104 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Disiplin, Dan Partisipasi Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui : (1) Tingkat motivasi berprestasi, disiplin belajar dan partisipasi dalam pembelajaran serta prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Tayu Pati Semester II, (2) ada tidaknya pengaruh motivasi berprestasi, disiplin belajar dan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Tayu Pati Semester II, dan (3) Variabel yang paling berpengaruh pengaruh antara motivasi berprestasi, disiplin belajar dan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS semester II SMA Negeri 1 Tayu Pati. Hasil  penelitian menyimpulkan ada pengaruh positif antara motivasi berprestasi, disiplin belajar dan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar akuntansi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Tayu Pati baik secara simultan maupun parsial dan variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah motivasi berprestasi kemudian diikuti oleh disiplin belajar dan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran

    Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Type Stad Just-in TIME Based on the Results of Learning Teaching Physics Course in Physics School in Physics Program Faculty Unimed

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    Research was aimed to determine: (1) Students' learning outcomes that was taught with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method and STAD cooperative learning method (2) Students' outcomes on Physics subject that had high learning activity compared with low learning activity. The research sample was random by raffling four classes to get two classes. The first class taught with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method, while the second class was taught with STAD cooperative learning method. The instrument used was conceptual understanding that had been validated with 7 essay questions. The average gain values of students learning results with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method 0,47 higher than average gain values of students learning results with STAD cooperative learning method. The high learning activity and low learning activity gave different learning results. In this case the average gain values of students learning results with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method 0,48 higher than average gain values of students learning results with STAD cooperative learning method. There was interaction between learning model and learning activity to the physics learning result test in student

    Financial distress, growth opportunities, and dividend policy on firm value through company hedging policies: Empirical study on property and real estate companies listed on indonesian stock exchange

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of financial distress, growth opportunities, and dividend policies on firm value through company hedging policies. This research was conducted on property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange in 2016-2018. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, with several criteria, to get a sample size of 55 companies. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. Hypothesis testing shows that financial distress has a positive effect on hedging, while growth opportunities and dividend policy have no significant effect on hedging. Financial distress hurts firm value. Growth opportunities and dividend policy have a positive effect on firm value. This study also found that hedging has no significant effect on firm value. Also, this study is unable to prove the company's hedging policy as a mediating variable

    Perancangan Studio Film sebagai Wadah Kreasi Perfilman dengan Pendekatan Tema Cahaya

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    Film merupakan salah satu artifak yang dibentuk oleh budaya yang spesifik, film merepresentasikan budaya dan pada gilirannya ikut mempengaruhi budaya. Pada saat ini masih sedikit film produksi anak bangsa yang mampu berkibar di tanah air maupun di kancah internasional. Walau saat ini pemerintah sudah memberi perhatian lebih kepada produksi film tanah air ,masih rendahnya mutu perfilman Indonesia disebabkan kurangnya kemampuan produksi yang berstandar internasional dari para pekerja film Indonesia. Untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan para pembuat film, dan meningkatkan kuantitas film yang berkualitas, dan perlu adanya suatu tempat yang mampu mewadahi kegiatan produksi film. Sebuah proyek dengan pemrograman ruang yang tepat dan ketersediaan fasilitas yang memadai merupakan salah satu langkah nyata dalam mengembangkan industri perfilman Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik

    Sisa Hasil Usaha Koperasi Melalui Modal Sendiri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh modal sendiri terhadap sisa hasil usaha Koperasi Citra Utama Kecamatan Cibadak Kabupaten Sukabumi tahun 2015-2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian hipotesis asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Variabel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah modal sendiri sebagai variabel bebas (Independent Variabel) dan Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU) sebagai variabel terikat (Dependent Variabel). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung 5.143 > tabel 2,015 dan nilai  signifikannya (sig) 0,000 < 0,05. Simpulan, secara parsial modal sendiri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sisa hasil usaha. Modal sendiri yang terjadi pada perusahaan mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi sisa hasil usaha (SHU) koperasi. Kata Kunci: Modal Sendiri, Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU

    Peranan Faktor Karakteristik Individu dan Faktor Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Provinsi Bali

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    The Role of Individual Characteristic Factor and Organization Factor Toward The Performance of Agricultural Office Province Bali The Agricultural Office Province Bali is one of governments institution that organize the management duty of agricultural program and the other duties relate to the agriculture field in serving the needs of farmers input usage for increasing the agricultural production which is done. This research is aimed to confirm and know the role of respondent characteristic factor and organization factor toward the officerss performance of Agricultural Office Province Bali. The kinds of data used were quantitative and qualitative. The methods of data analysis used were confirmatory factor analysis and qualitative descriptive. The result gotten from this research is the individual characteristic factor and organization factor have the same role or balance toward the officers performance of Agricultural Office Province Bali about 50%. Education degree sub-factor has the biggest role toward individual characteristic factor and the lowest role towards individual characteristic factor is gender sub-factor. Compensation sub-factor has the biggest role and discipline sub-factor has the lowest towards organization factor. Sub-factor which has the biggest role towards the officers performance factor of Agricultural Office Province Bali is compensation sub-factor. Sub-factors that have the second and third biggest roles are education degree sub-factor and age sub-factor. Sub-factor that has the lowest role towards the officers performance factor is sub-factor discipline. Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, individual characteristic factor, organization factor, officers performanc

    Constructing an Understanding of Sustainability Report in the Perspective of Postmodernism: an Imaginary Dialogue in the Study Case of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.

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    The Study is an imaginary dialogue in nature. It uses a Postmodernist perspective in analysing the understading of sustainability report of PT Telekomunikasi Indonensia, TBK (Hereafter, Telkom). There are three persons in the imaginary dialogue: Accountant, Telkom Technologist, and Environmentalist. The study found that through the dialogue there are two basic thought on sustainability report by Telkom. The fist is a model of accountability where Telkom could show its governance and responsibility to run the company. The second is a model of sustainable business where Telkom could be understood their businesses are concerned to fiancial prosperity, social awareness and environmental care
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