232 research outputs found

    GPS Vertical Land Motion Corrections to Sea-Level Rise Estimates in the Pacific Northwest

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    We construct coastal Pacific Northwest profiles of vertical land motion (VLM) known to bias long-term tide-gauge measurements of sea-level rise (SLR) and use them to estimate absolute sea-level rise with respect to Earth’s center of mass. Multidecade GPS measurements at 47 coastal stations along the Cascadia subduction zone show VLM varies regionally but smoothly along the Pacific coast and inland Puget Sound with rates ranging from +4.9 to –1.2 mm/yr. Puget Sound VLM is characterized by uniform subsidence at relatively slow rates of +0.1 to –0.3 mm/yr. Uplift rates of 4.5 mm/yr persist along the western Olympic Peninsula of northwestern Washington State and decrease southward becoming nearly 0 mm/yr south of central coastal Washington through Cape Blanco, Oregon. South of Cape Blanco, uplift increases to 1–2 mm/yr, peaks at 4 mm/yr near Crescent City, California, and returns to zero at Cape Mendocino, California. Using various stochastic noise models, we estimate long-term (~50–100 yr) relative sea-level rise rates at 18 coastal Cascadia tide gauges and correct them for VLM. Uncorrected SLR rates are scattered, ranging between –2 mm/yr and + 5 mm/yr with mean 0:52±1:59 mm/yr, whereas correcting for VLM increases the mean value to 1.99 mm/yr and reduces the uncertainty to ±1:18 mm/yr, commensurate with, but approximately 17% higher than, twentieth century global mean

    Southern Cascadia Episodic Slow Earthquakes

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    Continuous GPS and seismic data from northern California show that slow earthquakes periodically rupture the Gorda-North America plate interface within southern Cascadia. On average, these creep events have occurred every 10.9±1.2 months since at least 1998. Appearing as week-long GPS extensional transients that reverse secular forearc contraction, the data show a recurrence interval 22% shorter than slow events recognized to the north. Seismic tremor here accompanies the GPS reversals, correlated across as many as 5 northern California seismometers. Tremor occurs sporadically throughout the year, but increases in duration and intensity by a factor of about 10 simultaneous with the GPS reversals. Beneath west-central Oregon, three reversals are also apparent, but more stations are needed to confirm sporadic slip on the plate interface here. Together, these measurements suggest that slow earthquakes likely occur throughout the Cascadia subduction zone and add further evidence for the role of fault-fluid migration in controlling transient slow-slip events here

    Southern Cascadia episodic slow earthquakes

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    Continuous GPS and seismic data from northern California show that slow earthquakes periodically rupture the Gorda‐North America plate interface within southern Cascadia. On average, these creep events have occurred every 10.9 ± 1.2 months since at least 1998. Appearing as week‐long GPS extensional transients that reverse secular forearc contraction, the data show a recurrence interval 22% shorter than slow events recognized to the north. Seismic tremor here accompanies the GPS reversals, correlated across as many as 5 northern California seismometers. Tremor occurs sporadically throughout the year, but increases in duration and intensity by a factor of about 10 simultaneous with the GPS reversals. Beneath west‐central Oregon, three reversals are also apparent, but more stations are needed to confirm sporadic slip on the plate interface here. Together, these measurements suggest that slow earthquakes likely occur throughout the Cascadia subduction zone and add further evidence for the role of fault‐fluid migration in controlling transient slow‐slip events here

    Real-time Monitoring of Tectonic Displacements in the Pacific Northwest through an Array of GPS Receivers

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    The Pacific Northwest Geodesic Array at Central Washington University collects telemetered streaming data from 450 GPS stations. These real-time data are used to monitor and mitigate natural hazards arising from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and coastal sea-level hazards in the Pacific Northwest. The displacement measurements are performed at millimeter-scale, and require stringent analysis and parameter estimation techniques. Recent improvements in both accuracy of positioning measurements and latency of terrestrial data communication have led to the ability to collect data with higher sampling rates, of up to 1 Hz. For seismic monitoring applications, this means 1350 separate position streams from stations located across 1200 km along the West Coast of North America must be able to be both visually observed and analyzed automatically. We aim to make the real-time information from GPS sensors easily available, including public access via interfaces for all intelligent devices with a connection to the Internet. Our contribution is a dashboard application that monitors the real-time status of the network of GPS sensors. We are able to visualize individual and multiple sensors using similar time series scales. We are also able to visualize groups of sensors based on time-dependent statistical similarity, such as sensors with the the highest variance, in real-time. In addition to raw positioning data, users can also display derived quantities, such as the Allan variance or the second derivative of a data stream

    Extent and Duration of the 2003 Cascadia Slow Earthquake

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    Inversion of continuous GPS measurements from the Pacific Northwest show the 2003 Cascadia slow earthquake to be among the largest of ten transients recognized here. Twelve stations bracketing slow slip indicate transient slip propagated bi-directionally from initiation in the southern Puget basin, reaching 300 km along-strike over a period of seven weeks. This event produced, for the first time, resolvable vertical subsidence, and horizontal displacement reaching six mm in southern Washington State. Inverted for non-negative thrust slip, a maximum of 3.8 cm of slip is inferred, centered at 28 km depth near the sharp arch in the subducting Juan de Fuca plate. Nearly all slip lies shallower than 38 km. Inverted slip shows a total moment release equal to Mw= 6.6 and a high degree of spatial localization rather than near-uniform slip. This suggests rupture concentrated along asperities holds for slow earthquakes as well as conventional events

    Ionospheric Specifications for SAR Interferometry (ISSI)

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    The ISSI software package is designed to image the ionosphere from space by calibrating and processing polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data collected from low Earth orbit satellites. Signals transmitted and received by a PolSAR are subject to the Faraday rotation effect as they traverse the magnetized ionosphere. The ISSI algorithms combine the horizontally and vertically polarized (with respect to the radar system) SAR signals to estimate Faraday rotation and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) with spatial resolutions of sub-kilometers to kilometers, and to derive radar system calibration parameters. The ISSI software package has been designed and developed to integrate the algorithms, process PolSAR data, and image as well as visualize the ionospheric measurements. A number of tests have been conducted using ISSI with PolSAR data collected from various latitude regions using the phase array-type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR) onboard Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Advanced Land Observing Satellite mission, and also with Global Positioning System data. These tests have demonstrated and validated SAR-derived ionospheric images and data correction algorithms

    GPS constraints on 34 slow slip events within the Cascadia subduction zone, 1997–2005

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    Refinements to GPS analyses in which we factor geodetic time series to better estimate both reference frames and transient deformation resolve 34 slow slip events located throughout the Cascadia subduction zone from 1997 through 2005. Timing of transient onset is determined with wavelet transformation of geodetic time series. Thirty continuous stations are included in this study, ranging from northern California to southwestern British Columbia. Our improvements in analysis better resolve the largest creep events and also identify many smaller events. At 48.5 degrees N latitude, a 14-month average recurrence interval has been observed over eight events since 1997. Farther north along Vancouver Island a host of smaller events with a distinct 14-month periodicity also occurs. In southern Washington State, some of the largest transient displacements are observed but lack any obvious periodicity in their recurrence. Along central Oregon, an 18-month recurrence is evident, while in northern California an 11-month periodicity continues through 2005. We invert GPS offsets of the 12 best recorded events for thrust slip along the plate interface using a cross-validation scheme to derive optimal smoothing parameters. These 12 events have equivalent moment magnitudes between 6.3 and 6.8 and have 2–3 cm of slip. Unlike other subduction zones, no long-duration events are observed, and cumulative surface deformation is consistently less than 0.6 cm. The many newly resolved smaller transient events in Cascadia show that slow slip events occur frequently with GPS best capturing only the largest events. It is likely that slow slip events occur more frequently at levels not detectable with GPS

    Plate Boundary Observatory and related networks: GPS data analysis methods and geodetic products

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    The Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) Facility Global Positioning System (GPS) Data Analysis Centers produce position time series, velocities, and other parameters for approximately 2000 continuously operating GPS receivers spanning a quadrant of Earth’s surface encompassing the high Arctic, North America, and Caribbean. The purpose of this review is to document the methodology for generating station positions and their evolution over time and to describe the requisite trade-offs involved with combination of results. GAGE GPS analysis involves formal merging within a Kalman filter of two independent, loosely constrained solutions: one is based on precise point positioning produced with the GIPSY/OASIS software at Central Washington University and the other is a network solution based on phase and range double-differencing produced with the GAMIT software at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. The primary products generated are the position time series that show motions relative to a North America reference frame and secular motions of the stations represented in the velocity field. The position time series themselves contain a multitude of signals in addition to the secular motions. Coseismic and postseismic signals, seasonal signals from hydrology, and transient events, some understood and others not yet fully explained, are all evident in the time series and ready for further analysis and interpretation. We explore the impact of analysis assumptions on the reference frame realization and on the final solutions, and we compare within the GAGE solutions and with others
