348 research outputs found

    A Portfolio Approach to NLOS and Multipath Mitigation in Dense Urban Areas

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    Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception and multipath interference are major causes of poor GNSS positioning accuracy in dense urban environments. They are commonly grouped together. However, both the mechanisms by which they cause position errors and many of the techniques for mitigating those errors are quite different [1]. For example, correlation-based multipath mitigation has no effect on the errors caused by NLOS reception. University College London (UCL) has investigated the performance of a number of multipath and/or NLOS mitigation techniques in dense urban areas, including C/N0-based solution weighting [2], advanced consistency checking [3], dual-polarization NLOS detection [4] and vector tracking [5]. In this paper, we present a new multipath detection technique based on comparing the measured C/N0 on multiple frequencies and also new dual-polarization results. Meanwhile, other researchers have demonstrated NLOS detection using a panoramic camera [6, 7] or 3D city model [8, 9] and detection of NLOS and multipath using an antenna array [10]. All of these techniques bring some improvement in positioning performance in urban environments, but none of them eliminate the effects of both NLOS reception and multipath interference completely. As the different techniques are largely complementary, best performance is obtained by using several of them in combination, a portfolio approach. This paper comprises three parts. The first presents a feasibility study on a new multipath detection technique using multi-frequency C/N0 measurements. Constructive multipath interference results in an increase in the measured C/N0, whereas destructive multipath interference results in a decrease. As the phase of a reflected signal with respect to its directly received counterpart depends on the wavelength, the multipath interference may be constructive on one frequency and destructive on another. Thus, by comparing the difference in measured C/N0 between two frequencies with what would normally be expected for that signal at that elevation angle, strong multipath interference may be detected. However, the converse is not true because, depending on the path delay, the phase of the multipath interference may also be consistent across the two frequencies. Consistency across three frequencies in the presence of multipath interference is much less likely than consistency across two. Therefore, by comparing C/N0 measured across three (or more) frequencies, the chance of detection is improved substantially, noting that reliability is less critical as part of a portfolio approach to multipath detection than for a stand-alone technique. Experimental results are presented demonstrating the potential of this approach using GPS and GLONASS data collected in Central London. The second part of the paper presents the results of the first multi-constellation test of the dual-polarization NLOS detection technique pioneered at UCL [4]. This separately correlates the right hand circularly polarized (RHCP) and left hand circularly polarized (LHCP) outputs of a dual-polarization antenna and differences the resulting C/N0 measurements, producing a result that is positive for directly received signals and negative for most NLOS signals. Data was collected at six different sites in Central London and NLOS reception of both GPS and GLONASS signals was detected. Position solutions with the NLOS signals removed are compared with the corresponding all-satellite solutions. The final part of the paper addresses the portfolio approach to NLOS and multipath mitigation. Each technique is assessed qualitatively for its ease of implementation and its efficiency at detecting or directly mitigating both NLOS reception and multipath mitigation. A compatibility matrix is then presented showing which techniques may be combined without conflict. Suitable portfolios are then proposed both for professional-grade and for consumer-grade user equipment. References [1] Groves, P. D., Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multi-sensor integrated navigation systems, Second Edition, Artech House, 2013. [2] Jiang, Z., P. Groves, W. Y. Ochieng, S. Feng, C. D. Milner, and P. G. Mattos, “Multi-Constellation GNSS Multipath Mitigation Using Consistency Checking,” Proc. ION GNSS 2011. [3] Jiang, Z., and P. Groves, “GNSS NLOS and Multipath Error Mitigation using Advanced Multi-Constellation Consistency Checking with Height Aiding,” Proc. ION GNSS 2012. [4] Jiang, Z., and P. D. Groves, “NLOS GPS Signal Detection Using A Dual-Polarisation Antenna,” GPS Solutions, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-012-0305-5. [5] Hsu, L.-T., P. D. Groves, and S.-S. Jan, “Assessment of the Multipath Mitigation Effect of Vector Tracking in an Urban Environment,” Proc ION Pacific PNT, 2013. [6] Marais, J., M. Berbineau, and M. Heddebaut, “Land Mobile GNSS Availability and Multipath Evaluation Tool,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2005, pp. 1697-1704. [7] Meguro, J., et al., “GPS Multipath Mitigation for Urban Area Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2009, pp. 22-30. [8] Obst, M., S. Bauer, and G. Wanielik, “Urban Multipath Detection and mitigation with Dynamic 3D Maps for Reliable Land Vehicle Localization,” Proc. IEEE/ION PLANS 2012. [9] Peyraud, S., et al., “About Non-Line-Of-Sight Satellite Detection and Exclusion in a 3D Map-Aided Localization Algorithm,” Sensors, Vol. 13, 2013, pp. 829-847. [10] Keshvadi, M. H., A. Broumandan, and G. Lachapelle, “Analysis of GNSS Beamforming and Angle of Arrival Estimation in Multipath Environments," Proc ION ITM, San Diego, CA, January 2011, pp. 427-435

    Failing the vulnerable: Three new consent norms that will undermine health research with children

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    The South African National Health Act (No. 61 of 2003) provides a legal framework for the regulation of the health system across the country. Within the Act, section 71 introduces a number of legal norms relating to research or experimentation with human subjects, including research on HIV prevention and treatment. These norms have been criticised for the negative impact they will have on research involving children. This article describes three of the new consent requirements in section 71 of the Act. It shows, using a range of case studies, how important HIV-related research will be halted or undermined if the current provisions are implemented. The article argues that the new consent requirements are out of step with other statutory provisions and ethical guidelines, and as a result they will exclude a large population group – children in diverse settings – from  much-needed  evidence-based healthcare interventions. The article concludes with a clarion call for support of advocacy on this issue with the Minister of Health and the Health Portfolio Committee

    Addressing legal and policy barriers to male circumcision for adolescent boys in South Africa

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    With millions of adolescents becoming infected with HIV globally, it is essential that barriers to much-needed interventions are reduced for at-risk adolescents. In this article we review the legal and policy framework in South Africa for adolescent access to male circumcision. We are of the view that the framework does confer protection for adolescent boys while enabling access to male circumcision; however, we identify ambiguities and tensions that exist between the Children’s Act, regulations and national guidelines. We recommend reform to further enable access by this vulnerable group to this prevention modality

    Scaling up HIV testing in resourceconstrained settings: Debates on the role of VCT and Routine ‘Opt-in or Opt-out\' HIV Testing

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    Scaling up of the numbers of people voluntarily undergoing HIV testing has become vital, especially in resource-constrained settings, where the need for knowledge of HIV status for both prevention and care is critical. The reality is that for most people in Africa, access to HIV testing and to voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) has been very limited, and this has human rights implications – missing the opportunity to be diagnosed with a disease that is now well understood, manageable and treatable means certain death. The key challenge in our current context is how scaling up of HIV testing should be done. In responding to this challenge, we are guided by Gruskin and Loff,1 who state that ‘A human rights approach mandates that any public strategy, whether or not rights are to be restricted, be informed by evidence and widely debated. This approach protects against unproved and potentially counterproductive strategies, even those motivated by the genuine despair in the face of overwhelming public health challenges.\' This article describes the arguments and discussion raised during a session on models for increasing access to HIV testing at the 2nd National Conference on HIV/AIDS held in Durban in June 2005. It describes the legal framework for HIV testing in South Africa, frames the issues at the heart of the debate, and describes and discusses the various models of HIV testing, routine HIV testing, VCT and mandatory or compulsory HIV testing, within the context of HIV prevention and care. It concludes with recommendations. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine Vol. 6 (3) 2005: pp. 45-4

    One step forward, two steps back – requiring ministerial approval for all ‘non-therapeutic\' health research involving minors

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    The new National Health Act has clarified that children may take part in ‘non-therapeutic\' research (NTR) and the age at which they may provide independent consent to such research, viz. at legal majority. However, the Act will require consent from the Minister of Health for all research classed as NTR and involving minors regardless of the level of risk. This requirement is overly broad. It will require that low-risk research without direct benefits, which might be adequately reviewed by an accredited research ethics committee (REC), must also be reviewed by the Minister. As it currently stands this requirement serves no plausible ethical purpose, will cause delays and discourage essential research on the needs of children, and may inspire researchers and RECs alike to ‘foil the system\'. We argue that in the long term there should be comprehensive law reform for child research. However, in the short term, amendments should be made to the Act to narrow the scope of this provision. The amendment should require ministerial consent for research that is currently not approvable by an REC in terms of national ethical guidelines, namely, research that does not hold out direct benefit but presents more than a minor increase over minimal risk. If our law reform recommendations are rejected, we favour the delegation of this task to RECs because, if they receive appropriate training, they should be competent to conduct it. We accept the disadvantages, namely that the same body will review protocols twice from slightly different perspectives and that certain categories of research will remain unapprovable.South African Medical Journal Vol. 97 (2) 2007: pp.200-202

    GMI-IPS: Python Processing Software for Aircraft Campaigns

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    NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) seeks to understand the impact of anthropogenic air pollution on gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Four flight campaigns are being deployed on a seasonal basis to establish a continuous global-scale data set intended to improve the representation of chemically reactive gases in global atmospheric chemistry models. The Global Modeling Initiative (GMI), is creating chemical transport simulations on a global scale for each of the ATom flight campaigns. To meet the computational demands required to translate the GMI simulation data to grids associated with the flights from the ATom campaigns, the GMI ICARTT Processing Software (GMI-IPS) has been developed and is providing key functionality for data processing and analysis in this ongoing effort. The GMI-IPS is written in Python and provides computational kernels for data interpolation and visualization tasks on GMI simulation data. A key feature of the GMI-IPS, is its ability to read ICARTT files, a text-based file format for airborne instrument data, and extract the required flight information that defines regional and temporal grid parameters associated with an ATom flight. Perhaps most importantly, the GMI-IPS creates ICARTT files containing GMI simulated data, which are used in collaboration with ATom instrument teams and other modeling groups. The initial main task of the GMI-IPS is to interpolate GMI model data to the finer temporal resolution (1-10 seconds) of a given flight. The model data includes basic fields such as temperature and pressure, but the main focus of this effort is to provide species concentrations of chemical gases for ATom flights. The software, which uses parallel computation techniques for data intensive tasks, linearly interpolates each of the model fields to the time resolution of the flight. The temporally interpolated data is then saved to disk, and is used to create additional derived quantities. In order to translate the GMI model data to the spatial grid of the flight path as defined by the pressure, latitude, and longitude points at each flight time record, a weighted average is then calculated from the nearest neighbors in two dimensions (latitude, longitude). Using SciPya's Regular Grid Interpolator, interpolation functions are generated for the GMI model grid and the calculated weighted averages. The flight path points are then extracted from the ATom ICARTT instrument file, and are sent to the multi-dimensional interpolating functions to generate GMI field quantities along the spatial path of the flight. The interpolated field quantities are then written to a ICARTT data file, which is stored for further manipulation. The GMI-IPS is aware of a generic ATom ICARTT header format, containing basic information for all flight campaigns. The GMI-IPS includes logic to edit metadata for the derived field quantities, as well as modify the generic header data such as processing dates and associated instrument files. The ICARTT interpolated data is then appended to the modified header data, and the ICARTT processing is complete for the given flight and ready for collaboration. The output ICARTT data adheres to the ICARTT file format standards V1.1. The visualization component of the GMI-IPS uses Matplotlib extensively and has several functions ranging in complexity. First, it creates a model background curtain for the flight (time versus model eta levels) with the interpolated flight data superimposed on the curtain. Secondly, it creates a time-series plot of the interpolated flight data. Lastly, the visualization component creates averaged 2D model slices (longitude versus latitude) with overlaid flight track circles at key pressure levels. The GMI-IPS consists of a handful of classes and supporting functionality that have been generalized to be compatible with any ICARTT file that adheres to the base class definition. The base class represents a generic ICARTT entry, only defining a single time entry and 3D spatial positioning parameters. Other classes inherit from this base class; several classes for input ICARTT instrument files, which contain the necessary flight positioning information as a basis for data processing, as well as other classes for output ICARTT files, which contain the interpolated model data. Utility classes provide functionality for routine procedures such as: comparing field names among ICARTT files, reading ICARTT entries from a data file and storing them in data structures, and returning a reduced spatial grid based on a collection of ICARTT entries. Although the GMI-IPS is compatible with GMI model data, it can be adapted with reasonable effort for any simulation that creates Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) files. The same can be said of its adaptability to ICARTT files outside of the context of the ATom mission. The GMI-IPS contains just under 30,000 lines of code, eight classes, and a dozen drivers and utility programs. It is maintained with GIT source code management and has been used to deliver processed GMI model data for the ATom campaigns that have taken place to date

    Addressing legal and policy barriers to male circumcision for adolescent boys in South Africa

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    With millions of adolescents becoming infected with HIV globally, it is essential that barriers to much-needed interventions are reduced for at-risk adolescents. In this article we review the legal and policy framework in South Africa for adolescent access to male circumcision. We are of the view that the framework does confer protection for adolescent boys while enabling access to male circumcision; however, we identify ambiguities and tensions that exist between the Children’s Act, regulations and national guidelines. We recommend reform to further enable access by this vulnerable group to this prevention modality

    HIV testing of children is not simple for health providers and researchers: Legal and policy frameworks guidance in South Africa

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    Antiretroviral treatment coverage for children and adolescents is significantly lower than that for adults. A first step in improving this situation is ensuring increased access to HIV counselling and testing services. Current legal and policy frameworks outline four norms that should inform HIV testing of children in South Africa: limiting HIV testing to defined circumstances, and ensuring that consent is obtained, counselling is provided and confidentiality is maintained. Implementing these norms is not simple. We discuss the challenges and opportunities these norms present for children, their families, health providers and researchers working in this area. Better alignment between evolving public health approaches and the HIV counselling and testing legal/policy frameworks (and the internal coherence of domestic frameworks) would better serve children, their parents and those who work with them