47 research outputs found

    Rancangbangun Sistem Otomasi Aplikasi Crane Machine Berbasis Plc Omron Cp1e 20 I/o

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    Dunia industri modern saat ini tidak bisa lagi dipisahkan dengan masalah otomasi untuk berbagai saranaproduksi ataupun pendukung produksi. Otomasi selalu berkaitan dengan sistem kendali dan kontrol oleh karenaitu dibuatlah “Rancang Bangun Sistem Otomasi Mesin Crane Berbasis PLC OMRON CP1E 20 I/O”. Tujuanyang akan dicapai dari rancang bangun sistem otomasi Aplikasi Mesin Chrane adalah sebagai berikut:1.Memperkenalkan PLC sebagai salah satu pendukung otomasi industri, 2. Mempelajari dasar pemrogramanPLCdan aplikasiPLC khususnya seri Omron CP1E juga pengawatan instalasinya, 3. Mempelajari pembuatan program ladder diagram denganmenggunakansoftware CX Programmer.Programmable Logic Controller /PLC merupakan suatu unit yang secara khusus dirancang untuk menanganisuatu sistem kontrol otomatis pada mesin-mesin industri ataupun aplikasi lainnya. PLCdapatdioperasikan untuk naikturun nya pengait secaraotomatis danbergantiandengan volume atau waktu yang sama, Setelah barang tersusun, kemudian PLCakanmengoperasikan mesin chrane sesuai waktu yang disetting sebelumnya dan kemudian akan menghentikan proses secara otomatis, PLCmerupakan alat bantu dalam melakukan pekerjaan secara otomatis dan berurutan sehingga dapat mengurangi keterlibatan tenaga kerjadalam melaksanakan pekerjaan rutinitasnya

    Rancang Bangun Profil SMP Negeri 1 Talang Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan Php Dan Mysql

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    Seiring dengan arus kemajuan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat di era globalisasi sekarang ini, menyebabkan segala aspek kehidupan manusia selalu dikaitkan dengan arus informasi, karena informasi merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting pada saat ini, khususnya dalam dunia pendidikan. Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat sudah banyak dirasakan manfaatnya dari berbagai kalangan dari yang muda sampai lanjut usia. Pemanfatan teknologi komputer sangat penting di berbagai bidang diantaranya untuk bidang pendidikan yang menuntut informasi yang cepat dan akurat guna menunjang segala bentuk kegiatan yang ada pada dunia pendidikan khususnya di tingkat SMP Negeri 1 Talang. SMP Negeri 1 Talang sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang saat ini mempunyai siswa cukup banyak mendapat perhatian masyarakat dan tengah berusaha meningkatkan kualitasnya dengan membuat wadah agar menjembatani komunikasi antara pihak sekolah dengan dunia luar. Dengan adanya website ini maka proses penyampaian informasi media promosi dan pengisian atau tanggapan komentar tentang suatu permasalahan akan menjadi semakin mudah, cepat, dan tepat. Dengan diterapkannya website ini pada SMP Negeri 1 Talang, maka diharapkan dapat lebih mempercepat proses penyampaian informasi serta sebagai media interaktif antar pengunjung website yang pada akhirnya dapat membantu meningkatkan kinerja dan pelayanan yang ada

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Mahasiswa DIII Teknik Mesin dengan Software Wolfram Mathematica

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    Dalam penelitian ini populasi adalah Mahasiswa Prodi DIII Teknik Mesin, kemudian untuk sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas 2B yang merupakan mahasiswa semester 2 Tahun Akademik 2019/2020. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dengan memadukan teknologi komputasi mengunakan software Wolfram Mathematica. Penelitian merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan 4 tahap yaitu Planning, Acting, Observing, Reflecting. Hasil riset yang telah dilaksanakan dengan aplikasi inovasi pembelajaran komputasi Wolfram Mathematica adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Hasil Rekap kuisioner yang telah dibagikan dan dan di isi langsung oleh mahasiswa memiliki prosentase 24% meningkat menjadi 88% pada siklus ke , (2) Terdapat peningkatan aktifitas belajar mahasiswa dengan diskripsi pada siklus 1 memiliki Prosentase 63% yang memiliki tingkat keaktifan pada tingkat cukup aktif, dan pada siklus II sebesar 75% yang memiliki tingkat keaktifan pada tingkat aktif, (3) Terdapat pula pengingkatan pada kemampuan pemecahan mahasiswa, tingkat keaktifan, dan minat belajar pada mahasiswa yang terlihat dengan indikator perolehan nilai rerata mahasiswa pada siklus 1 sebesar 65 serta tingkat ketuntasan belajar mahasiswa dengan capaian 55%. Kemudian nilai rerata mahasiswa di siklus 2 di peroleh dengan tingkat 77 serta tingkat ketuntasan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran mencapai 98%, sehingga dapat di simpulkan terdapat perubahan positif yang sangat siginifikan dan efektif

    Integrasi Pembelajaran Matematika Problem Based Learning dengan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

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    Problem-based learning Metode Pembelajaran that is integrated with information and communication technology is expected to be able to provide solutions to increase attractiveness and problem-solving abilities. The purpose of study optimizes PBL Metode Pembelajaran by applying information and communication technology so that there is an increase in the problem-solving ability of the resulting Metode Pembelajaran. Experiments were carried out to get the best Metode Pembelajaran test with indicators of increasing achievement and problem-solving abilities. This research is a Classroom Action Research there are 4 steps: Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The results study The application of contextual learning in applied mathematics courses 2 are: (1) the results of the distribution of questionnaires of students' interest in learning integrated problem based learning ICT before and after being given a learning treatment Problem-based learning has changed from cycle I which is 22.87% increased to 89 00% in cycle II, (2) Increasing student learning activities, this can seen from the percentage  activity in the first cycle of 64% classified as quite active, and in the second cycle by 76% and classified as active, (3) improving achievement, activity, and interest in student learning. This increase can be seen by the acquisition of the average of students in the first cycle of 66.88 and with student learning completeness of 56%. The average value in cycle II is 78.27 and the student learning completeness is 100%

    Acupuncture in the Management of Functional Dyspepsia

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    Dyspepsia is an uncomfortable sensation or pain in the upper abdomen which is persisting or recurring. Dyspepsia can be classified into functional and organic dyspepsia. Functional dyspepsia is more commonly found compared to the organic type, approximately 60%. Pharmacologic therapy in the management of functional dyspepsia has not shown optimal results, with the multifactorial etiology of functional dyspepsia as the main challenge. Therefore, the management of functional dyspepsia is widened and involves variety treatment modalities, acupuncture being one of them. Acupuncture is a way of treatment by puncturing needles to particular area on the skin to eliminate pain and treat particular diseases. Acupuncture affects stomach motility and gastric acid secretion in functional dyspepsia patients. Two acupuncture points commonly used in functional dyspepsia are ST 36 and PC 6. Acupuncture can restore gastric motility in patients with functional dyspepsia, who have gastric emptying disturbance. Besides, functional dyspepsia complaints, such as epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, burning sensation, and bloating were found to improve after acupuncture therapy. Side effects of acupuncture are not life threatening with low incidence rate. The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy compared to standard medication shows varies results. Further studies are needed to determine the characteristics of functional dyspepsia patients which could have optimal results through acupuncture therapy

    The Prevalence of Skin Diseases and Its Association with Hygiene Behavior and Level of Education in a Pesantren, Jakarta Selatan 2013

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    Skin diseases are very common in places where the society lives in a crowded area. Pesantren is anIslamic school with a dormitory for its students, thus making the spread of skin infection easier to occur. Theobjective of this research was to identify the association between the prevalence of skin diseases with the hygienebehavior and level of education of santris (students of pesantren). This cross-sectional study was conducted in apesantren in South Jakarta. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of ten questionsabout hygienic behaviors and history of previous dermatological examinations from July until September 2013.Results showed that out of 98 santris, 88 of them had skin diseases (89.7%). The most frequent skin infectionwas scabies with 67 cases (49.3%). Furthermore, 78 (88.6%) out of all santris who had skin diseases, werecategorized to have poor hygienic behaviors. There were only 10 santris that did not have any skin disease, 3of them had good hygienic behaviors. There was no significant difference between hygienic behaviors of santrisand the prevalence of skin disease (p=0.350). Associated with the level of education, ibtidaiyah had the highestnumber of santris (51.2%) affected by skin diseases. There was a significant difference between the level ofeducation and the prevalence of skin diseases (p<0.001). In coclusion, the prevalence of skin diseases in thepesantren was 89.7%; there was no association between skin diseases and hygienic behaviors. However, therewas an association between skin diseases and level of education

    The Effect of Single-Dose Albendazole on the Prevalence of SoilTransmitted Helminth Infections and Nutritional Status of Children in Perokonda Village, Southwest Sumba

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    Perokonda Village located in Sumba Island is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Indonesia with high risk of soil-transmitted helminthes (STH) infections. These parasites could affect nutritional status of the subjects. This study was aimed to know the nutritional status and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment using singledose albendazole on the prevalence of STH infections in Perokonda Village. This study used a pre-post design. Data were collected twice on August 2015 and January 2016. Data of STH infections were obtained from stool samples examined under light microscope. Nutritional status was assessed by determining Z-score in accordance with WHO chart. A total of 66 children were included ranging between 1-12 years old. This study showed that before treatment, subjects with normal nutritional status were 84,8% and 15,2% were underweight. After treatment, subjects with normal nutritional status declined to 75,8%, subjects who were underweight increased to 19,7%, and 4,5% were severely underweight. The result also showed that prevalence of STH was still high after treatment. Prevalence of A.lumbricoides infections significantly decreased (McNemar test, p=0,001), while prevalence of T.trichiura and hookworm infections increased. In conclusion, single dose albendazole significantly reduced the infections of A.lumbricoides, but it did not reduce the prevalence of T.trichiura and hookworm infections. Further study is needed to measure the effectiveness of treatment using triple dose albendazole for STH infection and its association with children’s nutritional status in Perokonda Village

    A novel diagnosis scoring model to predict invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in the intensive care unit

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    Objectives: To improve the quality of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) management for intensive care unit (ICU) patients using a practical diagnostic scoring model. Methods: This nested case-control study aimed to determine the incidence of IPA in 405 ICU patients, between July 2012 and June 2014, at 6 hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia. Phenotypic identifications and galactomannan (GM) tests of sera and lung excreta were performed in mycology laboratory, Parasitology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia. Results: The incidence of IPA in the ICUs was 7.7% (31 of 405 patients). A scoring model used for IPA diagnosis showed 4 variables as the most potential risk factors: lung excreta GM index (score 2), solid organ malignancy (score 2), pulmonary tuberculosis (score 2), and systemic corticosteroids (score 1). Patients were included in a high-risk group if their score was >2, and in a low-risk group if their score was <2. Conclusion: This study provides a novel diagnosis scoring model to predict IPA in ICU patients. Using this model, a more rapid diagnosis and treatment of IPA may be possible. The application of the diagnosis scoring should be preceded by specified pre-requisites