302 research outputs found

    Worship of Shiva in Tamil Tradition

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    The worship of Lord Shiva is very ancient in Tamil Nadu. The old temples were renovated. The methods of worship were modified to make the minds of the people happy. The devotees began to serve in the temples. People engaged themselves in the service of sweeping and cleaning the temple, garlanding it, setting up a garden, etc. In the temples, they sang the Thevara Pathigam (The first seven of the twelve hymns chanted on the Saiva Deity Lord Shiva). The practice of singing and worshipping the Lord began. Lord Shiva has been worshipped by the people in a very special way from the time of the kings till date. This article is intended to explore the Worship, Ceremonies, Fasting, and Greatness of Sacred Ash (Thiruneeru), the dances of Lord Shiva, and the specialties of the temple

    Free Amino Acids

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    Ninhydrin deaminates amino acids liberating ammonia and gets reduced to hydrindantin. The liberated ammonia condenses with hydrindantin to form a violet coloured compound diketohydrindylidenediketohydrindamine (DYDA) at pH 5.0. Potassium cyanide prevents the oxidation of the reduced hydrindantin. The intensity of violet colour is directly proportional to the amount of amino acid (Yemm & Cocking, 1955)

    An Efficient Authentication Approach with Optimization Algorithms and Elliptical Curve Cryptography for Cloud Environment

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    The fast-emerging of cloud computing technology today has sufficiently benefited its wide range of users from individuals to large organizations. It carries an attractive characteristic by renting myriad virtual storages, computing resources and platform for users to manipulate their data or utilize the processing resources conveniently over Internet without the need to know the exact underlying infrastructure which is resided remotely at cloud servers. Security is very important for any kind of networks. As a main communication mode, the security mechanism for multicast is not only the measure to ensure secured communications, but also the precondition for other security services. Attacks are one of the biggest concerns for security professionals. Attackers usually gain access to a large number of computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack armies. This paper presents a dual optimizer based key generation method for the improving the authentication with Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption algorithm. The optimal private and secret key for the encryption and decryption are obtained with the optimization techniques like Animal Migration Optimization (AMO), and Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) for strengthening the security in the Cloud Computing environment

    Hybrid Encryption based Access Control Approach for Securing Cloud Computing

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                    Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technological infrastructure, facilitating the storage and processing of vast amounts of data. However, ensuring the security of sensitive information in the cloud remains a persistent challenge. This paper proposes a novel approach to enhance the security of cloud computing through hybrid encryption, leveraging the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Cuckoo Search Optimization (CSO) algorithms. Hybrid encryption, combining symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic techniques, is employed to address the limitations of traditional encryption methods in cloud environments. The Whale Optimization Algorithm and Cuckoo Search Optimization are utilized to optimize key generation and management processes, enhancing the overall efficiency and security of the encryption scheme. The Whale Optimization Algorithm, inspired by the social behavior of humpback whales, is employed to optimize the parameters of the encryption algorithm. WOA's exploration and exploitation capabilities are leveraged to find an optimal balance in the encryption process, improving the overall robustness against potential attacks. Complementing WOA, the Cuckoo Search Optimization algorithm is applied to optimize the key distribution and update mechanisms. Modeled after the brood parasitism behavior of cuckoo birds, CSO excels in searching large solution spaces, making it suitable for refining the distribution of encryption keys and ensuring their constant adaptability to dynamic cloud environments


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    The nitrogen of the protein precipitate is converted to acid ammonium sulphate by digestion with sulphuric acid and various catalysts. On making the reaction mixture alkaline, ammonia is liberated, which is removed by steam distillation. The ammonia liberated by steam distillation is gathered in acid solution containing an indicator. Change in pH of the acid solution due to addition of ammonia is indicated by the indicator dye. This solution is back-titrated with 0.01 N HCI, and the original acidic condition indicated by the indicator dye, is taken as the end point. The amount of HCl consumed in back titration is proportional to the amount of ammonia liberated. Percentage of nitrogen is calculated from the titre value, which is converted into gm% of protein present in sample by multiplying the percentage nitrogen with a factor 6.2S. The factor 6.25 is used for conversion because in average, protein contains 16% of nitrogen

    Electrophoretic separation of proteins

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    There are several structural and storage proteins in the tissues of Crustacea. Some of them are metallo-proteins, some are enzymic in nature. Several electrophoretic procedures were used for the separation of these proteins. The methods used by crustacean workers include paper (Zuckerkandl, 1956; Hughes & Winkler, 1966 ; Stewart, et al., 1969), agar gel (Decleir, 1961; Vranckx &Durlait, 1976), starch gel (Whittaker, 1959 ; Cowden & Coleman, 1962; Dall, 1964) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Dall, 1974; Durliat et al., 1975; Alikhan & Akthar, 1980). With polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis a good resolution is achieved with minimum quantity of blood sample (0.1 ml). Here polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic method of Davis (1964) is described

    Transvaginal sonographic cervical length assessment in predicting the outcome of induction of labor

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess Bishop Score in women undergoing induction of labor followed by cervical length measurement by transvaginal sonography and to study the role of transvaginal sonographic cervical assessment in predicting outcome of induction of labor.Methods: This was a prospective observational study carried out in 300 pregnancy women undergoing induction of labor. In all the women, Bishop score was calculated by per vaginal examination and cervical length assessed by transvaginal ultrasound, both prior to induction of laborResults: This study has demonstrated that in singleton pregnancies undergoing induction of labor at 37-41 weeks of gestation, successful vaginal delivery within 24hrs of induction occurred in 66.8%. The study has also demonstrated that induction to delivery interval is significantly associated with both the preinduction Bishop score and sonographically measured cervical length, higher the Bishop score and lesser the cervical length, better the likelihood of vaginal delivery within 24 hrs of induction. The best cutoff point for successful induction was ≥3 for Bishop score and ≤2.5 cm for cervical length, which was obtained from the ROC curve.Conclusions: Cervical length assessment by transvaginal ultrasound was a better predictor of successful induction of labor.

    A Clinicomycological Study of Mucocutaneous Candidiasis

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    INTRODUCTION : Candidiasis refers to a diverse group of infections caused by the yeasts of genus Candida which have been known for centuries. These organisms usually cause superficial infections involving the skin, nail, mucous membrane but can also produce serious systemic infections like septicemia, endocarditis and meningitis in immunosuppressed individuals. Candida species constitute a part of the normal flora of the digestive system and the female genital tract. Colonization with these organisms may occur during birth or later in life . In healthy individuals, such colonization is asymptomatic and their overgrowth is limited by the immune system and other bacteria occupying the gastrointestinal tract and vagina .When the immune system is deranged or an alteration in the ecology occurs, there is overgrowth of these organisms producing infection. There are over 200 species of Candida till date and their epidemiology is constantly changing with varying clinical patterns, virulence and antifungal susceptibility. AIM AND OBJECTIVES : Candida is an ubiquitious organism causing superficial fungal infection that is commonly encountered in clinical practice.Yeast infections caused by Candida is increasingly being reported worldwide. This increased incidence of infections are attributed to immunocompromised diseases like HIV and the development of wide range of newer immunosuppresives. A change in the epidemiology, clinical spectrum and antifungal susceptibility has been observed. The prompt detection of different species of yeast infections may aid for the appropriate treatment decisions. This study has been designed, 1. To study the age wise distribution of mucocutaneous candidiasis. 2. To study the sex wise distribution of mucocutaneous candidiasis. 3. To study the predisposing factors in individuals with mucocutaneous candidiasis. 4. To study the most common clinical features of mucocutaneous candidiasis 5. To identify the different species of candida by culture, subculture and appropriate biochemical tests in all patients with mucocutaneous candidiasis. 6. To identify the common blood group susceptible to mucocutaneous candidiasis MATERIALS AND METHODS : This study was conducted in Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Madras Medical college. One hundred new patients with symptoms and signs of mucocutaneous candidiasis attending the OPD, Mycology section of The Department of Dermatology were included in the study. Culture in SDA agar, Hichrome candida agar and biochemical tests like sugar fermentation were done for all patients with positivity for Candida in 10% KOH examination. INCLUSION CRITERIA : 1. Patients with symptoms and signs of mucocutaneous candidiasis. 2. Patients who test positive for Candida in KOH examination. 3. All patients including immunosuppressed, pregnant and pediatric age group are included. EXCLUSION CRITERIA : 1. Patients with negative results in KOH examination. 2. Those who are on topical for two weeks and systemic antifungals for four weeks prior to the study. Informed consent was obtained from all patients for their participation in this study. The skin and mucosal samples were collected and evaluated by appropriate laboratory methods. RESULTS : A total of 100 patients with features of mucocutaneous candidiasis who tested positive for Candida in KOH mount were selected for this study. The minimum age group affected was a one month old infant and maximum age group affected was 70 years (mean= 41.5 ). The maximum number of cases were found to be in the age group of 31-50. CONCLUSION : Mucocandidiasis can occur in all age groups with majority of the affected individuals in the age group of 31-50 years. • Females outnumbered the males and the male to female ratio was 1:2.7 • Mucocandidiasis was more common in immunosuppressed individuals than immunocompetent individuals. • ucosal candidiasis was more common than cutaneous candidiasis. • Oral candidiasis was the most common clinical presentation followed by vulvovaginal candidiasis. • Among the patients with oral candidiasis, pseudo membranous type was the most common presentation. The common predisposing factor was found to be immunosuppression. Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis were isolated in almost equal proportion in oral candidiasis. • Vulvovaginal candidiasis was more common among the immunosuppressed individuals. Candida tropicalis was isolated in higher number than Candida albicans. • Nonalbicans species were isolated in higher number than albicans species. • The nonalbicans species isolated were C.tropicalis, C.glabrata, C.krusei and C.parapsilosis. • Patients with O blood group had higher occurrence of mucocutaneous candidiasis. • In this study, C.tropicalis was isolated in higher number than C.albicans. Further studies in a larger population would provide more conclusive information on the changing trends in the epidemiology of candidal infections and would aid in the optimal treatment of patients

    Design of Hybrid System Using Reflector for Isolated Areas

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    The project based on the concept of conservation of light energy from the lamps such as CFL ,Incandescent etc and using the reflector to reflect the light energy to PV panel .The lamps are the essential things that we have been using day to day life .The Solar cells act as the light absorber which will convert the light energy into the electrical energy along with this the wind turbine which convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power is used to produce hybrid power So from that we can generate more energy and store this in a battery. The hardware implementation, Design and analysis of the Power generation from the light energy emitted from the lamps has been made in this project .The Solar panel with the reflector where the performance development has been scrutinized. This Hybrid power generation method is a pioneering approach which will provide the backup power generation system at the time of power failure. Emergency Lamp, Fan and Battery charging has been used as a load in this project. The load will vary when amount of power generated is varied

    A Comparative Study between the Effects of Propofol and Etomidate in Adults Undergoing Surgeries under General Anaesthesia

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study is to compare the hemodynamics and various other effects of Propofol and Etomidate in adults undergoing surgeries under general anesthesia. METHODS: 60 patients were enrolled in the study who underwent elective surgeries under general anesthesia and had been assessed individually both intraoperatively and post-operatively. Induction with calculated dose of Propofol or Etomidate. Pain on injection and myoclonic movements at induction, if occurred were recorded. The heart rate and mean arterial pressure were monitored continuously and recorded before induction, at induction and laryngoscopy followed by 1st, 3rd, 5th and 10th minutes after intubation. Episodes of apnoea noted. The obtained results were sent for statistical analysis. RESULTS: It was observed that Propofol9 (Group 1) caused significant hypotension and tachycardia at induction in comparison to Etomidate. In various studies, Etomidate has showed less cardiovascular depression and minimized the use of vasopressor agents than other induction agents in sepsis and critically ill patients. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, Etomidate was found ideal for its hemodynamic stability when compared to Propofol along with less incidence of pain on injection, the only drawback being high incidence of myoclonus. The study suggests that Etomidate is a better option in patients particularly vulnerable to hemodynamic fluctuation during induction like uncontrolled hypertension, sepsis, critically ill and patients with coronary artery disease