114 research outputs found

    Modification of Biodegradable Polyesters Using Electron Beam

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    Poly(4-Hydroxybutirat)p4hb, Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) PBSA and Poly(e-caprolactone) PCL were electron beam (EB)-irradiated. Poly(4-Hydroxybutirat) was irradiated without any polyfunctional monomers (PFM). While  PBSA and  PCL were irradiated in the presence of polyfunctional monomers such asTrimethallyl isocyanurate (TMAIC), Polyethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (2G, 4G), Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPT) and Tetramethylolmethane tetraacrylate (A-TMMT) at ambient temperature. Aim of the study is to improve the properties of biodegradable polyester.  It was pointed out that crosslinking yield of P4HB (6.39% gel)was formed at dose of 90 kGy irradiated in vacuum conditions. Radiation degradation promoted, when P4HB was irradiated in air. The optimum crosslinking yield of PCL and PBSA respectively, were formed in the presence of 1% TMAIC at dose of 50 kGy. The biodegradability of the crosslinked PBSA evaluated by soil burial test is slightly retarded by increasing crosslinking yields.Received: 20 November 2013; Revised: 27 December 2013; Accepted: 31 December 201

    Modification of Biodegradable Polyesters Using Electron Beam

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    Poly(4-Hydroxybutirat)p4hb, Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) PBSA and Poly(e-caprolactone) PCL were electron beam (EB)-irradiated. Poly(4-Hydroxybutirat) was irradiated without any polyfunctional monomers (PFM). While PBSA and PCL were irradiated in the presence of polyfunctional monomers such asTrimethallyl isocyanurate (TMAIC), Polyethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (2G, 4G), Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPT) and Tetramethylolmethane tetraacrylate (A-TMMT) at ambient temperature. Aim of the study is to improve the properties of biodegradable polyester. It was pointed out that crosslinking yield of P4HB (6.39% gel)was formed at dose of 90 kGy irradiated in vacuum conditions. Radiation degradation promoted, when P4HB was irradiated in air. The optimum crosslinking yield of PCL and PBSA respectively, were formed in the presence of 1% TMAIC at dose of 50 kGy. The biodegradability of the crosslinked PBSA evaluated by soil burial test is slightly retarded by increasing crosslinking yields.Received: 20 November 2013; Revised: 27 December 2013; Accepted: 31 December 201

    Pencangkokan Secara Radiasi Asam Akrilat Pada Selulosa Dengan Keberadaan Metil Metakrilat

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    PENCANGKOKAN SECARA RADIASI ASAM AKRILAT PADA SELULOSA DENGAN KEBERADAAN METIL METAKRILAT. Dalam studi ini Selulosa pada jerami padi diisolasi secara kimia melalui tahap delipifikasi, demineralisasi, pulping dan delignifikasi. Modifikasi selulosa dilakukan menggunakan metode kopolimerisasi cangkok secara simultan dengan inisiator sinar gamma pada dosis 10 kGy; 20 kGy; 30 kGy; 40 kGy. Sebagai monomer digunakan asam akrilat (AA) dan metil metakrilat (MMA) dengan 2 macam variasi perbandingan konsentrasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan selulosa yang mempunyai sifat fisik kimia tertentu yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai adsorben ion logam pada limbah cair bersuhu tinggi. Pada paper ini konsentrasi pembahasan lebih pada modifikasi selulosa menggunakan metode pencangkokan secara iradiasi. Dilakukan analisis derajat pencangkokan, rasio pengembangan, temperatur degradasi menggunakan differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) dan gugus fungsi menggunakan FTIR. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa dosis iradiasi optimal dicapai pada 30 kGy, dengan persen pencangkokan sebesar 87,99 %. Keberhasilan kopolimerisasi ditunjukkan dengan munculnya puncak baru dari gugus fungsi C=O pada bilangan gelombang 1705 cm-1, C=C pada 1576 cm-1. Temperatur degradasi selulosa setelah pencangkokan dicapai pada 550 °C dan rasio pengembangan dalam air sebesar 117,04%. Keberadaan metil metakrilat menurunkan rasio pengembangan kopolimer selulosa-AA dalam air sebesar 335,42% dibandingkan kopolimer selulosa-AA tanpa MMA

    Penyerapan Zat Warna Tekstil Menggunakan Polisakarida–g–asam Akrilat

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    PENYERAPAN ZAT WARNA TEKSTIL MENGGUNAKAN POLISAKARIDA–g–ASAMAKRILAT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan polisakarida yang terdapatpada kulit pisang sebagai penyerap zat warna tekstil (Maxilon Yellow) sebelum dan sesudahdilakukan proses grafting. Kopolimerisasi grafting polisakarida dilakukan dengan mengguna-kanasam akrilat sebagai monomer dan diiradiasi menggunakan sinar gamma sebagai inisiator.Parameter yang diobservasi adalah kemampuan penyerapan zat warna, waktu perendamandengan KOH, konsentrasi asam akrilat, dosis iradiasi dan ketahanan terhadap asam. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan penyerapan optimum oleh sampel diperoleh pada ko-polimerisasipolisakarida –asam akrilat (P-AA) dengan perendaman dalam KOH selama 3 jam, konsentrasiasam akrilat sebesar 20% dan dosis iradiasi 30 kGy. Kemampuan polisakarida–g–asam akrilatdalam menyerap zat warna Maxilon Yellow setelah dilakukan proses grafting meningkatsebesar 18,48% selain itu ketahanan fisik terhadap asam meningkat secara signifikan. Hasilpenelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan limbah zat warna pada industri tekstil


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    Turgo is the closest village to Mount Merapi and a disaster-prone area. This research aims to study the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of Turgo society and understand the rules and values prevailing in the usage of natural resources and the environment. The research was conducted in Turgo, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Province). The research was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively, data retrieval was done by in-depth interviews and identifying the diversity of cultivated plants and husbandry animals. Respondents included village officials, community leaders and the society that were determined by random sampling as many as 20 families. Data were analysed descriptively, and the analysis of the biological environment quality used Soerjani’s criteria in Fandeli, et al. (2006). The results of the analysis of the biological environment quality show that the diversity of flora and beneficial flora in Turgo are excellent. Farming is done on the basis of the local environment wisdom by combining woody plants, crops and livestock with traditional agro-forestry system (Thaman in Sarjono, 2003). Turgo society lives in harmony, applies the subsistence agriculture, upholds traditions, spiritual and cultural life, conserves biodiversity and preserves the environment, so that these keep the balance among ecological, socio-economic and cultural spiritual aspects that is the characteristics of eco-village by Arifin, et al. (2009)

    Modification of Banana Peel Powder for Absorbent of Metal Ion Mn(ii) and Cr(vi)

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    In this study Banana Peel Powder (BPP) was modified. Modification shave done by cross linking the poly saccharide of banana peel with Epichlorohydrin (Epi) as crosslinker agent and gamma rays as initiator. This modification aims to improve the physical and chemical properties of BPP in order to extend the life time and increase the adsorption capacity of metalions. The results showed that the optimum irradiationdose on a modified banana peel powder (MBPP) was achieved at a dose of 10 kGy with Epi concentration of 10 %. Under these conditions, the MBPP ability to absorb metal ion Mn (II) increased up to 160 % compared to the pre modified. But the MBPP ability to absorb metal ion Cr (VI) decreased by 43.10 %. There were improvements in acid resistant of the MBPP, the acid resistant test indicated by a decrease of 104.55 %. Fourier Transform-Infra Red (FT-IR) analysis seen a shift in wave peak numbers before and after irradiation, indicating the occurrence of crosslinking reaction in the polysaccharide

    Biodegradability of Irradiated Poly(butylene Succinate-co-adipate) in the Presence of Aditif

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    BIODEGRADABILITY OF IRRADIATED POLY(BUTYLENE SUCCINATE-co-ADIPATE) IN THE PRESENCE OF ADITIF. Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBSA) was mixed with Silicon dioxide, Carbon black, and Trimethallyl Isocyanurate (TMAIC), respectively. The rate of biodegradability was investigated using Microbial Oxidative Degradation Analyzer (MODA), enzymatic and soil burial test. It was pointed out that the rate of biodegradability of irradiated PBS1 containing 2% silicon dioxide and 2% carbon black, respectively, much faster than that of irradiated pure PBS1. This phenomenon is due to the enlargement of the sample\u27s surface caused by the presence of inorganic material in the sample, thus easier for enzymes to introduce inside polymer. On the other side irradiated PBSA contains TMAIC has lower biodegradation rate than irradiated original PBSA at the same irradiation dose, in this case the biodegradation rate depend on gel fraction of the sample

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fisika Berbasis Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual (SAVI) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis Siswa

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    This study aims to develop an SAVI-based physics teaching module with appropriate scientific content to improve students' critical thinking skills. This research is a research and development research. The module development model used is a 4D model (four D model). The four stages are Define, Design, Development and Disseminate proposed by Thiagarajan. The development of this module is assessed based on the feasibility of the content, presentation, and language of the module and then tested on students. After being revised, the module was then tested in the science class. Collecting data in this study using test questions. The result of this research is that the SAVI-based physics teaching module to improve students' critical thinking skills has the characteristics that the SAVI-based Physics Module is developed using the SAVI learning stage, including the preparation stage, delivery stage, training stage, and result performance stage as well as, integrating critical thinking skills in each lesson. steps and contains critical thinking test questions. The SAVI-based physics teaching module is suitable for use as teaching material based on the results of the main field trial, the results obtained that 86% of students stated that this module was in very good criteria for module readability from the aspects of material, media, and language


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kematangan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman selada 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan atau kombinasi campuran antara tanah dan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman selada; 3). untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara tingkat kematangan vermikompos dengan perbandingan atau kombinasi campuran tanah dan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman selada dan 4) untuk mengetahui apakah vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping layak dipergunakan sebagai pupuk organik tanaman selada . Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui respon tanaman selada pada media yang diberi perlakuan vermikompos (vermikompos kematangan rendah/mentah, sedang/setengah matang dan matang). Sebelum percobaan terlebih dahulu dilakukan persiapan untuk memproduksi vermikompos dan persiapan pembibitan tanaman selada serta analisis vermikompos. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah tingkat kematangan vermikompos (mentah, setengah matang dan matang) dan perbandingan atau variasi kombinasi campuran tanah dan vermikompos dengan perbandingan 2:1, 3:1 dan 4:1. Variabel tergantungnya adalah: pertumbuhan tanaman yang meliputi bobot basah (gram), tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (lembar/helai), dan bobot kering tanaman selada (gram). Data hasil penelitian untuk pertumbuhan tanaman selada diianalisis dengan analisis faktorial dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Jika terdapat perbedaan, dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Sedang untuk kualitas produksi tanaman selada dilakukan uji kualitas sayuran untuk pasaran (kualitatif) yang mengacu tabel kualitas sayuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kematangan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping mempengaruhi pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman yang dilihat dari bobot basah, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan bobot kering tiap tanaman selada. Tingkat kematangan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada semua parameter dimana semakin matang vermikompos respon pertumbuhan semakin baik. Dari perbandingan atau kombinasi campuran tanah dan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping yang memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata hanya pada bobot basah dan bobot kering tanaman selada, sedangkan untuk tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata. Berdasarkan perbandingan tanah dan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping, respon terbaik adalah perbandingan 3:1. Berkaitan dengan interaksi antara tingkat kematangan kompos dan variasi campuran tanah dan vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping ternyata tidak terjadi interaksi antara tingkat kematangan vermikompos dengan perbandingan atau kombinasi campuran tanah dan vermikompos terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman selada pada semua parameter. Berdasarkan hasil analisis vermikompos dan respon pertumbuhan tanaman selada maka vermikompos limbah budidaya jamur kuping layak digunakan sebagai pupuk organik pada budidaya tanaman selada. Kata-kata kunci: pertumbuhan, selada, vermikompos, jamur kuping FMIPA, 2006 (PEND. BIOLOGI
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