can arise from the group of symmetry enjoyed by the theory, thus in an intrinsic way. In particular, when Moebius covariance is present, it is possible to associate some particular transformations to the Tomita Takesaki modular operator and conjugation of a specific interval of an abstract circle. In this context we propose a way to define an operator representing the coordinate conjugated with the modular transformations. Remarkably this coordinate turns out to be compatible with the abstract notion of locality. Finally a concrete example concerning a quantum particle on a line is also given.Comment: 19 pages, UTM 705, version to appear in RM

    A generalized commutation relation for the regular representation

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    A generalized Fourier inversion theorem

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    In this work we define operator-valued Fourier transforms for suitable integrable elements with respect to the Plancherel weight of a (not necessarily Abelian) locally compact group. Our main result is a generalized version of the Fourier inversion Theorem for strictly-unconditionally integrable Fourier transforms. Our results generalize and improve those previously obtained by Ruy Exel in the case of Abelian groups.Comment: 15 pages; some typos correcte

    Localization via Automorphisms of the CARs. Local gauge invariance

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    The classical matter fields are sections of a vector bundle E with base manifold M. The space L^2(E) of square integrable matter fields w.r.t. a locally Lebesgue measure on M, has an important module action of C_b^\infty(M) on it. This module action defines restriction maps and encodes the local structure of the classical fields. For the quantum context, we show that this module action defines an automorphism group on the algebra A, of the canonical anticommutation relations on L^2(E), with which we can perform the analogous localization. That is, the net structure of the CAR, A, w.r.t. appropriate subsets of M can be obtained simply from the invariance algebras of appropriate subgroups. We also identify the quantum analogues of restriction maps. As a corollary, we prove a well-known "folk theorem," that the algebra A contains only trivial gauge invariant observables w.r.t. a local gauge group acting on E.Comment: 15 page

    Information Transfer Implies State Collapse

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    We attempt to clarify certain puzzles concerning state collapse and decoherence. In open quantum systems decoherence is shown to be a necessary consequence of the transfer of information to the outside; we prove an upper bound for the amount of coherence which can survive such a transfer. We claim that in large closed systems decoherence has never been observed, but we will show that it is usually harmless to assume its occurrence. An independent postulate of state collapse over and above Schroedinger's equation and the probability interpretation of quantum states, is shown to be redundant.Comment: 13 page

    On the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms

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    We show how the proof of the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms on C*-algebras by Haagerup and Musat can be modified in such a way that the method of proof is essentially C*-algebraic. To this purpose, we use Cuntz algebras rather than type III factors. Furthermore, we show that the best constant in Blecher's inequality is strictly greater than one.Comment: 9 pages, minor change

    Hubungan Kelelahan Kerja dan Stress Kerja dengan Kecelakaan Kerja Tertusuk Jarum Jahit pada Pekerja Bagian Garmen di PT. Danliris Sukoharjo

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    Latar Belakang : Meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi di berbagai sektor usaha dapat pula mengakibatkan semakin tinggi resiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja atau penyakit yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang mengancam keselamatan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir di PT. Danliris Sukoharjo, terjadi 38 kasus kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah kelelahan kerja dan stress kerja mempunyai hubungan dengan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan metode simple random sampling sebanyak 200 pekerja bagian garmen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner kelelahan kerja dan stress kerja serta kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit dilakukan dengan observasional. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan uji statistik chi square dengan uji alterrnatif fisher. Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit (p value 0.619) dan tidak ada hubungan antara stress kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit (p value 0.137). Kesimpulan : Kelelahan kerja dan stress kerja tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja tertusuk jarum jahit. Kata Kunci : Kelelahan Kerja, Stress Kerja, Kecelakaan Kerj